Obama backed Syrian Moderate"good guys" brutally behead a young boy because he was a 'spy'


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Ah the good guys. The moderates Obama and the west supports. Nice to know who we're cheering for. These are the wonderful souls we want to depose Assad.

Shame on you Obama. Shame on you all western leaders that have supported this bullshit that was never a civil war in Syria.

All because you did the bidding of your Saudi and Qatar masters to rid Syria of a so called bad guy.


VIDEO at link. Graphic. Your hard earned tax dollars at work.


The video captures Nour al-Din al-Zenki fighters in the back of a truck with a child they claim is an al-Quds soldier on the Handarat front


Sickening footage shows the young boy - under the age of 12 - being killed in the back of a pick-up truck

Read more: US-backed Nour al-Din al-Zenki behead boy accused of being al-Quds spy
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His "war on ISIS" was a joke too. While he was "bombing ISIS", ISIS has occupied 3 times bigger territory. And would keep spreading if Putin didn't start his real bombing. Tiny, did you say "Western leaders"? There are no Western leaders at all. None. Lokk what's going on in France and Germany: Islamic terrorists' terror attacks every other day...


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