Obama on fiscal cliff: Congress, 'I WARNED YOU'

The president won, period. The Senate increased its Dem lead. The GOP did nothing spectacular in the house but to narrow its majority.

The president holds the trump card, and he will play it if the GOP will not follow the will of the people.

Rich are going to pay more.
The president won, period. The Senate increased its Dem lead. The GOP did nothing spectacular in the house but to narrow its majority.

The president holds the trump card, and he will play it if the GOP will not follow the will of the people.

Rich are going to pay more.

And what is that trump card, oh Lord of the Unsubstantiated Statement?
"My way or the highway" isnt going to go over too well. Compromise requires both parties to give something. What is Obama prepared to give on?
Does it really matter?????

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w894xqReOdo]Rachel Maddow Exposes Republican Hypocrisy For What It Is......BS.flv - YouTube[/ame]​
The president won, period. The Senate increased its Dem lead. The GOP did nothing spectacular in the house but to narrow its majority.

The president holds the trump card, and he will play it if the GOP will not follow the will of the people.

Rich are going to pay more.

And what is that trump card, oh Lord of the Unsubstantiated Statement?
I agree what fucking trump card? This is obama's mess time for him to give his plan to clean up his mess the GOP doesn't have to do a damn thing.
The president won, period. The Senate increased its Dem lead. The GOP did nothing spectacular in the house but to narrow its majority.

The president holds the trump card, and he will play it if the GOP will not follow the will of the people.

Rich are going to pay more.

And what is that trump card, oh Lord of the Unsubstantiated Statement?
I agree what fucking trump card? This is obama's mess time for him to give his plan to clean up his mess the GOP doesn't have to do a damn thing.

That's always BEEN the problem....that the GOP doesn't have to do a damn thing....besides waiting for THE DEMS......

That the poor and lower middle class here against their own interest protect the 1% demonstrate just how weird the far right has become.
That the poor and lower middle class here against their own interest protect the 1% demonstrate just how weird the far right has become.

oh well, it's THEIR BUSINESS
You go out of your way to protect your dear leader, so you should talk about others
I go out of my way to protect the country's interest, Steph, while you go out of your way to tear down.
TakeAStepBack recognizes that he is a proto-communist, a person Marx would recruit..

All would-be libertarians, by fact of their mental and emotional make up, are indeed would-be communists.
That all may be but you missed my point, republicans bet all their sacred cows on winning the election and gaining control of the senate and lost. They failed you and all the rest by overplaying their hand and betting they could do this without any compromise, looks like they had better learn quick how to deal in good faith because now democrats are in a position to hold everything the republicans care about hostage and go over the "fiscal cliff".

Think for a moment about the situation, go over the cliff and republicans bear all the blame for any fallout if they refuse again to take the final offer and certainly lose the house in 2014 and this administration gets to take credit for standing firm, spreading the pain and actually reducing the deficit more than any republican is willing to do. Republicans supplied the Democrats with so many win-wins in this scenario that they have every right to be cocky.

You seem to think I give a shit who gets credit for what or which party is in control. I'm one of those nasty Constitutionalist, there are no wins if the country loses. Period end of story. Maobama is holding out for a tax increase that will run the government for less than 9 days, this type of ideology does nothing for fixing anything. Politicians look at the next election, you seem to have the same mentality, screw the next election, let's work to fix the long term problems so future generations can live in a country that is still the envy of the rest of the world.

Still not getting it, Republicans blew the deepest entitlement cuts they had ever been offered because they valued the tax cuts more, now they will not get the cuts they wanted and the tax cuts will expire for the wealthy. Next time you work yourself up into a no compromise lather think about this situation, that kind of adamant refusal to deal in good faith bears some bitter fruit, eat it and enjoy it. You want to work to fix long term problems? Doing that requires a willingness to deal in good faith and republicans have just not learned that skill yet.

Your statement neglects the economic reality of how much money letting the tax cuts on the wealthy expire will actually bring in. It's enough money to run the government for approximately 8 days. So how do we NOT cut entitlements and still stay solvent?

I'm sorry, Occupied but I can only laugh at the inability of people like yourself to employ simple math skills and figure out that what Barry just sold you in the last election cycle is nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

The only question at this point is who or what progressives will blame for having to come back asking for more taxes or a higher debt ceiling less than a year after getting their increased taxes on the wealthy?
You seem to think I give a shit who gets credit for what or which party is in control. I'm one of those nasty Constitutionalist, there are no wins if the country loses. Period end of story. Maobama is holding out for a tax increase that will run the government for less than 9 days, this type of ideology does nothing for fixing anything. Politicians look at the next election, you seem to have the same mentality, screw the next election, let's work to fix the long term problems so future generations can live in a country that is still the envy of the rest of the world.

Still not getting it, Republicans blew the deepest entitlement cuts they had ever been offered because they valued the tax cuts more, now they will not get the cuts they wanted and the tax cuts will expire for the wealthy. Next time you work yourself up into a no compromise lather think about this situation, that kind of adamant refusal to deal in good faith bears some bitter fruit, eat it and enjoy it. You want to work to fix long term problems? Doing that requires a willingness to deal in good faith and republicans have just not learned that skill yet.

Your statement neglects the economic reality of how much money letting the tax cuts on the wealthy expire will actually bring in. It's enough money to run the government for approximately 8 days. So how do we NOT cut entitlements and still stay solvent?

I'm sorry, Occupied but I can only laugh at the inability of people like yourself to employ simple math skills and figure out that what Barry just sold you in the last election cycle is nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

The only question at this point is who or what progressives will blame for having to come back asking for more taxes or a higher debt ceiling less than a year after getting their increased taxes on the wealthy?

We will likely see a revenue increase of over a trillion dollars, 8 days? I think you need to take another look at your math.
It's a tough problem and for every "welfare queen" there are many more who would rather just get a decent job and regain some of their pride, there are no ready solutions and I am not opposed to reforms and cuts but the tone on the right is far too hateful to allow them anywhere near reform especially since you can't even get them to admit that there are far too many jobless and far too few available jobs to just cut people off and force them into steady employment. Real entitlement reform would entail a temporary spending increase to train people and create some jobs for them to do since the market is just terrible at creating entry level employment these days.

To second what occupied and to say that there is a world of difference between 'poor' in a well-off area and 'poor' in a poor area. Sounds like the people you see are 'poor' in a wealthy area. Probably why the people who live in wealthy areas think that there is no other kind of poor people but those with their hands out.

Right, my house is 450 sqft, we are really well off. I live in a rual area, there are a few out here that are well off, but mostly lower middle class, hell maybe I'm poor and need a dem to tell me.

Your house, if it is square, is 21.2 ft on a side? Please send a picture. How many is this 'we'?

The numbers from the other post are, of course, from wiki. List of lowest-income counties in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I kind of regretted posting the numbers because in a way it takes away from the human side of poverty.
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Still not getting it, Republicans blew the deepest entitlement cuts they had ever been offered because they valued the tax cuts more, now they will not get the cuts they wanted and the tax cuts will expire for the wealthy. Next time you work yourself up into a no compromise lather think about this situation, that kind of adamant refusal to deal in good faith bears some bitter fruit, eat it and enjoy it. You want to work to fix long term problems? Doing that requires a willingness to deal in good faith and republicans have just not learned that skill yet.

Your statement neglects the economic reality of how much money letting the tax cuts on the wealthy expire will actually bring in. It's enough money to run the government for approximately 8 days. So how do we NOT cut entitlements and still stay solvent?

I'm sorry, Occupied but I can only laugh at the inability of people like yourself to employ simple math skills and figure out that what Barry just sold you in the last election cycle is nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

The only question at this point is who or what progressives will blame for having to come back asking for more taxes or a higher debt ceiling less than a year after getting their increased taxes on the wealthy?

We will likely see a revenue increase of over a trillion dollars, 8 days? I think you need to take another look at your math.

I hate to burst your progressive bubble, Occupied but the New York Times is estimating that the tax increase would bring in approx. 850 billion OVER TEN YEARS! That's 85 billion per year. Right now we are spending about 10.46 billion per day to run the government. Do the math...

I'm curious...did you REALLY not know this? Or are you just feigning ignorance on the topic?
People like Occupied are why Barack Obama will still be sitting in the Oval Office come Feb.

I don't know whether to be amused or scared to death by the level of ignorance surrounding this topic coming from progressives like him. It's amazing stuff to behold.

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