Obama Got It Right: Tar Sands Pipeline Would Drive Up Prices

Don't forget the fact you are stealing peoples land to build this pipeline.
You are completely and thoroughly full of shit. The going rate these days in Texas is $400 to $500 per rod (16.5") of pipeline, last I heard. And that's more than likely what the pipeline company is going to give for the land if they get an easement via condemnation, too. The pipelines are typically buried at least 36" deep, so it's not any sort of impediment to grazing or raising crops. Hell, if you're savvy enough, you can even get the pipeline company to double ditch for you, and put back the topsoil on top of the pipeline. Once the grass grows back (which the pipeline company is responsible for reseeding) or the next crop is planted (and any damage to current crops will be remunerated to the landowner up front), the only way anyone would know the pipeline is there without consulting a map is by seeing the lollipops every so often telling you that it's there.

By the way, most of those jobs will go to Americans. How do I know? Because I do one of those jobs, so I know what the fuck I'm talking about. And let me tell you, it's going to take years and years and a shit-ton of people to put this thing in the ground. All we're waiting for is for the douchenozzles in DC to nut up and approve this thing. So please, since you don't know a transfer station from your own well-used anus, kindly sit the fuck down and shut your cockholster and let those of us who aren't completely ignorant on this subject get to fucking work on it.

There's a little truth for you. Sorry if it hurts.

No you are full of shit, I don't give a fuck what the going rate is or is not, if you put a pipeline through through someone's property for profit motive without their permisssion it is stealing their land.

and the I'm beautiful because I say I am aurgument doesn't work(i.e. "How do I know? Because I do one of those jobs,")

And you are the one that sounds angry and butthurt.

You have no clue about this subject. None at all. Thanks for confirming it.
The construction of the Keystone XL pipeline will raise oil prices for Midwestern Americans. In official analysis provided to the Canadian National Energy Board, TransCanada reveals that the Keystone XL pipeline will raise oil prices throughout the Midwest and increase annual revenue to the Canadian tar sands industry in 2013 to the tune of between US $2 – $3.9 billion.1American families should not be forced to pay higher prices at the pump only to the line the pockets of the oil industry.

About Keystone XL:

•The Keystone XL pipeline is a 2,000 mile pipeline that would transport crude oil derived from Canadian tar sands from Alberta to Texas.
•The pipeline will raise gas and diesel prices in the Midwest, where they are already among the highest in the country. It is estimated that the added cost of the pipeline would be roughly equal to 15 cents per gallon, driving up the cost of living for families at a time when Americans can least afford it.
•The total drain on America’s economy and pocket books could total as much as $3.9 billion annually in 2013, according to what TransCanada told Canada’s National Energy Board.
•Any jobs created will be offset by the higher price of gas and the layoffs that result from the higher cost of doing business. Further, they will be temporary and may not go to local residents, or even Americans.
•TransCanada will generate billions of dollars in profits at the expense of American consumers, and that money will go back to Canada, deepening the U.S. deficit.
•The pipeline will facilitate Canadian crude oil exports to China, not the United States. The market for Canadian crude oil in the Gulf is small. Americans wouldn’t benefit from the crude oil piped in through the Keystone XL.

Mid West Gas Prices - Dirty Oil Sands | A Threat to the New Energy Economy

I guarantee you every statement in this article is wrong & I can prove it.

- The Keystone XL pipeline will be 1,700 miles not 2,000 miles long.
- The gas & Diesel prices in the Midwest are the lowest in the country, not the highest.
- It will stimulate America's economy not drain it.
- More jobs & lower fuel prices will increase jobs in America.
- It will decrease deficit not increase it.
- More oil will go to American refineries instead of going straight from Canada on a ship to China if there is no pipeline.

Besides Obama has stated that he wants gas prices to rise. He would have signed off on this pipeline if that were the case.
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[/The construction of the Keystone XL pipeline will raise oil prices for Midwestern Americans. In official analysis provided to the Canadian National Energy Board, TransCanada reveals that the Keystone XL pipeline will raise oil prices throughout the Midwest and increase annual revenue to the Canadian tar sands industry in 2013 to the tune of between US $2 – $3.9 billion.1American families should not be forced to pay higher prices at the pump only to the line the pockets of the oil industry.

About Keystone XL:

•The Keystone XL pipeline is a 2,000 mile pipeline that would transport crude oil derived from Canadian tar sands from Alberta to Texas.
•The pipeline will raise gas and diesel prices in the Midwest, where they are already among the highest in the country. It is estimated that the added cost of the pipeline would be roughly equal to 15 cents per gallon, driving up the cost of living for families at a time when Americans can least afford it.
•The total drain on America’s economy and pocket books could total as much as $3.9 billion annually in 2013, according to what TransCanada told Canada’s National Energy Board.
•Any jobs created will be offset by the higher price of gas and the layoffs that result from the higher cost of doing business. Further, they will be temporary and may not go to local residents, or even Americans.
•TransCanada will generate billions of dollars in profits at the expense of American consumers, and that money will go back to Canada, deepening the U.S. deficit.
•The pipeline will facilitate Canadian crude oil exports to China, not the United States. The market for Canadian crude oil in the Gulf is small. Americans wouldn’t benefit from the crude oil piped in through the Keystone XL.


Mid West Gas Prices - Dirty Oil Sands | A Threat to the New Energy Economy

If you actually believe this, then you really are not the truth seeker that you imply. If it drove up prices Obama would have signed up on it immediately. Somehow it just does not make any sense that a pipeline coming from Canada into America delivering oil would rise prices anymore than us having to pay to import it from across the world. If that makes sense to you, then None of us out here in reality can help you any.
Obama used this simply as an excuse that his followers would buy hook line and sinker and use for talking points.
The construction of the Keystone XL pipeline will raise oil prices for Midwestern Americans

They give not a shred of evidence or even a rational argument. They just state it as fact. It's a logical fallacy called "begging the question."

To the left, the facts are what they say they are, regardless of what they really are. And some of these people are so fucking ignorant to believe them....which is why we have Obama in the white house right now.
The real reason Obama is opposed to it is because of his huge donations from the environmentalist group. But it's a double edge sword for him right now because the unions want those pipeline jobs just as badly as the green movement does not want the pipeline. This is the pickle you get yourself into when you have an ass load of special interest groups that you swore before becoming president that you would get rid of. He deserves every bit of it too. What a piece of crap.
[/The construction of the Keystone XL pipeline will raise oil prices for Midwestern Americans. In official analysis provided to the Canadian National Energy Board, TransCanada reveals that the Keystone XL pipeline will raise oil prices throughout the Midwest and increase annual revenue to the Canadian tar sands industry in 2013 to the tune of between US $2 – $3.9 billion.1American families should not be forced to pay higher prices at the pump only to the line the pockets of the oil industry.

About Keystone XL:

•The Keystone XL pipeline is a 2,000 mile pipeline that would transport crude oil derived from Canadian tar sands from Alberta to Texas.
•The pipeline will raise gas and diesel prices in the Midwest, where they are already among the highest in the country. It is estimated that the added cost of the pipeline would be roughly equal to 15 cents per gallon, driving up the cost of living for families at a time when Americans can least afford it.
•The total drain on America’s economy and pocket books could total as much as $3.9 billion annually in 2013, according to what TransCanada told Canada’s National Energy Board.
•Any jobs created will be offset by the higher price of gas and the layoffs that result from the higher cost of doing business. Further, they will be temporary and may not go to local residents, or even Americans.
•TransCanada will generate billions of dollars in profits at the expense of American consumers, and that money will go back to Canada, deepening the U.S. deficit.
•The pipeline will facilitate Canadian crude oil exports to China, not the United States. The market for Canadian crude oil in the Gulf is small. Americans wouldn’t benefit from the crude oil piped in through the Keystone XL.


Mid West Gas Prices - Dirty Oil Sands | A Threat to the New Energy Economy

Bullshit. Nothing will drive up the cost of Oil faster than Shortages. This Administration could not act more irresponsibly if it tried. It obstructs Exploration and Development, driving up the costs, it profits from the increased taxation directly related to the increase in cost of unit, at every stage of development and distribution, it manipulates truth and fact to serve it's own purpose, and you buy into the crap hook, line, and sinker. Don't expect the rest of us to. Idiots.

Obama proposal would open Arctic and Gulf of Mexico to oil drilling

Obama proposal would open Arctic and Gulf of Mexico to oil drilling - latimes.com

And please name the tax, direct or indirect, that the Preisident has increased on oil related industries.
It won't happen. He does this. Haven't you noticed? This is going to end up just like fast tracking the permits to drill in the Gulf. There were just no permits issued. He will open the Arctic to new drilling. The permit process will be extended to take several more years than the years it does now. No permits will be issued. He both opened the Arctic and Gulf to drilling and satified the environmental groups by not issuing permits to actually drill. Everyone is supposed to go home happy.
It won't happen. He does this. Haven't you noticed? This is going to end up just like fast tracking the permits to drill in the Gulf. There were just no permits issued. He will open the Arctic to new drilling. The permit process will be extended to take several more years than the years it does now. No permits will be issued. He both opened the Arctic and Gulf to drilling and satified the environmental groups by not issuing permits to actually drill. Everyone is supposed to go home happy.

Contrary to known reality!

Status of Gulf of Mexico Well Permits | BSEE

Ongoing permitting: facts and figures (Please note that these numbers are updated daily)

Shallow water: To date, 97 new shallow water well permits have been issued since the implementation of new safety and environmental standards on June 8, 2010. Just 15 of these permits are currently pending; with 8 having been returned to the operator for more information.

Deepwater drilling applications fall into two categories for the implementation of our new regulations. To clarify these differences, we have included the narrative below. The deepwater moratorium was lifted on October 12, 2010, and is the reference for inclusion of new rules in applications:

Deepwater permits requiring subsea containment: Since an applicant first successfully demonstrated containment capabilities in mid-February, we have approved 227 of these permits for 61 unique wells, with 38 permits pending, and 16 permits returned to the operator with requests for additional information, particularly information regarding containment.
Deepwater activities not requiring subsea containment: Since the implementation of new safety and environmental standards, 57 of these permits have been approved, with 2 permits pending, and 1 permit returned to the operator with requests for additional information. These activities include water injection wells and procedures using surface blowout preventers.
[/The construction of the Keystone XL pipeline will raise oil prices for Midwestern Americans. In official analysis provided to the Canadian National Energy Board, TransCanada reveals that the Keystone XL pipeline will raise oil prices throughout the Midwest and increase annual revenue to the Canadian tar sands industry in 2013 to the tune of between US $2 – $3.9 billion.1American families should not be forced to pay higher prices at the pump only to the line the pockets of the oil industry.

About Keystone XL:

•The Keystone XL pipeline is a 2,000 mile pipeline that would transport crude oil derived from Canadian tar sands from Alberta to Texas.
•The pipeline will raise gas and diesel prices in the Midwest, where they are already among the highest in the country. It is estimated that the added cost of the pipeline would be roughly equal to 15 cents per gallon, driving up the cost of living for families at a time when Americans can least afford it.
•The total drain on America’s economy and pocket books could total as much as $3.9 billion annually in 2013, according to what TransCanada told Canada’s National Energy Board.
•Any jobs created will be offset by the higher price of gas and the layoffs that result from the higher cost of doing business. Further, they will be temporary and may not go to local residents, or even Americans.
•TransCanada will generate billions of dollars in profits at the expense of American consumers, and that money will go back to Canada, deepening the U.S. deficit.
•The pipeline will facilitate Canadian crude oil exports to China, not the United States. The market for Canadian crude oil in the Gulf is small. Americans wouldn’t benefit from the crude oil piped in through the Keystone XL.


Mid West Gas Prices - Dirty Oil Sands | A Threat to the New Energy Economy

Bullshit. Nothing will drive up the cost of Oil faster than Shortages. This Administration could not act more irresponsibly if it tried. It obstructs Exploration and Development, driving up the costs, it profits from the increased taxation directly related to the increase in cost of unit, at every stage of development and distribution, it manipulates truth and fact to serve it's own purpose, and you buy into the crap hook, line, and sinker. Don't expect the rest of us to. Idiots.
You forgot to mention.....

You are completely and thoroughly full of shit. The going rate these days in Texas is $400 to $500 per rod (16.5") of pipeline, last I heard. And that's more than likely what the pipeline company is going to give for the land if they get an easement via condemnation, too. The pipelines are typically buried at least 36" deep, so it's not any sort of impediment to grazing or raising crops. Hell, if you're savvy enough, you can even get the pipeline company to double ditch for you, and put back the topsoil on top of the pipeline. Once the grass grows back (which the pipeline company is responsible for reseeding) or the next crop is planted (and any damage to current crops will be remunerated to the landowner up front), the only way anyone would know the pipeline is there without consulting a map is by seeing the lollipops every so often telling you that it's there.

By the way, most of those jobs will go to Americans. How do I know? Because I do one of those jobs, so I know what the fuck I'm talking about. And let me tell you, it's going to take years and years and a shit-ton of people to put this thing in the ground. All we're waiting for is for the douchenozzles in DC to nut up and approve this thing. So please, since you don't know a transfer station from your own well-used anus, kindly sit the fuck down and shut your cockholster and let those of us who aren't completely ignorant on this subject get to fucking work on it.

There's a little truth for you. Sorry if it hurts.

No you are full of shit, I don't give a fuck what the going rate is or is not, if you put a pipeline through through someone's property for profit motive without their permisssion it is stealing their land.

and the I'm beautiful because I say I am aurgument doesn't work(i.e. "How do I know? Because I do one of those jobs,")

And you are the one that sounds angry and butthurt.

You have no clue about this subject. None at all. Thanks for confirming it.

I gave you the link if want to ignore it that's all I can do.
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[/The construction of the Keystone XL pipeline will raise oil prices for Midwestern Americans. In official analysis provided to the Canadian National Energy Board, TransCanada reveals that the Keystone XL pipeline will raise oil prices throughout the Midwest and increase annual revenue to the Canadian tar sands industry in 2013 to the tune of between US $2 – $3.9 billion.1American families should not be forced to pay higher prices at the pump only to the line the pockets of the oil industry.

About Keystone XL:

•The Keystone XL pipeline is a 2,000 mile pipeline that would transport crude oil derived from Canadian tar sands from Alberta to Texas.
•The pipeline will raise gas and diesel prices in the Midwest, where they are already among the highest in the country. It is estimated that the added cost of the pipeline would be roughly equal to 15 cents per gallon, driving up the cost of living for families at a time when Americans can least afford it.
•The total drain on America’s economy and pocket books could total as much as $3.9 billion annually in 2013, according to what TransCanada told Canada’s National Energy Board.
•Any jobs created will be offset by the higher price of gas and the layoffs that result from the higher cost of doing business. Further, they will be temporary and may not go to local residents, or even Americans.
•TransCanada will generate billions of dollars in profits at the expense of American consumers, and that money will go back to Canada, deepening the U.S. deficit.
•The pipeline will facilitate Canadian crude oil exports to China, not the United States. The market for Canadian crude oil in the Gulf is small. Americans wouldn’t benefit from the crude oil piped in through the Keystone XL.


Mid West Gas Prices - Dirty Oil Sands | A Threat to the New Energy Economy

It is a bigger problem than you have put forth in this post to the price of gasoline here in the US already. The price at the pump is held artificially high right now because the oil companies are using refineries here in the U S to produce gasoline from domestic crude supply for export making the gasoline supply for U S consumers less available. The pipeline would tax the existing capacity of our refineries even further than it is now and drive the cost of a gallon to over $5 all over the country.

Anyone that supports this pipeline is insane and a traitor to the United States of America.
Please explain how having a greater supply of something will drive the price up absent and insane amount of greater demand.
You are completely and thoroughly full of shit. The going rate these days in Texas is $400 to $500 per rod (16.5") of pipeline, last I heard. And that's more than likely what the pipeline company is going to give for the land if they get an easement via condemnation, too. The pipelines are typically buried at least 36" deep, so it's not any sort of impediment to grazing or raising crops. Hell, if you're savvy enough, you can even get the pipeline company to double ditch for you, and put back the topsoil on top of the pipeline. Once the grass grows back (which the pipeline company is responsible for reseeding) or the next crop is planted (and any damage to current crops will be remunerated to the landowner up front), the only way anyone would know the pipeline is there without consulting a map is by seeing the lollipops every so often telling you that it's there.

By the way, most of those jobs will go to Americans. How do I know? Because I do one of those jobs, so I know what the fuck I'm talking about. And let me tell you, it's going to take years and years and a shit-ton of people to put this thing in the ground. All we're waiting for is for the douchenozzles in DC to nut up and approve this thing. So please, since you don't know a transfer station from your own well-used anus, kindly sit the fuck down and shut your cockholster and let those of us who aren't completely ignorant on this subject get to fucking work on it.

There's a little truth for you. Sorry if it hurts.

No you are full of shit, I don't give a fuck what the going rate is or is not, if you put a pipeline through through someone's property for profit motive without their permisssion it is stealing their land.

and the I'm beautiful because I say I am aurgument doesn't work(i.e. "How do I know? Because I do one of those jobs,")

And you are the one that sounds angry and butthurt.

It's safe to say that between Crackerjack and myself, we've got probably a combined 50 years experience in varying facets of ths industry.

What are your credentials, titwad?

credentials for what? knowing that forcing a pipeline across peoples property so oil companies can squeeze profits is stealing their land?
No you are full of shit, I don't give a fuck what the going rate is or is not, if you put a pipeline through through someone's property for profit motive without their permisssion it is stealing their land.

and the I'm beautiful because I say I am aurgument doesn't work(i.e. "How do I know? Because I do one of those jobs,")

And you are the one that sounds angry and butthurt.

You have no clue about this subject. None at all. Thanks for confirming it.

I gave you the link if want to ignore it that's all I can do.
A link from "dirtyoilsands.org."

You're right, I did ignore it. Google harder next time.
No you are full of shit, I don't give a fuck what the going rate is or is not, if you put a pipeline through through someone's property for profit motive without their permisssion it is stealing their land.

and the I'm beautiful because I say I am aurgument doesn't work(i.e. "How do I know? Because I do one of those jobs,")

And you are the one that sounds angry and butthurt.

It's safe to say that between Crackerjack and myself, we've got probably a combined 50 years experience in varying facets of ths industry.

What are your credentials, titwad?

credentials for what? knowing that forcing a pipeline across peoples property so oil companies can squeeze profits is stealing their land?

Is there, like, one synapse in your brain that fires 24/7 or something?

That is one bad ass synapse...with stamina.

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