Obama declares war on doctors

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Can you imagine a business being run where the prices are being fixed as what the customers want to pay, and not what it cost them to provide the service, or manufacture the product.

I wonder how many doctors there are going to be if they keep this up.

The second reason this is a landmark case is that the Justice Department has unambiguously stated that refusal to accept government price controls is a form of illegal “price fixing.”

What’s more, the Antitrust Division has linked a refusal to accept government price controls with a refusal to accept a “private” insurance company’s contract offer. This lives little doubt that antitrust regulators consider insurance party contracts the equivalent of government price controls — and physicians and patients have no choice but to accept them.

Justice Department declares war on doctors - CSMonitor.com

This means the government believes it has the right to force doctors to accept Medicare/Medicaid and/ or insurance pricing, and that it will work to send anyone who tries to opt out of accepting it to prison. This is another example of a badly written law being applied to a situation it should not cover in the first place.
I know, but it still surprises me at times.

As it does me. Doctors...and what they are having to endure is a microcosm of what the rest of us are enduring. It cuts across ALL lines of the private sector as the Government Sector (PUBLIC)...gets larger...and the Public employee make MORE than the Private one.

It's BY DESIGN...and for nefarious reasons.
You're right. Obama hates doctors, hates you and wants us all to die. What's more likely....that or you're a lunatic who will find something wrong with EVERYTHING that Obama does.

Oh and nice selective editing on your Thread title. I noticed that article said The Justice Department declares war, yet magically it became "Obama declares war in your thread title...". Slick.
You're right. Obama hates doctors, hates you and wants us all to die. What's more likely....that or you're a lunatic who will find something wrong with EVERYTHING that Obama does.

Oh and nice selective editing on your Thread title. I noticed that article said The Justice Department declares war, yet magically it became "Obama declares war in your thread title...". Slick.

Who gives orders to the DoJ?
Most Doctors are overpaid for the services they provided. Traeting a haed cold, or a sore throat certianly isnt worth 125.00 - anyone who thinks it is is absolutely nuts or a life long member of the GOP.

The Doctors should be overjoyed in that an additional 40 million Americans will be forced to have insurance and under the current US structure the Doctors will be able to milk the system even more than they now do.
Most Doctors are overpaid for the services they provided. Traeting a haed cold, or a sore throat certianly isnt worth 125.00 - anyone who thinks it is is absolutely nuts or a life long member of the GOP.

The Doctors should be overjoyed in that an additional 40 million Americans will be forced to have insurance and under the current US structure the Doctors will be able to milk the system even more than they now do.

Why are they overpaid?

Would you suddenly be overjoyed if you suddenly got 40 million more customers forced down your throat, then told that you would have to do all the extra work involved in serving those customers at the same pay you are getting now, even though you will be working more hours? Wouldn't that make you think you were being exploited, and demand that the government force your boss to give you a paid vacation.

Don't bother to answer, I know what it is.
Most Doctors are overpaid for the services they provided. Traeting a haed cold, or a sore throat certianly isnt worth 125.00 - anyone who thinks it is is absolutely nuts or a life long member of the GOP.

The Doctors should be overjoyed in that an additional 40 million Americans will be forced to have insurance and under the current US structure the Doctors will be able to milk the system even more than they now do.

And i thought i was bad at spelling ha! but really in the way things are now not to many people are going to go to the doc. for a head cold.most people are saving there money for some thing more serous.
Can you imagine a business being run where the prices are being fixed as what the customers want to pay, and not what it cost them to provide the service, or manufacture the product.

I wonder how many doctors there are going to be if they keep this up.

The second reason this is a landmark case is that the Justice Department has unambiguously stated that refusal to accept government price controls is a form of illegal “price fixing.”

What’s more, the Antitrust Division has linked a refusal to accept government price controls with a refusal to accept a “private” insurance company’s contract offer. This lives little doubt that antitrust regulators consider insurance party contracts the equivalent of government price controls — and physicians and patients have no choice but to accept them.

Justice Department declares war on doctors - CSMonitor.com

This means the government believes it has the right to force doctors to accept Medicare/Medicaid and/ or insurance pricing, and that it will work to send anyone who tries to opt out of accepting it to prison. This is another example of a badly written law being applied to a situation it should not cover in the first place.

Ever heard of the railroads?
You're right. Obama hates doctors, hates you and wants us all to die. What's more likely....that or you're a lunatic who will find something wrong with EVERYTHING that Obama does.

Oh and nice selective editing on your Thread title. I noticed that article said The Justice Department declares war, yet magically it became "Obama declares war in your thread title...". Slick.

Who gives orders to the DoJ?

Eric Holder.

The DOJ is an independent federal agency.
You're right. Obama hates doctors, hates you and wants us all to die. What's more likely....that or you're a lunatic who will find something wrong with EVERYTHING that Obama does.

Oh and nice selective editing on your Thread title. I noticed that article said The Justice Department declares war, yet magically it became "Obama declares war in your thread title...". Slick.

Who gives orders to the DoJ?

Eric Holder.

The DOJ is an independent federal agency.

Right, believe that if you want. I wonder why they created independent councils after Watergate if the DoJ is independant of the President. Those idiots in Congress there might be a conflict of interest if these guys had to investigate their boss, who could fire them at will. But it is independent.
Who gives orders to the DoJ?

Eric Holder.

The DOJ is an independent federal agency.

Right, believe that if you want. I wonder why they created independent councils after Watergate if the DoJ is independant of the President. Those idiots in Congress there might be a conflict of interest if these guys had to investigate their boss, who could fire them at will. But it is independent.

Actually he can't fire them "at will". He can fire them as long as its not for specific reasons (one of the reasons he cannot fire them for is for disobeying specific presidential orders).

Thats why Bush got into trouble for firing US attorneys.
Most Doctors are overpaid for the services they provided. Traeting a haed cold, or a sore throat certianly isnt worth 125.00 - anyone who thinks it is is absolutely nuts or a life long member of the GOP.

The Doctors should be overjoyed in that an additional 40 million Americans will be forced to have insurance and under the current US structure the Doctors will be able to milk the system even more than they now do.

Who's to say how much is too much to charge. You can't possibly believe that the entire $125 goes in to the doctor's pocket. Definitely not the govt that routinely over and under pay for doctor services:

You spend the years of school, residency and etc to become a doctor and the let the govt dictate your pay. It is not the job of the govt to dictate pay for private sector jobs. They do a terrible job with govt employees. In 8 out of 10 comparable jobs, govt pays more.
Federal pay ahead of private industry - USATODAY.com
Most Doctors are overpaid for the services they provided. Traeting a haed cold, or a sore throat certianly isnt worth 125.00 - anyone who thinks it is is absolutely nuts or a life long member of the GOP.

The Doctors should be overjoyed in that an additional 40 million Americans will be forced to have insurance and under the current US structure the Doctors will be able to milk the system even more than they now do.

Who's to say how much is too much to charge. You can't possibly believe that the entire $125 goes in to the doctor's pocket. Definitely not the govt that routinely over and under pay for doctor services:

You spend the years of school, residency and etc to become a doctor and the let the govt dictate your pay. It is not the job of the govt to dictate pay for private sector jobs. They do a terrible job with govt employees. In 8 out of 10 comparable jobs, govt pays more.
Federal pay ahead of private industry - USATODAY.com

In the rush to defend doctors and their ability to set prices, where is the concern for patients who die because they cannot afford medical treatment?
Most Doctors are overpaid for the services they provided. Traeting a haed cold, or a sore throat certianly isnt worth 125.00 - anyone who thinks it is is absolutely nuts or a life long member of the GOP.

The Doctors should be overjoyed in that an additional 40 million Americans will be forced to have insurance and under the current US structure the Doctors will be able to milk the system even more than they now do.

Who's to say how much is too much to charge. You can't possibly believe that the entire $125 goes in to the doctor's pocket. Definitely not the govt that routinely over and under pay for doctor services:

You spend the years of school, residency and etc to become a doctor and the let the govt dictate your pay. It is not the job of the govt to dictate pay for private sector jobs. They do a terrible job with govt employees. In 8 out of 10 comparable jobs, govt pays more.
Federal pay ahead of private industry - USATODAY.com

In the rush to defend doctors and their ability to set prices, where is the concern for patients who die because they cannot afford medical treatment?

No one in this country is turned away from medical treatment....No One! So back to responding to the govt dictating pricing then?
Who's to say how much is too much to charge. You can't possibly believe that the entire $125 goes in to the doctor's pocket. Definitely not the govt that routinely over and under pay for doctor services:

You spend the years of school, residency and etc to become a doctor and the let the govt dictate your pay. It is not the job of the govt to dictate pay for private sector jobs. They do a terrible job with govt employees. In 8 out of 10 comparable jobs, govt pays more.
Federal pay ahead of private industry - USATODAY.com

In the rush to defend doctors and their ability to set prices, where is the concern for patients who die because they cannot afford medical treatment?

No one in this country is turned away from medical treatment....No One! So back to responding to the govt dictating pricing then?


Tons of people get turned away from medical treatment. What you don't get turned away from is Emergency medical treatment. But an ER visit doesn't do shit for you if you have cancer.

There are a lot of people in this country who don't visit doctors because they can't afford it.
In the rush to defend doctors and their ability to set prices, where is the concern for patients who die because they cannot afford medical treatment?

No one in this country is turned away from medical treatment....No One! So back to responding to the govt dictating pricing then?


Tons of people get turned away from medical treatment. What you don't get turned away from is Emergency medical treatment. But an ER visit doesn't do shit for you if you have cancer.

There are a lot of people in this country who don't visit doctors because they can't afford it.

And there are paths they can take such as medicaid and medicare

Your ER response matters not to me as it paints your premise as false.

To question you for a minute. Are you for government forceable taking money from one person to give to another. How about forcing a person to provide a service at the fee the govt dictates. You can see the dark path this will lead down.
We are a very giving country when we are not forced to give, whether it be money or services. Please don't go down the infrastructure argument as I have no problem paying taxes for community services.
No one in this country is turned away from medical treatment....No One! So back to responding to the govt dictating pricing then?


Tons of people get turned away from medical treatment. What you don't get turned away from is Emergency medical treatment. But an ER visit doesn't do shit for you if you have cancer.

There are a lot of people in this country who don't visit doctors because they can't afford it.

And there are paths they can take such as medicaid and medicare

Your ER response matters not to me as it paints your premise as false.

To question you for a minute. Are you for government forceable taking money from one person to give to another. How about forcing a person to provide a service at the fee the govt dictates. You can see the dark path this will lead down.
We are a very giving country when we are not forced to give, whether it be money or services. Please don't go down the infrastructure argument as I have no problem paying taxes for community services.

Do you know what medicare is? Its only applicable if you are 65 or above. Thats not a "path you can take" if you aren't 65.

As for medicaid, my girlfriend was denied a while ago from medicaid. She was single, living alone, making $12,000 in New York City. Now $12,000 in NYC is nothing...I pay more than that in rent on just a room in an apt for myself every year. But regardless, she was denied medicaid.

She also couldn't afford doctors visits. This isn't an isolated problem.

Am I for the government taking money from the rich and giving to the poor? Yes. I am. We live in a wealthy country. There is no, none at all, excuse for individuals to be living in such shitty conditions.

If we are such a giving country, then why are there so many impoverished people in this country?

As for infrastructure, those aren't exactly "community" services. Unless you think the interstate highway system, an infrastructure system that has been a huge boon to economic conditions around the country, are somehow a community service.

Social services in this country are fucking horrible. Don't give me the shit that its so easy to live in this country if you are poor unless you have some experience with it. And sorry, but no, you are incredibly wrong about your ignorant idea that people don't get turned away from healthcare. They do. All the fucking time.

Tons of people get turned away from medical treatment. What you don't get turned away from is Emergency medical treatment. But an ER visit doesn't do shit for you if you have cancer.

There are a lot of people in this country who don't visit doctors because they can't afford it.

And there are paths they can take such as medicaid and medicare

Your ER response matters not to me as it paints your premise as false.

To question you for a minute. Are you for government forceable taking money from one person to give to another. How about forcing a person to provide a service at the fee the govt dictates. You can see the dark path this will lead down.
We are a very giving country when we are not forced to give, whether it be money or services. Please don't go down the infrastructure argument as I have no problem paying taxes for community services.

Do you know what medicare is? Its only applicable if you are 65 or above. Thats not a "path you can take" if you aren't 65.

As for medicaid, my girlfriend was denied a while ago from medicaid. She was single, living alone, making $12,000 in New York City. Now $12,000 in NYC is nothing...I pay more than that in rent on just a room in an apt for myself every year. But regardless, she was denied medicaid.

She also couldn't afford doctors visits. This isn't an isolated problem.

Am I for the government taking money from the rich and giving to the poor? Yes. I am. We live in a wealthy country. There is no, none at all, excuse for individuals to be living in such shitty conditions.

If we are such a giving country, then why are there so many impoverished people in this country?

As for infrastructure, those aren't exactly "community" services. Unless you think the interstate highway system, an infrastructure system that has been a huge boon to economic conditions around the country, are somehow a community service.

Social services in this country are fucking horrible. Don't give me the shit that its so easy to live in this country if you are poor unless you have some experience with it. And sorry, but no, you are incredibly wrong about your ignorant idea that people don't get turned away from healthcare. They do. All the fucking time.

I do know what medicare is and who gets it. Big surprise, people over 65 need services too. This is not Robin Hood and the money govt takes does not all come from the rich. There are strong sides to this discussion. I could go down the path of people gaming the system with welfare kids, illegals jamming up the ER for doctor visits and etc.

People do not get turned away at the ER without health insurance. Please stop with the lie. I never stated it was carried any further than the ER.

There are legitimate people who need healthcare. There are legitimate problems in the HC industry; but the are also healthy, capable people living off govt disability and "gaming" the system. The problem is too deep and wide to discuss fully on a message board.

You still have to ask yourself the question, what does the USA do when the providers (rich) can/will no longer provide? If you don't get rid of the corruption and just continue to push for more free services, we will reach a critical mass time.

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