Obama NOT Done Lying About Obamacare


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

'Obamacare will NOT cost a dime...'

'Obamacare will pay for itself...'

'Obamacare will LOWER the cost of your premiums....

....and who could forget the biggest Obamacare lie of all....-

'If you like your plan / doctor you can KEEP your plan / doctor'?!

Well, Barry is back, and he's got NEW LIES to try to sell you about his name-sake Legacy turd:

"Your Premiums Cost Less Than Your Cell Phone Bill"

He must be talking to all of those people walking around carrying tax payer-funded *FREE Obamaphones!

Obama Pushes Bogus Claim About ACA: Your Premiums Cost Less Than Your Cell Phone Bill

Maybe he is just checking to see how many 'Gruber' snowflakes are still out there.... :p

"Out of curiosity, I checked how much it would be for me to get a plan on Obamacare. Right now. For a 26-year-old, who sees the doctor 3-4 times a year and takes 2-3 prescriptions, there was nothing under $270 in Idaho. How is that less than my cell phone bill? And how is that affordable when the deductibles are thousands and thousands of dollars? What incentive do people – especially young adults my age – have to enroll in Obamacare when they'd pay more health insurance than they'd spend out-of-pocket for the few times a year they see the doctor?"

Thanks for the Laugh, Bullshit Barry! :p
So why can't the Republicans seem to kill the damn thing!!??

Why were these bastards PRETENDING that they were FOR it during the last elections held last month...HMMM?!?!
Repubicans just need to get control of the House, Senate, and Oval Office if they want to make the ACA go away.
If you exclude everyone with the tinest bit of knowledge on the subject, nobody knew health care could be so complicated.
So why can't the Republicans seem to kill the damn thing!!??

Why were these bastards PRETENDING that they were FOR it during the last elections held last month...HMMM?!?!
you have seen that answer many times in here and yet you still ask. what a stupid fk. how many votes does the senate need to kill it? If you answer that, you have your answer.

'Obamacare will NOT cost a dime...'

'Obamacare will pay for itself...'

'Obamacare will LOWER the cost of your premiums....

....and who could forget the biggest Obamacare lie of all....-

'If you like your plan / doctor you can KEEP your plan / doctor'?!

Well, Barry is back, and he's got NEW LIES to try to sell you about his name-sake Legacy turd:

"Your Premiums Cost Less Than Your Cell Phone Bill"

He must be talking to all of those people walking around carrying tax payer-funded *FREE Obamaphones!

Obama Pushes Bogus Claim About ACA: Your Premiums Cost Less Than Your Cell Phone Bill

Maybe he is just checking to see how many 'Gruber' snowflakes are still out there.... :p

"Out of curiosity, I checked how much it would be for me to get a plan on Obamacare. Right now. For a 26-year-old, who sees the doctor 3-4 times a year and takes 2-3 prescriptions, there was nothing under $270 in Idaho. How is that less than my cell phone bill? And how is that affordable when the deductibles are thousands and thousands of dollars? What incentive do people – especially young adults my age – have to enroll in Obamacare when they'd pay more health insurance than they'd spend out-of-pocket for the few times a year they see the doctor?"

Thanks for the Laugh, Bullshit Barry! :p

You are forgetting it's enrollment time until the end of this week, so he's trying to shore up his legacy.

My cell phone bill (for me and my mother) is about $145.00 a month. I just applied for Commie Care again this year, and they gave me plans at $650.00 a month or higher. It comes complete with a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no prescriptions either. Plus I could no longer go to my facility or see my doctor.

At least when I pay my cell phone bill, I know it's going to benefit me. I know I can use it. I can't do that with Commie Care unless I make plans on walking out in front of a moving bus.
If you believe the opposite of what Obama always said, and says, you will have the truth. Good barometer.
Once you give something away you can't take it back.

As for Obama, well lets just say after 8 years of BS its become habitual.

You see when republicans leave the WH they walk out the door and let their successor lead the country, regardless of party, when democrats depart they just can't leave the spotlight, crave attention, its psychological, speaks volumes as to their ego and image of themselves, so dam self righteous, elitist mentality.
Hillary. How does it feel to first be beaten by a "Black" man, and then an Orange one?
Maybe Obama could tell me why it is since I filled out the online application last week that I've received four phone calls soliciting me to buy healthcare from various companies? I'm just curious if they are selling my name and number for money or their site is hacked and they don't know about it yet.
Ummm....NOT because premiums cost less than the cost of a cell phone / cell phone plan! :p

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