Obama Cuts God Out of T-day Address

Obama has often professed his love for Islam.

However he often takes a big steaming piss on Christian traditions.

Obama is on record as a Christian purely for political purposes.


If you're not already a gun totin' double birthin' T partier you should hurry up and join. Don't forget to show up with your rebel flag, your bible and your gun.

You got something against rebel flags, Bibles and guns, comrade?
Obama has often professed his love for Islam.

However he often takes a big steaming piss on Christian traditions.

Obama is on record as a Christian purely for political purposes.


If you're not already a gun totin' double birthin' T partier you should hurry up and join. Don't forget to show up with your rebel flag, your bible and your gun.

You got something against rebel flags, Bibles and guns, comrade?

I do. The rebel flag represents racism, the position of slavery. I don't like Bibles or guns shoved in my face either.

You say ugly things about the President. I dont' like them much either.
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If you're not already a gun totin' double birthin' T partier you should hurry up and join. Don't forget to show up with your rebel flag, your bible and your gun.

You got something against rebel flags, Bibles and guns, comrade?

I do. The rebel flag represents racism, and I don't like Bibles or guns shoved in my face.

I hate the things you say about the President. They're ugly.

The Rebel Flag is American history and should be respected. I don't like atheism or perversions shoved in my face any better than you like Bibles or guns.

Your president is an ugly, ugly man. A fraud, a usurper, illegally holding the office. He's a radical, a muslim, a racist, a socialist, a puppet for George Soros and the NWO, and is intentionally trying to bring America to ruin. He should tried for high crimes and treason and thrown under a federal prison.

Sorry you don't like the truth.
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You got something against rebel flags, Bibles and guns, comrade?

I do. The rebel flag represents racism, and I don't like Bibles or guns shoved in my face.

I hate the things you say about the President. They're ugly.

The Rebel Flag is American history and should be respected. I don't like atheism or perversions shoved in my face any better than you like Bibles or guns.

Your president is an ugly, ugly man. A fraud, a usurper, illegally holding the office. He's a radical, a muslim, a racist, a socialist, a puppet for George Soros and the NWO, and is intentionally trying to bring America to ruin.

Sorry you don't like the truth.

Your opinon isn't the truth. It's just an opinion, I don't have to like it or agree with it. Are pictures of lotuses "perverse" to you?

Why do you demand respect when you aren't willing to offer any?
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I do. The rebel flag represents racism, and I don't like Bibles or guns shoved in my face.

I hate the things you say about the President. They're ugly.

The Rebel Flag is American history and should be respected. I don't like atheism or perversions shoved in my face any better than you like Bibles or guns.

Your president is an ugly, ugly man. A fraud, a usurper, illegally holding the office. He's a radical, a muslim, a racist, a socialist, a puppet for George Soros and the NWO, and is intentionally trying to bring America to ruin.

Sorry you don't like the truth.

Your opinon isn't the truth. It's just an opinion, I don't have to like it or agree with it. Are pictures of lotuses "perverse" to you?

Why do you demand respect when you aren't willing to offer any?

What I said about odumbo isn't opinion. It's the truth.

And I said nothing of respect for me. I said the "Rebel Flag" is an important part of America's history, and should be respected.

Where did you get the idea I think a picture of flowers is perverse?
The Rebel Flag is American history and should be respected. I don't like atheism or perversions shoved in my face any better than you like Bibles or guns.

Your president is an ugly, ugly man. A fraud, a usurper, illegally holding the office. He's a radical, a muslim, a racist, a socialist, a puppet for George Soros and the NWO, and is intentionally trying to bring America to ruin.

Sorry you don't like the truth.

Your opinon isn't the truth. It's just an opinion, I don't have to like it or agree with it. Are pictures of lotuses "perverse" to you?

Why do you demand respect when you aren't willing to offer any?

What I said about odumbo isn't opinion. It's the truth.

And I said nothing of respect for me. I said the "Rebel Flag" is an important part of America's history, and should be respected.

Where did you get the idea I think a picture of flowers is perverse?

Your "truth" is nothing more than your opinion, which you are certainly entitled to. You don't respect the office of the President. IMO you should, we all should as Americans. We ought to refer to Barack Obama as the President, and wish him well, whether we like his policies or not.

The President is mercilessly criticized for things he hasn't even done, like neglecting to use the word, GOD in a T day speech. He did use it.

I am sick to death of this kind of divisiveness and negativity. I'm sick of hearing RW posters claim that "liberalism", (whatever the heck they mean by that) makes a human beings an "awful people".

These are political ideas, and REAL human beings who hold them on both sides. Human beings with a mix of qualities positive and negative.
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Obama has often professed his love for Islam.

However he often takes a big steaming piss on Christian traditions.

Obama is on record as a Christian purely for political purposes.


If you're not already a gun totin' double birthin' T partier you should hurry up and join. Don't forget to show up with your rebel flag, your bible and your gun.

You got something against rebel flags, Bibles and guns, comrade?

You goddam right I have. The war's over. You lost. The slaves were freed. Get over it.


Witchcraft, infant baptism, submission of women, slaves and homosexuals, the crusades, Bush's war on Iraq, starving nearly a billion or causing them to suffer from malnutrition...most of them children


watch this one die on the vine

Here's your pin...now have some cookies and milk and calm the fuck down.:lol:


What's wrong with Jesus? He's a hard working kid, his English is coming along because he wants to learn it, his green card still has over 10 years on it, and nobody, I mean NOBODY, can run a weed-whacker with better precision and skill.

Jesus is one of the best 'legal' landscapers I've ever seen :dunno:

Witchcraft, infant baptism, submission of women, slaves and homosexuals, the crusades, Bush's war on Iraq, starving nearly a billion or causing them to suffer from malnutrition...most of them children


watch this one die on the vine

Here's your pin...now have some cookies and milk and calm the fuck down.:lol:


What's wrong with Jesus? He's a hard working kid, his English is coming along because he wants to learn it, his green card still has over 10 years on it, and nobody, I mean NOBODY, can run a weed-whacker with better precision and skill.

Jesus is one of the best 'legal' landscapers I've ever seen :dunno:

I believe he goes by Hey Zeus :)
Obama doesn't have a 'messaging' problem. He's raising taxes, raising spending and calling for restraint, while he tosses American interests out the window. It will all add up.

That's his message.
Obama doesn't have a 'messaging' problem. He's raising taxes, raising spending and calling for restraint, while he tosses American interests out the window. It will all add up.

That's his message.

You're full of it..........your party is full of it. A large part of Obama's Stimulus was tax cuts for those earning less than $250,000 per year. He's been trying to get taxes raised on corporations and the wealthy... back to where they were while Bill Clinton's two terms were thriving but your right wing supporters of corporations and the wealthy won't allow it.

Right now taxes are the lowest they've been in 50 years and the goddamed right wing conservatives have pledged not to allow any increases. We don't pay for our spending any more. It started when Reagan took office and I can't help it if you're either too stupid or too hard headed to see it.
This is what Obama thinks about American traditions

Obama and the National Anthem - YouTube

I would have voted for Bill Richardson had he booted Obama in the ass right there

You lie AGAIN!!!

PolitiFact | Photo was taken during anthem, not pledge
The Obama photo was taken Sept. 16, 2007, in Indianola, Iowa, at the Harkin Steak Fry, an annual political event hosted by U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin. The caption on the Time photo says Obama and the others "stand during the national anthem."

Modern custom does not require a hand over the heart, said Anne Garside, director of communication for the Maryland Historical Society, home of the original manuscript of the Star-Spangled Banner . "I think the bottom line is that you show respect with your demeanor," she said. "Whether you put your hand over your heart, hold your hat at shoulder level or waist level, is really in this day and age irrelevant."

She pointed out that "the tune of the Star-Spangled Banner was originally a drinking song. If they can put the words to the tune of a rousing drinking song, to quibble over whether you put your hand over your heart is really ridiculous."

I never ssaqid is was the Pledge, Fluffer

Now you look extremely ridiculous. My recommendation? Lose the Obama kneepads
This is what Obama thinks about American traditions

Obama and the National Anthem - YouTube

I would have voted for Bill Richardson had he booted Obama in the ass right there

You lie AGAIN!!!

PolitiFact | Photo was taken during anthem, not pledge
The Obama photo was taken Sept. 16, 2007, in Indianola, Iowa, at the Harkin Steak Fry, an annual political event hosted by U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin. The caption on the Time photo says Obama and the others "stand during the national anthem."

Modern custom does not require a hand over the heart, said Anne Garside, director of communication for the Maryland Historical Society, home of the original manuscript of the Star-Spangled Banner . "I think the bottom line is that you show respect with your demeanor," she said. "Whether you put your hand over your heart, hold your hat at shoulder level or waist level, is really in this day and age irrelevant."

She pointed out that "the tune of the Star-Spangled Banner was originally a drinking song. If they can put the words to the tune of a rousing drinking song, to quibble over whether you put your hand over your heart is really ridiculous."

I never said is was the Pledge, Fluffer

Now you look extremely ridiculous. My recommendation? Lose the Obama kneepads
This is what Obama thinks about American traditions

Obama and the National Anthem - YouTube

I would have voted for Bill Richardson had he booted Obama in the ass right there

You lie AGAIN!!!

PolitiFact | Photo was taken during anthem, not pledge
The Obama photo was taken Sept. 16, 2007, in Indianola, Iowa, at the Harkin Steak Fry, an annual political event hosted by U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin. The caption on the Time photo says Obama and the others "stand during the national anthem."

Modern custom does not require a hand over the heart, said Anne Garside, director of communication for the Maryland Historical Society, home of the original manuscript of the Star-Spangled Banner . "I think the bottom line is that you show respect with your demeanor," she said. "Whether you put your hand over your heart, hold your hat at shoulder level or waist level, is really in this day and age irrelevant."

She pointed out that "the tune of the Star-Spangled Banner was originally a drinking song. If they can put the words to the tune of a rousing drinking song, to quibble over whether you put your hand over your heart is really ridiculous."

I never said is was the Pledge, Fluffer

Now you look extremely ridiculous. My recommendation? Lose the Obama kneepad

"FDR Depression was worse than the 7 Biblical Lean Years"

Like today...FDR was dumped on by a bunch of Herbert Hoover cohorts in the banking business which tightened up and wouldn't loan a goddamned thing to anybody or anything unless they could prove they really didn't need it.

Guess What MoFo... Franklin Delano Roosevelt was re elected three times. It screwed the Republican party's minds up so bad that they changed the rules so that no president, either party could ever serve four terms again......I wonder why......NOT!

Obama has often professed his love for Islam.

However he often takes a big steaming piss on Christian traditions.

Obama is on record as a Christian purely for political purposes.


If you're not already a gun totin' double birthin' T partier you should hurry up and join. Don't forget to show up with your rebel flag, your bible and your gun.

Yeah, right, it's all about race. I'm not a race-card throwing bigot like you and Obama.

I've got news for you, I don't like Obama because of his policies and most of all because he's a piss poor leader.

I could give a flying-fuck about his race.....you fucking bigot.
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Obama doesn't have a 'messaging' problem. He's raising taxes, raising spending and calling for restraint, while he tosses American interests out the window. It will all add up.

That's his message.

You're full of it..........your party is full of it. A large part of Obama's Stimulus was tax cuts for those earning less than $250,000 per year. He's been trying to get taxes raised on corporations and the wealthy... back to where they were while Bill Clinton's two terms were thriving but your right wing supporters of corporations and the wealthy won't allow it.

Right now taxes are the lowest they've been in 50 years and the goddamed right wing conservatives have pledged not to allow any increases. We don't pay for our spending any more. It started when Reagan took office and I can't help it if you're either too stupid or too hard headed to see it.
You can't help your own stupidity either.

I never said is was the Pledge, Fluffer

Now you look extremely ridiculous. My recommendation? Lose the Obama kneepad

"FDR Depression was worse than the 7 Biblical Lean Years"

Like today...FDR was dumped on by a bunch of Herbert Hoover cohorts in the banking business which tightened up and wouldn't loan a goddamned thing to anybody or anything unless they could prove they really didn't need it.

Guess What MoFo... Franklin Delano Roosevelt was re elected three times. It screwed the Republican party's minds up so bad that they changed the rules so that no president, either party could ever serve four terms again......I wonder why......NOT!

Your stupidity isn't an act, is it? The presidency tenure has always been a two term limit with all the presidents except for FDR. He died right at the beginning of his fourth term.

Term limits in the Constitution
In contrast to the Articles of Confederation, the federal constitution convention at Philadelphia omitted mandatory term limits from the second national frame of government, i.e. the U.S. Constitution of 1787 to the present. Nonetheless, largely because of grassroots support for the principle of rotation, rapid turnover in Congress prevailed. Also, George Washington set the precedent for a two-term tradition that prevailed (with the exception of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's four terms) until the 22nd Amendment of 1951.
However, when the states ratified the Constitution (1787–88), several leading statesmen regarded the lack of mandatory limits to tenure as a dangerous defect, especially, they thought, as regards the Presidency and the Senate. Richard Henry Lee viewed the absence of legal limits to tenure, together with certain other features of the Constitution, as "most highly and dangerously oligarchic."[6] Both Jefferson[7] and George Mason[8] advised limits on reelection to the Senate and to the Presidency, because said Mason, "nothing is so essential to the preservation of a Republican government as a periodic rotation." The historian Mercy Otis Warren, warned that "there is no provision for a rotation, nor anything to prevent the perpetuity of office in the same hands for life; which by a little well timed bribery, will probably be done...."[9]

Politics wasn't so polarized as it is now, so why does a hack like yourself try to pretend it was all about party partisanship, moron.

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