NYT: Dems slowly realizing Obama led them into a cultural dead end


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"The Democrats’ stunning defeat in the presidential race and continued struggles in lower-level contests have jolted party leaders into concluding that their emphasis on cultural issues has all but crippled them by diverting voters’ attention from the core Democratic message of economic fairness. …

Over President Obama’s two terms, Democrats have embraced a down-the-line cultural liberalism that energized his coalition of millennials, minorities and college-educated whites. But the growing nationalization of politics and the Democrats’ drift to the left doomed a number of candidates running in more conservative states during the 2014 midterm elections, when turnout fell.

Yet despite their near-extinction in much of the South and in parts of the Great Plains — two regions that had for decades elected Democrats to statewide office — the party had little in the way of a debate about Mr. Obama’s approach.

Now, without rebuking the still-popular president directly, there is a growing recognition among many Democrats that Mr. Obama’s way may not be the best course in a country where many voters have experienced little income growth and where high-paying jobs can be scarce."


Democrats Under Barack Obama

-11 seats in Senate
-60 seats in House
-14 governorships
-900 state legislative seats

Worst since 1922.
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) November 13, 2016


"Obama leaves office as a personally popular president,"
- According to the same Polls who predicted a Hillary win this election...

"...but leaves behind the wreckage of the party that gave him entrée to the office. That was a slow-motion trainwreck, not a sudden overwhelming wave."

Yeah, that is a good start at describing Barry's Presidency. Thanks, NY Times.

NYT: Dems slowly realizing Obama led them into a cultural dead end - Hot Air
"The Democrats’ stunning defeat in the presidential race and continued struggles in lower-level contests have jolted party leaders into concluding that their emphasis on cultural issues has all but crippled them by diverting voters’ attention from the core Democratic message of economic fairness. …

Over President Obama’s two terms, Democrats have embraced a down-the-line cultural liberalism that energized his coalition of millennials, minorities and college-educated whites. But the growing nationalization of politics and the Democrats’ drift to the left doomed a number of candidates running in more conservative states during the 2014 midterm elections, when turnout fell.

Yet despite their near-extinction in much of the South and in parts of the Great Plains — two regions that had for decades elected Democrats to statewide office — the party had little in the way of a debate about Mr. Obama’s approach.

Now, without rebuking the still-popular president directly, there is a growing recognition among many Democrats that Mr. Obama’s way may not be the best course in a country where many voters have experienced little income growth and where high-paying jobs can be scarce."


Democrats Under Barack Obama

-11 seats in Senate
-60 seats in House
-14 governorships
-900 state legislative seats

Worst since 1922.
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) November 13, 2016


"Obama leaves office as a personally popular president,"
- According to the same Polls who predicted a Hillary win this election...

"...but leaves behind the wreckage of the party that gave him entrée to the office. That was a slow-motion trainwreck, not a sudden overwhelming wave."

Yeah, that is a good start at describing Barry's Presidency. Thanks, NY Times.

NYT: Dems slowly realizing Obama led them into a cultural dead end - Hot Air
If the D Party places blame for losing on Obama...essentially throwing him under the bus...will they be accused of being RACISTS?
In very basic terms, we have two very different cultures in this country: those who see government as the solution and those who see government as the problem.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the tide is moving inextricably toward the government-as-solution side, and the Democrat party - led by Mr. O'Bama - has done everything possible to push this trend. The campaign to legalize, then grant citizenship to, millions of poor, dependent immigrants was the most obvious stratagem, but also massively increasing the number of food stamp recipients, standing by while millions game the system of Social Security Disability, and constantly promoting the idea that one's solution in life is always to be found in a government job or a government program, or a government regulation or mandate - these are all pushing millions of people to the Democrat side.

This election is merely a bump in the road, but the destination is written in stone and it is inevitable. We will be a Leftist country within a generation, going down the rat-hole of history, promising everything to everybody and going bankrupt in the process. Look at California and take away the good weather that attracts millions of people. It ain't pretty.

The Democrats' problem right now is that their "leaders" are a moribund, boring, corrupt group of septuagenarians, among whom Hillary Rodham Clinton - one of the most unappetizing candidates in decades - was the best one that they could put forward. They should be dumping the likes of Clinton, Pelosi, Biden, Reid (retiring anyway), and even Elizabeth Warren, in favor of younger attractive, charismatic politicians who can position themselves NOW to become nationally known.

I only hope Trump can serve two terms so I'll be senile and indifferent by the time the Leftist tide takes over.
"The Democrats’ stunning defeat in the presidential race and continued struggles in lower-level contests have jolted party leaders into concluding that their emphasis on cultural issues has all but crippled them by diverting voters’ attention from the core Democratic message of economic fairness. …

Over President Obama’s two terms, Democrats have embraced a down-the-line cultural liberalism that energized his coalition of millennials, minorities and college-educated whites. But the growing nationalization of politics and the Democrats’ drift to the left doomed a number of candidates running in more conservative states during the 2014 midterm elections, when turnout fell.

Yet despite their near-extinction in much of the South and in parts of the Great Plains — two regions that had for decades elected Democrats to statewide office — the party had little in the way of a debate about Mr. Obama’s approach.

Now, without rebuking the still-popular president directly, there is a growing recognition among many Democrats that Mr. Obama’s way may not be the best course in a country where many voters have experienced little income growth and where high-paying jobs can be scarce."


Democrats Under Barack Obama

-11 seats in Senate
-60 seats in House
-14 governorships
-900 state legislative seats

Worst since 1922.
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) November 13, 2016


"Obama leaves office as a personally popular president,"
- According to the same Polls who predicted a Hillary win this election...

"...but leaves behind the wreckage of the party that gave him entrée to the office. That was a slow-motion trainwreck, not a sudden overwhelming wave."

Yeah, that is a good start at describing Barry's Presidency. Thanks, NY Times.

NYT: Dems slowly realizing Obama led them into a cultural dead end - Hot Air
I disagree. I haven't Joe's articulation or insider knowledge or popularity, but I disagree. And I also think it is too early to crow, easy. I don't think you know yet how Trump will govern. He has already backed off several campaign promises of the kind that got him support in the first place, much to the delight of Democrats.
"The Democrats’ stunning defeat in the presidential race and continued struggles in lower-level contests have jolted party leaders into concluding that their emphasis on cultural issues has all but crippled them by diverting voters’ attention from the core Democratic message of economic fairness. …

Over President Obama’s two terms, Democrats have embraced a down-the-line cultural liberalism that energized his coalition of millennials, minorities and college-educated whites. But the growing nationalization of politics and the Democrats’ drift to the left doomed a number of candidates running in more conservative states during the 2014 midterm elections, when turnout fell.

Yet despite their near-extinction in much of the South and in parts of the Great Plains — two regions that had for decades elected Democrats to statewide office — the party had little in the way of a debate about Mr. Obama’s approach.

Now, without rebuking the still-popular president directly, there is a growing recognition among many Democrats that Mr. Obama’s way may not be the best course in a country where many voters have experienced little income growth and where high-paying jobs can be scarce."


Democrats Under Barack Obama

-11 seats in Senate
-60 seats in House
-14 governorships
-900 state legislative seats

Worst since 1922.
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) November 13, 2016


"Obama leaves office as a personally popular president,"
- According to the same Polls who predicted a Hillary win this election...

"...but leaves behind the wreckage of the party that gave him entrée to the office. That was a slow-motion trainwreck, not a sudden overwhelming wave."

Yeah, that is a good start at describing Barry's Presidency. Thanks, NY Times.

NYT: Dems slowly realizing Obama led them into a cultural dead end - Hot Air
I disagree. I haven't Joe's articulation or insider knowledge or popularity, but I disagree. And I also think it is too early to crow, easy. I don't think you know yet how Trump will govern. He has already backed off several campaign promises of the kind that got him support in the first place, much to the delight of Democrats.
Keep you're democrat shackles on....we need you harmless and useless,......
In very basic terms, we have two very different cultures in this country: those who see government as the solution and those who see government as the problem.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the tide is moving inextricably toward the government-as-solution side, and the Democrat party - led by Mr. O'Bama - has done everything possible to push this trend. The campaign to legalize, then grant citizenship to, millions of poor, dependent immigrants was the most obvious stratagem, but also massively increasing the number of food stamp recipients, standing by while millions game the system of Social Security Disability, and constantly promoting the idea that one's solution in life is always to be found in a government job or a government program, or a government regulation or mandate - these are all pushing millions of people to the Democrat side.

This election is merely a bump in the road, but the destination is written in stone and it is inevitable. We will be a Leftist country within a generation, going down the rat-hole of history, promising everything to everybody and going bankrupt in the process. Look at California and take away the good weather that attracts millions of people. It ain't pretty.

The Democrats' problem right now is that their "leaders" are a moribund, boring, corrupt group of septuagenarians, among whom Hillary Rodham Clinton - one of the most unappetizing candidates in decades - was the best one that they could put forward. They should be dumping the likes of Clinton, Pelosi, Biden, Reid (retiring anyway), and even Elizabeth Warren, in favor of younger attractive, charismatic politicians who can position themselves NOW to become nationally known.

I only hope Trump can serve two terms so I'll be senile and indifferent by the time the Leftist tide takes over.
Hey, DGS49, don't be so sure about growing too old to care. I'm senile and I'm not indifferent.
In very basic terms, we have two very different cultures in this country: those who see government as the solution and those who see government as the problem.
Those are the 2 separate cultures of the 'enslaved populace'. You are forgetting about the 3rd culture - the millionaire, globalist, elitists who no longer see themselves as 'servants of the people' but as their 'masters'.

The politician has become a separate 3rd class of it's own, one that pits the other 2 against each other, distracting them so they can continue to rule as despots. This 3rd class has Un-Constitutionally and Illegally elevated themselves above the Constitution and above the laws that they impose upon the rest of the country.

When a politician can DECLARE a law he has just passed dos not apply to him (while not being able to point anywhere in the Constitution to where it says he is granted that power / right) that politician can no longer be considered as part of either of the 2 groups you named.....and the American people allowed them to get away with this / these crimes.

The nation has been rejecting the SJW agenda for the entire Obama admin. His agenda was to force a square peg into a round hole. His legacy will be a failed Obamacare and a WORSENING IN RACE RELATIONS. He blew his chance. Good bye, Barry...now you can dedicate yourself to trying to undermine the next administration.
In very basic terms, we have two very different cultures in this country: those who see government as the solution and those who see government as the problem.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the tide is moving inextricably toward the government-as-solution side, and the Democrat party - led by Mr. O'Bama - has done everything possible to push this trend. The campaign to legalize, then grant citizenship to, millions of poor, dependent immigrants was the most obvious stratagem, but also massively increasing the number of food stamp recipients, standing by while millions game the system of Social Security Disability, and constantly promoting the idea that one's solution in life is always to be found in a government job or a government program, or a government regulation or mandate - these are all pushing millions of people to the Democrat side.

This election is merely a bump in the road, but the destination is written in stone and it is inevitable. We will be a Leftist country within a generation, going down the rat-hole of history, promising everything to everybody and going bankrupt in the process. Look at California and take away the good weather that attracts millions of people. It ain't pretty.

The Democrats' problem right now is that their "leaders" are a moribund, boring, corrupt group of septuagenarians, among whom Hillary Rodham Clinton - one of the most unappetizing candidates in decades - was the best one that they could put forward. They should be dumping the likes of Clinton, Pelosi, Biden, Reid (retiring anyway), and even Elizabeth Warren, in favor of younger attractive, charismatic politicians who can position themselves NOW to become nationally known.

I only hope Trump can serve two terms so I'll be senile and indifferent by the time the Leftist tide takes over.
Trump will only serve one term.
His daughter will run and become the first female president. She will serve eight years.
Then another REP will be elected.
The DEM party won't even exist after Trump's four year term.
It will have morphed into a full on radical Socialist/Communist party with Warren and that asshole Muslim Ellison running it.
What will replace the DEM party will be a very much centrist party.
The name of the new party is up for grabs.
Maybe 'The Santa Claus Party'.
THe SJW shit really divided the nation.

PERSONKIND will look back on the Obama administration as a FAILURE.

The nation has been rejecting the SJW agenda for the entire Obama admin. His agenda was to force a square peg into a round hole. His legacy will be a failed Obamacare and a WORSENING IN RACE RELATIONS. He blew his chance. Good bye, Barry...now you can dedicate yourself to trying to undermine the next administration.
How gracious of you!
Actually, they're learning it really fast.

Which is hilarious because aren't they the party that maintains people are incapable of learning and caring for themselves?

It is going to flabbergast them when they realize how quickly people can step up to the plate, if they have to. If they aren't being *maintained* for voting purposes only.

Dumbfucks. I'm grateful every day to a mother who taught me that it doesn't matter what you can get for free, you're a worthless individual if you can't stand on your own two feet, and stand for what is right even when everybody else is wrong.
If Republicans hold such nationwide power at the state and local levels, and have for years,

doesn't that make the so-called anemic economy THEIR fault?

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