Obama Is Losing And Everyone In His Campaign Knows It

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With his opponent's job performance record, he's in good shape. But keep telling Democrats to relax, I'm all for it. Not only is he going to do well in swing States, but Romney is going to cut deep into blue States. I'm looking forward to election night when Democrats reprise your Kerry faces.

You think voters are suddenly going to realize Obamas record?

Obama has an overwhelming Electoral College lead with voters fully aware of his record. What do you think is going to change in the next six weeks to change them over to Romney?

until this week it was all about obama failed economic policy, now you can add his appeasement policy to the list.
When appeasement is for RTK serial killers (Rape-Torture-Kill) you'd think it would get the American public's attention and intervention to get rid of the problem, Obama's weakness and even obeisance in the face of fire the direct source of the problem. Unfortunately, obama's cadre of hollyweirdos will come to his aid one more time and tell him what to say, what to do, how to dress, what color to wear, when to crack a joke, what it should be, etc. etc. etc. their points for communism get made, and good Americans lose. All the while this hubbub is going on, Pelosi and Reid have their armored cars parked out by the Treasury and Ft. Knox, seeing how much they can get while nobody's looking.
I don't hear Romney and his campaign laughing.:eusa_boohoo:
What I see is desperation to the Nth degred. The little punk ass bitch that realeased the Islam bashing video saw it also.

obama is going to win your vote is no longer needed just stay home.

I plan on voting three or four times like I usually do

people have heard obama is a shoo in you might as well vote as many times as you can to vote for those who stayed home because they heard so many times that obama was going to win.
You convinced me, he's a shoo in. Keep telling the other Democrats that. Relax, don't sweat it.
yep obama is a shoo in I think all those extra votes are no longer needed maybe they should just stay home.

Republicans for Obama

Republicans for Obama

Laughing my fat old ass off. :lol:

Democrats who say they are Republicans like rightwinger, JoeTheBigot and jakestarkey are supporting Obama. OMG, the humanity of it...
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You think voters are suddenly going to realize Obamas record?

Obama has an overwhelming Electoral College lead with voters fully aware of his record. What do you think is going to change in the next six weeks to change them over to Romney?

until this week it was all about obama failed economic policy, now you can add his appeasement policy to the list.
When appeasement is for RTK serial killers (Rape-Torture-Kill) you'd think it would get the American public's attention and intervention to get rid of the problem, Obama's weakness and even obeisance in the face of fire the direct source of the problem. Unfortunately, obama's cadre of hollyweirdos will come to his aid one more time and tell him what to say, what to do, how to dress, what color to wear, when to crack a joke, what it should be, etc. etc. etc. their points for communism get made, and good Americans lose. All the while this hubbub is going on, Pelosi and Reid have their armored cars parked out by the Treasury and Ft. Knox, seeing how much they can get while nobody's looking.

It's over obama's supporter's should just stay home since obama is a shoo in to win.
obama is going to win your vote is no longer needed just stay home.

I plan on voting three or four times like I usually do

people have heard obama is a shoo in you might as well vote as many times as you can to vote for those who stayed home because they heard so many times that obama was going to win.
Well, you know how the libbies are--get out the votes for themselves, and send aggressive, black-clad Panther dudes with billy clubs drawn out to shake at little old conservative ladies and unarmed gentlemen.
I plan on voting three or four times like I usually do

people have heard obama is a shoo in you might as well vote as many times as you can to vote for those who stayed home because they heard so many times that obama was going to win.
Well, you know how the libbies are--get out the votes for themselves, and send aggressive, black-clad Panther dudes with billy clubs drawn out to shake at little old conservative ladies and unarmed gentlemen.

You are really skeered of those black men aren't you?
people have heard obama is a shoo in you might as well vote as many times as you can to vote for those who stayed home because they heard so many times that obama was going to win.
Well, you know how the libbies are--get out the votes for themselves, and send aggressive, black-clad Panther dudes with billy clubs drawn out to shake at little old conservative ladies and unarmed gentlemen.

You are really skeered of those black men aren't you?

Interesting, I was about to ask you why you're so afraid of confident women. Why is that?
Well, you know how the libbies are--get out the votes for themselves, and send aggressive, black-clad Panther dudes with billy clubs drawn out to shake at little old conservative ladies and unarmed gentlemen.

You are really skeered of those black men aren't you?

Interesting, I was about to ask you why you're so afraid of confident women. Why is that?

I love confident women....give me a hard on
0bammy is toast...

I wonder how many leftwingnuts will take the cowards way out and off themselves?

I guess we'll have to see how many don't show up here after election day...
Well, somehow, they managed to stay in the US after claiming they'd leave the country if and when Bush was re-elected.

It funked 'em out when he won in a comparative landslide against don'tkerry, but somehow they managed to stay here long enough to keep collecting welfare checks. :rolleyes:

When Romney wins, all bets are off on what they'll do.
people have heard obama is a shoo in you might as well vote as many times as you can to vote for those who stayed home because they heard so many times that obama was going to win.
Well, you know how the libbies are--get out the votes for themselves, and send aggressive, black-clad Panther dudes with billy clubs drawn out to shake at little old conservative ladies and unarmed gentlemen.

You are really skeered of those black men aren't you?
My husband and I vote together always. He has a way. ;)
These poor conservatives are in for a rough time. They've been sheltering themselves in a non-reality bubble, totally detached from the real world. Most of them have deluded themselves into thinking Romney has a chance. See this thread for many such tragic examples.

When that bubble pops, it's going to be ugly. A mentally healthy person would blame the conservative media that fed them the big lies and false hope for months running. Alas, these aren't mentally healthy people. The same media that lied to them will keep lying, and they will keep falling for the lies, all the conspiracy theories about how the dirty liberals obviously stole the election.

Most of these conservatives will just harmlessly rave at the TV, or on message boards, providing us with great amusement. However, a few of them could do harm to themselves, or to others. That's why, if you have any conservative relatives or close friends, you need to keep a close eye on them come election time. Keep them grounded, try to bring them back to reality. Lives could depend on it.
people have heard obama is a shoo in you might as well vote as many times as you can to vote for those who stayed home because they heard so many times that obama was going to win.
Well, you know how the libbies are--get out the votes for themselves, and send aggressive, black-clad Panther dudes with billy clubs drawn out to shake at little old conservative ladies and unarmed gentlemen.

You are really skeered of those black men aren't you?

Yeah.......that must be it honky.:cool:
These poor conservatives are in for a rough time. They've been sheltering themselves in a non-reality bubble, totally detached from the real world. Most of them have deluded themselves into thinking Romney has a chance. See this thread for many such tragic examples.

When that bubble pops, it's going to be ugly. A mentally healthy person would blame the conservative media that fed them the big lies and false hope for months running. Alas, these aren't mentally healthy people. The same media that lied to them will keep lying, and they will keep falling for the lies, all the conspiracy theories about how the dirty liberals obviously stole the election.

Most of these conservatives will just harmlessly rave at the TV, or on message boards, providing us with great amusement. However, a few of them could do harm to themselves, or to others. That's why, if you have any conservative relatives or close friends, you need to keep a close eye on them come election time. Keep them grounded, try to bring them back to reality. Lives could depend on it.

Obama would be better suited for a nice Reality Show. He and Michelle and the girls could entertain the masses with their F'ed up brand of humor and thinking. They all would make a lot of money even Obama's illegal alien Aunt Zeituni Onyano. They could have guest appearances by Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers and their Hollyweird friends.

You are really skeered of those black men aren't you?

Interesting, I was about to ask you why you're so afraid of confident women. Why is that?

He does show that.

Yeah, I'm not the only one who noticed.

RW, sure, you talk big with the guys, but why does a smart chick like Becki make you go all Rajesh? It's hard to tell if you're afraid of her or just mad she isn't t submissive enough for you. Just wondering which it is. I usually find chauvinists like you need them to be submissive because it's the only way you're going to be able to be above them.
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