Obama Gets Into it with Arizona Governor

Links in the thread.

She caused the deaths of two people. Those operations were approved. Heck, one of the people's relative donated his liver before he died so the guy could live.

She pulled the funding.

Simple as that.

Heartless bitch.

Unfortunately medical care is a business in this country, it is a privilege not a right. I am not saying I agree with it but thats what it is, you have to present medical insurance before any hospital will even take a look at you.

And that's the exact way third world nations do it.

We rank 47th in health care..globally.

And the only modern industrialized nation that looks at saving lives as a "business".

Based on what? Where do you get that crap? We have the shortest wait times for procedures and doctors visits we have the #1 life expectancy in the world one you take out traffic accidents and gun deaths. You’re full it talking points boy

Its good to see the shitbag liberal get bitchslapped once in a while. He is so shielded by yes-men he isn't used to someone telling him off.
I'm not going to call you cruel, ernie. but if you have been able to pay your medical bills, thank goodness, it means you haven't had a catastrophic illness that bankrupted you.

you are aware that over 50% of bankruptcies are due to unanticipated medical expenses, right? certainly that isn't good for us as a society.

I am aware of that. That's why I have money in the bank to pay for my obligations. 4 years ago, I almost lost my left hand due to a antibiotic resistant staph infection. I was hospitalized for 9 days and had wound care and therapy daily at first and then 3 days a week for 6 months. Total cost was north of $45,000. The bills are all paid. Not, I don't make big bucks. I've just been responsible.

fair enough. but $45,000 is still within the realm of reasonable. now assume, heaven forbid, that someone gets cancer and the treatment costs a million dollars.

now they have to make the choice between a roof over their head and medical care...assuming they can work while they're being treated, maybe some of it will be covered by insurance....

until the insurance company refuses to authorize payment for treatment til after the person is dead or its too late to treat.

it's very easy for people to be arrogant, while at the same time telling people they shoudl be happy to work for minimum wage in "right to work" states because unions are public enemy number 1...

while insurance companies have the second highest profits of any industry... after oil..

Have you ever heard of catastrophic care insurance I've had it for many years you have a high deductible but if something happens thats all you are liable for maybe $5000 to $10,000, the rest will be paid by your insurance say…..Up to 5 million. Obama care will just screw things up, it's a bunch payoffs and crony deals almost 3000 pages. I love these people who support something that that have no idea what’s in it. Same has the libs that passed it, without even reading it...Liberalism.. Emotion based ideology nothing else
Caption for photograph of Brewer waving her finger:
President Obama says, "yo bitch, get that nasty snatch poka' outa my face ya ho!"



Damn, that is one ugly woman. She makes Janet Reno and Helen Thomas look kinda hot.

I'm sorry, but I find that if we are going to wag our fingers at the Republican posters for being stuck on image, it's hypocritical to do the same ourselves.

You could take any person, young or old, and find unflattering pictures of them.

Politely asking that you knock it off.

He's done a pretty good job, but he is too soft on Republicans.


You're a partisan hack. Obama is a disaster - the fool makes Bush look competent, I mean fucking GW Bush!

All you do is post insults and crap.

George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 8 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 22 months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.
Why are conservatives so obsessed with gay male sex?

Some latent tendencies perhaps?

I told you before; I don't care that Obama is queer as a $3 bill. I DO care that he is the worst president this nation has ever seen.

Obama defines "complete fuckup."


He's done a pretty good job, but he is too soft on Republicans.

He's an ineffective leader, to be a constitutional lawyer instructor he doesn't seem to understand the constitutional process. The economy is still down jobs are not keeping up with the population. He's dishonest. what more, he's the same thing you hated in bush

I wonder if he will go and tour the border, i think it would be a positive thing for his image/reelection so he probably will.

He won't tour the border, he doesn't want to see what goes on down there, and he doesn't care. He won't even enforce the laws we already have... he's a joke

How odd for you to say that....do you even know whether illegal immigration has gone up or gone down...whether border enforcement has gone up or gone down during this Administration?
I didn't know she was paying for other people's medical care, I thought that was our own personal responsibility as individuals? I'm confused :confused:

Real live death panel.

Medicaid Cuts Killing Ariz. Transplant Patients - CBS News

Palin should be proud. Same with Bachmann.

Why, this is what is in obamacare...the govt decides what medical services are necessary and most important. Obamacare cut 500billion from medicare, states have to now make cuts.

If you support obamacare you should support this
Obama cut $half a trillion from Medicare Advantage, which went to private health care companies. Good for him.
I wonder if he will go and tour the border, i think it would be a positive thing for his image/reelection so he probably will.

He won't tour the border, he doesn't want to see what goes on down there, and he doesn't care. He won't even enforce the laws we already have... he's a joke

How odd for you to say that....do you even know whether illegal immigration has gone up or gone down...whether border enforcement has gone up or gone down during this Administration?

This picture says a thousand words. It says he is damn sure capable of punishing American because he is too thin skinned. that' why he nixed that pipeline to punish Republicans for "rushing him." He punishes Arizona too by suing them..

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer came to greet President Barack Obama upon his arrival outside Phoenix Wednesday. What she got was a critique. Of her book.

The two leaders could be seen engaged in an intense conversation at the base of Air Force One's steps. Both could be seen smiling, but speaking at the same time.

Asked moments later what the conversation was about, Brewer, a Republican, said: "He was a little disturbed about my book."

Brewer recently published a book, "Scorpions for Breakfast," something of a memoir of her years growing up and defends her signing of Arizona's controversial law cracking down on illegal immigrants, which Obama opposes.

Obama was objecting to Brewer's description of a meeting he and Brewer had at the White House, where she described Obama as lecturing her. In an interview in November Brewer described two tense meetings. The first took place before his commencement address at Arizona State University. "He did blow me off at ASU," she said in the television interview in November.

She also described meeting the president at the White House in 2010 to talk about immigration. "I felt a little bit like I was being lectured to, and I was a little kid in a classroom, if you will, and he was this wise professor and I was this little kid, and this little kid knows what the problem is and I felt minimized to say the least."

On the tarmac Wednesday, Brewer handed Obama an envelope with a handwritten invitation to return to Arizona to meet her for lunch and to join her for a visit to the border.

"I said to him, you know, I have always respected the office of the president and that the book is what the book is," she told reporters Wednesday. She said Obama complained that she described him as not treating her cordially
Arizona Gov. Brewer gets book critique from Obama - Yahoo! News
She looks like a witch in that photo.

Look at her chin.

She does look like a witch.

This picture gets Obama a million Hispanic votes.




Damn, that is one ugly woman. She makes Janet Reno and Helen Thomas look kinda hot.
The three of you are ugly people...and I do not know what you look like. Looks don't mean shit!

I do not doubt that the boy king talked down to her on both occasions. He is a pompous asshole, you know. He just got miffed that she told the world of his condescending attitude of superiority.

Fuck Obama!
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