Obama orders full review of elections hacking

Obama orders review of cyber attacks on 2016 election: adviser
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Jeff Mason1 hr ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama ordered intelligence agencies to review cyber attacks and foreign intervention into the 2016 election and deliver a report before he leaves office on Jan. 20, homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco said on Friday.

Monaco told reporters the results of the report would be shared with lawmakers and others.

"The president has directed the intelligence community to conduct a full review of what happened during the 2016 election process ... and to capture lessons learned from that and to report to a range of stakeholders, to include the Congress," Monaco said during an event hosted by the Christian Science Monitor.

Monaco said cyber attacks were not new but might have crossed a "new threshold" this year.


Obama orders review of cyber attacks on 2016 election: adviser
Obama needs to be watched closely. Depression, dispair, embarrassment, legacy in tatters. He might draw a red line. Might lash out with sanctions. Issue executive order for transfer bathrooms. Keep those nuke codes under lock and key.
Ya never know, he might declare martial law, and will have to get the sob...

Barry continued to demonstrate he wasn't in Putin's league, as well.

Russia hacked the DNC's and other files. The press covered it by just calling it 'Hacking'. This was a MAJOR FAIL on the news media's part because it gave people the impression that it was JUST 'hacking'. Allowing the media to continue to do so was a MAJOR FAIL on the Obama Administration's part because they allowed that perception to continue.

What was really going on was what the military calls 'CYBER WARFARE'. Technically it is an ACT OF WAR. Sitting on your ass complaining about it, writing articles in the media about how it's going on, and treating it like a prank being committed by a bunch of college frat boys is NOT the way to handle it, but that's basically what Obama did.

When the realization hit that it was potentially prevent Hillary from being elected, then AND ONLY THEN did he apparently take it serious ... and HE F*ED UP!

As a government / the President, if you want to strike back at someone or another country for something, like Nike said, 'Just DO IT'. You don't broadcast to the world that you're going to do 'IT'! Not only did Barry declare he was going to retaliate, though, he declared he was thinking of ordering a 'CYBER ATTACK' against Russia.

As I mentioned, 'Cyber Warfare' and 'Cyber Attack' are MILITARY TERMS. Putin and Russia had just quietly been engaged in hacking, that had not even been definitively proven to the world with evidence yet. The US did not go before the UN and show evidence Russia was engaging in Cyber Warfare against the US! They had just been SUSPECTED / ACCUSED of 'doing a little hacking'.

Barry, on the other hand, made the mistake of coming out in front of the whole world to declare he was thinking of ordering a military Cyber Attack against Russia - AN ACT OF WAR. The declaration made the US look like the 'aggressor' and made the Nobel Peace Prize Winner look like a War Monger.

It was a complete Diplomatic FAILURE.

NOW he wants to publicly order an investigation into the hacking to find out what happened AFTER he almost gave the order to launch a military cyber attack against Russia....seemingly without evidence before (because it sounds like he is just now wanting to investigate it).
I want to ask USMB. I rec'd this email today. I did NOT open it. Is this a hacking email? Look at the "from address"? This after applying to jobs on these horrible internet JOB sites! Land O' goshen. Nothing is safe it seems.


how do I do anything about it? Can you send it to your "cable company" LOL!
I can't believe how Trump just dismisses this . Way to go Obama!

U.S. intelligence officials have said they have strong evidence that Russian intelligence services penetrated the computers of the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and other political organizations and political leaders, including John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, whose emails were hacked. They have said the later public release of those emails by WikiLeaks and other websites was consistent with methods the Russian intelligence services have used elsewhere in Eastern Europe and Ukraine.

President Obama has ordered the U.S. intelligence community to conduct a “full review” of the cyberattacks during the 2016 election and to prepare a report on the subject — including to Congress — before he leaves office, White House homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco said Thursday.

Obama orders ‘full review’ of 2016 election hacking
Until the USG releases some credible evidence that the Russians did it I will just add Yahoo news to my running list of fake news sites.
I can't believe how Trump just dismisses this . Way to go Obama!

U.S. intelligence officials have said they have strong evidence that Russian intelligence services penetrated the computers of the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and other political organizations and political leaders, including John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, whose emails were hacked. They have said the later public release of those emails by WikiLeaks and other websites was consistent with methods the Russian intelligence services have used elsewhere in Eastern Europe and Ukraine.

President Obama has ordered the U.S. intelligence community to conduct a “full review” of the cyberattacks during the 2016 election and to prepare a report on the subject — including to Congress — before he leaves office, White House homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco said Thursday.

Obama orders ‘full review’ of 2016 election hacking
Until the USG releases some credible evidence that the Russians did it I will just add Yahoo news to my running list of fake news sites.

Yahoo is one of the more biased lib sites. Fake as all get out.
Why should it concern anyone? "Hacking" is OBVIOUSLY the only way to find out the truth. Anyone who can provide the truth should be honoured and I don't give a shit if it's Putin, Wikileaks, or Kim Jong-un.

Well it is not the only way. The other way was the "sting" videos by that O'Keefe guy. More fake news ................... LOL. The guy caught red-handed on video saying all that stuff.........now it becomes "fake news" from the russian boogey man. DemWitts got caught. We all knew it was going on. Video Verification is all that was.
At least President Obama is trying to do the right thing.


Liberals always want to be judged on their good intentions, never on their shitty out-comes!

The ACA was a 'great' idea even though the rushed, minority-supported piece of socialist legislation has been a disaster.

Giving Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of automatic weapons and grenades in an attempt to catch criminals was a well-intended program....just not their fault over 500 innocent people were killed as a result of the f*ed-up ill-conceived plan.

They just HATE people bringing up their RESULTS / FAILURES and would just rather be remembered for their INTENTIONS. :p
Both sides in the congress are calling for an investigation dummies....

Dumb ass Trump doesn't want it...Very concerning that he doesn't ...he is joining with Puttin

Congressional Calls Grow for a Probe of Russian Hacking in U.S. Election
Republican and Democratic lawmakers say they plan to investigate Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, including the hacking of emails from Democratic political organizations andHillary Clinton’s campaign staff.

But their efforts face a strong headwind from President-elect Donald Trump, who has continued to deny that there is proof of Russia’s involvement.

Congress has many STUPID people (100% of the left). I try not to take them seriously. They have almost Killed America ................ housing crash 2008, on them.
A full review in 30 days! Brilliant! I hope Republicans start deleting emails and destroying hard drives! Just to fuck with him!

30 days? I guess Obama didn't realize half the government is going to be off during Christmas and New Years? 20-23 days. This should be one comprehensive report we can all trust. LOL
I can't believe how Trump just dismisses this . Way to go Obama!

U.S. intelligence officials have said they have strong evidence that Russian intelligence services penetrated the computers of the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and other political organizations and political leaders, including John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, whose emails were hacked. They have said the later public release of those emails by WikiLeaks and other websites was consistent with methods the Russian intelligence services have used elsewhere in Eastern Europe and Ukraine.

President Obama has ordered the U.S. intelligence community to conduct a “full review” of the cyberattacks during the 2016 election and to prepare a report on the subject — including to Congress — before he leaves office, White House homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco said Thursday.

Obama orders ‘full review’ of 2016 election hacking

Isn't it ironic the Russians are providing the truth the Democrats are hiding?

And this hacking doesn't concern you why?

That has nothing to do with what I said, try reading it again. Whatever the Russians are doing doesn't justify the dishonesty the Russians exposed in the Democrat party
Barry continued to demonstrate he wasn't in Putin's league, as well.
Russia hacked the DNC's and other files. The press covered it by just calling it 'Hacking'. This was a MAJOR FAIL on the news media's part because it gave people the impression that it was JUST 'hacking'. Allowing the media to continue to do so was a MAJOR FAIL on the Obama Administration's part because they allowed that perception to continue.

What was really going on was what the military calls 'CYBER WARFARE'. Technically it is an ACT OF WAR. Sitting on your ass complaining about it, writing articles in the media about how it's going on, and treating it like a prank being committed by a bunch of college frat boys is NOT the way to handle it, but that's basically what Obama did.

When the realization hit that it was potentially prevent Hillary from being elected, then AND ONLY THEN did he apparently take it serious ... and HE F*ED UP!

As a government / the President, if you want to strike back at someone or another country for something, like Nike said, 'Just DO IT'. You don't broadcast to the world that you're going to do 'IT'! Not only did Barry declare he was going to retaliate, though, he declared he was thinking of ordering a 'CYBER ATTACK' against Russia.

As I mentioned, 'Cyber Warfare' and 'Cyber Attack' are MILITARY TERMS. Putin and Russia had just quietly been engaged in hacking, that had not even been definitively proven to the world with evidence yet. The US did not go before the UN and show evidence Russia was engaging in Cyber Warfare against the US! They had just been SUSPECTED / ACCUSED of 'doing a little hacking'.

Barry, on the other hand, made the mistake of coming out in front of the whole world to declare he was thinking of ordering a military Cyber Attack against Russia - AN ACT OF WAR. The declaration made the US look like the 'aggressor' and made the Nobel Peace Prize Winner look like a War Monger.

It was a complete Diplomatic FAILURE.

NOW he wants to publicly order an investigation into the hacking to find out what happened AFTER he almost gave the order to launch a military cyber attack against Russia....seemingly without evidence before (because it sounds like he is just now wanting to investigate it).

and your boy will stop it when he gets into the WH. COUNT ON IT! HE IS PUTIN'S BOY NOW.
Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election
Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election - CNNPolitics.com

But Trump will stop it when he takes office. Gotta protect Putin...

At least President Obama is trying to do the right thing.

Trump will stop the investigation. He must protect Putin.

Protect Putin from what?

Do you have proof that even if what you think was done was in fact done that it's a crime in Russia?
Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election
Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election - CNNPolitics.com

But Trump will stop it when he takes office. Gotta protect Putin...

At least President Obama is trying to do the right thing.

Trump will stop the investigation. He must protect Putin.

Protect Putin from what?

Do you have proof that even if what you think was done was in fact done that it's a crime in Russia?

You are a blind partisan. Trump will hand the keys to eastern Europe to Putin. Just Watch..,,
I want to ask USMB. I rec'd this email today. I did NOT open it. Is this a hacking email? Look at the "from address"? This after applying to jobs on these horrible internet JOB sites! Land O' goshen. Nothing is safe it seems.

View attachment 101379

how do I do anything about it? Can you send it to your "cable company" LOL!
I am no computer expert but I would "block" the address. I would absolutely NOT click on anything from them. CERTAINLY NOT even their "unsubscribe" button. Just block them.
Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election
Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election - CNNPolitics.com

But Trump will stop it when he takes office. Gotta protect Putin...

At least President Obama is trying to do the right thing.

Trump will stop the investigation. He must protect Putin.

Protect Putin from what?

Do you have proof that even if what you think was done was in fact done that it's a crime in Russia?

You are a blind partisan. Trump will hand the keys to eastern Europe to Putin. Just Watch..,,

I didn't realize we owned eastern Europe.
You people laughing at Obama and the GOP Senate investigations of Russia tampering of the Dems and possible election process are really dumb fucks.
You folks could care less if a foreign power is attacking your country via a cyber war because this attack may have resulted in your hero's win in November.
One major concern for country is if a foreign power can accomplish what they have accomplished, the US's security is a highly possible target and that is a huge concern to our military.
Now if you still think this is a joke, you fuckers are unpatriotic as hell or unbelievably stupid. Take you pick!

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