‘Obama No More Responsible for Benghazi Than Bush Was for 9/11,’ Dem Says


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
‘Obama No More Responsible for Benghazi Than Bush Was for 9/11,’ Dem Says​

Of Course the Democratic Left never ever voiced their opinions blaming Bush for 9/11/01. At least Bush didn't abandon people and use 'Rendition' after he told America that 'Rendition' would never be used under his watch.​

By: Patrick Burke
November 15, 2012

(CNSNews.com) - Urging his fellow lawmakers not to let Thursday’s hearing on Benghazi “devolve into a political spectacle,” Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) said President Obama isn’t responsible for the terror attack on the U.S. consulate and CIA annex.

“You know Barack Obama was no more responsible for what happened in Benghazi than George Bush was for September 11th or than Ronald Reagan was with the blowing up of the U.S. Marines in Beirut.”

Engel, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee noted that the election is over -- and "Americans have had enough of it. They want us to solve problems and not go on political witch hunts. I am very concerned at some the political rhetoric that I hear.”

Engel stressed the importance of being “united” and advised against attempts “to point fingers” at the president or his administration.


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‘Obama No More Responsible for Benghazi Than Bush Was for 9/11,’ Dem Says | CNS News
At this point the issue is Obama politically couldn't let the Benghazi attack be described as a "terrorist" attack because "Osama was Dead" as a political campaign theme would be laughable! If laughable then every time people saw Obama touting his abilities as a terrorist fighter they'd be reminded the 4 deaths were because of terrorism. That's why 5 times on one sunday the same blame the video story was making the rounds.

That is the major issue here. Another issue here is "collateral citizens damage"!
Obama didn't WANT the battle to be finished because the USA might have to kill attacking Libyan citizens and it would have been for political perception first here in the USA and secondarily the retribution affect in the Middle East.

The 4 deaths were acceptable because they were Americans!
If the deaths didn't happen because the USA had a military response, that would mean Obama's killing of Osama would be meaningless.
It would mean Libyan deaths which would be less desirable then American deaths.

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