Obama Gun Plan: Un-Constitutional POWER and CONTROL

When I was in High School, in NYC, 55 years ago, I was on the rifle team and owned my own .22 which I carried to school on days we were shooting against another high school...Of course, there were virtually NO LIBERALS invested in High School back then, and in 4 years on the team, no one was ever shot!..... It's LIBERALISM that drives our youths to extremes, but, I shall expect much spin over this!
A similar situation here. I attended a rural high school and it was common for many of us to get off the bus a couple of stops early and hunt rabbits and birds on the way home. We carried .22s and shotguns that were kept in our lockers. If there was a disagreement, it was fists and feet, usually with one or more teachers in attendance. If things got out-of-hand, the teachers stepped in, otherwise, it was up to us to settle things among ourselves. Not once did I ever see anyone pull one of those firearms out of a locker to settle up.

LIBERALISM, the cause of MOST of our problems!
President Obama declared today he is considering by-passing Congress and issuing an Executive Order to create a new 3-pronged gun law.

1st of all, FACT - No existing gun law could have prevented the attack on Oregon.

2ndly, FACT - NO gun law he can impose can prevent another attack such as the one in Oregon.

3rd, FACT - Criminals will NOT obey Obama's proposed new law.

- It will require background check of those purchasing guns.....Oregon already required this, and it failed to stop the attack

- It will require a more in-depth background check...the Oregon shooter actually passed a back-ground check

- it will limit the number of guns Americans can have...without government consent / approval in the form of a 'permit'...as in 'We PERMIT you to own guns.'

This is NOT required because the CONSTITUTION already says I can own guns.
- This proves liberal 'gun control' is about nothing but CONTROL
- Also, if they feel they have the authority to 'permit' you to own guns, they will feel they have the authority to DENY your right to own more guns than THEY think you should own.

In order to get this permit Americans will have to be REGISTERED.
- The government will be creating a registry of gun owners. Anyone with a certain number of guns will have to step forward and be registered or be in violation of the law - a criminal. Anyone who wants to own a certain number of guns will have to be registered and receive a permit.

As already said, NONE of this will do anything to prevent another attack! What it does is give the federal government more power, UN-Constitutional power. (No 'permit' is required to have more guns than the government thinks I should own because I am guaranteed the right to bear arms, not the right to own a RESTRICTED number of guns!)

Lacking the ability to prevent gun violence in the future, it is obvious that this is about nothing more than POWER and CONTROL!
The Constitution says you can be part of a well regulated militia. It says nothing about individual gun ownership. That being said this joke of a Supreme Court decided to ignore half the second amendment and that is what allowed massacres like this.

QUOTE="Hawkeye2j, post: 12518493, member: 55315"]It says nothing about individual gun ownership.

You might want to take another look at the 2nd amendment.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

(Not the right of the militia)[/QUOTE]

It has always amazed me how liberals brag about being so smart yet they lack the most basic ability to read a sentence from start to finish.

It also amazes me how liberals seem to continuously "interpret" the constitution the exact opposite of how it was written.

Much how "thou shalt not kill" means serve your country and kill as many people as you can for Christians.
President Obama declared today he is considering by-passing Congress and issuing an Executive Order to create a new 3-pronged gun law.

1st of all, FACT - No existing gun law could have prevented the attack on Oregon.

2ndly, FACT - NO gun law he can impose can prevent another attack such as the one in Oregon.

3rd, FACT - Criminals will NOT obey Obama's proposed new law.

- It will require background check of those purchasing guns.....Oregon already required this, and it failed to stop the attack

- It will require a more in-depth background check...the Oregon shooter actually passed a back-ground check

- it will limit the number of guns Americans can have...without government consent / approval in the form of a 'permit'...as in 'We PERMIT you to own guns.'

This is NOT required because the CONSTITUTION already says I can own guns.
- This proves liberal 'gun control' is about nothing but CONTROL
- Also, if they feel they have the authority to 'permit' you to own guns, they will feel they have the authority to DENY your right to own more guns than THEY think you should own.

In order to get this permit Americans will have to be REGISTERED.
- The government will be creating a registry of gun owners. Anyone with a certain number of guns will have to step forward and be registered or be in violation of the law - a criminal. Anyone who wants to own a certain number of guns will have to be registered and receive a permit.

As already said, NONE of this will do anything to prevent another attack! What it does is give the federal government more power, UN-Constitutional power. (No 'permit' is required to have more guns than the government thinks I should own because I am guaranteed the right to bear arms, not the right to own a RESTRICTED number of guns!)

Lacking the ability to prevent gun violence in the future, it is obvious that this is about nothing more than POWER and CONTROL!
He is a cowardly POS... But, then again he can't help him self.

Poor Barry
When I was in High School, in NYC, 55 years ago, I was on the rifle team and owned my own .22 which I carried to school on days we were shooting against another high school...Of course, there were virtually NO LIBERALS invested in High School back then, and in 4 years on the team, no one was ever shot!..... It's LIBERALISM that drives our youths to extremes, but, I shall expect much spin over this!
A similar situation here. I attended a rural high school and it was common for many of us to get off the bus a couple of stops early and hunt rabbits and birds on the way home. We carried .22s and shotguns that were kept in our lockers. If there was a disagreement, it was fists and feet, usually with one or more teachers in attendance. If things got out-of-hand, the teachers stepped in, otherwise, it was up to us to settle things among ourselves. Not once did I ever see anyone pull one of those firearms out of a locker to settle up.

LIBERALISM, the cause of MOST of our problems!
"For the framers of the Constitution were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages and the charter they produced out of the liberal revolution of their time has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought."
General Douglas MacArthur
When I was in High School, in NYC, 55 years ago, I was on the rifle team and owned my own .22 which I carried to school on days we were shooting against another high school...Of course, there were virtually NO LIBERALS invested in High School back then, and in 4 years on the team, no one was ever shot!..... It's LIBERALISM that drives our youths to extremes, but, I shall expect much spin over this!
A similar situation here. I attended a rural high school and it was common for many of us to get off the bus a couple of stops early and hunt rabbits and birds on the way home. We carried .22s and shotguns that were kept in our lockers. If there was a disagreement, it was fists and feet, usually with one or more teachers in attendance. If things got out-of-hand, the teachers stepped in, otherwise, it was up to us to settle things among ourselves. Not once did I ever see anyone pull one of those firearms out of a locker to settle up.

LIBERALISM, the cause of MOST of our problems!
"For the framers of the Constitution were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages and the charter they produced out of the liberal revolution of their time has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought."
General Douglas MacArthur

And from the FATHER of the American PROGRESSIVE PARTY.... Over the last few decades LIBERALISM has gone off the cliff, as you scumbags CERTAINLY don't agree with what Teddy said!

Liberal thought 'surpasses' the Constitution?! By 'surpasses', I guess he meant 'ignores' and 'violates'.
President Obama declared today he is considering by-passing Congress and issuing an Executive Order to create a new 3-pronged gun law.

1st of all, FACT - No existing gun law could have prevented the attack on Oregon.

2ndly, FACT - NO gun law he can impose can prevent another attack such as the one in Oregon.

3rd, FACT - Criminals will NOT obey Obama's proposed new law.

- It will require background check of those purchasing guns.....Oregon already required this, and it failed to stop the attack

- It will require a more in-depth background check...the Oregon shooter actually passed a back-ground check

- it will limit the number of guns Americans can have...without government consent / approval in the form of a 'permit'...as in 'We PERMIT you to own guns.'

This is NOT required because the CONSTITUTION already says I can own guns.
- This proves liberal 'gun control' is about nothing but CONTROL
- Also, if they feel they have the authority to 'permit' you to own guns, they will feel they have the authority to DENY your right to own more guns than THEY think you should own.

In order to get this permit Americans will have to be REGISTERED.
- The government will be creating a registry of gun owners. Anyone with a certain number of guns will have to step forward and be registered or be in violation of the law - a criminal. Anyone who wants to own a certain number of guns will have to be registered and receive a permit.

As already said, NONE of this will do anything to prevent another attack! What it does is give the federal government more power, UN-Constitutional power. (No 'permit' is required to have more guns than the government thinks I should own because I am guaranteed the right to bear arms, not the right to own a RESTRICTED number of guns!)

Lacking the ability to prevent gun violence in the future, it is obvious that this is about nothing more than POWER and CONTROL!

Guess what Sparky, SCOTUS gets to decide what is and what is not constitutional.
'Sparky'? What are you, 5yrs old? You can't talk to someone like an adult without calling them names? (It's usually a sign of insecurity and a lack of confidence.)

Oh, & for now the 6th Vircuit Court decides the law. Even SCOTUS will concede, however, that while Obama might get away with by-passing Congress thru Executive Orders, the EPA does not have any such authority.
Put up or shut the fuck up!

Where can a reasonable person read this statute since you claim it is a law enacted by the President, "Obama's Law"? But you initially state it's an Executive Order, so what is this EO's number on the Disposition Table?

If neither can be found, this thread is another FAIL from the wacko rabid right reactionary fascists claiming the sky is falling yet again. Why should any reasonable person believe a thing you write given the totality of your track record and knee-jerk reaction frothing and regurgitation of the shit you swallowed earlier?
You are rude AND stupid.

Learn to read. I specifically said Obama declared he is CONSIDERING, as in has not done so yet. You miss the entire point of the post and demand to know details about an Executive Order that has not been issued yet, doing so because you're too stupid to comprehend what you read, assuning you can do that. What is worse, you are rude in your ignorance. There is some hope for you, though. While you can't fix 'stupid', you can work on your manners and humility. Good luck with that.

Hey, IDIOT, you are the one that wrote the following detail that related to Obama's NON-EXISTENT Law or Executive Order or what the fuck ever in your 3 point counter:

"1st of all, FACT - No existing gun law could have prevented the attack on Oregon.

2ndly, FACT - NO gun law he can impose can prevent another attack such as the one in Oregon.

3rd, FACT - Criminals will NOT obey Obama's proposed new law."

You refer to a proposed 3-prong action and reply with your opinions on the three points! How can something that is NON-EXISTENT be fact, dipstick? It has to be either one or the other. Your first post claims it's fact after you mentioned a proposal, but since you can't produce shit, it's not fact! IDIOT! You have to have an IQ above 89 to fully appreciate the foregoing!

In the closing paragraphs under "OBAMA'S LAW", you go on about what will be REQUIRED in the NON-EXISTENT Law or Executive Order. Now just how do you know what is in a NON-EXISTENT Law or Executive Order before it has even been created? Where the fuck is your crystal ball you ignorant fuck?

Where is the basis for you to get all worked up and throwing stones IF NO ACTION HAS TAKEN PLACE TO WARRANT YOUR IRE???? The OP is nothing but a manufactured HIT PIECE making this thread a FAIL!!!!
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President Obama declared today he is considering by-passing Congress and issuing an Executive Order to create a new 3-pronged gun law.

1st of all, FACT - No existing gun law could have prevented the attack on Oregon.

2ndly, FACT - NO gun law he can impose can prevent another attack such as the one in Oregon.

3rd, FACT - Criminals will NOT obey Obama's proposed new law.

- It will require background check of those purchasing guns.....Oregon already required this, and it failed to stop the attack

- It will require a more in-depth background check...the Oregon shooter actually passed a back-ground check

- it will limit the number of guns Americans can have...without government consent / approval in the form of a 'permit'...as in 'We PERMIT you to own guns.'

This is NOT required because the CONSTITUTION already says I can own guns.
- This proves liberal 'gun control' is about nothing but CONTROL
- Also, if they feel they have the authority to 'permit' you to own guns, they will feel they have the authority to DENY your right to own more guns than THEY think you should own.

In order to get this permit Americans will have to be REGISTERED.
- The government will be creating a registry of gun owners. Anyone with a certain number of guns will have to step forward and be registered or be in violation of the law - a criminal. Anyone who wants to own a certain number of guns will have to be registered and receive a permit.

As already said, NONE of this will do anything to prevent another attack! What it does is give the federal government more power, UN-Constitutional power. (No 'permit' is required to have more guns than the government thinks I should own because I am guaranteed the right to bear arms, not the right to own a RESTRICTED number of guns!)

Lacking the ability to prevent gun violence in the future, it is obvious that this is about nothing more than POWER and CONTROL!

Guess what Sparky, SCOTUS gets to decide what is and what is not constitutional.

Guess what spunky, federal law forbids a federal gun registry so your dear leader can shove that idea up his scrawny ass.

Also the supreme court said that a criminal can not be prosecuted for failing to meet State registration requirements because they would be incriminating themselves, which goes against the 5th Amendment. So once again commies are proposing shit that would only apply to the law abiding.
The Constitution states Congress must ratify all treaties, but Obama hot around that by calling the Iran treaty a 'deal'. In the same way, he calls requiring everyone who wants to own multiple guns having to identify themselves and sign up 'getting a permit' instead of a registry...same information is obtained. If it's one thing he has proven it is he can and will get around the Constitution or will just ignore it.

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