Oakland expected to announce site for new A's ballpark


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
I been hearing sometime in december MLB baseball is expected to announce a site for a new ballpark that seems to finally becoming to frutation for the Oakland A's after they had been threatening for years to move to San Jose. This is big news if they can get a deal for a new ballpark like they are talking about because what does that mean for the Raiders if the A's can get a deal for a new ballpark? Everything.

Lew Wolff expects A’s to announce site for new Oakland ballpark

The Oakland A’s and Lew Wolff have been trying to build a new ballpark for over a decade. Wolff, who stepped down today as co-owner of the franchise, was not only unsuccessful in his efforts to do so during his tenure, but also became a hated figure amongst some A’s fans, due to his attempts to move the team to both Fremont and San Jose to get a stadium built.

Now that he’s stepped down, Wolff believes the A’s will finally be getting their new stadium in Oakland, however, and told KGO’s Ron Owens on Thursday that he expects an announcement to be made regarding a site for the new ballpark in the next few months.

A’s shakeup: Wolff, Crowley out as team redoubles stadium efforts

See that is what many here dont understand why the Raiders have not moved ahead for a deal to get a new stadium in Oakland is because unlike other NFL teams,THEY have a major obstacle they have to deal with teams like minnesota did not and atlanta dont either the fact they play in the same stadium the A's do makes it much more complicated for them vs the Vikings or the Falcons.

See that is what is a major obstacle that is holding up the Raiders from getting a new ballpark as well is because unlike other NFL teams that want new stadiums,the Raiders are the only NFL team that still shares their ballpark with an MLB baseball team so this would be a major obstacle that would be removed for the Raiders in getting a new ballpark if plans are announced as expected by the A's to build their new ballpark because that would clear the Raiders for getting started with their new stadium.

Once the A's make their announcement for a new ballpark,that will free up the Raiders plans to get underway with their new stadium as well so logically you would think after the A's make their annoucement this december if that information is correct,the Raiders then after the new year sometime between january and march make an announcement for the new stadium in Oakland.

This is good news for Oakland fans because unfortunately it looks like the Warriors pretty much have one foot out the door so it least appears they will keep the two teams that have the most history to the city. Most Oakland fans feel the same way I have heard,that if there is one team that has to leave,they would rather it be the warriors and I dont blame them,they arent even a team with a real city,i mean please find me some city in california that is named the Golden state.Its not in any zip code out there I am aware of.:rolleyes: since that team doesnt even have the gall to call themselves the Oakland Warriors,Oakland fans cant identity with that team.who could? I guarantee once they leave,they will crap on the oakland fans and change their name to San Francisco Warriors.
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There is no money for this kind of frivolous spending in California.

California is rotting under infrastructure decay, crime, and illegal immigration.
You appear to know little about the Warriors history.

That heinous "monument" to Al Davis, which totally ruined the stadium, wasn't enough for the greedy zillionaire Davis family. Now the joint isn't good enough for the A's either.

What a mooching socialist morass pro sports has become.

The new home of the Warriors (Chase Center) is supposedly opening in a couple years. Hopefully they keep the 'Golden State'. There will be a ferry connection across the bay to Oakland. East bay fans could also take BART or drive.

The Chase Center will be built without public subsidies. SF doesn't have another large indoor arena so this new place will be very profitable as an event center.
That heinous "monument" to Al Davis, which totally ruined the stadium, wasn't enough for the greedy zillionaire Davis family. Now the joint isn't good enough for the A's either.

What a mooching socialist morass pro sports has become.

yeah NFL owners are criminals.all of them.

The new home of the Warriors (Chase Center) is supposedly opening in a couple years. Hopefully they keep the 'Golden State'. There will be a ferry connection across the bay to Oakland. East bay fans could also take BART or drive.

The Chase Center will be built without public subsidies. SF doesn't have another large indoor arena so this new place will be very profitable as an event center.
yeah would be nice if they kept the name Golden State but dont bet on it.the NBA should stop their owner from doing that but I dont see tht happening. these billion dollar sports franchises are all corrupt.
I have good memories of the Oakland Colosseum. Coming thru the ticket stiles you see a patch of the field thru a concrete passageway. Passing thru to the seats the great expanse of vivid green pops into view. Ricky Henderson leading off. Crazy George. Cheap bleacher seats where below kids would fight behind the fence for home run balls...Collosal dogs, bat day, hat day, autographs, chocolate malts, lots of childhood memories.

But the place is a dump. Can't be having a dirt infield during Raider games. I figured the Raiders were a good fit in Vegas, but now LA has a team. Still might be a big enough draw: go to see the Raiders in Vegas and make a whole weekend out of it.
You appear to know little about the Warriors history.

Uh care to explain what the photo has to do with anything in the OP?

Thanks for confirming my statement.

They were the San Francisco Warriors before they moved to a new arena and became the Golden state Warriors.

Oh I already knew that.But they were only in SF for just 7 years.they been in oakland for over 40.seems to me oakland is where they belong. you do the math.

The Rams played in cleveland for just seven years as well but they have been in LA for 50 years now moving bacdk this year so LA is their REAL home same as Oakland is for the warriors.:lmao:

the warriors wont even call themselves OAKLAND warriors,so I say good riddance,let them go.oakland cant identify with some alleged city named Golden state.please show me the zip code of this alleged city golden state.

The way sports franchises treat their sports teams in oakland,you can pretty much count on it that they will call themselves the SF warriors once they leave.count on it.

Logic and common sense dictates they wont just leave to another city and keep the name Golden State.I wish it would but it doesnt work that way,they dont care what WE want.If they did,they sure as hell would not be moving,thats for sure.
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I have good memories of the Oakland Colosseum. Coming thru the ticket stiles you see a patch of the field thru a concrete passageway. Passing thru to the seats the great expanse of vivid green pops into view. Ricky Henderson leading off. Crazy George. Cheap bleacher seats where below kids would fight behind the fence for home run balls...Collosal dogs, bat day, hat day, autographs, chocolate malts, lots of childhood memories.

But the place is a dump. Can't be having a dirt infield during Raider games. I figured the Raiders were a good fit in Vegas, but now LA has a team. Still might be a big enough draw: go to see the Raiders in Vegas and make a whole weekend out of it.

Dont believe a word of anything you hear from the LAMESTREAM media of the Raiders leaving for vegas. Vegas is as much a hoax as carson was for the raiders and chargers stadium they were suppose to share. Two things the media constantly leaves out all the time in their advertising on the raiders going to vegas are three critical points.

one-after the Rams left LA for st louis,the NFL adopted much more tougher rules for NFL relocation,back then it was easy as pie to up and leave for another city.Now they have rules that make it very very difficult to leave.One of them is you cant leave a major market for a much smaller market as the Rams did. Hense WHY sense then NFL teams have not relocated. The Rams are in LA because the NFL wanted a team there and wanted an owner with deep pockets to run LA.Kroneke fit the bill.

two-the NFL loses money if the leave Oakland for Vegas cause Vegas is a much smaller market.Oakland is the 6th biggest media market in the country where vegas is ranked 40th. Had the rules the NFL adopted later after the Rams left been in place now,there is no way in hell the Rams would be able to leave from LA to st louis.

three-the NFL only needs nine votes form the owners to block the move and vote against it.From what many sportswriters connected in the know how have reported,Roger Goodel and the majority of the NFL owners dont want the Raiders in Vegas anymore than they want them in LA.

the NFL understands that is is much more profitable to have two teams playing in the bay area than one in Vegas.Vegas has a bunch of questions marks on if it will work or not.Oakland has none.Davis will never get the required votes.the owners dont like the Davis family.

Back then on those good old days when Henderon played,the game was much more enjoyable than now.Back then teams like the A's had as much a chance to be in the world series as anyone.Now teams like the A'S and Reds.there is no chance in hell of them being in the world series again because they cant compete with these major market teams.It sucks there is no salary cap like there is in the NFL. If there was no salary cap in the NFL,there would be no way in hell teams like the packers and steelers could compete in the NFL.
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You appear to know little about the Warriors history.

Uh care to explain what the photo has to do with anything in the OP?

Thanks for confirming my statement.

They were the San Francisco Warriors before they moved to a new arena and became the Golden state Warriors.


just watch,once they move back to SF,they WILL have those uniforms that say san francisco on them again. Thats why if I lived in Oakland,I would say "let them go." they wont even have the decency to call themselves Oakland so fuck them is what i say.
here is another interesting article on BOTH the Raiders and A's. See they he isnt talking about the Warriors because he knows they are as good as gone.

This is why the Raiders wont be in Vegas.

Previously, Raiders owner Mark Davis has said he was committed to Las Vegas. But though that might be important, the decision is not his alone. It's the NFL team owners as a group who have the final say, and while several high-profile owners like the Dallas Cowboys' Jerry Jones support the team's relocation, others allegedly do not, and it takes two-thirds of the total to approve a move. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell is reportedly against the move too.

Meanwhile, the NFL has allegedly had representatives on the ground in Oakland to help guide the politicos toward a Raiders solution because the league’s preference would be for the team to stay in the Bay Area market. So the NFL is involved in the closed-door meetings, too.
Raiders stadium talks need transparency, not mystery

the NFL owners have to approve the move. most of them want the Raiders to stay from whats being reported.Oakland is a huge and lucrative market.the NFL is all about money.If they go to leave Oakland the sixth biggest media market in the country to Vegas the 42nd biggest market,they lose money.Davis will never get the approval for it.Its the A's that are a mystery.I dont know any sites out there that have constant updates on their situation as I do with the Raiders.
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