Obama asked to release music producer serving 55 years on pot, gun charges


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Obama asked to release music producer serving 55 years on pot, gun charges

The 55-year prison term for a Utah music producer convicted of selling $350 worth of marijuana while keeping guns in his house should be commuted, say a number of prominent people who are petitioning President Barack Obama to release the young man.

The appeal was filed at the White House on Wednesday by an ex-FBI director, former judges and prosecutors together with scholars and notable one-time Utah politicians including Norm Bangerter and Jake Garn. Also adding their signatures were social activists including Daniel Ellsberg and singer Bonnie Rait — in all, 114 people.

Weldon Angelos has been held up as an example of what's wrong with mandatory sentences. He had no criminal record. Even the judge who sentenced him called it "unjust, cruel and irrational" and "one of those rare cases where the system has malfunctioned."

His case drew outrage from many notable people. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, told Fox News earlier this year, "We can't put a fellow like that in jail for 55 years." As recently as Sept. 18, Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, underscored Angelos' predicament during a hearing to reevaluate federal minimum sentences
Obama asked to release music producer serving 55 years on pot, gun charges | Fox News

I say no clemency. It comes down to “who you know.” There’s other hapless fellows in the same predicament who are not music producers and don’t have the ear of senators and prominent people. If the law was too harsh, change the law, then give clemency to all of those inmates that were found to be guilty under the law that was too harsh. They need a voice, too.
What could possibly go wrong with a drug addict/drug dealer having lots of guns? Drug dealers need guns more than anyone else. They are the ones most likely to be threatened by drug addicts and other drug dealers.
What could possibly go wrong with a drug addict/drug dealer having lots of guns? Drug dealers need guns more than anyone else. They are the ones most likely to be threatened by drug addicts and other drug dealers.

Do you think he should have gotten 55 years on his first offense?
Let him rot. There are far less popular people in the can for lesser issues. This person isn't special.

If the world was more fair I'd say just let the man go but it's not. Popularity, talent, money etc. should never be an excuse to set a criminal free even in this corrupt, completely fucked up country.
For years we have had politicians trying to out tough each other WRT crime control. Now we are stuck with stupid mandatory minimum sentences and extreme penalties without the ability of judges to adjust sentences. There are probably people still rotting in prison eating rats because they were caught with a marijuana seed in their car back in 1983.
I agree completely. This one man shouldn't have his sentence commuted. The laws should be changed, and everyone with similar punishments shouldn't be given the same treatment. It should never be about who you know. It's hard to take seriously anybody who believes 55 years is an appropriate sentence for such a minor crime.
Weldon Angelos isn't a famous producer. He doesn't "know" any Senators.

He's a no-name guy from Utah, not a popular celebrity.

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