Obama Administration Attacks "Rightwingers"

Unbelievable! You know what stuck out to me while reading it? The Gov...current adminstration...does have designs on getting rid of our Constitution and worse. They fear that the Military men and woman who have served have the knowlege, training, and love of country to help organize and stop them from doing it. That is why!

They are right, but all the Military men and woman I know wouldn't take arms up but if the extreme happens and this country is Marxist...you bet they would along with every person who believes in our Constitution!


If you object to your taxes going sky high... you might be a right wing extremist.

If you object to government getting us in hella debt...you might be a right wing extremist.

You say anything bad against 'The Obama' .....you might be a right wing extremist.
They did it before by getting some dumb military kid to go all Murrah building on us in the past.

Just a little bit of history repeteing is what the right wing fringe wants
McVeigh was whipped into a frensy by the right wing fring lies and killed babies for their cause.
Do not worry Jillian and Truthmatters, Sealybobo and Chris and all their buddies will be along to tell you this belongs in the Conspiracy forum and is just a bunch of made up lies. All the while trying somehow to claim you are a racist for suggesting Obama would do any such thing.

The Liberals believe they know whats best and damn it that Constitution thing just gets in their way to take care of all us dumb shits. Laws? Again only for us not them. They toil so hard to protect us from our selves and to run our lives cause they just love us so much.

What pisses me off is that If I post something about Obama and his birth certificate ...they put it in the Conspiracy forum.

That's not right.
Do not worry Jillian and Truthmatters, Sealybobo and Chris and all their buddies will be along to tell you this belongs in the Conspiracy forum and is just a bunch of made up lies. All the while trying somehow to claim you are a racist for suggesting Obama would do any such thing.

The Liberals believe they know whats best and damn it that Constitution thing just gets in their way to take care of all us dumb shits. Laws? Again only for us not them. They toil so hard to protect us from our selves and to run our lives cause they just love us so much.

Except that on this subject anyway, DHS issued a prior intelligence report regarding radical left-wing organizations. I don't recall a whole lot of hoot'n & hollerin' over this:


Yet the right wing noise machine is blaming Janet Napalitano personally. Please. The folks who write these reports are career intelligence officers already employed at Homeland Security long before she was appointed. THAT, Sarge, is the conspiracy.
nothing should surprise anyone any longer... The left is hell bent on getting their way whether it's good for the country or not. This is great for Americans who believe in our constitution and what the country was founded on...

The liberals are done in this next election. They are killing themselves and are too dumb to know it...
I bet the right wouldn't have taken this same article seriously if it had come out before Nov. 4th.
Did you actually read the article? I see nothing wrong with keeping tabs on extremist groups as long as the proper safeguards are in place...warrants, etc. They aren't targeting the teabaggers, perhaps you missed that.

it's the loose definition of extremist i was commenting on. Did you even read the actual report from DHS?

Did you? The report --

-- gives the history of home-grown terrorism and is quite extensive (hardly "loose") regarding the possibilities. Perhaps it's the term "right-wing" extremists that is troubling. But it's a given that white supremicist and similar organizations are never known to be "liberal" leaning.

Also, all the hoopla by the right wing noise machine making it appear as though Iraq veterans will suddenly be monitored is nonsense. There is no suggestion that returning veterans are predisposed to domestic terrorism. The DHS report simply says that they might be recruited by extremist groups. (See pages 4 and 10 of the linked report.)

I never even mentioned the latter part of your reply.

And I linked to the report several pages ago and the definition of right wing extremists is loose and can be interpreted very broadly. It is hardly the razor sharp description you seem to think it is.
tigerbob said:
All you have to do is look at one thread which expresses pretty much any political POV. By the end of page 1, it has usually descended into a shit fight and off the topic as posters attack anything that doesn't follow their own party line. Why? Attacking something is a damn sight easier than proposing something or trying to find common ground on which to build.

And yet a shift eventually does happen, so minds must be changed based on the more information people absorb regarding their personal opinions. Silence alone often says volumes.

Now that's the key word. Information. I would contend that the vast majority of 'information' that people consume is slanted towards the political agenda of the media outlet towards which they gravitate. Those who watch Hannity every evening will have a hugely different take on current affairs to those that are regular viewers of Keith Olbermann.

I would also contend that a huge number of voters consume soundbites, not information. Either that or they latch onto illustrations that are presented that perport to explain complex policies in easily understandable language, but which often turn out to be spun either to the left or the right. One example that springs immediately to mind is the so called Light Switch tax, but both sides are guilty.
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Unbelievable! You know what stuck out to me while reading it? The Gov...current adminstration...does have designs on getting rid of our Constitution and worse. They fear that the Military men and woman who have served have the knowlege, training, and love of country to help organize and stop them from doing it. That is why!

They are right, but all the Military men and woman I know wouldn't take arms up but if the extreme happens and this country is Marxist...you bet they would along with every person who believes in our Constitution!

Azzholes aren't they? They won't use "terrorist" in regards to fanatical mooselims, they won't call them terrorists, but they call our military terrorist. makes me gag.

Wait a second...didn't the lefties just finish telling us not to long ago that they NEVER disparage the military...ever. Yep..they sure did..Liars.:doubt:
A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.-Thomas Jefferson
Alex Jones: "You can't fight city hall." "Death and taxes." "Don't talk about politics or religion." This is all the equivalent of enemy propaganda, rolling across the picket line. "Lay down, GI! Lay down, GI!". We saw it all through the 20th Century. And now on the 21st Century, it's time to stand up and realize, that we should NOT allow ourselves to be crammed into this rat maze. We should not SUBMIT to dehumanization. I don't know about you, but I'm concerned with what's happening in this world. I'm concerned with the structure. I'm concerned with the systems of control. Those that control my life, and those that seek to control it EVEN MORE! I want FREEDOM! That's what I want, and that's what YOU should want! It's up to each and every one of us to turn loose of just some of the greed, the hatred, the envy, and yes, the insecurities, because that is the central mode of control, make us feel pathetic, small, so we'll willingly give up our sovereignty, our liberty, our destiny. We have GOT to realize we're being conditioned on a mass scale. Start challenging this corporate slave state! The 21st Century's gonna be a new century! Not the century of slavery, not the century of lies and issues of no significance, of classism and statism, and all the rest of the modes of control... it's gonna be the age of humankind, standing up for something PURE and something RIGHT! What a bunch of garbage, liberal, Democratic, conservative, Republican, it's all there to control you, two sides of the same coin! Two management teams, bidding for control of the CEO job of Slavery Incorporated! The TRUTH is out there in front of you, but they lay out this buffet of LIES! I'm SICK of it, and I'M NOT GONNA TAKE A BITE OUT OF IT! DO YA GOT ME? Resistance is NOT futile, we're gonna win this thing, humankind is too good, WE'RE NOT A BUNCH OF UNDERACHIEVERS, WE'RE GONNA STAND UP, AND WE'RE GONNA BE HUMAN BEINGS! WE'RE GONNA GET FIRED UP ABOUT THE REAL THINGS, THE THINGS THAT MATTER - CREATIVITY, AND THE *DYNAMIC* *HUMAN* *SPIRIT* THAT REFUSES TO *SUBMIT*! WELL THAT'S IT, that's all I've got to say....... It's in your court now.

Unbelievable! You know what stuck out to me while reading it? The Gov...current adminstration...does have designs on getting rid of our Constitution and worse. They fear that the Military men and woman who have served have the knowlege, training, and love of country to help organize and stop them from doing it. That is why!

They are right, but all the Military men and woman I know wouldn't take arms up but if the extreme happens and this country is Marxist...you bet they would along with every person who believes in our Constitution!

Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of currently serving military, reserves, National Guard, peace officers, and veterans who swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic … and meant it.

Our oath is to the Constitution, not to the politicians, and that oath will be kept. We won’t “just follow orders."

Oath Keepers: Oath Keepers: Orders We Will Not Obey

I don't get it. 95% of the population are getting taxes breaks and deductions and we see, many of that 95%, yesterday people clammering about taxes. The upper 5% are pulling the strings, guys. And the far right wingnuts are taking the entire pile of poop they are being feed and walking and talking for the Billionaires.

I am as concerned as anyone with the massive debt, but the incredible borrowing cannot last for more than 24 months. Most of those folks wearing tea bags yesterday need to remember, the stimulous and huge bailouts began with the Bush administration, not Obama.
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It's strange how the Democrats cry about Republicans being racists yet they use the race card any time they can...

But what's even more strange is that some of the American people can't see this yet...:cuckoo:

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