obama Identifies With 9/11 Hijackers


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I doubt this lasts long in here.

Obama Identifies With The 9/11 Killers

This is insane. Talk about vetting, where were people calling this out?

Via NY Post:

That President Obama won’t call it Islamic terrorism; that he believes we shouldn’t be on a “high horse” because America and Christians have done bad things; that Muslims are victims of “bigotry and prejudice”; that his State Department says it’s the lack of jobs, not religion, that fuels ISIS, should come as no surprise.

After all, he said the same thing about 9/11.

In 2004, Obama released an update of his 1995 memoir, “Dreams from My Father,” with a little-noticed new preface about the attacks.
“On September 11, 2001,” Obama wrote, “…history returned with a vengeance; in fact, as Faulkner reminds us, the past is never dead and buried — it isn’t even past.”

“This collective history, this past, directly touches my own,” he added. “Not merely because, as a consequence of 9/11, my name is an irresistible target of mocking websites from overzealous Republican operatives. But also because the underlying struggle between worlds of plenty and worlds of want…is the struggle set forth, on a miniature scale, in this book,” which at its core is an indictment against Western imperialism, racism and colonialism.
Obama goes on to say he identifies with the “desperation and disorder of the powerless,” and how they can “easily slip into violence and despair.”

9/11 isn’t about us being attacked, it’s about his resultant victimization, which of course is all due to that lack of jobs thing again, racism and colonialism.

And tellingly, we should change out “corrupt” regimes that “suppress Islam”. Is that not what he has been doing? Paging Gaddafi! Paging Assad!

Keep reading…

Not only that, but we've already determined that most, if not all, of the hijackers were from middle class to wealthy families and their diseased, sick, twisted leader, osama bin floatin, was the son of a BILLIONAIRE.

dimocraps are some fucked up people
Not really looking for a lot of back and forth or a lot of debate on this.

It's not even debate worthy.

But I do want people to read it. It IS read-worthy
It is part of obama's malignant narcissism that he sees 911 as a retribution on his behalf.
This is one area where Obama has been consistent. I see downright sympathy for the terrorists, as if they are innocent people turned into savage beasts because of the evil America. It's always about justifying the actions of the radicals. As if they would not kill if not for policies or capitalism. All that screaming about infidels means nothing and only people like Obama know what they are really upset about. If these subhuman pieces of shit that are slaughtering innocents in the name of their religion were upset about anything other than the fact that non-Muslims exist, they would say so. All we get is 'allah' and vicious attacks against infidels. I think we can take them at their word as far as what's behind the attacks. It's not something understandable. It's not some struggle. It's about pure hate of other religions and atheists and has been for centuries.

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