obama Kills Keystone


You are truly a whackaloon..

You should move to a conservative nation, like Saudi Arabia. They really are what you folks want.

Try it.

See how it works in practice.

Call 'em names and suggest self exile for the grievous sin of disagreeing with your viewpoints, that is indeed interesting given:

"In fact, part of being a liberal is being able to accept or at least tolerate those with views that don't comport to your own." -- Sallow, 7/28/2013

Apparently that part of being a "liberal" no longer applies, oh how the world changes for the worse in a mere 24 hours. :(

Edgetho isn't really expressing views though as much as they are simply trolling through the utilization of hateful rhetoric. There wasn't a single deep opinion in his / her entire post. It was just a string of name calling and inflammatory remarks.

Yeah and? how does that excuse the intolerance for somebody Else's views given the statement that I pointed out, I only pointed it out because that statement was written in reply to something I personally posted (and I'll admit I'm rather disappointed that the poster in question doesn't appear to actually follow the tenet he/she professed in it).

You are truly a whackaloon..

You should move to a conservative nation, like Saudi Arabia. They really are what you folks want.

Try it.

See how it works in practice.

Call 'em names and suggest self exile for the grievous sin of disagreeing with your viewpoints, that is indeed interesting given:

"In fact, part of being a liberal is being able to accept or at least tolerate those with views that don't comport to your own." -- Sallow, 7/28/2013

Apparently that part of being a "liberal" no longer applies, oh how the world changes for the worse in a mere 24 hours. :(

Edgetho isn't really expressing views though as much as they are simply trolling through the utilization of hateful rhetoric. There wasn't a single deep opinion in his / her entire post. It was just a string of name calling and inflammatory remarks.

Yes there is.

dimocraps lie. it's what they do.

Explain to me how a Multi-Billion Dollar Construction Project won't create jobs?

How is that done?

How does an abundance of something create a higher price for it?

Explain that to us all.

Every time, EVERY SINGLE TIME, we bring up something, anything, that makes your blow-up doll, metro-sexual, phony bitch of a president look bad, you come in and shit all over the thread.

With lies.

(speaking of which) In other news.............

Know what's causing "Global Warming" now?

Climate Scientists Blame Global Warming On . . . (Shakes Magic 8-Ball) . . . Earthquakes!…


At some point they are going to run out of things to blame global warming on.

Via Daily Mail:

Earthquakes may contribute to global warming by releasing greenhouse gas from the ocean floor, a study suggests.

Scientists uncovered evidence that a large earthquake in 1945 released more than seven million cubic metres of methane into the North Arabian Sea.

The discovery exposes a natural source of greenhouse gas emissions that has not been considered before, they claim.

As a greenhouse gas, methane is 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide, but less abundant in the atmosphere.

Enormous quantities of methane are locked in icy structures called hydrates on the floors of the continental shelves surrounding the Earth’s land masses.

An estimated 1,000 to 5,000 gigatonnes of carbon is trapped in methane hydrates – more than the total amount released by burning fossil fuels each year.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Your entire political and economic belief system is based on lies. Every bit of it.

Funny they mentioned Methane about the same time I was thinking that Methane Clathrates


Might very well be our next, virtually inexhaustible, energy supply.

Discuss it with libtards?

You people are too stupid to communicate with. You're only good for menial labor. The kind that requires constant supervision.

Me hate filled?

You have NO idea
Call 'em names and suggest self exile for the grievous sin of disagreeing with your viewpoints, that is indeed interesting given:

"In fact, part of being a liberal is being able to accept or at least tolerate those with views that don't comport to your own." -- Sallow, 7/28/2013

Apparently that part of being a "liberal" no longer applies, oh how the world changes for the worse in a mere 24 hours. :(

Edgetho isn't really expressing views though as much as they are simply trolling through the utilization of hateful rhetoric. There wasn't a single deep opinion in his / her entire post. It was just a string of name calling and inflammatory remarks.

Yeah and? how does that excuse the intolerance for somebody Else's views given the statement that I pointed out, I only pointed it out because that statement was written in reply to something I personally posted (and I'll admit I'm rather disappointed that the poster in question doesn't appear to actually follow the tenet he/she professed in it).

The rules dimocrap scum make only apply to others, not to themselves.

DO NOT think I'm kidding.

That would be a mistake
Yeah and? how does that excuse the intolerance for somebody Else's views given the statement that I pointed out, I only pointed it out because that statement was written in reply to something I personally posted (and I'll admit I'm rather disappointed that the poster in question doesn't appear to actually follow the tenet he/she professed in it).

And, they aren't really genuine views, that's the and. He/she isn't interested in actual discussion or in presenting an actual opinion, they are just interested in either A.) Trolling B.) Ranting.

What's there to respond to? What's there to be tolerant of? Hate filled generalizations and trolling? There is a big difference between that and genuine discourse and opinions.
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Yeah and? how does that excuse the intolerance for somebody Else's views given the statement that I pointed out, I only pointed it out because that statement was written in reply to something I personally posted (and I'll admit I'm rather disappointed that the poster in question doesn't appear to actually follow the tenet he/she professed in it).

And, they aren't really genuine views,
According to whom?

What's there to respond to?
If one felt that way then why would one respond at all?
Because the former Senator who voted present more than he did yes or no has never learned how to shit or get off the pot.

Nope. I think he will use it as a bargaining chip. It's the only thing the GOP understand.

A bargaining chip is usless for a person the American people have quit listening to.

Now now, Boehner is still speaker of the House and even if the American People have stopped listening to his crybaby ass, the President has no choice but to continue in good faith to deal with the man.
Yeah and? how does that excuse the intolerance for somebody Else's views given the statement that I pointed out, I only pointed it out because that statement was written in reply to something I personally posted (and I'll admit I'm rather disappointed that the poster in question doesn't appear to actually follow the tenet he/she professed in it).

And, they aren't really genuine views,
According to whom?

What's there to respond to?
If one felt that way then why would one respond at all?

According to him/her. They just said that we are "too stupid to communicate with". Which indicates that he/she enters discussion without trying to do that or without even seeking to engage audiences outside of themselves in any meaningful way. They are here just to troll. Edgetho literally just admitted that they have no desire for any sort of actual discussion.
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Yeah and? how does that excuse the intolerance for somebody Else's views given the statement that I pointed out, I only pointed it out because that statement was written in reply to something I personally posted (and I'll admit I'm rather disappointed that the poster in question doesn't appear to actually follow the tenet he/she professed in it).

And, they aren't really genuine views, that's the and. He/she isn't interested in actual discussion or in presenting an actual opinion, they are just interested in either A.) Trolling B.) Ranting.

What's there to respond to? What's there to be tolerant of? Hate filled generalizations and trolling? There is a big difference between that and genuine discourse and opinions.

All I do is call you what you are -- A lying sack of shit.

If more Republican Politicians would do that, we wouldn't constantly be in the minority.

Shit like this below? It happens every day. Maybe not the same exact thing, but dimocraps?

You really are the scum of the Earth. All of you. Accept that, embrace that and we can talk.

Otherwise, fuck off

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=xLrnzrteD3E]Eco Violence "Direct Action" Openly Advocated - YouTube[/ame]

Do you think the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will make a big deal out of this?


And to find it, we have to go to the alternative media...

Via Laughing at Liberals:

“Sometimes you have to shed blood” “There’s certain times to use peaceful tactics, and certain times to use more aggressive tactics” “I’m on the non violent side… I have nothing against violence… it could be necessary”. Enviro hippies and anarchists gather for a supposedly “non violent direct action” training session, just prior to the kayak floatilla organized by Portland Rising Tide.

What do you think the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM would do if this were a Tea Party Group?

They'd go out of their fucking minds. It would be non-stop, 24/7 coverage, hundreds of reporters, news crews by the hundred, cameras everywhere.

But because it's dimocrap scum? Nothing to see here. Move along.

Discuss? Not with dimocraps.

You need to be utterly destroy.
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All I do is call you what you are -- A lying sack of shit.

If more Republican Politicians would do that, we wouldn't constantly be in the minority.

Shit like this below? It happens every day. Maybe not the same exact thing, but dimocraps?

You really are the scum of the Earth. All of you. Accept that, embrace that and we can talk.

Otherwise, fuck off

Eco Violence "Direct Action" Openly Advocated - YouTube

Do you think the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will make a big deal out of this?


And to find it, we have to go to the alternative media...

Via Laughing at Liberals:

“Sometimes you have to shed blood” “There’s certain times to use peaceful tactics, and certain times to use more aggressive tactics” “I’m on the non violent side… I have nothing against violence… it could be necessary”. Enviro hippies and anarchists gather for a supposedly “non violent direct action” training session, just prior to the kayak floatilla organized by Portland Rising Tide.

What do you think the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM would do if this were a Tea Party Group?

They'd go out of their fucking minds. It would be non-stop, 24/7 coverage, hundreds of reporters, news crews by the hundred, cameras everywhere.

But because it's dimocrap scum? Nothing to see here. Move along.

Discuss? Not with dimocraps.

You need to be utterly destroy.

That's nice dear. Good job at putting together all of those sentences! We're proud of you!!!! :thanks:
According to him/her. They just said that we are "too stupid to communicate with".
Well, if you are replying to stuff that you don't deem as worthy of a reply, what's the goal, to prove 'em right? I don't understand your rational. :dunno:

:confused: my first reply was this:

A couple of comments from me:

1.) That oil wouldn't be going to us, it would be going through us to the world market. It wouldn't be significantly impacting our economy unless we taxed it for passing through our territory and even then that is minimal compared to the expected costs of operating it and the spills associated with such pipelines (inevitable) and the threat it poses to our water systems that it would pass through. Overall, it wouldn't really do anything to lower oil prices here in the US, nor would that oil be staying here.

2.) As far as prices raising in parts of the midwest, I think he is referring to the fact that, in the absence of a pipeline, Canada is currently using other methods to transport it like rail and truck lines. That is more expensive so if they can sell it to say the Midwest that is less distance that they have to go when, in order to dump it onto the international market, it usually has to get shipped to the coast. I don't know how much this actually comes into play, but it makes economic sense.

3.) The estimates on job creation from the article seem fairly accurate. Can you explain to me why you think it would create a significant number of long run jobs in the country?

A serious and cordial attempt at discourse and one which was never replied to. Instead I was told to simply "eat shit". How is that not trolling?
According to him/her. They just said that we are "too stupid to communicate with".
Well, if you are replying to stuff that you don't deem as worthy of a reply, what's the goal, to prove 'em right? I don't understand your rational. :dunno:

This thread went to shit shortly after it was started.

dimocraps scum immediately started in with 'man's greatest tool (#5 I believe) and are continuing with it.

They have no answer. They can not refute the utter stupidity of the action of the Stuttering Clusterfukk to kill the Keystone Pipeline.

I mean, the piece of shit claims it will cause gas prices to raise?


It won't create jobs?

A multi-billion dollar construction project INSIDE THE BORDERS of the United States and that won't create jobs?


dimocrap scum can't defend the actions of their love-doll, so what they do is enter the thread with no intention of discussing it, debating its merits or participating in an exchange of ideas.

They can't. So their next best option is...

Whenever a dimocrap scumbag starts to lose an argument, or can't possibly win an argument, his first instinct is Alinsky.

So far, our panty-sniffing pal, Osi is using rule #5. Ridicule.

One of the other dick-breath libtards tried to corner Joe Blam with rule #3. Joe stuffed him with it and he ran away like the cowardly dog he is... And all libtards are.

Outside of their typical Alinsky RFR debate rules, they employ 3rd Grade playground tactics.

dimocraps have no intention of debating anyone on anything. They want everything, they demand that they, and only they, hold the reins of power, that they and only they know how to tell us how to live, that they and only they know how best to use our Natural Resources, that they and only they are smart enough to run.... Everything.

These are truly hateful people. They have no desire to discuss, to compromise, to work together, cooperate or listen.

They never have and they never will.

The only thing they understand is domination.

And I would much rather see their total destruction.

Maybe a decent liberal party would spring up from the ruins of the dimocrap party but I doubt it

Watch what dimocraps so, not what they say
According to him/her. They just said that we are "too stupid to communicate with".
Well, if you are replying to stuff that you don't deem as worthy of a reply, what's the goal, to prove 'em right? I don't understand your rational. :dunno:

:confused: my first reply was this:

A couple of comments from me:

1.) That oil wouldn't be going to us, it would be going through us to the world market. It wouldn't be significantly impacting our economy unless we taxed it for passing through our territory and even then that is minimal compared to the expected costs of operating it and the spills associated with such pipelines (inevitable) and the threat it poses to our water systems that it would pass through. Overall, it wouldn't really do anything to lower oil prices here in the US, nor would that oil be staying here.

2.) As far as prices raising in parts of the midwest, I think he is referring to the fact that, in the absence of a pipeline, Canada is currently using other methods to transport it like rail and truck lines. That is more expensive so if they can sell it to say the Midwest that is less distance that they have to go when, in order to dump it onto the international market, it usually has to get shipped to the coast. I don't know how much this actually comes into play, but it makes economic sense.

3.) The estimates on job creation from the article seem fairly accurate. Can you explain to me why you think it would create a significant number of long run jobs in the country?

A serious and cordial attempt at discourse and one which was never replied to. Instead I was told to simply "eat shit". How is that not trolling?

Eat shit.

You think this is my first Rodeo, bitch boy?

You think I don't know what you were doing?

You weren't trying to discuss anything. You were playing you little bitch-boy "Prove It" game like a 3rd grade girl.

Piss off, little boy.

You want to discuss something, grow up first.
According to him/her. They just said that we are "too stupid to communicate with".
Well, if you are replying to stuff that you don't deem as worthy of a reply, what's the goal, to prove 'em right? I don't understand your rational. :dunno:

:confused: my first reply was this:

A serious and cordial attempt at discourse and one which was never replied to.
I don't dispute that, but then again if you'll look, my question was directed at Sallow with respect to his/her reply and his/her earlier statement. So in effect what you're doing is attempting to rationalize someone Else's behavior, a behavior which you yourself chose not to engage in.

All due respect, I asked the question to ascertain if the person really believed what he/she had posted, unfortunately you are not in a position to answer that question.

Now that I've managed to derail this thread, I think I'll go find some penance worthy of my transgression. ;)
According to him/her. They just said that we are "too stupid to communicate with".
Well, if you are replying to stuff that you don't deem as worthy of a reply, what's the goal, to prove 'em right? I don't understand your rational. :dunno:

This thread went to shit shortly after it was started.

Not true. This thread was a lie as it started. The President has made no decision yet.
Nope. I think he will use it as a bargaining chip. It's the only thing the GOP understand.

A bargaining chip is usless for a person the American people have quit listening to.

Now now, Boehner is still speaker of the House and even if the American People have stopped listening to his crybaby ass, the President has no choice but to continue in good faith to deal with the man.

You shouldn't participate in the conversation if you can't follow it enough to know we are talking about Dear Ruler. It really makes you look as stoopid as people already believe you are. "My way or the highway" Obama wouldn't know good faith if it crawled up and bit him on his ass.
Well, if you are replying to stuff that you don't deem as worthy of a reply, what's the goal, to prove 'em right? I don't understand your rational. :dunno:

This thread went to shit shortly after it was started.

Not true. This thread was a lie as it started. The President has made no decision yet.

Yes, he's far too busy killing the economy and making people dependent on the government to waste his time making a decision on something that would provide jobs and energy. Give the poor put upon guy a break.
This thread went to shit shortly after it was started.

Not true. This thread was a lie as it started. The President has made no decision yet.

Yes, he's far too busy killing the economy and making people dependent on the government to waste his time making a decision on something that would provide jobs and energy. Give the poor put upon guy a break.

What part of the economy, died, exactly?

People selling pencils and apples on the streets?

You are truly a whackaloon..

You should move to a conservative nation, like Saudi Arabia. They really are what you folks want.

Try it.

See how it works in practice.

Call 'em names and suggest self exile for the grievous sin of disagreeing with your viewpoints, that is indeed interesting given:

"In fact, part of being a liberal is being able to accept or at least tolerate those with views that don't comport to your own." -- Sallow, 7/28/2013

Apparently that part of being a "liberal" no longer applies, oh how the world changes for the worse in a mere 24 hours. :(


There of course caveats to that.

You shouldn't have to tolerate someone who wants you dead.

Or do you think one should?

And it's "he".
A bargaining chip is usless for a person the American people have quit listening to.

Now now, Boehner is still speaker of the House and even if the American People have stopped listening to his crybaby ass, the President has no choice but to continue in good faith to deal with the man.

You shouldn't participate in the conversation if you can't follow it enough to know we are talking about Dear Ruler. It really makes you look as stoopid as people already believe you are. "My way or the highway" Obama wouldn't know good faith if it crawled up and bit him on his ass.


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