Obama bows to Cuban dictator Raul Castro at memorial service


Were it true that no Americans were killed in Iraq after January, 2009 that would indeed have been commendable.

Sadly, that's a lie.

But then the number did decrease as the opposition recognized it didn't have to kill Americans as they had been muzzled.

Glad to see that we agree, however, that The Big Zero's promise as regards Afghanistan was a total, though empty, campaign promise. Because even one American died in either place after the Hour of Anointment in 1/2009, the competition might be among the deceased as to which death was the very first lie of the new regime's time in power.

Don't be absurd.

No president can just pull an entire army out of a country on one day.

Now, the thing about Afghanistan is, I agree, Obama did make a commitment that he shouldn't have. He called it the "War of Necessity" when it wasn't clear that it was. (Although, frankly, no one in either party really contradicted him.)

He did do the one thing Bush failed to do.

Killed Bin Laden.
But....but.....but......He promised! Won an election based on that!

Yes, He did assassinate a political figure, however all by Himself with His bare hands, risking no other American lives. Not so???
For some folks, it is natural to bow or bend at the waist, ever so slightly, when shaking hands, and, when a tall person is shaking hands with a short person, the tall person may end-up bending a bit more than usual, making the gesture look like something it's not.

I, for one, in my delusional self-important graciousness, am ready to let Obumble off-the-hook on this one; writing it off as a fairly natural and normal gesture caught on camera, that the Opposition is leveraging for a bit of mischievous fun and mudslinging...

But we've all seen him bow (damned-near curtsy) to the goddamned Saudi King and similarly to a couple of others, and it both (1) alarmed and embarrassed and pissed-off a lot of Americans and (2) causes every such subsequent event to be put under a microscope and examined skeptically.

Fearless Leader did this to himself with that bow to the Saudi King; shot himself in the foot; embarrassed the shit out of most Americans who care about such things, and made a lot of folks ask "Is that suitable behavior for a President of the United States"?

False alarm - this time, probably - but putting it under a microscrope was justified.
All of which proved He learned nothing from the reaction to his damned-near curtsy to......

But then He is generally regarded as incapable of learning so I guess not much of a loss this time.
This is really silly. It's obvious that Castro is seated. "O" shaking his hand is no big deal. A majority of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of Cuba yet around two-thirds think the US should normalize relations with Cuba.
The embargo isn't working as the rest of the world has relations with Cuba. I think it's time to open relations with Cuba and then watch capitalism flourish such as it has in the old USSR, China and Vietnam.

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