Obama Goin Nowhere If Jobs Bill Has Stupid Ideas!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
On this Jobs/Recession Prevention bill if President Obama is really serious about passing something meaningful his proposal needs to not significantly increase budget deficits and it needs to not have stupid ideas in it! There is widespread feeling amongst the American people that these yearly deficits being racked up are soon going to bring an interest expense for the national debt America can't afford, it's wrong to stick future generations of Americans with these bills and it's really dangerous for America's finances and its ability to borrow money at affordable rate this deficit spending! As far as stupid ideas, one such that both Democrat and Republican commentators continually raise is that the bill should create a thirty to forty billion dollar program that gives employers a tax credit for each new person they hire. This is a stupid idea because the vast majority of tax credits employers will receive through this program willl be for people that they would have hired anyway without this program.

The country would be better off taking the thirty to forty billion dollars (ten to twenty billion if it's all that can be afforded) and give it out as grants and refundable tax credits to businesses that will start new manufacturing businesses in the United States. Have businesses submit applications by 12/31/11 for such grants which would be for up to a third of the cost to build the businesses. It could be for manufacturing plants "relocated" back to the U.S from abroad., other than the relocates the grant could "not" be for a manufacturing business that would manufacture something already manufactured in the U.S. it would have to be for a manufacturing plant for a new product; otherwise, that is not fair to current U.S. manufacturers. Further the business owner would have to agree to keep the manufacturing plant in the U.S. for at least five years. To take politics out of the approval procedure the legislation could divy the grant money up by state in a fair manner and the federal government could solicit college and university business proffessors to staff panels to anonymously evaluate applications and recommed applications which should be approved. Part of the evaluation criteria could necessitatie that the program is looking for projects that to a large degree would fall into the category of projects that would not go forward without this grant money!

The other idea commentators have tossed around which holds promise relates to the fact that America has a high number of tradesman carpenters, plumbers, electricians etc. that are out of work because the new home construction market is in the cellar because of America's foreclosure problem. The idea is to build/refurbish five hundred to a thousand schools across the nation over the next fifteen months; the same apolitical application process for projects outlined above would be used. This is a good idea but the building category should be opened up to not only schools but prisons, state/local government buildings, libraries and the like (any public or non-profit building where there lies a compelling case for expenditures of public monies); the problem with limiting it to schools is that America will see submissions for schools where the present school is a failure and the idea will be build a new school and that will result in an effective school being created but what America will see is the new school building doesn't change anything the school's still a failure it was a waste of money the problem of creating effective schools involves a lot more than the physical building and computer terminals - wisdom will one day make crystal clear to the vast majority of American people that no program will fix some public schools the solution is give parents choice and the marketplace will provide parents that care about getting their child educated the school that will do exactly that and that's the best America or any society can do! Again, the evaluation criteria could necessitatie that the program is looking for projects that to a large degree would fall into the category of projects that would not go forward without this program!

It has been reported in the media that the Obama Whitehouse is going to open up more leases in the western part of the Gulf of Mexico and the Northern Slope in Alaska to gas and oil development (Hallaluyah!), all monies that these leases will bring in over the next ten years should be used to offset the cost of this jobs bill. Further, there really looks like there is an important area involving oil leases in the Gulf of Mexico that the Obama Whitehouse should be compromising on, namely, Exxon right around the time of one of their leases expiring in the Gulf of Mexico discovered a huge amount of oil (a Mother load) on the lease and Exxon wants to renew the lease but the Whitehouse is apparently technically legally correct they don't have to extend the lease they can re-bid it - its not in the American people's best interest to squeeze every last penny out of this lease especially when it will result in years of litigation the Obama should try to strike a compromise deal that will be a great deal for all parties like on the oil that comes out of this lease after Exon and its partners recover their costs the U.S. government gets a third of all profits from all the oil and gas coming from the lease - if a deal is struck monies from this lease over the first ten years should be used to offset the costs of this jobs bill!

In this jobs bill, President Obama should stop a travesty of justice that is costing hundreds of jobs specifically the Boeing incident. The important details being that Boeing has this new plane the 787 with a good marketing future that it wants to build in a new plant it constructed down south not in its main manufacturing facility located up North. At the iniiation of Boeing workers unions, the National Labor Relations Board won't let Boeing proceed with the manufacturing of the 787 at the southern plant costing at least hundreds of jobs. This whole matter is a travesty of justice to Boeing on at least one compelling ground that being how the hell can the union and the NLRB let Boeing spend hundreds of million of dollars building a southern manufacturing plant and not run to court and get an injunction to stop Boeing from building such a plant untill the issues involving the legal rights of the union could be resolved it wasn't like this Boeing project was the "the Manhattan Project -the secret project to build the atomic bomb" that nobody new about; America can all see that a lot of workers/tradesman made a lot of money building that southern plant which I'm sure made the union pleased. There is a legal principle known as Estoppel which refers to that when a party fails to act when they should have and had plenty of time to do so and their untimely and late attempt to enforce their rights will cause significant harm to an opposing party they are legally stopped from doing so based on equity and fairness. Boeing's union and the NLRB are way late on their blockage attempt here against Boeing, Congress and the President should put language in this bill pulling the NLRB's authority on this matter and voiding any and all laws relating to collective bargaining rights that would obstruct Boeing from operating that southern plant for manufacture of the 787!
On this Jobs/Recession Prevention bill if President Obama is really serious about passing something meaningful his proposal needs to not significantly increase budget deficits and it needs to not have stupid ideas in it! There is widespread feeling amongst the American people that these yearly deficits being racked up are soon going to bring an interest expense for the national debt America can't afford, it's wrong to stick future generations of Americans with these bills and it's really dangerous for America's finances and its ability to borrow money at affordable rate this deficit spending! As far as stupid ideas, one such that both Democrat and Republican commentators continually raise is that the bill should create a thirty to forty billion dollar program that gives employers a tax credit for each new person they hire. This is a stupid idea because the vast majority of tax credits employers will receive through this program willl be for people that they would have hired anyway without this program.

The country would be better off taking the thirty to forty billion dollars (ten to twenty billion if it's all that can be afforded) and give it out as grants and refundable tax credits to businesses that will start new manufacturing businesses in the United States. Have businesses submit applications by 12/31/11 for such grants which would be for up to a third of the cost to build the businesses. It could be for manufacturing plants "relocated" back to the U.S from abroad., other than the relocates the grant could "not" be for a manufacturing business that would manufacture something already manufactured in the U.S. it would have to be for a manufacturing plant for a new product; otherwise, that is not fair to current U.S. manufacturers. Further the business owner would have to agree to keep the manufacturing plant in the U.S. for at least five years. To take politics out of the approval procedure the legislation could divy the grant money up by state in a fair manner and the federal government could solicit college and university business proffessors to staff panels to anonymously evaluate applications and recommed applications which should be approved. Part of the evaluation criteria could necessitatie that the program is looking for projects that to a large degree would fall into the category of projects that would not go forward without this grant money!

The other idea commentators have tossed around which holds promise relates to the fact that America has a high number of tradesman carpenters, plumbers, electricians etc. that are out of work because the new home construction market is in the cellar because of America's foreclosure problem. The idea is to build/refurbish five hundred to a thousand schools across the nation over the next fifteen months; the same apolitical application process for projects outlined above would be used. This is a good idea but the building category should be opened up to not only schools but prisons, state/local government buildings, libraries and the like (any public or non-profit building where there lies a compelling case for expenditures of public monies); the problem with limiting it to schools is that America will see submissions for schools where the present school is a failure and the idea will be build a new school and that will result in an effective school being created but what America will see is the new school building doesn't change anything the school's still a failure it was a waste of money the problem of creating effective schools involves a lot more than the physical building and computer terminals - wisdom will one day make crystal clear to the vast majority of American people that no program will fix some public schools the solution is give parents choice and the marketplace will provide parents that care about getting their child educated the school that will do exactly that and that's the best America or any society can do! Again, the evaluation criteria could necessitatie that the program is looking for projects that to a large degree would fall into the category of projects that would not go forward without this program!

It has been reported in the media that the Obama Whitehouse is going to open up more leases in the western part of the Gulf of Mexico and the Northern Slope in Alaska to gas and oil development (Hallaluyah!), all monies that these leases will bring in over the next ten years should be used to offset the cost of this jobs bill. Further, there really looks like there is an important area involving oil leases in the Gulf of Mexico that the Obama Whitehouse should be compromising on, namely, Exxon right around the time of one of their leases expiring in the Gulf of Mexico discovered a huge amount of oil (a Mother load) on the lease and Exxon wants to renew the lease but the Whitehouse is apparently technically legally correct they don't have to extend the lease they can re-bid it - its not in the American people's best interest to squeeze every last penny out of this lease especially when it will result in years of litigation the Obama should try to strike a compromise deal that will be a great deal for all parties like on the oil that comes out of this lease after Exon and its partners recover their costs the U.S. government gets a third of all profits from all the oil and gas coming from the lease - if a deal is struck monies from this lease over the first ten years should be used to offset the costs of this jobs bill!

In this jobs bill, President Obama should stop a travesty of justice that is costing hundreds of jobs specifically the Boeing incident. The important details being that Boeing has this new plane the 787 with a good marketing future that it wants to build in a new plant it constructed down south not in its main manufacturing facility located up North. At the iniiation of Boeing workers unions, the National Labor Relations Board won't let Boeing proceed with the manufacturing of the 787 at the southern plant costing at least hundreds of jobs. This whole matter is a travesty of justice to Boeing on at least one compelling ground that being how the hell can the union and the NLRB let Boeing spend hundreds of million of dollars building a southern manufacturing plant and not run to court and get an injunction to stop Boeing from building such a plant untill the issues involving the legal rights of the union could be resolved it wasn't like this Boeing project was the "the Manhattan Project -the secret project to build the atomic bomb" that nobody new about; America can all see that a lot of workers/tradesman made a lot of money building that southern plant which I'm sure made the union pleased. There is a legal principle known as Estoppel which refers to that when a party fails to act when they should have and had plenty of time to do so and their untimely and late attempt to enforce their rights will cause significant harm to an opposing party they are legally stopped from doing so based on equity and fairness. Boeing's union and the NLRB are way late on their blockage attempt here against Boeing, Congress and the President should put language in this bill pulling the NLRB's authority on this matter and voiding any and all laws relating to collective bargaining rights that would obstruct Boeing from operating that southern plant for manufacture of the 787!

You clearly put alot of time and thought into your post. Its put together well and seems like you have a lot of possibly good ideas. Alas I think this will probably fall on deaf ears here as controversy seems to be the attention getter. Also I doubt we will hear anything this indepth from Obama. He has become mind numbingly predictible. I could be wrong but I doubt it. Nice post.

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