Obama Plans to Scrap Missle Defense Shield?

yea lets start another war with russia... that not the point or the reason its down. The reason its down its sitting there wasting money for nothing...

of course you repbulicans also go by fox... lovey... so old by now so i don't care glad its down nor do i care if its still up either.
uh, wtf are you talking about?
1st post
Missile defense is a kick-ass makework project for the defense industry. It should tide them over quite nicely between Iraq and the next unnecessary war.
yea lets start another war with russia... that not the point or the reason its down. The reason its down its sitting there wasting money for nothing...

of course you repbulicans also go by fox... lovey... so old by now so i don't care glad its down nor do i care if its still up either.

When you string random words and consonants together, you are not actually communicating.

Thought you should know.
It comes down to "bang for the buck". How many dollars to build, maintain, upgrade, and protect, a land based system versus a mobile system, which is just as effective. Its protecting the EU, so let them pay for whatever level of protection they want.

Yeah. 'Cause, of course, we have no interest of any kind in defending any of our allies or anything.

We can't defend our allies with something that everyone knows doesn't work. It's makes us all look like Republicans.

The biggest supporters of the so called Missile Defense are people who don't even believe in science. Isn't that a hoot?

Scientists say it doesn't work.

Republicans say it does.

Who invented it? Scientists.

Who do I believe? Well, obviously the people who invented it. And since less than 6% of scientists ARE Republicans, we know who DIDN'T invent it.
It comes down to "bang for the buck". How many dollars to build, maintain, upgrade, and protect, a land based system versus a mobile system, which is just as effective. Its protecting the EU, so let them pay for whatever level of protection they want.

Yeah. 'Cause, of course, we have no interest of any kind in defending any of our allies or anything.

We can't defend our allies with something that everyone knows doesn't work. It's makes us all look like Republicans.

The biggest supporters of the so called Missile Defense are people who don't even believe in science. Isn't that a hoot?

Scientists say it doesn't work.

Republicans say it does.

Who invented it? Scientists.

Who do I believe? Well, obviously the people who invented it. And since less than 6% of scientists ARE Republicans, we know who DIDN'T invent it.
who the fuck says "it doesnt work"??
you are a fucking idiot and you prove it here daily
5th post
Yeah. 'Cause, of course, we have no interest of any kind in defending any of our allies or anything.

We can't defend our allies with something that everyone knows doesn't work. It's makes us all look like Republicans.

The biggest supporters of the so called Missile Defense are people who don't even believe in science. Isn't that a hoot?

Scientists say it doesn't work.

Republicans say it does.

Who invented it? Scientists.

Who do I believe? Well, obviously the people who invented it. And since less than 6% of scientists ARE Republicans, we know who DIDN'T invent it.
who the fuck says "it doesnt work"??
you are a fucking idiot and you prove it here daily

Who says it doesn't work? It's easier to list those who say who does.

Uh, let's see. For one, the contractors. Of course, they have what's called a "vested interest" worth, oh, billions?
Second are some generals. Of course, they always want new and fancier toys.

Who says it doesn't work? Well, that would leave everyone else minus a few gullible Republicans.
We can't defend our allies with something that everyone knows doesn't work. It's makes us all look like Republicans.

The biggest supporters of the so called Missile Defense are people who don't even believe in science. Isn't that a hoot?

Scientists say it doesn't work.

Republicans say it does.

Who invented it? Scientists.

Who do I believe? Well, obviously the people who invented it. And since less than 6% of scientists ARE Republicans, we know who DIDN'T invent it.
who the fuck says "it doesnt work"??
you are a fucking idiot and you prove it here daily

Who says it doesn't work? It's easier to list those who say who does.

Uh, let's see. For one, the contractors. Of course, they have what's called a "vested interest" worth, oh, billions?
Second are some generals. Of course, they always want new and fancier toys.

Who says it doesn't work? Well, that would leave everyone else minus a few gullible Republicans.
you are a LIAR
who the fuck says "it doesnt work"??
you are a fucking idiot and you prove it here daily

Who says it doesn't work? It's easier to list those who say who does.

Uh, let's see. For one, the contractors. Of course, they have what's called a "vested interest" worth, oh, billions?
Second are some generals. Of course, they always want new and fancier toys.

Who says it doesn't work? Well, that would leave everyone else minus a few gullible Republicans.
you are a LIAR

rdean seems to believe that 'facts' are for other people. Fucking pesky "facts."

Fret not, Dive. With posts like that, nobody takes anything muttered by rdean seriously, anyway.
We can't defend our allies with something that everyone knows doesn't work. It's makes us all look like Republicans.

The biggest supporters of the so called Missile Defense are people who don't even believe in science. Isn't that a hoot?

Scientists say it doesn't work.

Republicans say it does.

Who invented it? Scientists.

Who do I believe? Well, obviously the people who invented it. And since less than 6% of scientists ARE Republicans, we know who DIDN'T invent it.
who the fuck says "it doesnt work"??
you are a fucking idiot and you prove it here daily

Who says it doesn't work? It's easier to list those who say who does.

Uh, let's see. For one, the contractors. Of course, they have what's called a "vested interest" worth, oh, billions?
Second are some generals. Of course, they always want new and fancier toys.

Who says it doesn't work? Well, that would leave everyone else minus a few gullible Republicans.

It is no surprise that this administration is wanting to do this. Obama, and his worshippers and slaves would just as soon get rid of our minitary altogether. They will too, if we let them. We are being led by an unamerican president who is fixed on destroying this nation. I believe somehow our whole government is packed with criminals, and the good people are being pushed out. I am talking about all parties. I am an American who wants this government removed. People are afraid to say that, but right now there is still a little bit of free speech left, so I am going to exercise it.
who the fuck says "it doesnt work"??
you are a fucking idiot and you prove it here daily

Who says it doesn't work? It's easier to list those who say who does.

Uh, let's see. For one, the contractors. Of course, they have what's called a "vested interest" worth, oh, billions?
Second are some generals. Of course, they always want new and fancier toys.

Who says it doesn't work? Well, that would leave everyone else minus a few gullible Republicans.

It is no surprise that this administration is wanting to do this. Obama, and his worshippers and slaves would just as soon get rid of our minitary altogether. They will too, if we let them. We are being led by an unamerican president who is fixed on destroying this nation. I believe somehow our whole government is packed with criminals, and the good people are being pushed out. I am talking about all parties. I am an American who wants this government removed. People are afraid to say that, but right now there is still a little bit of free speech left, so I am going to exercise it.

Holy shit do you have any idea how insane you sound?
Who says it doesn't work? It's easier to list those who say who does.

Uh, let's see. For one, the contractors. Of course, they have what's called a "vested interest" worth, oh, billions?
Second are some generals. Of course, they always want new and fancier toys.

Who says it doesn't work? Well, that would leave everyone else minus a few gullible Republicans.

It is no surprise that this administration is wanting to do this. Obama, and his worshippers and slaves would just as soon get rid of our minitary altogether. They will too, if we let them. We are being led by an unamerican president who is fixed on destroying this nation. I believe somehow our whole government is packed with criminals, and the good people are being pushed out. I am talking about all parties. I am an American who wants this government removed. People are afraid to say that, but right now there is still a little bit of free speech left, so I am going to exercise it.

Holy shit do you have any idea how insane you sound?
about on the same level with rdean
Flight testing, at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, of the EMD system began in 2005. The first flight test of the entire system including missile, launcher, radar and fire control system took place in May 2006. Flight testing began at Pacific Missile Range, Kauai, Hawaii in January 2007 with a successful intercept test in the high endo-atmosphere.

A second successful test took place in April 2007 with intercept in the mid endo-atmosphere. The final White Sands test took place in June 2007, with a low endo-atmosphere test. In October 2007, THAAD performed a successful intercept of a unitary target outside the atmosphere (exo-atmospheric). In June 2008, THAAD successfully intercepted a separating target in mid-endo-atmosphere. Tests will continue at PMR till 2009.

In January 2007, Lockheed Martin was awarded a contract for the first two production THAAD systems, to include six launchers, 48 missiles, two radars and two tactical operations centers. Initial operating capability (IOC) is expected in 2009.

In May 2008, the US Army activated the first THAAD battery unit at Fort Bliss, Texas, which will receive 24 missiles, three launchers, one fire control and one radar unit for initial fielding. This is in preparation for full system fielding in 2009.

THAAD Theatre High Altitude Area Defense - Missile System - Army Technology

In July 2002, the modified aircraft took the first of a series of test flights. After receiving airworthiness certification, the aircraft was flown to Edwards Air Force Base, California, in December 2002, for the installation of systems. The aircraft returned to airworthiness flight testing in December 2004 following installation of the beam control / fire control system.

In November 2004, all six modules of the COIL laser were successfully fired for the first time. In August 2005, the ABL completed a series of flight tests demonstrating the performance of the beam and flight control systems. The BILL laser was delivered in January 2006.

ABL YAL 1A Airborne Laser - Air Force Technology

We're never going to get to The Future at this rate. The Department of Defense is cutting two big sci-fi-ish projects in an effort to funnel its resources toward more practical research. Namely, both the Airborne Laser and the Multiple Kill Vehicle are getting scrapped.

Boeing's Airborne Laser shot down by the DoD along with another sci-fi weapon | DVICE

The Missile Defense Agency’s Multiple Kill Vehicle is a force multiplier for all of the land- and sea-based weapons of the integrated midcourse missile defense system. In the event of an enemy launch, a single interceptor equipped with this payload destroys not only the re-entry vehicle but also all credible threat objects, including countermeasures the enemy deploys to try to spoof our defenses. This many-on-many strategy eliminates the need for extensive pre-launch intelligence while leveraging the Ballistic Missile Defense System’s discrimination capability, ensuring a robust and affordable solution to emerging threats. Developing, testing and deploying a layered Ballistic Missile Defense System for the U.S. homeland, its deployed forces, friends and allies is essential for protecting against ballistic missiles of all ranges in all phases of flight
Multiple Kill Vehicle | Lockheed Martin

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The Missile Defense Agency and the Navy conducted a successful "hit to kill" missile defense test June 22 off the island of Kauai, Hawaii.

The test involved the launch of a Standard Missile 3 from the Aegis cruiser USS Shiloh (CG 67) to hit a "separating" target, meaning that the target warhead separated from its booster rocket, officials said.

"Hit to kill" technology uses direct collision of the interceptor missile with the target, destroying the target using only kinetic energy from the force of the collision.
Missile Defense Test Yields Successful 'Hit to Kill' Intercept

Despite the innate complexity of "hitting a bullet with a bullet," U.S. investment in missile defense technologies are showing positive results. The most mature systems have produced an enviable testing record, in spite of immense technical hurdles. Across all programs, 38 of 48 hit-to-kill intercept tests have succeeded since 2001 and a 14 of 16 hit-to-kill record has been achieved since 2007.

In addition to systems under development, a number of operational components exist including the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) – designed to protect the U.S. from limited intermediate and long-range missile strikes. Ground-based Interceptors (GBI) are stationed in California and Alaska, supported by sea- and space-based radar tracking capabilities. Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense – Aegis ships equipped with Standard Missile-3s (SM-3) interceptors – comprise the mobile, sea-based component of national missile defense. At present, 18 Aegis vessels are outfitted to engage short and intermediate range ballistic missiles.
The Marshall Institute - Missile Defense Policy

The point here is that the technology is developing and has overcome many hurdles to achieve as time goes by an ever increasing hit to kill ratio. To scrap a layer of this program for zero consideration as well as move systems that were planned for Eastern Eurpoen nations shows a complete lack of defense knowledge as well as foreign poilcy knowledge on the part of this Administration. While scrapping interceptors in Poland in exchange for who knows what, overflight rights perhaps, or a " gee we hope you like us now" attitude may have little impact in the long term when it comes to overall defense needs. It will have a large impact when it comes to relations to Eastern European nations that belong to NATO and seek to be looked upon as independent nations and not former Soviet states. I rather doubt our word will be trusted in that region for some time to come because of this decision.
It is no surprise that this administration is wanting to do this. Obama, and his worshippers and slaves would just as soon get rid of our minitary altogether. They will too, if we let them. We are being led by an unamerican president who is fixed on destroying this nation. I believe somehow our whole government is packed with criminals, and the good people are being pushed out. I am talking about all parties. I am an American who wants this government removed. People are afraid to say that, but right now there is still a little bit of free speech left, so I am going to exercise it.

Holy shit do you have any idea how insane you sound?
about on the same level with rdean

Damn you beat me to it :lol:
15th post
Flight testing, at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, of the EMD system began in 2005. The first flight test of the entire system including missile, launcher, radar and fire control system took place in May 2006. Flight testing began at Pacific Missile Range, Kauai, Hawaii in January 2007 with a successful intercept test in the high endo-atmosphere.

A second successful test took place in April 2007 with intercept in the mid endo-atmosphere. The final White Sands test took place in June 2007, with a low endo-atmosphere test. In October 2007, THAAD performed a successful intercept of a unitary target outside the atmosphere (exo-atmospheric). In June 2008, THAAD successfully intercepted a separating target in mid-endo-atmosphere. Tests will continue at PMR till 2009.

In January 2007, Lockheed Martin was awarded a contract for the first two production THAAD systems, to include six launchers, 48 missiles, two radars and two tactical operations centers. Initial operating capability (IOC) is expected in 2009.

In May 2008, the US Army activated the first THAAD battery unit at Fort Bliss, Texas, which will receive 24 missiles, three launchers, one fire control and one radar unit for initial fielding. This is in preparation for full system fielding in 2009.

THAAD Theatre High Altitude Area Defense - Missile System - Army Technology

In July 2002, the modified aircraft took the first of a series of test flights. After receiving airworthiness certification, the aircraft was flown to Edwards Air Force Base, California, in December 2002, for the installation of systems. The aircraft returned to airworthiness flight testing in December 2004 following installation of the beam control / fire control system.

In November 2004, all six modules of the COIL laser were successfully fired for the first time. In August 2005, the ABL completed a series of flight tests demonstrating the performance of the beam and flight control systems. The BILL laser was delivered in January 2006.

ABL YAL 1A Airborne Laser - Air Force Technology

We're never going to get to The Future at this rate. The Department of Defense is cutting two big sci-fi-ish projects in an effort to funnel its resources toward more practical research. Namely, both the Airborne Laser and the Multiple Kill Vehicle are getting scrapped.

Boeing's Airborne Laser shot down by the DoD along with another sci-fi weapon | DVICE

The Missile Defense Agency’s Multiple Kill Vehicle is a force multiplier for all of the land- and sea-based weapons of the integrated midcourse missile defense system. In the event of an enemy launch, a single interceptor equipped with this payload destroys not only the re-entry vehicle but also all credible threat objects, including countermeasures the enemy deploys to try to spoof our defenses. This many-on-many strategy eliminates the need for extensive pre-launch intelligence while leveraging the Ballistic Missile Defense System’s discrimination capability, ensuring a robust and affordable solution to emerging threats. Developing, testing and deploying a layered Ballistic Missile Defense System for the U.S. homeland, its deployed forces, friends and allies is essential for protecting against ballistic missiles of all ranges in all phases of flight
Multiple Kill Vehicle | Lockheed Martin

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The Missile Defense Agency and the Navy conducted a successful "hit to kill" missile defense test June 22 off the island of Kauai, Hawaii.

The test involved the launch of a Standard Missile 3 from the Aegis cruiser USS Shiloh (CG 67) to hit a "separating" target, meaning that the target warhead separated from its booster rocket, officials said.

"Hit to kill" technology uses direct collision of the interceptor missile with the target, destroying the target using only kinetic energy from the force of the collision.
Missile Defense Test Yields Successful 'Hit to Kill' Intercept

Despite the innate complexity of "hitting a bullet with a bullet," U.S. investment in missile defense technologies are showing positive results. The most mature systems have produced an enviable testing record, in spite of immense technical hurdles. Across all programs, 38 of 48 hit-to-kill intercept tests have succeeded since 2001 and a 14 of 16 hit-to-kill record has been achieved since 2007.

In addition to systems under development, a number of operational components exist including the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) – designed to protect the U.S. from limited intermediate and long-range missile strikes. Ground-based Interceptors (GBI) are stationed in California and Alaska, supported by sea- and space-based radar tracking capabilities. Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense – Aegis ships equipped with Standard Missile-3s (SM-3) interceptors – comprise the mobile, sea-based component of national missile defense. At present, 18 Aegis vessels are outfitted to engage short and intermediate range ballistic missiles.
The Marshall Institute - Missile Defense Policy

The point here is that the technology is developing and has overcome many hurdles to achieve as time goes by an ever increasing hit to kill ratio. To scrap a layer of this program for zero consideration as well as move systems that were planned for Eastern Eurpoen nations shows a complete lack of defense knowledge as well as foreign poilcy knowledge on the part of this Administration. While scrapping interceptors in Poland in exchange for who knows what, overflight rights perhaps, or a " gee we hope you like us now" attitude may have little impact in the long term when it comes to overall defense needs. It will have a large impact when it comes to relations to Eastern European nations that belong to NATO and seek to be looked upon as independent nations and not former Soviet states. I rather doubt our word will be trusted in that region for some time to come because of this decision.

The word for today is MIRV!
Flight testing, at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, of the EMD system began in 2005. The first flight test of the entire system including missile, launcher, radar and fire control system took place in May 2006. Flight testing began at Pacific Missile Range, Kauai, Hawaii in January 2007 with a successful intercept test in the high endo-atmosphere.

A second successful test took place in April 2007 with intercept in the mid endo-atmosphere. The final White Sands test took place in June 2007, with a low endo-atmosphere test. In October 2007, THAAD performed a successful intercept of a unitary target outside the atmosphere (exo-atmospheric). In June 2008, THAAD successfully intercepted a separating target in mid-endo-atmosphere. Tests will continue at PMR till 2009.

In January 2007, Lockheed Martin was awarded a contract for the first two production THAAD systems, to include six launchers, 48 missiles, two radars and two tactical operations centers. Initial operating capability (IOC) is expected in 2009.

In May 2008, the US Army activated the first THAAD battery unit at Fort Bliss, Texas, which will receive 24 missiles, three launchers, one fire control and one radar unit for initial fielding. This is in preparation for full system fielding in 2009.

THAAD Theatre High Altitude Area Defense - Missile System - Army Technology

In July 2002, the modified aircraft took the first of a series of test flights. After receiving airworthiness certification, the aircraft was flown to Edwards Air Force Base, California, in December 2002, for the installation of systems. The aircraft returned to airworthiness flight testing in December 2004 following installation of the beam control / fire control system.

In November 2004, all six modules of the COIL laser were successfully fired for the first time. In August 2005, the ABL completed a series of flight tests demonstrating the performance of the beam and flight control systems. The BILL laser was delivered in January 2006.

ABL YAL 1A Airborne Laser - Air Force Technology

We're never going to get to The Future at this rate. The Department of Defense is cutting two big sci-fi-ish projects in an effort to funnel its resources toward more practical research. Namely, both the Airborne Laser and the Multiple Kill Vehicle are getting scrapped.

Boeing's Airborne Laser shot down by the DoD along with another sci-fi weapon | DVICE

The Missile Defense Agency’s Multiple Kill Vehicle is a force multiplier for all of the land- and sea-based weapons of the integrated midcourse missile defense system. In the event of an enemy launch, a single interceptor equipped with this payload destroys not only the re-entry vehicle but also all credible threat objects, including countermeasures the enemy deploys to try to spoof our defenses. This many-on-many strategy eliminates the need for extensive pre-launch intelligence while leveraging the Ballistic Missile Defense System’s discrimination capability, ensuring a robust and affordable solution to emerging threats. Developing, testing and deploying a layered Ballistic Missile Defense System for the U.S. homeland, its deployed forces, friends and allies is essential for protecting against ballistic missiles of all ranges in all phases of flight
Multiple Kill Vehicle | Lockheed Martin

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The Missile Defense Agency and the Navy conducted a successful "hit to kill" missile defense test June 22 off the island of Kauai, Hawaii.

The test involved the launch of a Standard Missile 3 from the Aegis cruiser USS Shiloh (CG 67) to hit a "separating" target, meaning that the target warhead separated from its booster rocket, officials said.

"Hit to kill" technology uses direct collision of the interceptor missile with the target, destroying the target using only kinetic energy from the force of the collision.
Missile Defense Test Yields Successful 'Hit to Kill' Intercept

Despite the innate complexity of "hitting a bullet with a bullet," U.S. investment in missile defense technologies are showing positive results. The most mature systems have produced an enviable testing record, in spite of immense technical hurdles. Across all programs, 38 of 48 hit-to-kill intercept tests have succeeded since 2001 and a 14 of 16 hit-to-kill record has been achieved since 2007.

In addition to systems under development, a number of operational components exist including the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) – designed to protect the U.S. from limited intermediate and long-range missile strikes. Ground-based Interceptors (GBI) are stationed in California and Alaska, supported by sea- and space-based radar tracking capabilities. Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense – Aegis ships equipped with Standard Missile-3s (SM-3) interceptors – comprise the mobile, sea-based component of national missile defense. At present, 18 Aegis vessels are outfitted to engage short and intermediate range ballistic missiles.
The Marshall Institute - Missile Defense Policy

The point here is that the technology is developing and has overcome many hurdles to achieve as time goes by an ever increasing hit to kill ratio. To scrap a layer of this program for zero consideration as well as move systems that were planned for Eastern Eurpoen nations shows a complete lack of defense knowledge as well as foreign poilcy knowledge on the part of this Administration. While scrapping interceptors in Poland in exchange for who knows what, overflight rights perhaps, or a " gee we hope you like us now" attitude may have little impact in the long term when it comes to overall defense needs. It will have a large impact when it comes to relations to Eastern European nations that belong to NATO and seek to be looked upon as independent nations and not former Soviet states. I rather doubt our word will be trusted in that region for some time to come because of this decision.

The word for today is MIRV!
thats about 30 years ago
you need to update your "word of the day" calender

All we'd really need is around 10 or 15 of those really cool AEGIS destroyers that have ICBM missile kill capability.

That way, when the country we're defending screws us over, we can bring our missiles home.
All we'd really need is around 10 or 15 of those really cool AEGIS destroyers that have ICBM missile kill capability.

That way, when the country we're defending screws us over, we can bring our missiles home.

I thought as someone that was in the Navy Biker you might appreciate this and also will give others a good demonstration of how well this technology is progressing.

Taking its first available shot when the seconds-long window of opportunity opened at around 10:30 Eastern time Wednesday night, the U.S. Navy is claiming success in hitting a prematurely dying NROL-21/USA-193 spacecraft with a specially modified SM-3 missile.

The Pentagon reported that the USS Lake Erie, an Aegis-class ballistic missile defense cruiser, fired a single shot and hit the crippled satellite about 133 nautical miles over the Pacific Ocean.

"A network of land-, air-, sea- and spaced-based sensors confirms that the U.S. military intercepted" the spacecraft as it was travelling about 17,000 miles per hour, the Defense Dept. said in a prepared statement.
U.S. Navy Shoots Down Satellite | AVIATION WEEK

The U.S. Navy and Missile Defense Agency (MDA) successfully shot down a short-range ballistic missile in space in a July 30 test, agency officials announced Friday.

The Navy's USS Hopper and USS O'Kane destroyers detected and tracked a missile fired from the Pacific Missile Range Facility at Barking Sands, Kauai in Hawaii during the test, which was latest demonstration of the U.S. military's Aegis Missile Defense system.

The USS Hopper fired one Standard Missile-3 block 1A missile and destroyed the target 100 miles (160 km) above the Pacific Ocean about two minutes after launch, MDA officials said in a statement.

The test marked the Aegis system's 19th successful intercept in 23 attempts, including an operational mission in 2008 that destroyed a malfunctioning satellite as it re-entered the atmosphere, MDA officials said.
SPACE.com -- U.S. Navy Shoots Down Target Missile in Space

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