NYT: Manafort in debt to pro-Russia interests by $17M before joining Trump's campaign


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
NYT: Manafort in debt to pro-Russia interests by $17M before joining Trump's campaign

As bad as it is with everything that has come out, I'm starting to get the feeling we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg

There is going to be MUCH more to come out, and it will reach a tipping point and then just like with every group of treasonous criminals.. the rat bastards will start to turn on each other

Kyle Griffin on Twitter

Manafort Was in Debt to Pro-Russia Interests, Cyprus Records Show

Financial records filed last year in the secretive tax haven of Cyprus, where Paul J. Manafort kept bank accounts during his years working in Ukraine and investing with a Russian oligarch, indicate that he had been in debt to pro-Russia interests by as much as $17 million before he joined Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign in March 2016.

The money appears to have been owed by shell companies connected to Mr. Manafort’s business activities in Ukraine when he worked as a consultant to the pro-Russia Party of Regions. The Cyprus documents obtained by The New York Times include audited financial statements for the companies, which were part of a complex web of more than a dozen entities that transferred millions of dollars among them in the form of loans, payments and fees.

The records, which include details for numerous loans, were certified as accurate by an accounting firm as of December 2015, several months before Mr. Manafort joined the Trump campaign, and were filed with Cyprus government authorities in 2016. The notion of indebtedness on the part of Mr. Manafort also aligns with assertions made in a court complaint filed in Virginia in 2015 by the Russian oligarch, Oleg V. Deripaska, who claimed Mr. Manafort and his partners owed him $19 million related to a failed investment in a Ukrainian cable television business.

After The Times shared some of the documents with representatives of Mr. Manafort, a spokesman, Jason Maloni, did not address whether the debts might have existed at one time. But he maintained that the Cyprus records were “stale and do not purport to reflect any current financial arrangements.”

more at the link

Manafort Was in Debt to Pro-Russia Interests, Cyprus Records Show
NYT: Manafort in debt to pro-Russia interests by $17M before joining Trump's campaign

As bad as it is with everything that has come out, I'm starting to get the feeling we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg

There is going to be MUCH more to come out, and it will reach a tipping point and then just like with every group of treasonous criminals.. the rat bastards will start to turn on each other

Kyle Griffin on Twitter

Manafort Was in Debt to Pro-Russia Interests, Cyprus Records Show

Financial records filed last year in the secretive tax haven of Cyprus, where Paul J. Manafort kept bank accounts during his years working in Ukraine and investing with a Russian oligarch, indicate that he had been in debt to pro-Russia interests by as much as $17 million before he joined Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign in March 2016.

The money appears to have been owed by shell companies connected to Mr. Manafort’s business activities in Ukraine when he worked as a consultant to the pro-Russia Party of Regions. The Cyprus documents obtained by The New York Times include audited financial statements for the companies, which were part of a complex web of more than a dozen entities that transferred millions of dollars among them in the form of loans, payments and fees.

The records, which include details for numerous loans, were certified as accurate by an accounting firm as of December 2015, several months before Mr. Manafort joined the Trump campaign, and were filed with Cyprus government authorities in 2016. The notion of indebtedness on the part of Mr. Manafort also aligns with assertions made in a court complaint filed in Virginia in 2015 by the Russian oligarch, Oleg V. Deripaska, who claimed Mr. Manafort and his partners owed him $19 million related to a failed investment in a Ukrainian cable television business.

After The Times shared some of the documents with representatives of Mr. Manafort, a spokesman, Jason Maloni, did not address whether the debts might have existed at one time. But he maintained that the Cyprus records were “stale and do not purport to reflect any current financial arrangements.”

more at the link

Manafort Was in Debt to Pro-Russia Interests, Cyprus Records Show
The Washington ComPost or the Failing New York Times......

Fake News.

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