NYT bombshell: E-mail told Donald Jr that Russian government wants to aid Trump's candidacy

The only bombshell the treason times would be capable of would be for that marxist rag to become an American newspaper again.......
June 7 - 5:16 PM - Don Jr. confirms meeting w/ Russian lawyer

June 7 - 9:13 PM Trump promises press conf the next week with Clinton dirt.
"This is, I believe, worse than what I thought." - Glenn Beck

he's lost Beck. it's over.
“My son is a high quality person and I applaud his transparency” - Trump

yes. he is transparently treasonous...
Trey Gowdy on Fox News: The drip drip drip is undermining the credibility of this administration. What's w/ the amnesia of this administration? Someone needs to get everyone together and find out what the real story is...
Maybe if Don Jr had just deleted and acid washed the emails like Hillary, the media would be fawning all over him?
At this point, the NYT could release Trump leaving a voice message thanking Putin for his services and GOP would still say “nothing burger”

07.10.2017 - 11:03 PM EDT
The Hits Keep Coming

The New York Times has followed up with a third installment in its Don Jr series in as many days. I’m not sure there’s much to analyze. It’s pretty straightforward. When Don Jr was contacted about meeting with the Russian lawyer who had dirt on Hillary Clinton he was told that the dirt was part of a Russian government operation. He took the meeting on that basis.

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- Josh Marshall

The NY Times?

Say, isn't that hate rag run by Mexican national Carlos Slim?

So, we should worry that Trump Jr. entertained getting dirt on Mafia boss Hillary, based on slander published by a foreign power, the NY Times? :eek:

You retards are absolutely insane.
June 7 - 5:16 PM - Don Jr. confirms meeting w/ Russian lawyer

June 7 - 9:13 PM Trump promises press conf the next week with Clinton dirt.

June 7 - 7:00 AM - Mexican National Carlos Slim has his foreign paper, the New York Times run a gauntlet of slander against Donald Trump in an attempt to sway the American presidential election.

June 7 - 7:01 AM - every leftist rag in America repeats the lies and slander of the Mexican paper.

July 11 - 6:19 PM - leftists are outraged, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA that Trump Jr. would dare do what they do every fucking day - IMPEACH....
Calling colluding with a foreign govt "learning bad things" is like saying someone who sold their soul to the devil only "sold something of value to someone"

Excuse the pun but the devil is in the details.


Oh wow.

Say Brown Shirt, don't you fascists use shit made up by the Mexican owned New York Times to fuel you war to end the American Republic? Isn't THAT collusion with a foreign power? :eek:
Instead of making obscure declarations such as this, lil' snowflake, why not try to back up your BS with SPECIFICS?!

What has Trump done that equates to the former President of the United States ILLEGALLY and UN-CONSTITUTIONALLY dragging the United States into an UN-APPROVED WAR to help Al Qaeda - THE TERRORISTS WHO SLAUGHTERED 3,000 AMERICANS ON US SOIL ON 9/11/01 - murder a foreign nation's leader - a leader who was HELPING the Coalition combat terrorists in Northern Africa - and help them take over their own country?

What has Trump done that equates to the former President of the United States ILLEGALLY and UN-CONSTITUTIONALLY taking the US to WAR in SYRIA, INVADING SYRIA?


What has Trump done that equates to the former President of the United States ILLEGALLY and UN-Constitutionally SPYING ON REPORTERS, SPYING ON THE MEDIA, SPYING ON AMERICAN CITIZENS, SPYING ON CONGRESS, AND SPYING ON THE USSC?

What has Trump done that equates to the former President of the United States ILLEGALLY AND UN-CONSTITUTIONALLY USING THE IRS AS A WEAPON AGAINST THE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES, becoming only the 2nd President to ever do so - BOTH OF THEM DEMOCRATS?

What has Trump done to equate to the former President of the United States and his Cabinet ILLEGALLY using protected personal classified information for political purposes, ILLEGALLY sharing classified information, ILLEGALLY unmasking US citizens, committing FELONY ESPIONAGE against the United States for political purposes?

You snowflakes want to claim, based on nothing but pure HATE, that unsubstantiated Fake News 'collusion' with Russians, which has repeatedly been disproven, equates to such HISTORIC ILLEGAL AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL CRIMES against the united States.....but what the Democratic Party did in an attempt to interfere with / alter / steal the election far surpasses what the Russians did:

The Russians may have hacked DNC E-Mails - revealing Democrats are racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites...nothing people didn't already know, BUT DEMOCRATS rigged their primaries, engaged in election fraud during their primaries, cheated during debates, hired violent thugs to attack opposition supporters, engaged in terrorism by blowing up a GOP HQ, engaged in violent riots, arson, destruction of property, looting, using violence to suppress the Constitutional Right of Free Speech, and even threatened the lives of Electoral College Voters in an attempt to alter the already-decided outcome of the election.

The Russians have NOTHING on you Democrats in attempting to interfere with the election's outcome!

Your propaganda-filled tirade above is filled with obscure, generic, 'protest-banner' slogans and BS, but when you actually compare what Trump has done side-by-side with a FRACTION of the CRIMES and Constitutional Violations perpetrated by Obama and his administration, it isn't even a contest regarding who is the worst President in the History of the United States.

Half of Obama's Cabinet (Hillary, Clapper, Brennan, Holder, Lynch, Geithner, etc) should have been indicted and imprisoned for crimes against the United States, and Barry should have been Impeached at the very least!
What Donald Jr admitted over the weekend is not obscure, generic or BS.

Why are you defending Russia? I thought you were an American?
Instead of making obscure declarations such as this, lil' snowflake, why not try to back up your BS with SPECIFICS?!

What has Trump done that equates to the former President of the United States ILLEGALLY and UN-CONSTITUTIONALLY dragging the United States into an UN-APPROVED WAR to help Al Qaeda - THE TERRORISTS WHO SLAUGHTERED 3,000 AMERICANS ON US SOIL ON 9/11/01 - murder a foreign nation's leader - a leader who was HELPING the Coalition combat terrorists in Northern Africa - and help them take over their own country?

What has Trump done that equates to the former President of the United States ILLEGALLY and UN-CONSTITUTIONALLY taking the US to WAR in SYRIA, INVADING SYRIA?


What has Trump done that equates to the former President of the United States ILLEGALLY and UN-Constitutionally SPYING ON REPORTERS, SPYING ON THE MEDIA, SPYING ON AMERICAN CITIZENS, SPYING ON CONGRESS, AND SPYING ON THE USSC?

What has Trump done that equates to the former President of the United States ILLEGALLY AND UN-CONSTITUTIONALLY USING THE IRS AS A WEAPON AGAINST THE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES, becoming only the 2nd President to ever do so - BOTH OF THEM DEMOCRATS?

What has Trump done to equate to the former President of the United States and his Cabinet ILLEGALLY using protected personal classified information for political purposes, ILLEGALLY sharing classified information, ILLEGALLY unmasking US citizens, committing FELONY ESPIONAGE against the United States for political purposes?

You snowflakes want to claim, based on nothing but pure HATE, that unsubstantiated Fake News 'collusion' with Russians, which has repeatedly been disproven, equates to such HISTORIC ILLEGAL AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL CRIMES against the united States.....but what the Democratic Party did in an attempt to interfere with / alter / steal the election far surpasses what the Russians did:

The Russians may have hacked DNC E-Mails - revealing Democrats are racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites...nothing people didn't already know, BUT DEMOCRATS rigged their primaries, engaged in election fraud during their primaries, cheated during debates, hired violent thugs to attack opposition supporters, engaged in terrorism by blowing up a GOP HQ, engaged in violent riots, arson, destruction of property, looting, using violence to suppress the Constitutional Right of Free Speech, and even threatened the lives of Electoral College Voters in an attempt to alter the already-decided outcome of the election.

The Russians have NOTHING on you Democrats in attempting to interfere with the election's outcome!

Your propaganda-filled tirade above is filled with obscure, generic, 'protest-banner' slogans and BS, but when you actually compare what Trump has done side-by-side with a FRACTION of the CRIMES and Constitutional Violations perpetrated by Obama and his administration, it isn't even a contest regarding who is the worst President in the History of the United States.

Half of Obama's Cabinet (Hillary, Clapper, Brennan, Holder, Lynch, Geithner, etc) should have been indicted and imprisoned for crimes against the United States, and Barry should have been Impeached at the very least!
What Donald Jr admitted over the weekend is not obscure, generic or BS.

Why are you defending Russia? I thought you were an American?

No crime.
No criminal activity.

Snowflakes continue to hrow out Conspiracy Theories, lies, and false accusations....because after Hillary lost it's all you have.
If we're going to imprison everybody who has coordinated campaign activities with foreign governments, I'm 100% cool with that.
If we're going to imprison everybody who has coordinated campaign activities with foreign governments, I'm 100% cool with that.
I am as well....but good luck finding any snowflakes willing to see 1 single Democrat 'perp-walked'...

No crime.
No criminal activity.
Not yet. But that onion is getting pealed. You don't find it strange, these guys keep changing their story ever time new evidence comes into light? Mike Flynn said he wasn't working for a foreign government, then a couple weeks later, it turns out he's a lobbyiest for Turkey. Flynn, "Oh that!" Jeff Sessions said he didn't meet with any Russian official, then a week later he says, "Well, there was that one time..." They didn't meet with them, then they admit that they did. You don't find that odd?

Snowflakes continue to hrow out Conspiracy Theories, lies, and false accusations....because after Hillary lost it's all you have.
What Donald Jr said is not false and has nothing to do with Clinton. I swear to God, you fuckers are so pussy, you can't even answer a direct question.

You are fucking this country!
Calling colluding with a foreign govt "learning bad things" is like saying someone who sold their soul to the devil only "sold something of value to someone"

Excuse the pun but the devil is in the details.


Oh wow.

Say Brown Shirt, don't you fascists use shit made up by the Mexican owned New York Times to fuel you war to end the American Republic? Isn't THAT collusion with a foreign power? :eek:

Oh, I can tell by your response how the tears are streaming down your red face.
'Not yet'


Multiple investigations, almost a year now, every accusation has been debunked, they can't name 1 law that's realistically been broken - by a Republican, they have no evidence, they have no crime....rhey e en formed an 'I hate Trump' Dream Team and still can't even manufacture any evidence.
The left wing media's credibility has been destroyed.

...but 'not yet'.


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