Obama Covers His Ass And Tells How Great Things Are In A Speech On Defeating Isis

I have two words. FAILED PRESIDENCY.

and failing the people and the country he represents

just awful he's more worried about claiming they aren't the Islam religion.

If and when an American group of some kind (let's just say the Christian Identity Movement) assaults and kills a Black or Hispanic person and then releases a statement saying that they're a Christian group that's trying to reestablish White supremacy in this country, would you have a problem if people referred to them as Christians and that they represented Christianity?

When they can point to Biblical scripture which commands them, actually commands them, to wage such a war, then you might have a leg to stand on.

Go read the Qur'an and Hadiths and learn what you're writing about. Facile comparisons don't work. You can't map Islam to Christianity. Using a Christian religious model, how Christianity is practiced and them simply swapping out Baptist and dropping Islam in it's place doesn't work.
Criticize islam people die..and these liberal idiots worry about Christians. :cuckoo:

I have two words. FAILED PRESIDENCY.

and failing the people and the country he represents

just awful he's more worried about claiming they aren't the Islam religion.

If and when an American group of some kind (let's just say the Christian Identity Movement) assaults and kills a Black or Hispanic person and then releases a statement saying that they're a Christian group that's trying to reestablish White supremacy in this country, would you have a problem if people referred to them as Christians and that they represented Christianity?

When they can point to Biblical scripture which commands them, actually commands them, to wage such a war, then you might have a leg to stand on.

Go read the Qur'an and Hadiths and learn what you're writing about. Facile comparisons don't work. You can't map Islam to Christianity. Using a Christian religious model, how Christianity is practiced and them simply swapping out Baptist and dropping Islam in it's place doesn't work.

The interpretation of the Quran is not so straight forward. About half the book is considered sort of 'trumped' based on the datings of each Sura. So if Sura A says do X and it is the earlier sura, but Sura B that came later says don't do X, do Y instead, then Muslims are supposed to do Y, not X.

The problem is that the Wahabi fanatics reordered the suras by changing the datings on them and thus changing which suras are still relevant and which ones are not. Suddenly Christians and Jews are once again infidels and not respected 'people oif the Book' as the case in traditional Sunni interpretations using traditional datings for the Sura.

This is called Nask or Abrogation and the Wahabis are laying the seed of jihadism by having changed the system of abrogation of the Quran, turning it into a very violent hostile religion wherever it spreads. And it is spreading everywhere because the Saudis are financing its spread.
Islam was founded by the sword.

It is a religion of death.....President assbite is a coward.
Jackson, post: 9783113, member: 27360 Well I looked it up and I found what he said. He gave himself platitudes, expected, said foolish things some expected, begged for Congress's approval and help.<> He wants to be able to say, "Hey don't blame me when something goes wrong, Congress was in it, too.<> ISIL isn't Muslim, bs. In essence, he isn't doing much more than what he is doing now. *aw

NFBW: What 'foolish things' did Obama say? Can you make an argument against what the President said that IS terrorists represent the religion if Islam? Or is calling it bs as far as you ability can take you. Here is what the President said last night.

Now let’s make two things clear: ISIL is not “Islamic.” No religion condones the killing of innocents. And the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim. And ISIL is certainly not a state. It was formerly al Qaeda’s affiliate in Iraq, and has taken advantage of sectarian strife and Syria’s civil war to gain territory on both sides of the Iraq-Syrian border. It is recognized by no government, nor by the people it subjugates. ISIL is a terrorist organization, pure and simple. And it has no vision other than the slaughter of all who stand in its way.

Are you arguing that the Islamic religion condones the killing of innocents.

AquaAthena, post: 9783125, member: 22590 Five things that could go horribly wrong with Obama s action in Iraq WashingtonExaminer.com *ax [/QUOTE]

NFBW: Is there a point in the Washington Examiner that you would like to be addressed.

EconChick, post: 9783324, member: 47383 I have two words. FAILED PRESIDENCY. *ay

NFBW: Do you consider that some kind of meaningful argument. Is it failed for being the only world leader that has been bombing and killing IS terrorists for weeks now.

AmericanGirl05, post: 9783365, member: 34988 I just posted on another thread the link to the video showing W throwing out the first pitch at the 2011 WS, which MLB posted on Facebook this AM. What a contrast. *az

NFBW: Dubya got 4584 US soldiers killed in a needles war and you compare how the two presidents throw out the first pitch. I'm glad you are on Econochick's side.

EconChick, post: 9783373, member: 47383 You're a fucking idiot. He's upside down in the polls whether it's NBC, WSJ, Washington Post, Fox, you name it. Crashing and burning. Yet just like you do on the SOFA thread, you expect people to put facts to the side and believe your Democrat SPIN. You're a pathetic fucking hack. At least some libs can engage in debate and acknowledge SOME truths about Obama. Not you. You have no credibility IDIOT. <> But keep posting. I think I may ask for USMB to sell stock so I can make some money off you pathetic pieces of shit. You Obama wankers will resist with your lies all the way to the time your balloon goes SPLAT. <> You're losing the whole Congress in November. Get used to it, hack. *ba

NFBW: What facts have I wanted put aside? You are the one who wants to put the FACT that the Iraq's parliament needed to approve the Bush/Maliki SOFA from 2008. And now you have been running from your error for weeks now. I won't put it aside. It is a fact that destroys your entire placeholder argument and that it was Obama who failed to settle on a 2012 SOFA deal. I won't argue that right wing lies and propaganda sometimes works. I am not in agreement that you have some kind of handle on how historians will see this period in time. I suppose you are a historian too.

WelfareQueen, post: 9783596, member: 45104 No rational person can defend this piece of shit. *bb

NFBW: I have to wonder why you don't have the wherewithal to defend your baseless empty irrational attacks on our president during a time of war.

deltex1, post: 9784737, member: 41661 I had another sentence in mind but fell asleep in midstroke. The sentence was " I would love to see an interview with the leaders of the Iraqi army and the moderate rebels and the coalition of the willing...have them grilled by Trey Gowdy." * <> Let's find out who they are, what they know, what they are capable of, what are their intentions, are they all in, are they capable ? Its for goddam sure Obabble doesn't know...he has never talked to them. *bc

NFBW: Who exactly was Obama supposed to talk to? And then how do you know that Obama has not talked to them? Have you wire-tapped the oval office and Air Force One phone.

iamwhatiseem, post: 9784784, member: 24610 BINGO! This speech was a whole lot about nothing. Nothing new, nothing more than what is already happening. Except now, instead of saying he has no plan..he decided what is happening now - IS THE PLAN...how convenient!! *bd

NFBW: So do you agree or disagree with destroying IS terrorists?

shart_attack, post: 9785641, member: 46796 How does it feel to be so goddamned stupid that everyone in the world can see that you don't even know how to open and close a quote box??? *be

NFBW: Actually what I've done is quite brilliant I can quickly go to the Obama Hater list and see what you said and try to find out why you ran away from my response.

Lshart_attack, post: 9780744, member: 46796 We're just practicing, 'cause we all know that you and your idiot libbies will make us watch bullshit like that speech as soon as they impose the Fairness Doctrine on us, you dumb bitch. <> Fairness Doctrine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia *r

NFBW: That's a hallucination

NFBW: So do you accept that your hijack is a hallucination?

JimBowie1958, post: 9785685, member: 32813 A coalition of what 9 states so far? Probably some Polynesian islands, Taiwan and a collection of states that want handouts and are the size of a decent county in Texas. *bf

NFBW: Seriously. Do you think you are contributing to our security and the security in the region?

JimBowie1958, post: 9785694, member: 32813 I disagree. Rational people are all in demand for defending the indefensible. I think it more accurate to say "No moral and honest person can rationally defend this Piece of Shyte." The word shyte is optional.*bg [/QUOTE]

NFBW: That is bold. You talking about being rational.

Antares, post: 9785964, member: 40954 Never mind his poll numbers *bh

NFBW:Obama will keep on killin' IS terrorists regardless of the polls.

Stephanie, post: 9785973, member: 1668 and failing the people and the country he represents <> just awful he's more worried about claiming they aren't the Islam religion. *bi

NFBW: They are not the Islam religion. Do you think they are? Explain if you do.

Last edited:
Jackson, post: 9783113, member: 27360 Well I looked it up and I found what he said. He gave himself platitudes, expected, said foolish things some expected, begged for Congress's approval and help.<> He wants to be able to say, "Hey don't blame me when something goes wrong, Congress was in it, too.<> ISIL isn't Muslim, bs. In essence, he isn't doing much more than what he is doing now. *aw

NFBW: What 'foolish things' did Obama say? Can you make an argument against what the President said that IS terrorists represent the religion if Islam? Or is calling it bs as far as you ability can take you. Here is what the President said last night.

Now let’s make two things clear: ISIL is not “Islamic.” No religion condones the killing of innocents. And the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim. And ISIL is certainly not a state. It was formerly al Qaeda’s affiliate in Iraq, and has taken advantage of sectarian strife and Syria’s civil war to gain territory on both sides of the Iraq-Syrian border. It is recognized by no government, nor by the people it subjugates. ISIL is a terrorist organization, pure and simple. And it has no vision other than the slaughter of all who stand in its way.

Are you arguing that the Islamic religion condones the killing of innocents.

AquaAthena, post: 9783125, member: 22590 Five things that could go horribly wrong with Obama s action in Iraq WashingtonExaminer.com *ax

notfooledbyw said:
NFBW: Is there a point in the Washington Examiner that you would like to be addressed.

EconChick, post: 9783324, member: 47383 I have two words. FAILED PRESIDENCY. *ay

NFBW: Do you consider that some kind of meaningful argument. Is it failed for being the only world leader that has been bombing and killing IS terrorists for weeks now.

AmericanGirl05, post: 9783365, member: 34988 I just posted on another thread the link to the video showing W throwing out the first pitch at the 2011 WS, which MLB posted on Facebook this AM. What a contrast. *az

NFBW: Dubya got 4584 US soldiers killed in a needles war and you compare how the two presidents throw out the first pitch. I'm glad you are on Econochick's side.

EconChick, post: 9783373, member: 47383 You're a fucking idiot. He's upside down in the polls whether it's NBC, WSJ, Washington Post, Fox, you name it. Crashing and burning. Yet just like you do on the SOFA thread, you expect people to put facts to the side and believe your Democrat SPIN. You're a pathetic fucking hack. At least some libs can engage in debate and acknowledge SOME truths about Obama. Not you. You have no credibility IDIOT. <> But keep posting. I think I may ask for USMB to sell stock so I can make some money off you pathetic pieces of shit. You Obama wankers will resist with your lies all the way to the time your balloon goes SPLAT. <> You're losing the whole Congress in November. Get used to it, hack. *ba

NFBW: What facts have I wanted put aside? You are the one who wants to put the FACT that the Iraq's parliament needed to approve the Bush/Maliki SOFA from 2008. And now you have been running from your error for weeks now. I won't put it aside. It is a fact that destroys your entire placeholder argument and that it was Obama who failed to settle on a 2012 SOFA deal. I won't argue that right wing lies and propaganda sometimes works. I am not in agreement that you have some kind of handle on how historians will see this period in time. I suppose you are a historian too.

WelfareQueen, post: 9783596, member: 45104 No rational person can defend this piece of shit. *bb

NFBW: I have to wonder why you don't have the wherewithal to defend your baseless empty irrational attacks on our president during a time of war.

deltex1, post: 9784737, member: 41661 I had another sentence in mind but fell asleep in midstroke. The sentence was " I would love to see an interview with the leaders of the Iraqi army and the moderate rebels and the coalition of the willing...have them grilled by Trey Gowdy." * <> Let's find out who they are, what they know, what they are capable of, what are their intentions, are they all in, are they capable ? Its for goddam sure Obabble doesn't know...he has never talked to them. *bc

NFBW: Who exactly was Obama supposed to talk to? And then how do you know that Obama has not talked to them? Have you wire-tapped the oval office and Air Force One phone.

iamwhatiseem, post: 9784784, member: 24610 BINGO! This speech was a whole lot about nothing. Nothing new, nothing more than what is already happening. Except now, instead of saying he has no plan..he decided what is happening now - IS THE PLAN...how convenient!! *bd

NFBW: So do you agree or disagree with destroying IS terrorists?

shart_attack, post: 9785641, member: 46796 How does it feel to be so goddamned stupid that everyone in the world can see that you don't even know how to open and close a quote box??? *be

NFBW: Actually what I've done is quite brilliant I can quickly go to the Obama Hater list and see what you said and try to find out why you ran away from my response.

Lshart_attack, post: 9780744, member: 46796 We're just practicing, 'cause we all know that you and your idiot libbies will make us watch bullshit like that speech as soon as they impose the Fairness Doctrine on us, you dumb bitch. <> Fairness Doctrine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia *r

NFBW: That's a hallucination

notfooledbyw said:
NFBW: So do you accept that your hijack is a hallucination?

JimBowie1958, post: 9785685, member: 32813 A coalition of what 9 states so far? Probably some Polynesian islands, Taiwan and a collection of states that want handouts and are the size of a decent county in Texas. *bf

NFBW: Seriously. Do you think you are contributing to our security and the security in the region?

JimBowie1958, post: 9785694, member: 32813 I disagree. Rational people are all in demand for defending the indefensible. I think it more accurate to say "No moral and honest person can rationally defend this Piece of Shyte." The word shyte is optional.*bg

notfooledbyw said:
NFBW: That is bold. You talking about being rational.

Antares, post: 9785964, member: 40954 Never mind his poll numbers *bh

NFBW:Obama will keep on killin' IS terrorists regardless of the polls.

Stephanie, post: 9785973, member: 1668 and failing the people and the country he represents <> just awful he's more worried about claiming they aren't the Islam religion. *bi

NFBW: They are not the Islam religion. Do you think they are? Explain if you do.

deltex1, post: 9782283, member: 41661"] *bc

Well, at least you're trying to learn how to open and close a quote in a box now.

Keep it at: you'll eventually figure it out some day.

Last edited:
Jackson, post: 9783113, member: 27360 Well I looked it up and I found what he said. He gave himself platitudes, expected, said foolish things some expected, begged for Congress's approval and help.<> He wants to be able to say, "Hey don't blame me when something goes wrong, Congress was in it, too.<> ISIL isn't Muslim, bs. In essence, he isn't doing much more than what he is doing now. *aw

NFBW: What 'foolish things' did Obama say? Can you make an argument against what the President said that IS terrorists represent the religion if Islam? Or is calling it bs as far as you ability can take you. Here is what the President said last night.

Now let’s make two things clear: ISIL is not “Islamic.” No religion condones the killing of innocents. And the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim. And ISIL is certainly not a state. It was formerly al Qaeda’s affiliate in Iraq, and has taken advantage of sectarian strife and Syria’s civil war to gain territory on both sides of the Iraq-Syrian border. It is recognized by no government, nor by the people it subjugates. ISIL is a terrorist organization, pure and simple. And it has no vision other than the slaughter of all who stand in its way.

Are you arguing that the Islamic religion condones the killing of innocents.

AquaAthena, post: 9783125, member: 22590 Five things that could go horribly wrong with Obama s action in Iraq WashingtonExaminer.com *ax

NFBW: Is there a point in the Washington Examiner that you would like to be addressed.

EconChick, post: 9783324, member: 47383 I have two words. FAILED PRESIDENCY. *ay

NFBW: Do you consider that some kind of meaningful argument. Is it failed for being the only world leader that has been bombing and killing IS terrorists for weeks now.

AmericanGirl05, post: 9783365, member: 34988 I just posted on another thread the link to the video showing W throwing out the first pitch at the 2011 WS, which MLB posted on Facebook this AM. What a contrast. *az

NFBW: Dubya got 4584 US soldiers killed in a needles war and you compare how the two presidents throw out the first pitch. I'm glad you are on Econochick's side.

EconChick, post: 9783373, member: 47383 You're a fucking idiot. He's upside down in the polls whether it's NBC, WSJ, Washington Post, Fox, you name it. Crashing and burning. Yet just like you do on the SOFA thread, you expect people to put facts to the side and believe your Democrat SPIN. You're a pathetic fucking hack. At least some libs can engage in debate and acknowledge SOME truths about Obama. Not you. You have no credibility IDIOT. <> But keep posting. I think I may ask for USMB to sell stock so I can make some money off you pathetic pieces of shit. You Obama wankers will resist with your lies all the way to the time your balloon goes SPLAT. <> You're losing the whole Congress in November. Get used to it, hack. *ba

NFBW: What facts have I wanted put aside? You are the one who wants to put the FACT that the Iraq's parliament needed to approve the Bush/Maliki SOFA from 2008. And now you have been running from your error for weeks now. I won't put it aside. It is a fact that destroys your entire placeholder argument and that it was Obama who failed to settle on a 2012 SOFA deal. I won't argue that right wing lies and propaganda sometimes works. I am not in agreement that you have some kind of handle on how historians will see this period in time. I suppose you are a historian too.

WelfareQueen, post: 9783596, member: 45104 No rational person can defend this piece of shit. *bb

NFBW: I have to wonder why you don't have the wherewithal to defend your baseless empty irrational attacks on our president during a time of war.

deltex1, post: 9784737, member: 41661 I had another sentence in mind but fell asleep in midstroke. The sentence was " I would love to see an interview with the leaders of the Iraqi army and the moderate rebels and the coalition of the willing...have them grilled by Trey Gowdy." * <> Let's find out who they are, what they know, what they are capable of, what are their intentions, are they all in, are they capable ? Its for goddam sure Obabble doesn't know...he has never talked to them. *bc

NFBW: Who exactly was Obama supposed to talk to? And then how do you know that Obama has not talked to them? Have you wire-tapped the oval office and Air Force One phone.

iamwhatiseem, post: 9784784, member: 24610 BINGO! This speech was a whole lot about nothing. Nothing new, nothing more than what is already happening. Except now, instead of saying he has no plan..he decided what is happening now - IS THE PLAN...how convenient!! *bd

NFBW: So do you agree or disagree with destroying IS terrorists?

shart_attack, post: 9785641, member: 46796 How does it feel to be so goddamned stupid that everyone in the world can see that you don't even know how to open and close a quote box??? *be

NFBW: Actually what I've done is quite brilliant I can quickly go to the Obama Hater list and see what you said and try to find out why you ran away from my response.

Lshart_attack, post: 9780744, member: 46796 We're just practicing, 'cause we all know that you and your idiot libbies will make us watch bullshit like that speech as soon as they impose the Fairness Doctrine on us, you dumb bitch. <> Fairness Doctrine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia *r

NFBW: That's a hallucination

NFBW: So do you accept that your hijack is a hallucination?

JimBowie1958, post: 9785685, member: 32813 A coalition of what 9 states so far? Probably some Polynesian islands, Taiwan and a collection of states that want handouts and are the size of a decent county in Texas. *bf

NFBW: Seriously. Do you think you are contributing to our security and the security in the region?

JimBowie1958, post: 9785694, member: 32813 I disagree. Rational people are all in demand for defending the indefensible. I think it more accurate to say "No moral and honest person can rationally defend this Piece of Shyte." The word shyte is optional.*bg [/QUOTE]

NFBW: That is bold. You talking about being rational.

Antares, post: 9785964, member: 40954 Never mind his poll numbers *bh

NFBW:Obama will keep on killin' IS terrorists regardless of the polls.

Stephanie, post: 9785973, member: 1668 and failing the people and the country he represents <> just awful he's more worried about claiming they aren't the Islam religion. *bi

NFBW: They are not the Islam religion. Do you think they are? Explain if you do.

deltex1, post: 9782283, member: 41661"] *bc


why don't you practice using the quote feature properly ..nobody's going to continue to read crap like that :eusa_eh:
OHI-index mass ignorance still high.

Zander, post: 9780605, member: 20854 I refuse to watch this shitstain speak....I might read the transcript, but only if i get a severe case of constipation...*j

NFBW: You sound already afflicted. With mental constipation for sure.

AvgGuyIA, post: 9780610, member: 22468"]We do 24/7/365. *k

NFBW: You do- thoughtlessly I'm sure.

bodecea, post: 9780631, member: 20112. I feel sorry for all of those who were required to watch the speech. They don't make us do that around here. *l

NFBW: No one is required anywhere

Hossfly, post: 9780651, member: 15726 Made me wonder just WTF do we have a military for. That creepy zit would make more sense if he disbanded the military and retrained everyone to be a community organizer and turn 'em loose on the world. Make every city and town in the world just like Chicago, bless his heart. *m

NFBW: You got 'community organizer' in there. What a dude.

AmericanGirl05, post: 9780661, member: 34988"]So that's what the non-combat ground troops are! Community organizers! *n

NFBW: Hard up for material I see.

Rozman, post: 9780680, member: 20981"]They have Al Sharpton there to provide his trememdous political knowledge. <> I thought they only brought Al out when they were discussing how whitey is fucking over blacks. <> I guess Krystal Balls that other genius was busy tonight.*o

NFBW: That is bizarre.

Rozman, post: 9780702, member: 20981 I was surprised it was a quick speech. Obama loves to talk.*p

NFBW: Perhaps you need to learn how to listen.

WelfareQueen, post: 9780706, member: 45104. Don't give Obummer the idea Hoss....sounds like it'd be right up his alley. *q

NFBW: No it isn't.

Lshart_attack, post: 9780744, member: 46796 We're just practicing, 'cause we all know that you and your idiot libbies will make us watch bullshit like that speech as soon as they impose the Fairness Doctrine on us, you dumb bitch. <> Fairness Doctrine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia *r

NFBW: That's a hallucination.

Hossfly, post: 9780747, member: 15726"]Plus a couple fundraisers. *s

NFBW: Any more buzz words?

JimBowie1958, post: 9780764, member: 32813. No, he ignored the newest problem of ISIS in Juarez Mexico, and the data suggests that they are already organizing criminal groups there and within the USA. <> This President is always two steps behind our enemies.*t

NFBW: Juarez Benghazi.Juarez Benghazi / repeat on trillion times.

JimBowie1958, post: 9780769, member: 32813 I simply have a morbid fascination with watching train wrecks. *u

NFBW: Bush invaded Iraq March 2003

Rikurzhen, post: 9780790, member: 50157. I "enjoy" listening to the President speak as much as this medical patient enjoys listening to Mary Hart speak: <>
A neurologist reports in a medical journal that a woman got epileptic seizures by hearing the voice of Mary Hart, a host of the syndicated television program "Entertainment Tonight." <> Symptoms included an upset stomach, a sense of pressure in her head and mental confusion, said Dr. Venkat Ramani, who reports the case in today's issue of The New England Journal of Medicine. *v


Jeremiah, post: 9780808, member: 40845. I did not hear his speech. *w

NFBW: Thanks for your effort.

EconChick, post: 9780820, member: 47383 Way to tell the enemy how weak you are Obama. Don't ever tell them what you're NOT going to do. Jeeeze, why is that so hard for libs to understand. *x

NFBW: It appears Obama has succeeded in fooling EvonChick along with the IS non-Islamic IS terrorists.

EconChick, post: 9780836, member: 47383"]Whose gonna tell my Air Force brothers and sisters they're not combat troops, LOL. Or tell the special operators they're not combat troops. <> If it weren't so pathetically sad it would be hilarious. *y

NFBW: Why wouid anyone tell them that. Are you referring to something in particular?

EconChick, post: 9780851, member: 47383 Hey Obama, where's the SOFA now???? You're sending another 425 boots..... *z

NFBW: Obama rid Iraq of Maliki - New unity government asked for our help / SOFA granted on our terms.

EconChick, post: 9780862, member: 47383 Could someone please explain to Obama that ISIS is indeed Islamic? Reminds me of NotFooled just pulling shit out of thin air that isn't true.*aa

NFBW: Pulled what out if thin air? Be specific.

Where_r_my_Keys, post: 9780873, member: 46959 Obama is a socialist, thus a relativist, therefore has no means to recognize truth. Listening to what he says is a waste of time, as it bears no meaning to what he may actually do.<> Such is the nature of evil... *ab

NFBW: So when your fellow Wingnutz say he won't defeat terrorists / that means he will. Very interesting.

JimBowie1958, post: 9780882, member: 32813 DHS confirms ISIS planning infiltration of US southern border Fox News <> You would think the first word in their name "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" would be his FIRST CLUE. *ac

NFBW: Anyone can use Islam in naming their organization. It doesn't mean they must be considered to Islamic. iS terrorists are not peaceful one bit. Bush said Islam is a religion of peace. Can you see the difference?

EconChick, post: 9781053, member: 47383 WE.ARE.SO.FUCKED. *ad

NFBW: Not at all like thirteen years ago when Bush Cheney let the Pentagon and WTC be attacked.

Jroc, post: 9781112, member: 25505 This guy goes into the economy, pulling troops out of the middle east, when he's giving a speak on defeating the islamonazis? this speech was purely politica,l what an embarrassment. *ae

NFBW: You haters will stop at nothing to spew your hatred.

Dude111, post: 9781125, member: 30409 There was an option missing from the poll!! <> I DIDNT WATCH IT!! (I dont care to hear one lying thing that prick says)*af

NFBW: We don't care about your decision in life to remain ignorant.

Jroc, post: 9781157, member: 25505 I purposefully haven't watched any commentary on the speech. Me..me..I..I... did this, did that..The Economy is good ...What the fuck ? *ag

NFBW: The US economy has emerged from the Bush worldwide recession better than most. Fifteen seconds to let the terrorists know they and Reoublicans have not managed to destroy out economy so we can fight this war is appropriate.

EconChick, post: 9781183, member: 47383 LMAO, she is a flake. But now to stay within the rules I'm gonna tie this back to the topic. Bodecea loved the speech. She got tingles up her leg I'm sure. <> And deltex, please go back and edit your post to add a sentence about the topic. Trying to keep my fellow conservatives out of permaban, LOL. *ah

NFBW: Wasted forum space.

EconChick, post: 9781190, member: 47383 DING, DING, DING! So well said. And yes, it was a useless speech. *ai

NFBW: Why?

JimBowie1958, post: 9781467, member: 32813 So that Obama totally missed the latest issue regarding ISIS in Juarez (after his regime spokescritters made full denial) means that....people just hate him more? <> Lol, do you morons have a hint that that shit aint working too much any more? *aj

NFBW: Are you a member of the NRA? - mount up and go do something about it.

Jroc, post: 9782273, member: 25505 What kind of idiot goes into a speech on how good the economy is while talking about destroying ISIS I can't get over that *ak

NFBW: The stronger the economy - the stronger the war effort.

deltex1, post: 9782283, member: 41661"]I had another sentence in mind but fell asleep in midstroke. The sentence was " I would love to see an interview with the leaders of the Iraqi army and the moderate rebels and the coalition of the willing...have them grilled by Trey Gowdy." *al

NFBW: For What? The man is dumber than a doorknob.

Stephanie, post: 9782286, member: 1668 lets face it folks, we are in deep shit and need to pray hard for our own safety with this man as President. *am

NFBW: Don't pray / fire missiles drop bombs on IS terrorists - unless you are praying for other world leaders to get as tough on ISIS as Obama is.

JimBowie1958, post: 9782714, member: 32813. Mockery and name calling is ALL YOU LIBTARDS HAVE LEFT. <> Enjoy the trash heap of historical thought; you deserve the toilet.*an

NFBW: Like there is no name calling and mockery here. It all I see from the OH crowd.

JimBowie1958, post: 9782721, member: 32813 An idiot more concerned with a sales job than actually LEADING A NATION.*ao

NFBW: it used to be Obama's doesn't sell the war. - now the bitch is the he sells the war.

Jackson, post: 9782740, member: 27360. So, really, what golden nuggets did he leave the people with? What is his plan? *ap

NFBW: destroy ISIS with air strikes and local fighters on the ground.

Pop23, post: 9782743, member: 43245. It seemed very inappropriate. Doesn't make him seem overly concerned about ISIS.*aq

NFBW: he bombed them 150 times as much as any other world leader / do you have a point?

JimBowie1958, post: 9782765, member: 32813"]Lying to the public is now day to day federal policy. <> Why should anyone trust a single word that drips from their mouths?*ar.

NFBW: Name some lies.

Jackson, post: 9782821, member: 27360 I can't get a straight answer from anyone concerning what Obama said last night. Guess that means a) no one watched him; b) there's no liberals on board; c) he didn't say anything, just mumbled along; d) it was a dynamic speech with a great plan but conservatives don't want to admit it! ...Nah...*as

NFBW: I watched - what do you need to know?

boedicca, post: 9782833, member: 4301I didn't either, but the news has clips and commentary. What an epic fail. View attachment 31786 *at

NFBW: what fail / be specific.

boedicca, post: 9782839, member: 4301Bromides, cliches, pablum, hyperbole, strawmen and many uses of the first person singular...like all Obama speeches. *au

NFBW: cite some examples from last night's speech.

JimBowie1958, post: 9782864, member: 32813 He rattled his saber, talked about how ISIS has already been reduced to small groups in Syria and Iraq and how great the economy is...really is if you squint and look at the data sideways. <> He totally omitted the newest developments like ISIS on our BORDER in JUAREZ Mexico where the worlds largest human smuggling operations exist. *av

NFBW: JUAREZ JUAREZ JUAREZ. Perfect combination of hatred of foreigners and fear of terrorists.

You might add that Hossfly sez you think Obama shits buttermilk biscuits.
Jroc said:
why don't you practice using the quote feature properly ..nobody's going to continue to read crap like that

I have not found many of the Obama Haters to read anything and respond intelligently or with facts. I thought it might work to put them all together. But I should have realizes as Shart-Attack demonstrates. They won't respond on the issues and arguments. They will just complain. Oh Well.
and failing the people and the country he represents

just awful he's more worried about claiming they aren't the Islam religion.

The interpretation of the Quran is not so straight forward. About half the book is considered sort of 'trumped' based on the datings of each Sura. So if Sura A says do X and it is the earlier sura, but Sura B that came later says don't do X, do Y instead, then Muslims are supposed to do Y, not X.

The problem is that the Wahabi fanatics reordered the suras by changing the datings on them and thus changing which suras are still relevant and which ones are not. Suddenly Christians and Jews are once again infidels and not respected 'people oif the Book' as the case in traditional Sunni interpretations using traditional datings for the Sura.

This is called Nask or Abrogation and the Wahabis are laying the seed of jihadism by having changed the system of abrogation of the Quran, turning it into a very violent hostile religion wherever it spreads. And it is spreading everywhere because the Saudis are financing its spread.

Islam was founded by the sword.

It is a religion of death.....President assbite is a coward.

@Sunni Man
Your Religion is a cult of death.....YOU are called to join your brothers....

So why is Obama wrong to Say IS Terrorists are not Islam.

The Great War President and Iraq Invasion Decider, George W. Bush says:

These acts of violence against innocents violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith. And it's important for my fellow Americans to understand that. The English translation is not as eloquent as the original Arabic, but let me quote from the Koran, itself: In the long run, evil in the extreme will be the end of those who do evil. For that they rejected the signs of Allah and held them up to ridicule.1

The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war. When we think of Islam we think of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. Billions of people find comfort and solace and peace. And that's made brothers and sisters out of every race -- out of every race. America counts millions of Muslims amongst our citizens, and Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country. Muslims are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, moms and dads. And they need to be treated with respect. In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect

The Rhetoric of 9 11 Speech by George W. Bush at the Islamic Center of Washington - Islam is Peace 9-17-01

Obama says:

Now let’s make two things clear: ISIL is not “Islamic.” No religion condones the killing of innocents. And the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim. And ISIL is certainly not a state. It was formerly al Qaeda’s affiliate in Iraq, and has taken advantage of sectarian strife and Syria’s civil war to gain territory on both sides of the Iraq-Syrian border. It is recognized by no government, nor by the people it subjugates. ISIL is a terrorist organization, pure and simple. And it has no vision other than the slaughter of all who stand in its way.

Statement by the President on ISIL The White House
Could someone please explain to Obama that ISIS is indeed Islamic? Reminds me of NotFooled just pulling shit out of thin air that isn't true.

Didn't you work for GW Bush in Iraq. Why didn't you tell him back then what you are telling Obama now?

These acts of violence against innocents violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith. And it's important for my fellow Americans to understand that. The English translation is not as eloquent as the original Arabic, but let me quote from the Koran, itself: In the long run, evil in the extreme will be the end of those who do evil. For that they rejected the signs of Allah and held them up to ridicule.1

The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war. When we think of Islam we think of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. Billions of people find comfort and solace and peace. And that's made brothers and sisters out of every race -- out of every race. America counts millions of Muslims amongst our citizens, and Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country. Muslims are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, moms and dads. And they need to be treated with respect. In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect.

The Rhetoric of 9 11 Speech by George W. Bush at the Islamic Center of Washington - Islam is Peace 9-17-01
and failing the people and the country he represents

just awful he's more worried about claiming they aren't the Islam religion.

The interpretation of the Quran is not so straight forward. About half the book is considered sort of 'trumped' based on the datings of each Sura. So if Sura A says do X and it is the earlier sura, but Sura B that came later says don't do X, do Y instead, then Muslims are supposed to do Y, not X.

The problem is that the Wahabi fanatics reordered the suras by changing the datings on them and thus changing which suras are still relevant and which ones are not. Suddenly Christians and Jews are once again infidels and not respected 'people oif the Book' as the case in traditional Sunni interpretations using traditional datings for the Sura.

This is called Nask or Abrogation and the Wahabis are laying the seed of jihadism by having changed the system of abrogation of the Quran, turning it into a very violent hostile religion wherever it spreads. And it is spreading everywhere because the Saudis are financing its spread.

Islam was founded by the sword.

It is a religion of death.....President assbite is a coward.

@Sunni Man
Your Religion is a cult of death.....YOU are called to join your brothers....

So why is Obama wrong to Say IS Terrorists are not Islam.

The Great War President and Iraq Invasion Decider, George W. Bush says:

These acts of violence against innocents violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith. And it's important for my fellow Americans to understand that. The English translation is not as eloquent as the original Arabic, but let me quote from the Koran, itself: In the long run, evil in the extreme will be the end of those who do evil. For that they rejected the signs of Allah and held them up to ridicule.1

The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war. When we think of Islam we think of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. Billions of people find comfort and solace and peace. And that's made brothers and sisters out of every race -- out of every race. America counts millions of Muslims amongst our citizens, and Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country. Muslims are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, moms and dads. And they need to be treated with respect. In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect

The Rhetoric of 9 11 Speech by George W. Bush at the Islamic Center of Washington - Islam is Peace 9-17-01

Obama says:

Now let’s make two things clear: ISIL is not “Islamic.” No religion condones the killing of innocents. And the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim. And ISIL is certainly not a state. It was formerly al Qaeda’s affiliate in Iraq, and has taken advantage of sectarian strife and Syria’s civil war to gain territory on both sides of the Iraq-Syrian border. It is recognized by no government, nor by the people it subjugates. ISIL is a terrorist organization, pure and simple. And it has no vision other than the slaughter of all who stand in its way.

Statement by the President on ISIL The White House
Bush was wrong as well..you feel better now?
Jroc said:
why don't you practice using the quote feature properly ..nobody's going to continue to read crap like that

I have not found many of the Obama Haters to read anything and respond intelligently or with facts. I thought it might work to put them all together. But I should have realizes as Shart-Attack demonstrates. They won't respond on the issues and arguments. They will just complain. Oh Well.

No darlin, you're projecting what YOU do.
Could someone please explain to Obama that ISIS is indeed Islamic? Reminds me of NotFooled just pulling shit out of thin air that isn't true.

Didn't you work for GW Bush in Iraq. Why didn't you tell him back then what you are telling Obama now?

These acts of violence against innocents violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith. And it's important for my fellow Americans to understand that. The English translation is not as eloquent as the original Arabic, but let me quote from the Koran, itself: In the long run, evil in the extreme will be the end of those who do evil. For that they rejected the signs of Allah and held them up to ridicule.1

The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war. When we think of Islam we think of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. Billions of people find comfort and solace and peace. And that's made brothers and sisters out of every race -- out of every race. America counts millions of Muslims amongst our citizens, and Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country. Muslims are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, moms and dads. And they need to be treated with respect. In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect.

The Rhetoric of 9 11 Speech by George W. Bush at the Islamic Center of Washington - Islam is Peace 9-17-01

No dum dum, I didn't work for George Bush there. And secondly, George Bush didn't have any trouble grasping who was Islamic and who wasn't.

Next dumb question?
Could someone please explain to Obama that ISIS is indeed Islamic? Reminds me of NotFooled just pulling shit out of thin air that isn't true.

Didn't you work for GW Bush in Iraq. Why didn't you tell him back then what you are telling Obama now?

These acts of violence against innocents violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith. And it's important for my fellow Americans to understand that. The English translation is not as eloquent as the original Arabic, but let me quote from the Koran, itself: In the long run, evil in the extreme will be the end of those who do evil. For that they rejected the signs of Allah and held them up to ridicule.1

The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war. When we think of Islam we think of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. Billions of people find comfort and solace and peace. And that's made brothers and sisters out of every race -- out of every race. America counts millions of Muslims amongst our citizens, and Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country. Muslims are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, moms and dads. And they need to be treated with respect. In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect.

The Rhetoric of 9 11 Speech by George W. Bush at the Islamic Center of Washington - Islam is Peace 9-17-01
What do the letters I-S-I-S stand for, Perfesser?
What do the letters I-S-I-S stand for, Perfesser?

Using the name of a Religion does not make it part of that religion. You should be ashamed that you had to ask.

But we are finding out why the Obama haters and foul-mouthed posters are fretting:

This has to crush every Obama Hater on this Message Board:

Richard Spencer, Middle East Correspondent, and Peter Foster in Washington
9:05PM BST 11 Sep 2014
A coalition of 10 Arab states threw their support behind Barack Obama’s pledge to destroy the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil) movement in Iraq and Syria on Thursday.
In a welcome boost to US plans for defeating the militant Islamist group, regional powers including Saudi Arabia and Jordan pledged to “do their share” in the battle.
The announcement in Saudi Arabia was carefully choreographed, coming hours after the president told the American people that he would expand US air strikes against the militants, promising that Isil would ultimately be “vanquished from the Earth”.
As Mr Obama marked the anniversary of the September 11 attacks with a moment of silence at the White House, the 10 regional allies — which also included Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates — issued their statement after a meeting in Jeddah with John Kerry, the US secretary of state.
They promised that they would join in “the comprehensive fight” against Isil, including choking off funds and fighters to the group.
Click to expand...

10 Arab states join the US in battle against Isil - Telegraph
No dum dum, I didn't work for George Bush there. And secondly, George Bush didn't have any trouble grasping who was Islamic and who wasn't. Next dumb question?

So you are going to sit there and lie that you know that Bush would oppose President Obama and say the IS terrorists are Islamic?

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