Obama not doing enough about Ebola

pay attention Rotie ..

still asking stupid questions you moron?

Duncan was on THREE different planes along with hundreds of other passengers... not ONE had been reported sick and no one any of those passengers came in contact with AFTER they left those three planes got sick from being around them ...

let me ask you an intelligent question ..

are you a total idiot or just a run of the mill MORON?
Takes up to 3 weeks to show signs of the virus dumb ass.

how long has it been since Duncan boarded and exited those three flights ?

Mr Duncan arrived in U.S. on September 20 - after flying from Liberia via Brussels in Belgium -

but did not develop symptoms until September 24

3 weeks, you dumbass ... and not a single case ..

Read more: Ebola is in America Liberian national Thomas Eric Duncan is diagnosed with disease in Dallas Texas Daily Mail Online
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I will continue to repeat my opinion that all travel to Ebolaland should be banned........Again, that doesn't mean essential personnel would not be able to travel there or return home...............

Anyone in this situation should have to have a blood test to VERIFY they don't have the disease before returning.

Other countries have banned travel, and other African Countries have closed their borders to fight Ebola.

It is common sense to Isolate the threat in Africa. It is common sense to put up road blocks for potential entry to other countries outside Ebolaland.

No amount of bitching and moaning, and saying I live under the bed in fear is going to change my opinion on this subject. It needs to be done and should have been done a long time ago.

The CDC and hospitals need to get their shit together. Making sure that people who end up treating possible Ebola patients KNOW THE PROCEDURES and SAFEGUARDS SO WELL THAT THEY COULD DO IT IN THEIR SLEEP.......... Or simply set up designated hospitals for ALL EBOLA PATIENTS in the future. CDC PROFESSIONALS in charge of the procedures at these places.

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