Obama Birth Certificate: Mark Steyn enters the Birthershpere.

You watch, they will. Liberals have always been hypocrites.

I am as liberal as anyone.

Check the threads about Ted Cruz and natural born citizenship.

I have been consistently saying of course Ted Cruz is eligible- and so was John McCain.

I would say something about Conservatives being hypocrites- but that would be wrong. Not all Conservatives- not even most Conservatives are hypocrites. Just as most LIberals aren't either.

I don't know whether Ted Cruz is eligible or not, but he seems to have complete documentation. Same with McCain. The problem with Obama is we don't know the facts of his background because most of his records have been sealed. This is unprecedented in modern American political history. I have a certified copy of my original birth certificate; why doesn't he? I also have a computer generated certificate of birth registration, which is not the same thing. I also have school and medical records; why doesn't he? The vituperous attacks by his supporters against anyone who raises these questions does not inspire confidence in their answers.

Really- tell me what 'documentation' that Cruz has- that Obama does not? What documentation that Cruz has shown to the public- that Obama has not.

Should be simple for you.

And you know who's below birthers? People who get their own country of birth wrong for their own autobiography. Now that's moron cubed. But that is the Chi Town Clown.

In Barack Obama's autobiography- "Dreams of My Father" he talks about the hospital in Hawaii he was born in.

Yeah well considering how many lies Obama has been caught in, just because Obama says it, doesn't make it true.

He probably WAS born in Kenya.




HONOLULU – The Hawai„i State Health Department recently complied with a request by
President Barack Obama for certified copies of his original Certificate of Live Birth,
which is sometimes referred to in the media as a “long form” birth certificate.
“We hope that issuing certified copies of the original Certificate of Live Birth to
President Obama will end the numerous inquiries related to his birth in Hawai„i,” Hawai„i
Health Director Loretta Fuddy said. “I have seen the original records filed at the
Department of Health and attest to the authenticity of the certified copies the
department provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in

Um, link?
You watch, they will. Liberals have always been hypocrites.

I am as liberal as anyone.

Check the threads about Ted Cruz and natural born citizenship.

I have been consistently saying of course Ted Cruz is eligible- and so was John McCain.

I would say something about Conservatives being hypocrites- but that would be wrong. Not all Conservatives- not even most Conservatives are hypocrites. Just as most LIberals aren't either.

I don't know whether Ted Cruz is eligible or not, but he seems to have complete documentation. Same with McCain. The problem with Obama is we don't know the facts of his background because most of his records have been sealed. This is unprecedented in modern American political history. I have a certified copy of my original birth certificate; why doesn't he? I also have a computer generated certificate of birth registration, which is not the same thing. I also have school and medical records; why doesn't he? The vituperous attacks by his supporters against anyone who raises these questions does not inspire confidence in their answers.

Really- tell me what 'documentation' that Cruz has- that Obama does not? What documentation that Cruz has shown to the public- that Obama has not.

Should be simple for you.

The kind that hasn't been sealed up, like Obama's college docs.
OMG that's funny. So he wasn't lying when his autobiography said he was born in Kenya because he can't remember it. That's classic, even for you.

Barack Obama's autobiography- published in 1995- said that Obama was born in Hawaii.

Birthers are really bizarre

I'm not a birther, Skippy, I think he was born in Hawaii. I also keep saying even if he were born in Kenya, his mother was American, he was born American, he's legitimately President. If you read any of the discussion you would know that, I keep saying it. So the rest of your post to me is irrelevant. I just think it's hilarious how you don't hold him accountable for his own publisher who said for 16 years (1991-2007) he was born in Kenya, but you think birthers are lunatics. That is what I am mocking you for.
You watch, they will. Liberals have always been hypocrites.

I am as liberal as anyone.

Check the threads about Ted Cruz and natural born citizenship.

I have been consistently saying of course Ted Cruz is eligible- and so was John McCain.

I would say something about Conservatives being hypocrites- but that would be wrong. Not all Conservatives- not even most Conservatives are hypocrites. Just as most LIberals aren't either.

I don't know whether Ted Cruz is eligible or not, but he seems to have complete documentation. Same with McCain. The problem with Obama is we don't know the facts of his background because most of his records have been sealed. This is unprecedented in modern American political history. I have a certified copy of my original birth certificate; why doesn't he? I also have a computer generated certificate of birth registration, which is not the same thing. I also have school and medical records; why doesn't he? The vituperous attacks by his supporters against anyone who raises these questions does not inspire confidence in their answers.

Now THAT I will give you.

I was never a birther but it is ODD than they sealed this papers.

MY take is, I think it has to do with his college days.

My bet is, he went to college as a foreign national to get some discount or perk to go to college and he doesn't want people to know about it.

Seriously- you folks have got to stop reading WND- it rots your brains.

What documents do you imagine that President Obama has 'sealed' that President Bush and President Clinton didn't have 'sealed'?

His college records? Clinton never released his college records. Bush had his Yale records leaked- but NEVER released his Harvard records- just as Obama never released his Harvard records.

Face it- this whole idea of records 'being sealed' didn't exist until Birthers started their whole laundry list of demands from Obama- up to and including demanding his kindergarten records.

Presidents- and Presidential candidates- do not release their college records- because the only ones who care about them are their opponents. Look at the last Presidential race- the only candidate we saw the college records for was the Texan- and that was illegally leaked- and who benefitted?

His opponents.
You watch, they will. Liberals have always been hypocrites.

I am as liberal as anyone.

Check the threads about Ted Cruz and natural born citizenship.

I have been consistently saying of course Ted Cruz is eligible- and so was John McCain.

I would say something about Conservatives being hypocrites- but that would be wrong. Not all Conservatives- not even most Conservatives are hypocrites. Just as most LIberals aren't either.

I don't know whether Ted Cruz is eligible or not, but he seems to have complete documentation. Same with McCain. The problem with Obama is we don't know the facts of his background because most of his records have been sealed. This is unprecedented in modern American political history. I have a certified copy of my original birth certificate; why doesn't he? I also have a computer generated certificate of birth registration, which is not the same thing. I also have school and medical records; why doesn't he? The vituperous attacks by his supporters against anyone who raises these questions does not inspire confidence in their answers.

Really- tell me what 'documentation' that Cruz has- that Obama does not? What documentation that Cruz has shown to the public- that Obama has not.

Should be simple for you.

The kind that hasn't been sealed up, like Obama's college docs.

Okay- show me Cruz's college records then.
He didn't write that but what does that matter?

His publisher put it on his autobiography and left it there for a decade.

Nope. His publisher put it in a trade circular.

If his publisher was lying, why did obama let it stand for years? Are you claiming that obama did not read the hype for his own books?

First of all- no one is saying the publisher was lying- the person who wrote the bio very clearly stated that she made a mistake. An easy mistake since Barack Obama Sr. was born in Kenya- not Barack Obama Jr.

We don't know whether Obama read it or not- but we do know that Obama has been very clear and consistent in actual publications that he was interviewed in that he was born in Hawaii

Right, because publishers just make up where their writers were born without asking them and leave it in their materials for 16 years. What a bunch of kool aid guzzlers you are. I have a tip for you, don't go on timeshare vacations, seriously. What a sucker, wow.
OMG that's funny. So he wasn't lying when his autobiography said he was born in Kenya because he can't remember it. That's classic, even for you.

Barack Obama's autobiography- published in 1995- said that Obama was born in Hawaii.

Birthers are really bizarre

I'm not a birther, Skippy, I think he was born in Hawaii. I also keep saying even if he were born in Kenya, his mother was American, he was born American, he's legitimately President. If you read any of the discussion you would know that, I keep saying it. So the rest of your post to me is irrelevant. I just think it's hilarious how you don't hold him accountable for his own publisher who said for 16 years (1991-2007) he was born in Kenya, but you think birthers are lunatics. That is what I am mocking you for.

Birthers are really bizarre. Mock away- you may not be a Birther but you are clearly caring Birthers water.
He didn't write that but what does that matter?

His publisher put it on his autobiography and left it there for a decade.

Nope. His publisher put it in a trade circular.

If his publisher was lying, why did obama let it stand for years? Are you claiming that obama did not read the hype for his own books?

First of all- no one is saying the publisher was lying- the person who wrote the bio very clearly stated that she made a mistake. An easy mistake since Barack Obama Sr. was born in Kenya- not Barack Obama Jr.

We don't know whether Obama read it or not- but we do know that Obama has been very clear and consistent in actual publications that he was interviewed in that he was born in Hawaii

Right, because publishers just make up where their writers were born without asking them and leave it in their materials for 16 years. What a bunch of kool aid guzzlers you are. I have a tip for you, don't go on timeshare vacations, seriously. What a sucker, wow.

First of all- no one is saying the publisher was lying- the person who wrote the bio very clearly stated that she made a mistake. An easy mistake since Barack Obama Sr. was born in Kenya- not Barack Obama Jr.

We don't know whether Obama read it or not- but we do know that Obama has been very clear and consistent in actual publications that he was interviewed in that he was born in Hawaii
Anyone who ever gave even tacit support to birther conspiracy theories has no credibility of any kind, on any issue, ever.

including the Ted Cruz birthers?????? and the McCain birthers? or only the obama birthers?

All Birthers.

There were very few McCain Birthers- and there will be almost no Cruz Birthers- but the Birthers are nuts.
The GOP told Obama to put in his ... autobiography ... he was born in Kenya?

Where did this happen?

And again, I've been asking this as long as Birferism has been around -- how would O'bama --- or anybody else --- know anything about their own birth? Nobody's memory goes that far.

He didn't write that but what does that matter?

And, as I've said before, he was able to transport from Kenya to Hawaii, place those TWO birth announcements and then get all the way back to Kenya in time to be born. He probably has a strong memory of that pre-birth trip.

Thanks for clearing that up. I always thought that parents or grandparents placed birth announcements in the newspaper, not newborn children themselves. Your superior intellect is once again displayed.

Well then allow me to further educate you.

In the case of the TWO different newspaper announcements of President Obama's birth, it was the Heath Department who placed them.

A minor detail you burfur nutters carefully choose to ignore.

Begs the questions: Are birther conspiracy theorists completely stupid or simply dishonest? It has to be the latter......who could possibly be stupid enough to believe it?

You don't know what "begs the question" means, funny when you're calling people stupid...
He didn't write that but what does that matter?

His publisher put it on his autobiography and left it there for a decade.

Nope. His publisher put it in a trade circular.

If his publisher was lying, why did obama let it stand for years? Are you claiming that obama did not read the hype for his own books?

So wait.... you guys think authors control what's on the covers of the book their publisher puts out?

If I was an author, I would certainly control what my publisher said about me, as would anyone with a lick of common sense.

So, now you are saying that obama was either too stupid to read what his publisher said, or that he just didn't give a shit as long as his books sold? is that it?

I am saying that Birthers are so stupid that they will believe anything fed to them by WND.
OMG that's funny. So he wasn't lying when his autobiography said he was born in Kenya because he can't remember it. That's classic, even for you.

Barack Obama's autobiography- published in 1995- said that Obama was born in Hawaii.

Birthers are really bizarre

I'm not a birther, Skippy, I think he was born in Hawaii. I also keep saying even if he were born in Kenya, his mother was American, he was born American, he's legitimately President. If you read any of the discussion you would know that, I keep saying it. So the rest of your post to me is irrelevant. I just think it's hilarious how you don't hold him accountable for his own publisher who said for 16 years (1991-2007) he was born in Kenya, but you think birthers are lunatics. That is what I am mocking you for.

Birthers are really bizarre. Mock away- you may not be a Birther but you are clearly caring Birthers water.

I'm mocking you, bitch. Stop being such a moron.

Democrats started the birther crap with McCain, you ignore Obama's autobiography and now you're pulling it for Cruz. You should be saying like teapartysamari is and I am, they are all Americans, they were all born Americans and cut the crap. But that you don't cut the crap means I'm carrying water for the birthers? What a moron.
His publisher put it on his autobiography and left it there for a decade.

Nope. His publisher put it in a trade circular.

If his publisher was lying, why did obama let it stand for years? Are you claiming that obama did not read the hype for his own books?

First of all- no one is saying the publisher was lying- the person who wrote the bio very clearly stated that she made a mistake. An easy mistake since Barack Obama Sr. was born in Kenya- not Barack Obama Jr.

We don't know whether Obama read it or not- but we do know that Obama has been very clear and consistent in actual publications that he was interviewed in that he was born in Hawaii

Right, because publishers just make up where their writers were born without asking them and leave it in their materials for 16 years. What a bunch of kool aid guzzlers you are. I have a tip for you, don't go on timeshare vacations, seriously. What a sucker, wow.

First of all- no one is saying the publisher was lying- the person who wrote the bio very clearly stated that she made a mistake. An easy mistake since Barack Obama Sr. was born in Kenya- not Barack Obama Jr.

We don't know whether Obama read it or not- but we do know that Obama has been very clear and consistent in actual publications that he was interviewed in that he was born in Hawaii

Right, because publishers just make up where their writers were born without asking them and leave it in their materials for 16 years. What a bunch of kool aid guzzlers you are. I have a tip for you, don't go on timeshare vacations, seriously. What a sucker, wow
His publisher put it on his autobiography and left it there for a decade.

Nope. His publisher put it in a trade circular.

If his publisher was lying, why did obama let it stand for years? Are you claiming that obama did not read the hype for his own books?

So wait.... you guys think authors control what's on the covers of the book their publisher puts out?

If I was an author, I would certainly control what my publisher said about me, as would anyone with a lick of common sense.

So, now you are saying that obama was either too stupid to read what his publisher said, or that he just didn't give a shit as long as his books sold? is that it?

I am saying that Birthers are so stupid that they will believe anything fed to them by WND.

Obama was the original birther
OMG that's funny. So he wasn't lying when his autobiography said he was born in Kenya because he can't remember it. That's classic, even for you.

Barack Obama's autobiography- published in 1995- said that Obama was born in Hawaii.

Birthers are really bizarre

I'm not a birther, Skippy, I think he was born in Hawaii. I also keep saying even if he were born in Kenya, his mother was American, he was born American, he's legitimately President. If you read any of the discussion you would know that, I keep saying it. So the rest of your post to me is irrelevant. I just think it's hilarious how you don't hold him accountable for his own publisher who said for 16 years (1991-2007) he was born in Kenya, but you think birthers are lunatics. That is what I am mocking you for.

Birthers are really bizarre. Mock away- you may not be a Birther but you are clearly caring Birthers water.

I'm mocking you, bitch. Stop being such a moron.

Democrats started the birther crap with McCain, you ignore Obama's autobiography and now you're pulling it for Cruz. You should be saying like teapartysamari is and I am, they are all Americans, they were all born Americans and cut the crap. But that you don't cut the crap means I'm carrying water for the birthers? What a moron.

LOL....how ironic coming from you.

a) Conservatives started the birther crap in a blog about Obama
b) Democrats- including Obama declared that McCain was a natural born citizen
c) Obama's autobiography says very clearly he was born in Hawaii.
d) Cruz is a natural born citizen- I have been saying that consistently- so is McCain.

Now stop being a bitch and tell us what relevance you think that a one paragraph blurb in a brochure with bio's from 20 other potential author's means- when both before and after Barack Obama was consistently telling people- in newspaper and magazine articles, in his actual autobiography, on his website- that he was born in Hawaii?

What is it about that promotional brochure that has your panties in a wad?
Nope. His publisher put it in a trade circular.

If his publisher was lying, why did obama let it stand for years? Are you claiming that obama did not read the hype for his own books?

So wait.... you guys think authors control what's on the covers of the book their publisher puts out?

If I was an author, I would certainly control what my publisher said about me, as would anyone with a lick of common sense.

So, now you are saying that obama was either too stupid to read what his publisher said, or that he just didn't give a shit as long as his books sold? is that it?

I am saying that Birthers are so stupid that they will believe anything fed to them by WND.

Obama was the original birther


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