Obama.... Corrupt..?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Sure.. it's old news but .. heck, it still bugs me...

Just how corrupt is this Obama...and does anyone care..?


Top executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were paid more than $35 million in the past two years while the two bailed-out mortgage finance giants were receiving $153 billion in support from taxpayers.

The huge payouts came to light in a new report published on Thursday by the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s Office of Inspector General.

“Although the Enterprises [Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac] have lost billions of dollars and continue to depend upon federal support to remain in business,” the report states, “their senior executives continue to receive multi-million dollar salaries.”

At Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association), its chief executive officer received $9.3 million in total compensation in 2009 and 2010, the report reveals. The CEO is Michael J. Williams, who joined the company in 1991.

At Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Association), CEO Charles E. Haldeman Jr., former head of Putnam Investments, made $7.8 million in the two years since the company was taken over by the federal government.

Fannie Mae’s chief financial officer made $4.6 million, and its chief accounting officer/general counsel received $4.5 million.

Outrage: Freddie and Fannie Execs Pocketed $35 Million In Taxpayer Money
Sure.. it's old news but .. heck, it still bugs me...

Just how corrupt is this Obama...and does anyone care..?


Top executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were paid more than $35 million in the past two years while the two bailed-out mortgage finance giants were receiving $153 billion in support from taxpayers.

The huge payouts came to light in a new report published on Thursday by the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s Office of Inspector General.

“Although the Enterprises [Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac] have lost billions of dollars and continue to depend upon federal support to remain in business,” the report states, “their senior executives continue to receive multi-million dollar salaries.”

At Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association), its chief executive officer received $9.3 million in total compensation in 2009 and 2010, the report reveals. The CEO is Michael J. Williams, who joined the company in 1991.

At Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Association), CEO Charles E. Haldeman Jr., former head of Putnam Investments, made $7.8 million in the two years since the company was taken over by the federal government.

Fannie Mae’s chief financial officer made $4.6 million, and its chief accounting officer/general counsel received $4.5 million.

Outrage: Freddie and Fannie Execs Pocketed $35 Million In Taxpayer Money

Where are the Statists on this? Was this approved by Bawney Fwank, and Chissy Dodd?
Barack Obama is just about as corrupt as Jimmy Steward's Mr. Smith goes to Washington character.

And it's driving the Corporate Quislings..crazy.
Barack Obama is just about as corrupt as Jimmy Steward's Mr. Smith goes to Washington character.

And it's driving the Corporate Quislings..crazy.

So, in other words.. you don't care...:lol:
Obama is a liar and this could be criminal:

We can't drill in the Gulf, but we are going to borrow $2.84 billion (+ interest) from China to loan to Colombia (money we will never get back) for an oil refinery, so we can buy oil from them, so they can make money from us.

Why would we do something so stupid? Reficar is a subsidiary of Ecopetrol, a Colombian nationally owned company. George Soros is a major share holder and will make millions off this. Soros is Obama's puppet master. There needs to be an investigation here. America is going to lose billions, so Obama's buddy can make millions.
Financial corruption in America has reached a level at which nothing but revolution will bring it under control. The Nation is becoming an oligarchy with a small number of individuals in possession of the largest portion of its wealth resources and our political system is driven by bribery. Such a system cannot get better. It can only get worse because there is no limit to greed.
Financial corruption in America has reached a level at which nothing but revolution will bring it under control. The Nation is becoming an oligarchy with a small number of individuals in possession of the largest portion of its wealth resources and our political system is driven by bribery. Such a system cannot get better. It can only get worse because there is no limit to greed.

Doomed.. Doomed .. I tell Ya..
Financial corruption in America has reached a level at which nothing but revolution will bring it under control. The Nation is becoming an oligarchy with a small number of individuals in possession of the largest portion of its wealth resources and our political system is driven by bribery. Such a system cannot get better. It can only get worse because there is no limit to greed.

Ahh, but there are limits to incentive. They're known as "entitlement programs".
More and more people take the easy way out and rely on the government to take care of their needs. Why work hard and try to live "the American dream" when they'll loose all that free shit?
Financial corruption in America has reached a level at which nothing but revolution will bring it under control. The Nation is becoming an oligarchy with a small number of individuals in possession of the largest portion of its wealth resources and our political system is driven by bribery. Such a system cannot get better. It can only get worse because there is no limit to greed.

Ahh, but there are limits to incentive. They're known as "entitlement programs".
More and more people take the easy way out and rely on the government to take care of their needs. Why work hard and try to live "the American dream" when they'll loose all that free shit?

I think most people want to work.. but they screw themselves up in a variety of ways... they have lost their pride..
Barack Obama is just about as corrupt as Jimmy Steward's Mr. Smith goes to Washington character.

And it's driving the Corporate Quislings..crazy.

So, in other words.. you don't care...:lol:

Not right now................. Next year, though, when an R gets elected back in, they'll be climbing to the highest mountains to scream their discontent.
Barack Obama is just about as corrupt as Jimmy Steward's Mr. Smith goes to Washington character.

And it's driving the Corporate Quislings..crazy.

So, in other words.. you don't care...:lol:

Not right now................. Next year, though, when an R gets elected back in, they'll be climbing to the highest mountains to scream their discontent.

If Obama had to run on his record .. there's no way he should win... I'm fairly sure he'll go the low road... and all the little minions will follow...
Obama is a liar and this could be criminal:

We can't drill in the Gulf, but we are going to borrow $2.84 billion (+ interest) from China to loan to Colombia (money we will never get back) for an oil refinery, so we can buy oil from them, so they can make money from us.

Why would we do something so stupid? Reficar is a subsidiary of Ecopetrol, a Colombian nationally owned company. George Soros is a major share holder and will make millions off this. Soros is Obama's puppet master. There needs to be an investigation here. America is going to lose billions, so Obama's buddy can make millions.

Why not we spent a trillion or so in Iraq so we could buy oil from them.
Ohh wait so other countries could buy oil from them it seems.
Obama is a liar and this could be criminal:

We can't drill in the Gulf, but we are going to borrow $2.84 billion (+ interest) from China to loan to Colombia (money we will never get back) for an oil refinery, so we can buy oil from them, so they can make money from us.

Why would we do something so stupid? Reficar is a subsidiary of Ecopetrol, a Colombian nationally owned company. George Soros is a major share holder and will make millions off this. Soros is Obama's puppet master. There needs to be an investigation here. America is going to lose billions, so Obama's buddy can make millions.

Why not we spent a trillion or so in Iraq so we could buy oil from them.
Ohh wait so other countries could buy oil from them it seems.

Yah.. what's the deal... Obama promised we were outta there..:poke:
Of course Obama is corrupt. He's a typical Chicagoland criminal political thug. Did you expect any thing different?
Of course Obama is corrupt. He's a typical Chicagoland criminal political thug. Did you expect any thing different?

No Sir... I didn't...

Okay fine .. I did have a slight bout with euphoric excitement and the new President but.. it passed rather quickly..:lol:
So, in other words.. you don't care...:lol:

Not right now................. Next year, though, when an R gets elected back in, they'll be climbing to the highest mountains to scream their discontent.

If Obama had to run on his record .. there's no way he should win... I'm fairly sure he'll go the low road... and all the little minions will follow...

Well... that's a given...of course he/they will. That's the road they took the last time around. And the road he has taken pretty much his whole career actually....using lawyers to get rid of the competition and such...what makes you think he would enjoy a challenge (god forbid)? He would probably have a breakdown.
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Not right now................. Next year, though, when an R gets elected back in, they'll be climbing to the highest mountains to scream their discontent.

If Obama had to run on his record .. there's no way he should win... I'm fairly sure he'll go the low road... and all the little minions will follow...

Well... that's a given...of course he/they will. That's the road they took the last time around. And the road he has taken pretty much his whole career actually....using lawyers to get rid of the competition and such...what makes you think he would enjoy a challenge (god forbid)? He would probably have a breakdown.

It's politics .. American style.. truer than the red white and blueee who who... (singing this)

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