Obama Allows Muslim Garb; It begins....*

Sorry bout that,

1. I know you are incapable of seeing whats happening.
2. Most don't see it.
3. Defense department is going to allow muslim hijabs.
4. This is the second*Pearl Harbor* but, within the military.
LINK:Defense department agrees to allow Muslim cadets to wear hijabs – The Religion World – Orlando Sentinel

”I have been asked to respond on behalf of the Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta to your October 13, 2011 letter concerning Miss Demin Zawity’s request to wear a religious head covering (hijab) while participating in an Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) event at Ravenwood High School.

“Based on your concerns, the Army has reviewed its JROTC uniform policy and will develop appropriate procedures to provide Cadets the opportunity to request the wear of religious head dress, such as the turban and hijab. This change will allow Miss Zawity and other students the chance to fully participate in the JROTC program. Additionally, a representative from the U.S. Army Cadet Command will contact Miss Zawity and provide her the opportunity to rejoin the Ravenwood High School JROTC unit."


"What I was suggesting -- you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith..."

In an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, who jumped in to correct Obama by saying "your Christian faith," which Obama quickly clarified


That sentence alone is enough to live in constant terror of Sharia Law taking over america. I'm with you.

Everyone, under your beds, IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!
1. JUNIOR ROTC is not the military and has no military obligation.

2. Allowing religious reasonable religious accomodation is not required or forced on the military. The Supreme Court ruled back in the 70's that the AF Academy was not required to allow the wear of a yarmulke.

3. Until 1984, the Army alllowed Sikhs a special exemption to allow their uncut hair and beards and turbans with the restriction to the Medical and Dental fields. Then it was banned, but grandfathered. And since 2010, 3 Sikhs; a doctor, a dentist, and a combat medic have been granted individual exceptions to policy.

4. Therefore, allowing religious gear in JUNIOR ROTC is nothing particularly noteworthy.
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Muslim Boy Scout and Girl Scout Troops Grow in Popularity Nationwide

Muslim Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops belong to the national Boy Scouts of America and Girl Scouts of the USA organizations but are sponsored by mosques and Islamic centers and have exclusively Muslim membership. The troops allow children to learn about their religion and culture and meet other kids from similar backgrounds. The troops mix traditional scout activities with ones that are designed specifically for Muslim children.

In addition to the Islamic education offered by the scout troops there are practical reasons for establishing all-Muslim troops. In Minneapolis the benefits of an all-Muslim Girl Scout Troop presented themselves during a camping trip. Because the girls all wear the hijab (head scarf) the troop leader knew to reserve a private swimming area where the girls could remove their scarves to swim. The troop leader also bought halal marshmallows to make S'Mores. These important details might get overlooked if a Muslim girl were in a predominantly non-Muslim troop.

Research Report

The obvious answer is that ALL Girl Scout troops adopt behavior making muslim girls comfortable.
Sorry bout that,

1. I knew very few would even get a hint as to what this means.
2. Like I said before, I am not sure I will even explain.
3. To leave you in suspense.:badgrin:
4. Makes me mad very few can see this.:mad:
5. Very.

1. JUNIOR ROTC is not the military and has no military obligation.

2. Allowing religious reasonable religious accomodation is not required or forced on the military. The Supreme Court ruled back in the 70's that the AF Academy was not required to allow the wear of a yarmulke.

3. Until 1984, the Army alllowed Sikhs a special exemption to allow their uncut hair and beards and turbans with the restriction to the Medical and Dental fields. Then it was banned, but grandfathered. And since 2010, 3 Sikhs; a doctor, a dentist, and a combat medic have been granted individual exceptions to policy.

4. Therefore, allowing religious gear in JUNIOR ROTC is nothing particularly noteworthy.

Unless you're a Muslim apparently.

It's all a bunch of reactive silliness.

Here's another take on it:

Muslim JROTC Student Denied Ability to Wear Head Cover

In the Muslim religion it is no secret that women in many cases will wear special head coverings. It is also no secret that the U.S. Army has very strict dress protocols. These two ideas mixed together with the idea of freedom as an American could lead to a very controversial situation. This situation arose last month to 14 year old Muslim girl in Tennessee.

Demin Zawity was introduced to the idea of JROTC and was intrigues by the idea and ended up joining. All was well for a while with her in the program and day by day she continued to wear her head covering, but then came a school spirit week parade. During the parade the JROTC would march, and in doing so would be wearing their uniforms. With the parade approaching shortly the head officer notified Zawity that she would not be able to march with her head covering. Zawity countered this by saying it was required to be worn by her religion. The head officer then looked out to others to figure out a way to figure the situation out.

The school district and local lawyers came to the conclusion that the only way they would be allowed to continue the program was if they followed the program regulations exactly, so no exceptions could be made. Zawity after hearing this then ended up quitting the program and her parents became outraged. They argued the decision for a few different reasons. One reason was that Jewish students were allowed to wear their yarmulke under their hat, while it may not be exposed they still see this as unfair. They also argued that there have been many rules and laws in the past that have been made but later were found to needing exceptions, and they think those is one of those situations exactly. The Department of Defense is now looking at the situations and evaluating current protocol.

With all of this being said there then is the questions of what should be done? Were her parents right? Should this situation have already come up before it did? In my opinion right off the bat whether or not the rule is good or bad doesn’t matter, the fact that it is a part of the protocol at the moment means that it should be enforced well and the idea relayed to the students well also. The officers saw Zawity wearing the head covering daily and knew that the situation was going to occur sooner or later that he was going to need to be asked to take it off. With how surprised and distraught she was when she was told she could not wear it shows that the officers did less than an adequate job of letting her know about this rule. The situation could have been dealt with before and it most likely would have been a lot less heated.

There then is the is the though of whether or not she should be allowed to wear her head covering while in uniform. I think that she and others should be able to do so. I understand that the Army wants their to be a strict dress protocol to show being part of a team, but at the same time letting people also wear things like this can show how the Army has the ability to have people from very different backgrounds and religions coming together to work as one. I also agree with the parents that it is discriminatory to let Jews wear their head items but not allow Muslims to do so, at the least they should allow nobody at all to do this if even one group is excluded.
There is a psychiatric medical term for people like you Chesswarsnow.

You fit the classic paranoid schizophrenia model.

Which is easy to spot by your paranoid delusions of persecution.

And self proclaimed grandeur posting style; in which you have given yourself a royal title.

Please seek out a mental health professional before you harm yourself or people around you. :eek:
Sorry bout that,

There is a psychiatric medical term for people like you Chesswarsnow.

You fit the classic paranoid schizophrenia model.

Which is easy to spot by your paranoid delusions of persecution.

And self proclaimed grandeur posting style; in which you have given yourself a royal title.

Please seek out a mental health professional before you harm yourself or people around you. :eek:

1. Oh shit, spare me your arm chair shrink bullshit muslim.
2. I know you feel I just insulted you by calling you a muslim, its what you are am I right?
3. Oh yeah, I'm King James, the author of the Bible, as we know it,..lol!!!
4. If anyone is in danger here in Texas, its people that are close to you, look what your fellow muslim did on Christmas, he went out muzzy style, taking his family with him, its a muslim thing, and you are apart of it.
5. Be careful how you accuse others, when it reflects more so on you.

Muslim, muslim, muslim... all you ever hear about is people, organizations and assorted entities BENDING/YIELDING to give muslims SPECIAL TREATMENT.

Gee... I guess all that KILLING of INNOCENT PEOPLE the world over by MUSLIMS is really PAYING OFF. No other religion on earth demands as much or is given the lee way and special privileges that islam gets.
Sorry bout that,

Muslim, muslim, muslim... all you ever hear about is people, organizations and assorted entities BENDING/YIELDING to give muslims SPECIAL TREATMENT.

Gee... I guess all that KILLING of INNOCENT PEOPLE the world over by MUSLIMS is really PAYING OFF. No other religion on earth demands as much or is given the lee way and special privileges that islam gets.

1. ^^^^^^^^^^100% Fucking Gets It!
2. Thank you Pale Rider........

Its starting. Wait for it. Remember when he was elected and how he was going to take our guns? Same thing.
Muslim, muslim, muslim... all you ever hear about is people, organizations and assorted entities BENDING/YIELDING to give muslims SPECIAL TREATMENT.

Gee... I guess all that KILLING of INNOCENT PEOPLE the world over by MUSLIMS is really PAYING OFF. No other religion on earth demands as much or is given the lee way and special privileges that islam gets.

Remember in the 60's when all dem coloreds wanted SPECIAL rights and stuff. Same thing.
Muslim, muslim, muslim... all you ever hear about is people, organizations and assorted entities BENDING/YIELDING to give muslims SPECIAL TREATMENT.

Gee... I guess all that KILLING of INNOCENT PEOPLE the world over by MUSLIMS is really PAYING OFF. No other religion on earth demands as much or is given the lee way and special privileges that islam gets.

Remember in the 60's when all dem coloreds wanted SPECIAL rights and stuff. Same thing.

Really? I don't remember "coloreds" blowing shit up, sawing people's heads off or flying planes into buildings killing thousands of innocent people in the name islam.

I fail to see any connection.
Army Regulation 670-1 (2005):
Soldiers may wear religious headgear while in uniform if the headgear meets the following criteria.

  • It must be subdued in color (black, brown, green, dark or navy blue, or a combination of these colors).
  • It must be of a style and size that can be completely covered by standard military headgear, and it cannot interfere with the proper wear or functioning of protective clothing or equipment.
  • The headgear cannot bear any writing, symbols, or pictures.
  • Personnel will not wear religious headgear in place of military headgear when military headgear is required (outdoors, or indoors when required for duties or ceremonies).

CrapWhoreSow is too busy stirring the pot and getting people up in arms to actually acknowledge that there are real regulations already that take care of this.

BTW.......the U.S. Navy allows religious headgear along pretty much the same lines as the U.S. Army, and has since 1983 that I'm aware of (year I reported to my first command).

I wonder if CrapWhoreSow has even served?

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