Obama and Iran


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Obama has said in the past that Iran was a terrorist state that should never and will never, under his watch, obtain nuclear weapons. Did he say these things just to get elected knowing all along what he was really going to do?

Why the change of heart?

"Iran’s Supreme leader Ali Khamenei called for “Death to America” on Saturday, a day after President Barack Obama appealed to Iran to seize a “historic opportunity” for a nuclear deal and a better future, and as US Secretary of State John Kerry claimed substantial progress toward an accord."
I always questioned those who said that Obama hated the US, but now I'm not so sure.

He obviously has seen that Iran is up to no good, and now wishes to empower them to fire nukes at the Great Satan who is the US.
It appears that those in Europe and the Middle East are very concerned that Obama is committed to a nuclear Iran. It appears that Obama knows best, so it's Obama and Iran against the world it seems.

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