Obama bus tour in full swing * and we're paying for it *

YUP,Obama is giving 300 million americans the finger,,YO, IM OFF TO MARTHA'S VINYARD,,STOCK MARKET CRASH OR NO STOCK MARKET CRASH! F.U. you godamm Corporate Jet Owners!!
i think that its only fair that any president should pay for his own vacations! not on borrowed money!
Solving the debt crisis takes a lot out of a guy...

Look at it this way. It is harder for him to interupt prime time TV with a press conference/address from Martha's Vineyard. Count your blessings.
Blame the Janitor, Obama is just the person "Americas Owners" gave you to make you think there was some "change", there isn't, but dont worry, YOU wont have to pay back the interest on the mega loans/bailout, your kids will, feel better?
So Obama stayong in Washington would make any difference? Or is this just more Obama hater whine?

Obama should pay for his own damn campaigning and that would end this story. Period. I didn't vote for him so why should my tax moneys be used to promote him on a tour?

Aren't their campaign laws or rules about this? It's utter bullshit
Obama can't spell job much less define it. He has never made a payroll or produced anything out of money he has earned. This is a campaign tour with out doubt. He is flipping the votes the finger, he say one thing and does another. How did this happen. We conservatives were asleep at the switch last election. He didn't win, we lost. McCain is a good man but not a president and Palin is a bright woman but not a Vice President. We HAVE to do better next year or we are going in the crapper.
He's off on another vacation?

How timely.

Everything earned on the NYSE for 2011 has been wiped today, and asswipe flies a corporate jet to Martha's Vineyard.

What an elitist little fuck.

He's asking us to sacrfice - and this is what we get?

Yeah sparky, candidates campaign. Oh and BTW, all of Congress is on vacation. Most of them left while he was signing their hostage bill into law. He stuck around hoping they'd resolve the FAA stalemate and put people to work. That's right they had the audacity to fly on planes, after putting airline folks out of work. Don't see you whining about that.
Is he traveling around the country touting all of the "shovel-ready" jobs he's created ?

What a farse.

Well the left has claimed that he did create hundreds of thousands if not millions of jobs...
I heard one of the talking heads on MSNBC say he created something like 2.8 million jobs
since he's been in office...

But this campaign tour is to let everyone know that he's focused like a laser on.....Jobs....
I am starting AA next month thanks to a drinking game I have taken part in....
Every time the word Infrastructure was used by these dumb ass Libs I had to take a drink...
Every time the administration did nothing about said infrastructure I had to take a drink...
The result my liver is shot to hell and I'm drunk out of my mind half the time. :evil:
He's off on another vacation?

How timely.

Everything earned on the NYSE for 2011 has been wiped today, and asswipe flies a corporate jet to Martha's Vineyard.

What an elitist little fuck.

He's asking us to sacrfice - and this is what we get?

Yeah sparky, candidates campaign. Oh and BTW, all of Congress is on vacation. Most of them left while he was signing their hostage bill into law. He stuck around hoping they'd resolve the FAA stalemate and put people to work. That's right they had the audacity to fly on planes, after putting airline folks out of work. Don't see you whining about that.

Presidents lead and compromise. Obama never quite figured that out.
He's off on another vacation?

How timely.

Everything earned on the NYSE for 2011 has been wiped today, and asswipe flies a corporate jet to Martha's Vineyard.

What an elitist little fuck.

He's asking us to sacrfice - and this is what we get?

Yeah sparky, candidates campaign. Oh and BTW, all of Congress is on vacation. Most of them left while he was signing their hostage bill into law. He stuck around hoping they'd resolve the FAA stalemate and put people to work. That's right they had the audacity to fly on planes, after putting airline folks out of work. Don't see you whining about that.

But it was the Dems who would not pass a budget, for years... then they voted no on any budget that had a balance until we got the worst budget made by Dems and Reps, Obama was quick to sgn it.
In the general Obama fashion he is going to campaign as much as humanly possible and not dip into that trillion dollar pool to do it. How is this surprising? It has been this way since he began the presidency. He never left campaign mode.
Yea this sucks. The Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay for his Re-Election ploys. I wonder how much it's going to cost us?
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takes a car, complains
takes a boat, complains,
takes a bus, complains,
take a plane, complains
Walks around, complains
Breaths, complains

We got it, this is pathetic, but we got it.

If he wants to take a bus he can take a bus. The problem here is he is turning a campaign event into an official trip in order not to have to pay the bill.

Do you have any idea why POTUS always travels in Air Force One? It gives him access to the best com equipment the DOD can get its grubby paws on. In order for him to take a bus tour, and still be able to handle an emergency, someone is going to have to design a bus that can handle all the communications duties of the single most secure mobile communications system on the planet. That is not going to be free, nor is it all going to fit in one bus. There will also have to be three complete shifts of people to monitor that equipment traveling with him, which will take more buses. It would actually be less expensive to fly the plane overhead and give him an uplink to it than to build a completely new system that will only be used once, and is intended only to prove that Obama is something everyone knows he isn't.
takes a car, complains
takes a boat, complains,
takes a bus, complains,
take a plane, complains
Walks around, complains
Breaths, complains

We got it, this is pathetic, but we got it.

<< complains when he wastes taxpayers money
<< complains when he uses taxpayer money to campaign.
<< complains when he builds a bus when he can take a plain that he already has.
<< complains when the country is bankrupt and he thinks of another way to throw taxpayer money down the drain.

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