NYC Paints ‘Black Lives Matter’ on Street, It Gets Defaced, De Blasio’s Response Says Everything About Him


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
NYC Paints ‘Black Lives Matter’ on Street, It Gets Defaced, De Blasio’s Response Says Everything About Him

14 Jul 2020 ~~ By Nick Arama
Last week, in an effort to attack President Donald Trump, Mayor Bill de Blasio spent city time and money to paint a Black Lives Matter on the street outside of Trump Tower. While Trump has been supportive of the general statement, he has been critical of the far leftist BLM group.
From Townhall:
“When we say ‘Black Lives Matter,’ there is no more American statement, there is no more patriotic statement because there is no America without Black America,” de Blasio said in a statement. “We are acknowledging the truth of ourselves as Americans by saying ‘Black Lives Matter.’ We are righting a wrong.”
On the contrary, painting a symbol on the ground does nothing to right wrongs and is all about trying to gain political points. What actually says you care about black lives is action, actually righting wrongs, like stopping the spikes in shootings that that took the life of 1 year old Davell Gardner, Jr. on Sunday, as he sat in his stroller with his family at a cookout in Brooklyn. It means putting back the anticrime unit that helped save lives that you removed in an effort to appease the “defund the police” folks.
De Blasio got heckled for his priorities when he was helping to paint the letters on the street.
Then someone tossed red paint on it on Monday.
Plus, 5 more people were shot in the hours after the little boy was shot on Sunday.
What’s ironic on top of it all is that if you if this were vandalism done by BLM it likely wouldn’t be investigated at all. But this will is being investigated by the police that the BLM wants to defund.

The Mayor Desgraciado in his first term began the destruction of NYC. He's on the way to finishing it in his second term.
He claims that Black Lives Matter except when it comes to the lives of Black children and elderly Black people that suffer abuse by the hands of BLM and their felonious allies.
Just how many black toddlers must be injured and killed before Mayor Desgraciado understands that defunding the police opens the door to unrestricted crime in the streets, especially in the already dangerous areas of the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens.

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