Obama Administration Attacks "Rightwingers"

Unbelievable! You know what stuck out to me while reading it? The Gov...current adminstration...does have designs on getting rid of our Constitution and worse. They fear that the Military men and woman who have served have the knowlege, training, and love of country to help organize and stop them from doing it. That is why!

They are right, but all the Military men and woman I know wouldn't take arms up but if the extreme happens and this country is Marxist...you bet they would along with every person who believes in our Constitution!
Yeah, humanity trumps ideology every time. By the way, I'm about as white as they come. Irish through and through, with the freckles and red hair.

Doesnt stop you from playing the race card does it?

I see disgusting racist comments all over the place, particularly about Michelle Obama. Please don't suggest it is non-existent. There are huge numbers of people in certain swaths across the country who will hate Barack Obama simply because he's black. Are you denying that? They hate blacks because many live in poverty and live the life of drugs and crime, never looking at the cyclical genetic reasons therefor, but believing that blacks are born inferior.

If I appear to "play" the race card, it's because I know what I see.
Yeah, humanity trumps ideology every time. By the way, I'm about as white as they come. Irish through and through, with the freckles and red hair.

Doesnt stop you from playing the race card does it?

I see disgusting racist comments all over the place, particularly about Michelle Obama. Please don't suggest it is non-existent. There are huge numbers of people in certain swaths across the country who will hate Barack Obama simply because he's black. Are you denying that? They hate blacks because many live in poverty and live the life of drugs and crime, never looking at the cyclical genetic reasons therefor, but believing that blacks are born inferior.

If I appear to "play" the race card, it's because I know what I see.

*yawn* Been there, seen it, it's equal on both sides ... in all aspects.
The 'race card' will continue to be played as long as it continues to produce results. Once the desired objective is no longer achieved using it, then they'll move onto something else. It's certainly getting close to that point, so hopefully we will see it go away with the next generation. Hopefully they are brighter and see it for what it truly is.
Unbelievable! You know what stuck out to me while reading it? The Gov...current adminstration...does have designs on getting rid of our Constitution and worse. They fear that the Military men and woman who have served have the knowlege, training, and love of country to help organize and stop them from doing it. That is why!

They are right, but all the Military men and woman I know wouldn't take arms up but if the extreme happens and this country is Marxist...you bet they would along with every person who believes in our Constitution!

Azzholes aren't they? They won't use "terrorist" in regards to fanatical mooselims, they won't call them terrorists, but they call our military terrorist. makes me gag.
PubliusInfinitu said:

I just love these blanket assessments with absolutely NOTHING to back them up.

ROFL... Blanket assessments?


Well I’ve posted it 500 times, so once more is no big deal...

The current financial crisis is a direct result of the abuse of power by the Leftists in the legislature; it began nearly a century ago and slowly crept deeper into the US Markets, but was accelerated exponentially in the 1990s when the "Progressives" in the legislature, threatened the US mortgage industry with Civil Rights lawsuits if they did not underwrite mortgages in red-line districts... thus manipulating and undermining the reasonable and time tested actuarial thresholds of mortgage lending...

Of course, the Financial industry SHOULD have told the leftist to shove it, and in so doing forced those civil right lawsuits and exposed the leftists as the rancid fools that they always have been; but instead they assented to the coercive abuse of power and public trust all of which lead to pseudo-guarantees through Fanny wherein it was determined that if the Lenders wrote the deals, Fanny would take their shady paper; leaving the lenders held presumably harmless.

The problem is of course, that even the US Federal government and it's Leftist, er... "Progressive" means to print money, can't guarantee THAT volume of liability... just as the Federal government can't actually guarantee Deposits by the whole of it's citizenry, which they've now doubled-down on... all they can do is to SAY that they can guarantee those deposits... which puts the fear of those depositors, that 'their money is at risk of evaporating' at ease...

And THAT is the BIG LIE; and THAT is why the 'Progressives' have had to spend two TRILLION DOLLARS... to avoid runs from panicky depositors which would once again PROVE that the Progressive house of cards is unsustainable; which would force the Federal government to fold after it is forced to print MANY, MANY MORE TRILLIONS in cash to pay those depositors...

It's Progressive "Fractional Banking" sis and it's a SCAM.

Bernie Madoff is an ANGEL; a veritable economic SAINT compared to the scam that leftism has pulled and continues to pull on the international economy and the hard working people of the entire world...

Credits and debits... based upon nothing, except the means of the US Taxpayer to PAY TAXES... which are paid using the same credits and debits which are based upon the same nothing.

The scam was never sustainable, but the superior production of a free market and the prudent and virtuous nature of the American people, acted as a regulating, moderating influence which prolonged what would have otherwise collapsed decades ago.

Where the Left hijacked the actuarial thresholds to advance it's warped and wholly erroneous sense of fairness, it precluded the means of market to regulate itself... due to lowering the means by which these highly coveted instruments were obtained, it induced a frenzy of mortgage buying which lead to exponential increases in the cost of the real estate which secures those mortgages...

Sadly, once the actuarial thresholds were lowered, the runaway Mortgage Genie was out of the bottle... the same 'irrational exuberance' which drove the tech bubble/burst, drove the price of secured real estate beyond the means of the market to sustain it and PRESTO... the market failed to sustain sales; values plummeted... and the fraction of liquidity which the industry is required to have on hand against it's liabilities was once again exposed as being grossly insufficient and TRILLIONS WERE NEEDED TO PREVENT THE PUBLIC FROM REALIZING THAT THE ENTIRE "PROGRESSIVE" ECONOMY IS A SCAM.

So, with all that said, one may be tempted to run and decry “GREED CAUSED IT ALL”… but that human beings are, by their nature, GREEDY is not news… humanity is saddled with numerous frailties… so PERHAPS it’s a BAD IDEA to advance POLICY WHICH SETS ASIDE SOUND PRINCIPLE… PERHAPS… it’s a BAD IDEA to advance ideas which PREY ON THOSE FRAILTIES… just perhaps it’s a BAD idea to lend credence to those who suggests that actuarial thresholds should be lowered to accommodate ideological goals which rest upon invalid reasoning and exists wholly outside of sound principle.

Need anything else Sis?

Yes, an explanation as to why Republicans (who have basically ruled since 1980, with only one Democrat in office with a Democratic Congress for only one term) never did anything about it.

Nice try, but no cigar. There's plenty of evidence that this whole mess can't be laid solely at the feet of Democrats.

The Real Deal
FactCheck.org: Who Caused the Economic Crisis?

So who is to blame? There's plenty of blame to go around, and it doesn't fasten only on one party or even mainly on what Washington did or didn't do. As The Economist magazine noted recently, the problem is one of "layered irresponsibility ... with hard-working homeowners and billionaire villains each playing a role." Here's a partial list of those alleged to be at fault:

The Federal Reserve, which slashed interest rates after the dot-com bubble burst, making credit cheap.

Home buyers, who took advantage of easy credit to bid up the prices of homes excessively.

Congress, which continues to support a mortgage tax deduction that gives consumers a tax incentive to buy more expensive houses.

Real estate agents, most of whom work for the sellers rather than the buyers and who earned higher commissions from selling more expensive homes.

The Clinton administration, which pushed for less stringent credit and downpayment requirements for working- and middle-class families.

Mortgage brokers, who offered less-credit-worthy home buyers subprime, adjustable rate loans with low initial payments, but exploding interest rates.

Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, who in 2004, near the peak of the housing bubble, encouraged Americans to take out adjustable rate mortgages.

Wall Street firms, who paid too little attention to the quality of the risky loans that they bundled into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), and issued bonds using those securities as collateral.

The Bush administration, which failed to provide needed government oversight of the increasingly dicey mortgage-backed securities market.

An obscure accounting rule called mark-to-market, which can have the paradoxical result of making assets be worth less on paper than they are in reality during times of panic.

Collective delusion, or a belief on the part of all parties that home prices would keep rising forever, no matter how high or how fast they had already gone up.
The lefties are so fucking insecure they cannot stand the thought that someone may disagree with them and oh the horrors,, rally a protest. they simply freak out and start blathering about violence, and inciting violence :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I still remember the leftie threatening a revolution if the obamalama was not nominated. I still remember the black panthers standing at the polling place tapping their nightsticks and looking intimidating..:lol::lol::lol: buncha DUmbazz HYPOCRITES is what lefties are!

How funny! I invite you to READ what you just wrote, honey. Ironically, hypocrisy doesn't even begin to describe your own ranting diatribes. You're so "insecure," you're in panic mode! Do you EVER have anything of substance to say, and minus all the profanity?

Post #91, which was immediately followed by post #92.

Even at my local polling place there were two black guys standing outside the door as you enter the building to vote. They had on TSHRTS reflecting Black Power. Can you imagine the reporting and riots of white people did that with tshirts that said White Power?

I think you're full of shit. Polling place monitors would not have allowed that. Not all of us suffer from gullible-itis, ya know.


Operative word was does she EVER post anything not laced with profanity. She does not.
How funny! I invite you to READ what you just wrote, honey. Ironically, hypocrisy doesn't even begin to describe your own ranting diatribes. You're so "insecure," you're in panic mode! Do you EVER have anything of substance to say, and minus all the profanity?

Post #91, which was immediately followed by post #92.

I think you're full of shit. Polling place monitors would not have allowed that. Not all of us suffer from gullible-itis, ya know.


Operative word was does she EVER post anything not laced with profanity. She does not.

I stand corrected. But it was still amusing...
I just love these blanket assessments with absolutely NOTHING to back them up.

ROFL... Blanket assessments?


Well I’ve posted it 500 times, so once more is no big deal...

The current financial crisis is a direct result of the abuse of power by the Leftists in the legislature; it began nearly a century ago and slowly crept deeper into the US Markets, but was accelerated exponentially in the 1990s when the "Progressives" in the legislature, threatened the US mortgage industry with Civil Rights lawsuits if they did not underwrite mortgages in red-line districts...........................................................................

Need anything else Sis?

I have a question ... what point was there in electing Repubs if they were in control of Congress from 1994 to 2006 and the Presidency from 2001 to 2009 and they were such wimps? If you wussy Repubs can't control us Libs when you are in control of that much power ... then it is obviously time for you to go the way of the Whigs and make room for a new conservative party with bigger cojones!!!

Usually when backed against a wall with the clear facts, Republicans will retaliate by simply saying something mundane, like "So now that the dems are in control it's all okay?" No, it isn't, but the pubs don't want to take ANY of the blame, none, nada, zip.

History of the United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Republicans six year control over the Senate ended in 1986, after the Iran-Contra Affair damaged the popularity of President Reagan and his administration. The Republicans finally returned to a majority position, in both houses of Congress, in the election of 1994, thanks in part to: 1) President Clinton's unpopular attempt to establish universal health care; and 2) Republican Congressman Newt Gingrich's Contract with America, which was promoted heavily by the entire Republican Party. By the 1996 US Presidential Election, Clinton's economic programs prevailed and the President was elected to a second term in a landslide victory. Despite Clinton's huge victory, however, the Democrats were still not able to regain control of either the US House of Representatives or Senate.

For most part between 1995 and 2007, the Republicans controlled both houses.
The probability that the American people can, simply though political means take the country back from the masters who control all the armed police forces in the Federal goverment, the banks, the media, most major corporations, most state governments AND the military is exactly

Here's a clue, the laws work for them, the system works for them and most of you still making a living either work for them or your incomes can be indirectly traced back to them.

Wehat is much more likely, should some Americans decide to go the extralegal route to change our nation is that the very same people who have propagandized half the population that the other half is evil (and vice versa) will simply co-op the leadership of the revolution.

What will start out as a revoluntion for freedom will quickly be turned into a CIVIL WAR for totalitarianism.

Now just think about the fact that on this very board we have had a number of you nitwits tell us you just cannot WAIT for that civil war so you can start dinging LIBERALS.

And, just in case you don't know it, there are people on the "other side" who are ALSO complete fucking morons, who can't wait to start dinging CONSERVATIVES.

And it is the MORONS who the MASTERS will manipulate to their advantage.

EXACTLY as they have done POLTITICALLY, for the our entire lifetimes.

Here's the thing about those with enormous power....they not stupid.

When they can they manipulate the LAW to their benefit.

When the law isn't working for them?

Well them they can always find one worker to kill another.

YOu people ought to read the history of how the captians of industry (that so many of yo admire) actually got so fucking rich.

A lot of reformers and patriots had to die so that these people could be the undipuable masters of this nation.

This is exactly why I refuse to join any revolution I do not start and lead.

All we've got going for us is the numbers.

But since it is so apparently that most of us would rather blem the neighor down the street that we know for the problems America faces, rather than blaming the PEOPLE OBVIOUSLY IN CHARGE OF AMERICA, all your revolutions and civil wars will lead to naught.

How's THAT for a happy TAX DAY post?

Your TEA PARTY is a sham.

Most, if not ALL the demonst5rations I was involved with in my lifetime?

ALSO shams.

These people control EVERY PARTY big enough to matter, folks.

The GREENS? Controled by the masters

The Libertarians? Controlled by the masters

Obviously the Dems and Rs are as well.

They have the money, and they have the finks who will do anything for their money.

Betray, lies, murder, all standard operating procedure when you get to the REAL POWER POLITICS that rules over us, that is what you will find.

William Joyce, for example, is a member of some White Supreicist group.

Bill, have you figured our how many of your members work for the FBI, yet?

My guess is half of them. In fact so many, that even the spies in your organization don't know who all their fellow spies are.

Here's a hint though...fow what it's worth...from somebody who saw this happening to the antiwar movement nearly 30 years ago.

Anyone telling YOU to commit crimes for the cause?

They're PROBABLY working for the goverment as agent provocateurs.

Folks when it comes to really standing up to the power that pulls the strongs?

One simply cannot be paranoid ENOUGH.

How funny! I invite you to READ what you just wrote, honey. Ironically, hypocrisy doesn't even begin to describe your own ranting diatribes. You're so "insecure," you're in panic mode! Do you EVER have anything of substance to say, and minus all the profanity?

Post #91, which was immediately followed by post #92.

I think you're full of shit. Polling place monitors would not have allowed that. Not all of us suffer from gullible-itis, ya know.


Operative word was does she EVER post anything not laced with profanity. She does not.

nobody forces you to read my profanity.. now do they? why fuck no they don't
What? you assume i supported the Patriot Act? You have just proven yet again that you have no other agenda than your own partisan pap.

I raise a legitimate constitutional argument and you cannot seem to think beyond the confines of the two political parties and the childish finger pointing and name calling that all political argument has devolved to.

That you can't seem to even fathom the possibility that a person cannot fit into your limited paradigm is obvious.

The larger issue here, which obviously evades you, is that the government is now defining citizens who dissent as threats. That is an argument that is nonpartisan but since you are incapable of being objective you are utterly incapable of seeing this.
Did you actually read the article? I see nothing wrong with keeping tabs on extremist groups as long as the proper safeguards are in place...warrants, etc. They aren't targeting the teabaggers, perhaps you missed that.

it's the loose definition of extremist i was commenting on. Did you even read the actual report from DHS?

Did you? The report --

-- gives the history of home-grown terrorism and is quite extensive (hardly "loose") regarding the possibilities. Perhaps it's the term "right-wing" extremists that is troubling. But it's a given that white supremicist and similar organizations are never known to be "liberal" leaning.

Also, all the hoopla by the right wing noise machine making it appear as though Iraq veterans will suddenly be monitored is nonsense. There is no suggestion that returning veterans are predisposed to domestic terrorism. The DHS report simply says that they might be recruited by extremist groups. (See pages 4 and 10 of the linked report.)
Unbelievable! You know what stuck out to me while reading it? The Gov...current adminstration...does have designs on getting rid of our Constitution and worse. They fear that the Military men and woman who have served have the knowlege, training, and love of country to help organize and stop them from doing it. That is why!

They are right, but all the Military men and woman I know wouldn't take arms up but if the extreme happens and this country is Marxist...you bet they would along with every person who believes in our Constitution!

Azzholes aren't they? They won't use "terrorist" in regards to fanatical mooselims, they won't call them terrorists, but they call our military terrorist. makes me gag.

Actually, there are elements from the far far right who could easily fit this category. What is concerning is the fact that these people will do or say anything to look good in the eyes of the rest of the world, so they do not call real terrorists what they are, but they have no problem using the term against American citizens. On top of that, while I agree that there probably are some fringe elements on the far right who could be or become actual American terrorists, where is the mention of radical animal rights activists who will go to all ends to stop the killing of animals? Where is the mention of whacko environmentalists who will burn down new housing complexes? Why aren't the left wing wackos mentioned? There are nutjobs on both ends of the spectrum, but these people only address the ones on the far right? Hmmm.
This administration can never match the vindictive nature of the Bush administration, no matter how hard they try.

Right-wing extremism may be on rise, report says - CNN.com

But conservative radio talk show host Roger Hedgecock was not persuaded. "If the Bush administration had done this to left-wing extremists, it would be all over the press as an obvious trampling of the First Amendment rights of folks and dissent," he told CNN.

In fact, the Obama administration in January did issue a warning about left-wing extremists. Both reports were initiated during the administration of former President George W. Bush.

Right Wing or Left Wing, either can be a threat to our security.

How quickly the recent batch of right-wingers seem to have forgotten how Bush's Brain, Karl Rove, took every opportunity to use his "first amendment rights" to label Democrats as unpatriotic, appeasers, and worse, depending on his audience. And oh yes, it was "all over the press" every time he did. We were thereafter tagged as being actual traitors by the right wing noise machines who salivated over every word Karl Rove spoke.
Do not worry Jillian and Truthmatters, Sealybobo and Chris and all their buddies will be along to tell you this belongs in the Conspiracy forum and is just a bunch of made up lies. All the while trying somehow to claim you are a racist for suggesting Obama would do any such thing.

The Liberals believe they know whats best and damn it that Constitution thing just gets in their way to take care of all us dumb shits. Laws? Again only for us not them. They toil so hard to protect us from our selves and to run our lives cause they just love us so much.
tigerbob said:
All you have to do is look at one thread which expresses pretty much any political POV. By the end of page 1, it has usually descended into a shit fight and off the topic as posters attack anything that doesn't follow their own party line. Why? Attacking something is a damn sight easier than proposing something or trying to find common ground on which to build.

And yet a shift eventually does happen, so minds must be changed based on the more information people absorb regarding their personal opinions. Silence alone often says volumes.
Unbelievable! You know what stuck out to me while reading it? The Gov...current adminstration...does have designs on getting rid of our Constitution and worse. They fear that the Military men and woman who have served have the knowlege, training, and love of country to help organize and stop them from doing it. That is why!

They are right, but all the Military men and woman I know wouldn't take arms up but if the extreme happens and this country is Marxist...you bet they would along with every person who believes in our Constitution!

Azzholes aren't they? They won't use "terrorist" in regards to fanatical mooselims, they won't call them terrorists, but they call our military terrorist. makes me gag.

Actually, there are elements from the far far right who could easily fit this category. What is concerning is the fact that these people will do or say anything to look good in the eyes of the rest of the world, so they do not call real terrorists what they are, but they have no problem using the term against American citizens. On top of that, while I agree that there probably are some fringe elements on the far right who could be or become actual American terrorists, where is the mention of radical animal rights activists who will go to all ends to stop the killing of animals? Where is the mention of whacko environmentalists who will burn down new housing complexes? Why aren't the left wing wackos mentioned? There are nutjobs on both ends of the spectrum, but these people only address the ones on the far right? Hmmm.

But but but,, the leftists just love Bill Ayres. a true American terrorist! Yep they do. so do the obamalama.
Unbelievable! You know what stuck out to me while reading it? The Gov...current adminstration...does have designs on getting rid of our Constitution and worse. They fear that the Military men and woman who have served have the knowlege, training, and love of country to help organize and stop them from doing it. That is why!

They are right, but all the Military men and woman I know wouldn't take arms up but if the extreme happens and this country is Marxist...you bet they would along with every person who believes in our Constitution!

So you have accepted as gospel Willow Tree's website reporting? Here is the actual REPORT, and if you scroll to pages 4 and 10, you will see that there is NO suggestion or accusation that returning Iraq war veterans are predisposed to violence, but simply that they might be RECRUITED by extremist groups.


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