Obama Is In The Middle East Helping Our Enemies Fight The Trump Administraton...This Is A Fact


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
If you wonder what's going on in Syria....this is what's going on.

Obama is plotting against Trump with our enemies. No telling how many congressional Democrats are in on it as well. We know that John McCain was a traitor....and several others are as well. Nobody has said one thing about Obama plotting with Iranians against the Trump Administration.....and that is what makes me highly suspicious of what is going on. Now all Trump had to do was announce pulling out of Syria and Turkey, which is an ally of Iran, starts bombing.

Iran and Turkey are heavy trade partners.....so if Obama is giving advice to Iran.....then Iran is using that help to inform Turkey.

"Former officials in the Obama administration are actively working against the interests of the United States in order to help Iran.

These officials are obsessed with having President Donald Trump fail on his hardline stance on Iran and are offering the Iranians advice, The Daily Best reported.

As the Trump administration sent warplanes and an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, a small group of former Obama administration officials reached out to their contacts in the Iranian government, including Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Their message to Iran: Don’t take Trump’s bait. Stay calm.

Conversations between former Obama officials and Iranian government officials have been ongoing since November 2016. Zarif, who visits the U.S. every year for the U.N. General Assembly in New York, usually meets with lawmakers, think tanks, journalists, and former officials when he is in town.

But the recent round of conversations, which took place over the phone and in person over the last two months, came as lines of communication between the U.S. and Iran, through intermediaries in Europe and elsewhere, deteriorated."


Former Obama Officials Helping Iran To Outmaneuver The United States

TREASON, Obama Officials Working To Help Iran Defeat Trump
Last edited:
If you wonder what's going on in Syria....this is what's going on.

Obama is plotting against Trump with our enemies. No telling how many congressional Democrats are in on it as well. We know that John McCain was a traitor....and several others are as well. Nobody has said one thing about Obama plotting with Iranians against the Trump Administration.....and that is what makes me highly suspicious of what is going on. Now all Trump had to do was announce pulling out of Syria and Turkey, which is an ally of Iran. Iran and Turkey are heavy trade partners.....so it Obama is giving advice to Iran.....then Iran is using that help to inform Turkey.

"Former officials in the Obama administration are actively working against the interests of the United States in order to help Iran.

These officials are obsessed with having President Donald Trump fail on his hardline stance on Iran and are offering the Iranians advice, The Daily Best reported.

As the Trump administration sent warplanes and an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, a small group of former Obama administration officials reached out to their contacts in the Iranian government, including Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Their message to Iran: Don’t take Trump’s bait. Stay calm.

Conversations between former Obama officials and Iranian government officials have been ongoing since November 2016. Zarif, who visits the U.S. every year for the U.N. General Assembly in New York, usually meets with lawmakers, think tanks, journalists, and former officials when he is in town.

But the recent round of conversations, which took place over the phone and in person over the last two months, came as lines of communication between the U.S. and Iran, through intermediaries in Europe and elsewhere, deteriorated."


Former Obama Officials Helping Iran To Outmaneuver The United States

TREASON, Obama Officials Working To Help Iran Defeat Trump
Obama is committing Treason Against the United States... Its way past time to deal with these traitors..
Obama's other husband, Valarie Jarrett is Iranian. Brennan, Jarrett, and Obama have been undermining America and helping Iran since the day he was elected. I don't know why people choose to ignore this group of clowns. Jarrett has a history of railing against the west.
If you wonder what's going on in Syria....this is what's going on.

Obama is plotting against Trump with our enemies. No telling how many congressional Democrats are in on it as well. We know that John McCain was a traitor....and several others are as well. Nobody has said one thing about Obama plotting with Iranians against the Trump Administration.....and that is what makes me highly suspicious of what is going on. Now all Trump had to do was announce pulling out of Syria and Turkey, which is an ally of Iran. Iran and Turkey are heavy trade partners.....so it Obama is giving advice to Iran.....then Iran is using that help to inform Turkey.

"Former officials in the Obama administration are actively working against the interests of the United States in order to help Iran.

These officials are obsessed with having President Donald Trump fail on his hardline stance on Iran and are offering the Iranians advice, The Daily Best reported.

As the Trump administration sent warplanes and an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, a small group of former Obama administration officials reached out to their contacts in the Iranian government, including Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Their message to Iran: Don’t take Trump’s bait. Stay calm.

Conversations between former Obama officials and Iranian government officials have been ongoing since November 2016. Zarif, who visits the U.S. every year for the U.N. General Assembly in New York, usually meets with lawmakers, think tanks, journalists, and former officials when he is in town.

But the recent round of conversations, which took place over the phone and in person over the last two months, came as lines of communication between the U.S. and Iran, through intermediaries in Europe and elsewhere, deteriorated."


Former Obama Officials Helping Iran To Outmaneuver The United States

TREASON, Obama Officials Working To Help Iran Defeat Trump

Why can't these traitors be arrested under the Logan act?
Wow, I hope he enjoys looking behind him should he ever return to the states.

God bless you always!!!

Don't, don't even go there....listen, yall need to stop this shit with hating on Obama. This man unlike Bush, unlike Trump is free to travel the world, his standing is that good. Bush jr. don't even leave the country anymore, cause he's so hated and Trump, that mf's will be watching his back for the rest of his life, bc NOBODY LIKES THAT BASTARD BUT KIM, XI AND PUTING AND BORIS...4 CORRRUPT BITCHES, LIKE TRUMP
If you wonder what's going on in Syria....this is what's going on.

Obama is plotting against Trump with our enemies. No telling how many congressional Democrats are in on it as well. We know that John McCain was a traitor....and several others are as well. Nobody has said one thing about Obama plotting with Iranians against the Trump Administration.....and that is what makes me highly suspicious of what is going on. Now all Trump had to do was announce pulling out of Syria and Turkey, which is an ally of Iran. Iran and Turkey are heavy trade partners.....so it Obama is giving advice to Iran.....then Iran is using that help to inform Turkey.

"Former officials in the Obama administration are actively working against the interests of the United States in order to help Iran.

These officials are obsessed with having President Donald Trump fail on his hardline stance on Iran and are offering the Iranians advice, The Daily Best reported.

As the Trump administration sent warplanes and an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, a small group of former Obama administration officials reached out to their contacts in the Iranian government, including Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Their message to Iran: Don’t take Trump’s bait. Stay calm.

Conversations between former Obama officials and Iranian government officials have been ongoing since November 2016. Zarif, who visits the U.S. every year for the U.N. General Assembly in New York, usually meets with lawmakers, think tanks, journalists, and former officials when he is in town.

But the recent round of conversations, which took place over the phone and in person over the last two months, came as lines of communication between the U.S. and Iran, through intermediaries in Europe and elsewhere, deteriorated."


Former Obama Officials Helping Iran To Outmaneuver The United States

TREASON, Obama Officials Working To Help Iran Defeat Trump

Why can't these traitors be arrested under the Logan act?
Probably because the source on this story is from exploitive unreliable media sites.
Their message to Iran: Don’t take Trump’s bait. Stay calm.

How is this helping Iran and fighting Trump? Are they suggesting that Trump the peacenik is trying to goad a nation into war with the USA?
If you wonder what's going on in Syria....this is what's going on.

Obama is plotting against Trump with our enemies. No telling how many congressional Democrats are in on it as well. We know that John McCain was a traitor....and several others are as well. Nobody has said one thing about Obama plotting with Iranians against the Trump Administration.....and that is what makes me highly suspicious of what is going on. Now all Trump had to do was announce pulling out of Syria and Turkey, which is an ally of Iran. Iran and Turkey are heavy trade partners.....so it Obama is giving advice to Iran.....then Iran is using that help to inform Turkey.

"Former officials in the Obama administration are actively working against the interests of the United States in order to help Iran.

These officials are obsessed with having President Donald Trump fail on his hardline stance on Iran and are offering the Iranians advice, The Daily Best reported.

As the Trump administration sent warplanes and an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, a small group of former Obama administration officials reached out to their contacts in the Iranian government, including Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Their message to Iran: Don’t take Trump’s bait. Stay calm.

Conversations between former Obama officials and Iranian government officials have been ongoing since November 2016. Zarif, who visits the U.S. every year for the U.N. General Assembly in New York, usually meets with lawmakers, think tanks, journalists, and former officials when he is in town.

But the recent round of conversations, which took place over the phone and in person over the last two months, came as lines of communication between the U.S. and Iran, through intermediaries in Europe and elsewhere, deteriorated."


Former Obama Officials Helping Iran To Outmaneuver The United States

TREASON, Obama Officials Working To Help Iran Defeat Trump

Why can't these traitors be arrested under the Logan act?

Are they negotiating? Or doing what we all know, telling Iran that Trump will be gone in Jan 2001, and a rational person will then occupy the White House and diplomacy will replace Brinkmanship and bellicose rhetoric they now see from Trump's speeches and tweets.
If you wonder what's going on in Syria....this is what's going on.

Obama is plotting against Trump with our enemies. No telling how many congressional Democrats are in on it as well. We know that John McCain was a traitor....and several others are as well. Nobody has said one thing about Obama plotting with Iranians against the Trump Administration.....and that is what makes me highly suspicious of what is going on. Now all Trump had to do was announce pulling out of Syria and Turkey, which is an ally of Iran, starts bombing.

Iran and Turkey are heavy trade partners.....so if Obama is giving advice to Iran.....then Iran is using that help to inform Turkey.

"Former officials in the Obama administration are actively working against the interests of the United States in order to help Iran.

These officials are obsessed with having President Donald Trump fail on his hardline stance on Iran and are offering the Iranians advice, The Daily Best reported.

As the Trump administration sent warplanes and an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, a small group of former Obama administration officials reached out to their contacts in the Iranian government, including Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Their message to Iran: Don’t take Trump’s bait. Stay calm.

Conversations between former Obama officials and Iranian government officials have been ongoing since November 2016. Zarif, who visits the U.S. every year for the U.N. General Assembly in New York, usually meets with lawmakers, think tanks, journalists, and former officials when he is in town.

But the recent round of conversations, which took place over the phone and in person over the last two months, came as lines of communication between the U.S. and Iran, through intermediaries in Europe and elsewhere, deteriorated."


Former Obama Officials Helping Iran To Outmaneuver The United States

TREASON, Obama Officials Working To Help Iran Defeat Trump

Once again this is a damn lie:

Obama Is In The Middle East Helping Our Enemies Fight The Trump Administraton...This Is A Fact.

There is no evidence provided that this is a fact, and my search of the Internet did not prove the former President is in the Middle East and/or negotiating with any foreign leader.

United States presidential visits to the Middle East - Wikipedia

See list of former presidents who visited the middle east in this ^^^ link:

Visits by former presidents[edit]
  1. Ulysses S. Grant visited Alexandria, Egypt, met with Khedive Isma'il Pasha, sailed up the Nile to tour the Valley of the Kings, and travelled by train down the length of the Suez Canal in 1878, during a post-presidency world tour. During the same tour, he visited Jerusalem.[23][24]
  2. Richard Nixon (without official State Department credentials) attended the funeral of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, former Shah of Iran, in Cairo, March 8, 1980.[25]
  3. Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter were among the dignitaries representing the United States at the funeral of Egyptian President Sadat in Cairo, October 10, 1981.[26]
  4. Bill Clinton accompanied President Barack Obama to the state funeral of former Israeli President Shimon Peres in Jerusalem, September 30, 2016.
If you wonder what's going on in Syria....this is what's going on.

Obama is plotting against Trump with our enemies. No telling how many congressional Democrats are in on it as well. We know that John McCain was a traitor....and several others are as well. Nobody has said one thing about Obama plotting with Iranians against the Trump Administration.....and that is what makes me highly suspicious of what is going on. Now all Trump had to do was announce pulling out of Syria and Turkey, which is an ally of Iran. Iran and Turkey are heavy trade partners.....so it Obama is giving advice to Iran.....then Iran is using that help to inform Turkey.

"Former officials in the Obama administration are actively working against the interests of the United States in order to help Iran.

These officials are obsessed with having President Donald Trump fail on his hardline stance on Iran and are offering the Iranians advice, The Daily Best reported.

As the Trump administration sent warplanes and an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, a small group of former Obama administration officials reached out to their contacts in the Iranian government, including Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Their message to Iran: Don’t take Trump’s bait. Stay calm.

Conversations between former Obama officials and Iranian government officials have been ongoing since November 2016. Zarif, who visits the U.S. every year for the U.N. General Assembly in New York, usually meets with lawmakers, think tanks, journalists, and former officials when he is in town.

But the recent round of conversations, which took place over the phone and in person over the last two months, came as lines of communication between the U.S. and Iran, through intermediaries in Europe and elsewhere, deteriorated."


Former Obama Officials Helping Iran To Outmaneuver The United States

TREASON, Obama Officials Working To Help Iran Defeat Trump

Why can't these traitors be arrested under the Logan act?
Probably because the source on this story is from exploitive unreliable media sites.
You might get away with that if it wasn't in major newspapers over a month ago and has been scrubbed.
But this shit isn't happening by accident.
Obama Administration officials are using this to take down Trump.
They know this is the best way to shrink his support.
Who cares if a bunch of Muslims and Christians get murdered in the process.
They can just bring the survivors here and bus them around on election day.
Last edited:
If you wonder what's going on in Syria....this is what's going on.

Obama is plotting against Trump with our enemies. No telling how many congressional Democrats are in on it as well. We know that John McCain was a traitor....and several others are as well. Nobody has said one thing about Obama plotting with Iranians against the Trump Administration.....and that is what makes me highly suspicious of what is going on. Now all Trump had to do was announce pulling out of Syria and Turkey, which is an ally of Iran. Iran and Turkey are heavy trade partners.....so it Obama is giving advice to Iran.....then Iran is using that help to inform Turkey.

"Former officials in the Obama administration are actively working against the interests of the United States in order to help Iran.

These officials are obsessed with having President Donald Trump fail on his hardline stance on Iran and are offering the Iranians advice, The Daily Best reported.

As the Trump administration sent warplanes and an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, a small group of former Obama administration officials reached out to their contacts in the Iranian government, including Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Their message to Iran: Don’t take Trump’s bait. Stay calm.

Conversations between former Obama officials and Iranian government officials have been ongoing since November 2016. Zarif, who visits the U.S. every year for the U.N. General Assembly in New York, usually meets with lawmakers, think tanks, journalists, and former officials when he is in town.

But the recent round of conversations, which took place over the phone and in person over the last two months, came as lines of communication between the U.S. and Iran, through intermediaries in Europe and elsewhere, deteriorated."


Former Obama Officials Helping Iran To Outmaneuver The United States

TREASON, Obama Officials Working To Help Iran Defeat Trump

Why can't these traitors be arrested under the Logan act?

Probably because the source on this story is from exploitive unreliable media sites.

You might get away with that if it wasn't in major newspapers over a month ago and has been scrubbed.
But this shit isn't happening by accident.
Obama Administration officials are using this to take down Trump.
They know this is the best way to shrink his support.
Who cares if a bunch of Muslims and Christians get murdered in the process.
They can just bring the survivors here and bus them around on election day.

You've crossed the line from being odd to being nuts. Any credibility you may have once had is gone. Get some therapy before your paranoia creates so serious a conspiracy that you act out and end up in a padded cell.
If you wonder what's going on in Syria....this is what's going on.

Obama is plotting against Trump with our enemies. No telling how many congressional Democrats are in on it as well. We know that John McCain was a traitor....and several others are as well. Nobody has said one thing about Obama plotting with Iranians against the Trump Administration.....and that is what makes me highly suspicious of what is going on. Now all Trump had to do was announce pulling out of Syria and Turkey, which is an ally of Iran, starts bombing.

Iran and Turkey are heavy trade partners.....so if Obama is giving advice to Iran.....then Iran is using that help to inform Turkey.

"Former officials in the Obama administration are actively working against the interests of the United States in order to help Iran.

These officials are obsessed with having President Donald Trump fail on his hardline stance on Iran and are offering the Iranians advice, The Daily Best reported.

As the Trump administration sent warplanes and an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, a small group of former Obama administration officials reached out to their contacts in the Iranian government, including Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Their message to Iran: Don’t take Trump’s bait. Stay calm.

Conversations between former Obama officials and Iranian government officials have been ongoing since November 2016. Zarif, who visits the U.S. every year for the U.N. General Assembly in New York, usually meets with lawmakers, think tanks, journalists, and former officials when he is in town.

But the recent round of conversations, which took place over the phone and in person over the last two months, came as lines of communication between the U.S. and Iran, through intermediaries in Europe and elsewhere, deteriorated."


Former Obama Officials Helping Iran To Outmaneuver The United States

TREASON, Obama Officials Working To Help Iran Defeat Trump

Yeah, I don't think "Obama' means what you think it means. "Obama" is an actual person. And your arguments don't accuse Obama of doing anything. Or of 'being in the middle east'.

And by 'helping our enemies fight', you mean some former Obama officials are advising AGAINST fighting the US.

Since when is advising against making war on the United States 'helping our enemies'?

And I don't think 'fact' means what you think it means either.
Their message to Iran: Don’t take Trump’s bait. Stay calm.

How is this helping Iran and fighting Trump? Are they suggesting that Trump the peacenik is trying to goad a nation into war with the USA?
Obama is working with the Nazis.
Pretty simple and obvious.

The Nazis?

Is this another one of your guy's imaginary 'facts'?
It’s figurative. This Iran regime is the equivalent of the Nazis.
Their message to Iran: Don’t take Trump’s bait. Stay calm.

How is this helping Iran and fighting Trump? Are they suggesting that Trump the peacenik is trying to goad a nation into war with the USA?
Obama is working with the Nazis.
Pretty simple and obvious.

The Nazis?

Is this another one of your guy's imaginary 'facts'?
It’s figurative. This Iran regime is the equivalent of the Nazis.

Figurative like....'Obama is in the middle east' and 'helping our enemies'?

As the OP doesn't cite Obama doing....anything. And since when is counseling that nations DON'T make war on the United States 'helping our enemies'?

By that insane standard, every diplomat ever is committing treason.
If you wonder what's going on in Syria....this is what's going on.

Obama is plotting against Trump with our enemies. No telling how many congressional Democrats are in on it as well. We know that John McCain was a traitor....and several others are as well. Nobody has said one thing about Obama plotting with Iranians against the Trump Administration.....and that is what makes me highly suspicious of what is going on. Now all Trump had to do was announce pulling out of Syria and Turkey, which is an ally of Iran. Iran and Turkey are heavy trade partners.....so it Obama is giving advice to Iran.....then Iran is using that help to inform Turkey.

"Former officials in the Obama administration are actively working against the interests of the United States in order to help Iran.

These officials are obsessed with having President Donald Trump fail on his hardline stance on Iran and are offering the Iranians advice, The Daily Best reported.

As the Trump administration sent warplanes and an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, a small group of former Obama administration officials reached out to their contacts in the Iranian government, including Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Their message to Iran: Don’t take Trump’s bait. Stay calm.

Conversations between former Obama officials and Iranian government officials have been ongoing since November 2016. Zarif, who visits the U.S. every year for the U.N. General Assembly in New York, usually meets with lawmakers, think tanks, journalists, and former officials when he is in town.

But the recent round of conversations, which took place over the phone and in person over the last two months, came as lines of communication between the U.S. and Iran, through intermediaries in Europe and elsewhere, deteriorated."


Former Obama Officials Helping Iran To Outmaneuver The United States

TREASON, Obama Officials Working To Help Iran Defeat Trump
Obama is committing Treason Against the United States... Its way past time to deal with these traitors..
Billy bob whining!
wV zero college rube?
If you wonder what's going on in Syria....this is what's going on.

Obama is plotting against Trump with our enemies. No telling how many congressional Democrats are in on it as well. We know that John McCain was a traitor....and several others are as well. Nobody has said one thing about Obama plotting with Iranians against the Trump Administration.....and that is what makes me highly suspicious of what is going on. Now all Trump had to do was announce pulling out of Syria and Turkey, which is an ally of Iran, starts bombing.

Iran and Turkey are heavy trade partners.....so if Obama is giving advice to Iran.....then Iran is using that help to inform Turkey.

"Former officials in the Obama administration are actively working against the interests of the United States in order to help Iran.

These officials are obsessed with having President Donald Trump fail on his hardline stance on Iran and are offering the Iranians advice, The Daily Best reported.

As the Trump administration sent warplanes and an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, a small group of former Obama administration officials reached out to their contacts in the Iranian government, including Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Their message to Iran: Don’t take Trump’s bait. Stay calm.

Conversations between former Obama officials and Iranian government officials have been ongoing since November 2016. Zarif, who visits the U.S. every year for the U.N. General Assembly in New York, usually meets with lawmakers, think tanks, journalists, and former officials when he is in town.

But the recent round of conversations, which took place over the phone and in person over the last two months, came as lines of communication between the U.S. and Iran, through intermediaries in Europe and elsewhere, deteriorated."


Former Obama Officials Helping Iran To Outmaneuver The United States

TREASON, Obama Officials Working To Help Iran Defeat Trump

Once again this is a damn lie:

Obama Is In The Middle East Helping Our Enemies Fight The Trump Administraton...This Is A Fact.

There is no evidence provided that this is a fact, and my search of the Internet did not prove the former President is in the Middle East and/or negotiating with any foreign leader.

United States presidential visits to the Middle East - Wikipedia

See list of former presidents who visited the middle east in this ^^^ link:

Visits by former presidents[edit]
  1. Ulysses S. Grant visited Alexandria, Egypt, met with Khedive Isma'il Pasha, sailed up the Nile to tour the Valley of the Kings, and travelled by train down the length of the Suez Canal in 1878, during a post-presidency world tour. During the same tour, he visited Jerusalem.[23][24]
  2. Richard Nixon (without official State Department credentials) attended the funeral of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, former Shah of Iran, in Cairo, March 8, 1980.[25]
  3. Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter were among the dignitaries representing the United States at the funeral of Egyptian President Sadat in Cairo, October 10, 1981.[26]
  4. Bill Clinton accompanied President Barack Obama to the state funeral of former Israeli President Shimon Peres in Jerusalem, September 30, 2016.

Those other former presidents weren't radical islamists.

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