Obama Camp Goes There


Jun 27, 2009
'bout fuckin' time, too...

The U.S. Senate is supposed to vote on the American Jobs Act as early as tonight.

It’s a bill that will put people to work immediately, and it contains proposals that members of both parties have said in the past that they’d support.

But Senate Republicans want to block it. Not because they have a plan that creates jobs right now — not one Republican, in Congress or in the presidential race, does. They only have a political plan.

Their strategy is to suffocate the economy for the sake of what they think will be a political victory. They think that the more folks see Washington taking no action to create jobs, the better their chances in the next election. So they’re doing everything in their power to make sure nothing gets done.

There’s still time for principled Republican senators to declare their independence from this kamikaze political strategy. And the only way it can happen is if they hear from constituents like you today.

Obama camp: GOP trying to destroy economy on purpose - The Plum Line - The Washington Post
Political Animal - Jim Messina broaches a provocative line

Given recent events — the debt-ceiling scandal, the GOP-driven downgrade, the Republican rejection of any efforts to boost the economy, the GOP leadership’s letter to Bernanke pleading with him to let the economy suffer, the repeated threats of government shutdowns, tonight’s death of the American Jobs Act — it appears all kinds of serious people are at least entertaining the possibility.

As a result, it at least seems like a question worthy of some debate. Given the circumstances, there’s ample reason for credible observers to at least ponder the possibility and ask Republican leaders for an explanation for their behavior.

It's about time. The elephant in the room (that nobody talks about) represents the GOP.
Political Animal - Jim Messina broaches a provocative line

Given recent events — the debt-ceiling scandal, the GOP-driven downgrade, the Republican rejection of any efforts to boost the economy, the GOP leadership’s letter to Bernanke pleading with him to let the economy suffer, the repeated threats of government shutdowns, tonight’s death of the American Jobs Act — it appears all kinds of serious people are at least entertaining the possibility.

As a result, it at least seems like a question worthy of some debate. Given the circumstances, there’s ample reason for credible observers to at least ponder the possibility and ask Republican leaders for an explanation for their behavior.

It's about time. The elephant in the room (that nobody talks about) represents the GOP.

And do you think Republicans want to be having this conversation?
Is this the Obama bill that Reid already dismantled?

How much per job will this cost? The last time Obammy gave us a bill like this it was 200K per job and he dumped half a billion on a bankrupt green company that gave him political contributions
'bout fuckin' time, too...

The U.S. Senate is supposed to vote on the American Jobs Act as early as tonight.

It’s a bill that will put people to work immediately, and it contains proposals that members of both parties have said in the past that they’d support.

But Senate Republicans want to block it. Not because they have a plan that creates jobs right now — not one Republican, in Congress or in the presidential race, does. They only have a political plan.

Their strategy is to suffocate the economy for the sake of what they think will be a political victory. They think that the more folks see Washington taking no action to create jobs, the better their chances in the next election. So they’re doing everything in their power to make sure nothing gets done.

There’s still time for principled Republican senators to declare their independence from this kamikaze political strategy. And the only way it can happen is if they hear from constituents like you today.

Obama camp: GOP trying to destroy economy on purpose - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Boehner wanted to vote on the bill right away! It was Reid who held the bill up, trying to rewrite it! He knew the dems would not pass it the was Obama wrote it!
Political Animal - Jim Messina broaches a provocative line

Given recent events — the debt-ceiling scandal, the GOP-driven downgrade, the Republican rejection of any efforts to boost the economy, the GOP leadership’s letter to Bernanke pleading with him to let the economy suffer, the repeated threats of government shutdowns, tonight’s death of the American Jobs Act — it appears all kinds of serious people are at least entertaining the possibility.

As a result, it at least seems like a question worthy of some debate. Given the circumstances, there’s ample reason for credible observers to at least ponder the possibility and ask Republican leaders for an explanation for their behavior.

It's about time. The elephant in the room (that nobody talks about) represents the GOP.

And do you think Republicans want to be having this conversation?

Conversation? What conversation?! There IS no elephant, and you are the problem for saying there's a problem!
The three of you might want to get a room.

There are several democrats and one independent that will not vote for Obama's bill.

There may be a bipartisan effort to take part of Obama's bill and have it passed.

I do believe that those that oppose it know we can't afford it.
Well folks, THE SET UP that was played IS NOW BEING PLAYED OUT with the HELP of the Progressive lapdog media.

Obama didn't have enough VOTES from his OWN party, yet this is HOW THEY WRITE THIS UP..

We all knew this was coming...I doubt MANY people will be buying it..
Is this the Obama bill that Reid already dismantled?

How much per job will this cost? The last time Obammy gave us a bill like this it was 200K per job and he dumped half a billion on a bankrupt green company that gave him political contributions

'bout fuckin' time, too...

The U.S. Senate is supposed to vote on the American Jobs Act as early as tonight.

It’s a bill that will put people to work immediately, and it contains proposals that members of both parties have said in the past that they’d support.

But Senate Republicans want to block it. Not because they have a plan that creates jobs right now — not one Republican, in Congress or in the presidential race, does. They only have a political plan.

Their strategy is to suffocate the economy for the sake of what they think will be a political victory. They think that the more folks see Washington taking no action to create jobs, the better their chances in the next election. So they’re doing everything in their power to make sure nothing gets done.

There’s still time for principled Republican senators to declare their independence from this kamikaze political strategy. And the only way it can happen is if they hear from constituents like you today.

Obama camp: GOP trying to destroy economy on purpose - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Boehner wanted to vote on the bill right away! It was Reid who held the bill up, trying to rewrite it! He knew the dems would not pass it the was Obama wrote it!

trivial things like reality and facts get in the way of the liberal weenie mindset in here.
The three of you might want to get a room.

There are several democrats and one independent that will not vote for Obama's bill.

There may be a bipartisan effort to take part of Obama's bill and have it passed.

I do believe that those that oppose it know we can't afford it.

Not the point, not even close.

The POINT IS they have been fighting him since Day One, and he's finally owned it, and he's finally speaking to it. To that I say Hell Yeah, Hallelujah, and it's past damned time.
Why would the REP agree to this , it didnt help the first time. His policies have to change not throw money we dont have at the problem
'bout fuckin' time, too...

The U.S. Senate is supposed to vote on the American Jobs Act as early as tonight.

It’s a bill that will put people to work immediately, and it contains proposals that members of both parties have said in the past that they’d support.

But Senate Republicans want to block it. Not because they have a plan that creates jobs right now — not one Republican, in Congress or in the presidential race, does. They only have a political plan.

Their strategy is to suffocate the economy for the sake of what they think will be a political victory. They think that the more folks see Washington taking no action to create jobs, the better their chances in the next election. So they’re doing everything in their power to make sure nothing gets done.

There’s still time for principled Republican senators to declare their independence from this kamikaze political strategy. And the only way it can happen is if they hear from constituents like you today.

Obama camp: GOP trying to destroy economy on purpose - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

it's hard for the senate republicans to block it when his own party won't bring it up for a vote.

"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) on Tuesday further distanced his Democratic Conference from President Obama by nixing a major component of the White House’s jobs plan.

Reid said he would revise parts of the proposal that some Senate Democrats have found unpalatable. The Nevada Democrat announced his new strategy on the same day he blocked a Republican effort to force a vote on Obama’s jobs bill. "
Senate Democrats buck Obama on jobs proposal by changing 'pay-fors' - TheHill.com

at least real sheep produce wool. :lol:

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