Obama Kicked GOP Ass Today.

Explain. By letting the American see the All Hat No Cattle Republicans for what they are? Yeah, I'd expect they didn't like being pwned on TV.

The biggest problem with folks like you is you hate it when someone asks him a valid question.

You're too busy getting shivers up your legs and forgetting that he's black for an hour.:cool:

and you're too busy thinking people give a shit what a lisping mudthwithle has to say on an internet message board.

go back to teabagging in the tea rooms you silly old tool

Obviously people DO give a crap at what he said....if you didnt, you would not have responded.
That's the Spirit!!

you know i'm right. seems like the wingnuts won't ever be happy unless he pretends to be your candidates...

and even then. :cuckoo:


He was supposed to come out and be a spanked puppy on Wednsday and he didn't. That's why they're pissed.

I'm thinking this man is going to be so experienced come 2012, I will look to campaign for him this time.


The entertainment value alone is priceless. he drives the GOP wingnuts right over the edge. I am sure he's part Clinton.
Obama was asked a LOT of valid questions.

He answered almost all of them.

No, people don't get pissed when Obama is asked questions. It's the previous idiot that had no sense!

Why else do you think Rove was called "Bush's brain"? It's because the burned out frat boy didn't have any working synapses to rub together!
Interestingly enough, the GOP is now putting out a statement this morning claiming that the debate with the president was a "draw".

Just like the party of no ideas, they can't admit when they had their butts kicked REPEATEDLY.

And, if it WAS a "draw" as the GOP claims, wanna explain why they said it was a mistake to have cameras there?

Shit.......the dumb fuckers can't even keep their stories straight, no wonder they're being taken over by the tea party fringe idiots.

The self-serving claim of libbies that President Obama '"won" that "contest" is what is dishonest.

The GOP is largely correct. President Obama, at best, did JUST "ok." The GOP reps did just ok, too.

It was very much just a draw.

"THEY" didn't say it was a mistake to have cameras there. One ot two people expressed their own opinion. It was probably related to the fact that it gave an appearance of poor old President Obama, a stand up guy willing to face the evil opposition standing alone in the very "nest" of the "beast."

ZZzz. Such crap.

Perhaps you didn't notice that President Obama hadthe mike and the Presidential seal? It may not be a home court advantage like the Oval office, but it wasn't bad.

Still, he barely held his own. He outright lied and only the fact that the sycophantic liberal propagandist press failed to highlight his lies saved his bacon.
After Obama addressed the RNC Caucus Friday, anyone who watched saw one person coming across as reaonable and informed and the other side being partisan, sound biting and wrong..

Too bad more American voters didn't see this display of petty chidren of the RNC.:lol:
Nothing like a different set of eyes to see what you might not see. I saw obfuscation, talking in circles, a haughty tone of voice and cheshire-cat grins. Certainly I don't need to indicate who I am referring to here.
Why else do you think Rove was called "Bush's brain"? It's because the burned out frat boy didn't have any working synapses to rub together!

Oh, I wouldn't say that about the guy. He obviously is very smart. A fuckin' RW dildo, but very smart.

I was referring to the fact that Bush the Brainless needed Rove to tell him what to do.

Yeah......Rove is smart in manipulation, but he's fucking clueless about anyone who isn't rich.
deserves repeating.

True dat -- because it gives everyone with a brain yet another opportunity to laugh at you.

President Obama didn't kick ass. He sucks ass. That's why you and he are such kindred spirits, Dainty.

your online affections for me have me blushing :tongue:

You were, of course, as usual, just incidental to the main point of the post. Your ego is massive. Justification for your massive ego is sub-atomic. Your tired stupid lines sound like that of boredtoseeya. You two make a lovely couple --

Anyway, the main point was that President Obama flatly did not kick ass. He sucks ass. Oh yeah. Like you. :razz:

Go feed your ego. :lol:
He said "MSM", not MSNBC.

MSM is 'main stream media' you fuck nut.

I mentioned this earlier. I gave the poster a pass. but....

People see what they WANT to see.

That's why we get nowhere politically.

I agree, mostly.

Most people see what they want to see, it is human nature. But it it is the job of an independent and free media to inform the people, regardless of what the people want to see.

This country has more a history of a media like what we see today, as opposed to one we had for a few decades after WWII. We took a few steps forward and now wee have taken a step backwards. I used to collect political cartoons and stuff from the colonial and revolutionary period. Scary shit. Funny, but seeing how I grew up at the tail end of the baby boomers....scary.

gawd, help us if we continue to go backwards.

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