Obama - "I need more time"

America needs a congress that acts for America and that ain't gonna happen given the birdbrains who vote republican. But Obama's judge selections and policy changes are at least steps in the right direction. FDR took some time too, the great depression, because of its severity allowed him to act in spite of the same idiots in congress then as now. Idiots never go away when corporations pay their way.

"The 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: The growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy." Alex Carey
America needs a congress that acts for America and that ain't gonna happen given the birdbrains who vote republican. But Obama's judge selections and policy changes are at least steps in the right direction. FDR took some time too, the great depression, because of its severity allowed him to act in spite of the same idiots in congress then as now. Idiots never go away when corporations pay their way.

"The 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: The growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy." Alex Carey

Psssst, Middie... those 'birdbrains' who vote Republican... they are America too. Something that it appears you - and your messiah - have forgotten. Or maybe you never knew. But them's the facts.
America needs a congress that acts for America and that ain't gonna happen given the birdbrains who vote republican. But Obama's judge selections and policy changes are at least steps in the right direction. FDR took some time too, the great depression, because of its severity allowed him to act in spite of the same idiots in congress then as now. Idiots never go away when corporations pay their way.

"The 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: The growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy." Alex Carey

well how lovely,

I hope the people now see what Obama meant by he wanted to, transform America and decide they don't want his visions..
America needs a congress that acts for America and that ain't gonna happen given the birdbrains who vote republican. But Obama's judge selections and policy changes are at least steps in the right direction. FDR took some time too, the great depression, because of its severity allowed him to act in spite of the same idiots in congress then as now. Idiots never go away when corporations pay their way.

"The 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: The growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy." Alex Carey

well how lovely,

I hope the people now see what Obama meant by he wanted to, transform America and decide they don't want his visions..

They want, I hope, neither Bush nor Obama silliness.

Romney will be far better than either.
Bush was leagues better than obama. But then, my dog would be better than obama.
Time is out. I am not Mormon (sweet Jesus, no, I am not Mormon), but I will vote for the LDS dude without a second's hesitation.

What the GOP needs is a unified message because Romney needs the senate too.

Then we can start to make some things happen.

I am all for raising some taxes on the rich. One dollar raised for every four dollars of real cuts from the Federal Budget. Bring it on.

Reform Social Security....start moving to a semi-private system.

Lots to do.

As far as it goes; I'll second that motion.

If you're going to vote for President Obama--as I am; vote a straight Democratic ticket on the federal level. If you're going to vote for Governor Romney; vote a straight GOP ticket on the federal level.

The days of compromise on great issues is over and done with as long as we have this constitution. Politics rule the day in Washington and both of these political parties are in constant violation of the public trust.

George W Bush wasn't an evil man and neither is Barack Obama. Both have vastly different policy views but both have a vision of the country and a roadmap to get there. As many whom disagreed with Bush's trek disagree with Obama's. But neither one wants us to go off into a ditch; sell our kids into slavery, etc... Partisan hackdom on this site is at an all time high and you shouldn't believe any of it.

Give the President your faith if he has done enough to earn your vote. Give him a Congress to work with.

:lol: wow a true believer still ......
In all seriousness your very wrong about Obama and I bet you don't know his life history. Doesn't matter the big government trolls are on they're way out of DC. And of course your for taxing job creators that's so logical :lol:
America needs a congress that acts for America and that ain't gonna happen given the birdbrains who vote republican. But Obama's judge selections and policy changes are at least steps in the right direction. FDR took some time too, the great depression, because of its severity allowed him to act in spite of the same idiots in congress then as now. Idiots never go away when corporations pay their way.

"The 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: The growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy." Alex Carey
:eusa_whistle: how much kool aid did you drink today?
bigrebnc continues to drink the insanity. It gives me great comfort that he and the other kooks like him make us such an insignificantly small minority in our country. His squalling and bawling here are fun to observe, but no one of sense takes him and his kind seriously.
bigrebnc continues to drink the insanity. It gives me great comfort that he and the other kooks like him make us such an insignificantly small minority in our country. His squalling and bawling here are fun to observe, but no one of sense takes him and his kind seriously.

You're just as bad as midcan is :cuckoo:
You are a flake, a loon, a boob, and no one of sense gives you, bigreb, any credence on anything other than that you seem to be able to breathe on your own.
I gave you guys the site. Read it. And understand when you are not under the table cloth with rest of the extremist weirdos you have to use political and historical terms and definitions.

You don't get your own facts.

You don't get your own definitions.
America needs a congress that acts for America and that ain't gonna happen given the birdbrains who vote republican. But Obama's judge selections and policy changes are at least steps in the right direction. FDR took some time too, the great depression, because of its severity allowed him to act in spite of the same idiots in congress then as now. Idiots never go away when corporations pay their way.

"The 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: The growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy." Alex Carey

Spoken like a true ignoramus who knows little of the Constitution and history.

Is GM a corporation ?

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