Obama CAN'T beat any of our top three...

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Obama doesn't have anything to stand on.

8%+ unemployment
Legislation that wasn't popular that he had to buy votes on to get passed.
Scandal after scandal, all paid for with our tax dollars.
A stagnant economy
A cabinet full of people that have been failures
A foreign policy of kissing ass and not taking names
MASSIVE debt and spending
A refusal to admit mistakes and learn from them
Pitting American against American
A blame game that everyone is sick of

If Obama wants to win and the economy hasn't made a miraculous turn around he will have to kick Biden out and use the only positive he possesses.....Hillary.

Obama is done. Welcome to the new usmb, land of never ending left crybabies.




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