NYC crackhead pride parade


Aug 28, 2003
New York
I believe all of those directly affected by this disease of being drug addicted, and spreading diseases from their lifestyle, should be allowed to hold a parade down Broadway once per year. Why not? If it's acceptable for the queers then it should be just fine for others with abnormalities. They should stroll down broadway and show off their lifestyle and demand to be accepted by society. Then they should petition the courts for "equal" rights. Hell, why shouldn't those afflicted with such a disease be punished for their lifestyle?

How about a parade for all of those born with mental deficiencies? A retard parade of sorts, and then we can let all of them get married and smoke crack together even! Maybe the lab rats that they purposely infect with diseases should be able to marry those with addictions. I mean, why shouldn't they all have the equal right to marry? Just because they are mental, abnormal, addicted or otherwise what our society considers to be unstable and in need of assistance, that doesn't mean they aren't entitled to have the rights of all other Americans.

I say screw 'em. I'm glad it's raining hard down on all those filthy, abnormal animals today. Gay pride makes me sick, and although I wouldn't do it NOR wish it upon them, I wouldn't lose a single wink of sleep if a tractor trailer hauled ass down the road and took them all out.
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jimnyc said:
I believe all of those directly affected by this disease of being drug addicted, and spreading diseases from their lifestyle, should be allowed to hold a parade down Broadway once per year. Why not? If it's acceptable for the queers then it should be just fine for others with abnormalities. They should stroll down broadway and show off their lifestyle and demand to be accepted by society. Then they should petition the courts for "equal" rights. Hell, why shouldn't those afflicted with such a disease be punished for their lifestyle?

How about a parade for all of those born with mental deficiencies? A retard parade of sorts, and then we can let all of them get married and smoke crack together even! Maybe the lab rats that they purposely infect with diseases should be able to marry those with addictions. I mean, why shouldn't they all have the equal right to marry? Just because they are mental, abnormal, addicted or otherwise what our society considers to be unstable and in need of assistance, that doesn't mean they aren't entitled to have the rights of all other Americans.

I say screw 'em. I'm glad it's raining hard down on all those filthy, abnormal animals today. Gay pride makes me sick, and although I wouldn't do it NOR wish it upon them, I wouldn't lose a single wink of sleep if a tractor trailer hauled ass down the road and took them all out.


Jimmy I haven't seen you go off on pole smokers in at least two years, glad to see you are back in the game dumbass!

Anyway Jimmy is absolutely correct, wonder how traffic was on taxpayer funded roads in Manhattan during this display of debauchery? Ahhhh just more evidence of how what was wrong is right and what was right is wrong in America. Shouldn't be long now until the cookie crumbles.
OCA said:

Jimmy I haven't seen you go off on pole smokers in at least two years, glad to see you are back in the game dumbass!

Anyway Jimmy is absolutely correct, wonder how traffic was on taxpayer funded roads in Manhattan during this display of debauchery? Ahhhh just more evidence of how what was wrong is right and what was right is wrong in America. Shouldn't be long now until the cookie crumbles.

I was always in the game, buddy, was just a little stressed for a few years. :)

You know I'm passionate about this subject. I was on my way home from NJ this morning and listening to 1010 Wins for the traffic during my rainy trip. Then they start in with the queers and their joyous parade. I changed to my CD player rather quickly but the filth was already stuck. The disease passes through the airwaves too, ya gotta be careful or you may find yourself marching alongside the abnormalities someday!
Said1 said:
As if Crackheads would ever march in a parade. They'd be too paranoid, plus, they can't go that long without a hit. :laugh:

That's because they know enough to leave things alone and keep their disgusting business out of public view. They aren't shoving it down my throat daily, no parades, no petitions, no demands. Imagine that, crackheads have a better plan for the future than the filthy queers!

I'd rather all the queers magically turned into crackheads. This way hopefully they will all eventually shoot one another until there are no crackheads or crack left (and no queers either!).
jimnyc said:
That's because they know enough to leave things alone and keep their disgusting business out of public view. They aren't shoving it down my throat daily, no parades, no petitions, no demands. Imagine that, crackheads have a better plan for the future than the filthy queers

I'd rather all the queers magically turned into crackheads. This way hopefully they will all eventually shoot one another until there are no crackheads or crack left (and no queers either!).

You know, I could even stomach a gay pride parade, sans the thongs and assless chaps. Keep in mind, I live in a province where women can go topless anywhere, any time; we're all deviants up here.
Said1 said:
You know, I could even stomach a gay pride parade, sans the thongs and assless chaps. Keep in mind, I live in a province where women can go topless anywhere, any time; we're all deviants up here.

Topless women is ALWAYS ok, and should be encouraged. But, that's also not them flaunting their lesbianism and demanding additional rights than the average American.

I don't have a problem with the gay pride parade either, so long as I don't have to see it, hear about it or read about it.

BTW - where do you live that women are topless all the time, and may I please visit for a week or two? :)
jimnyc said:
Topless women is ALWAYS ok, and should be encouraged. But, that's also not them flaunting their lesbianism and demanding additional rights than the average American.

That's an interesting point, men can't do this in public. They're subject to the no shirt, no shoes, no service rule, not women. So really, it is a special right to do this, gay or not. :laugh::

BTW - where do you live that women are topless all the time, and may I please visit for a week or two? :)

No one really does it, you hear of it at the beach here and girl, 50 men looking at her, plus photographer. :laugh: I saw a ginormous girl walking down the street in her bra one day, not pretty.

The fight that started it all was a women in Toronto who was working as a topless maid. I think the fight had more to do with the right to clean houses topless than anything....which we can do, if we want.

Since then, there have been a few topless salons open up in Ottawa (where I am) but no boobies walking down the sidewalk.
jimnyc said:
I believe all of those directly affected by this disease of being drug addicted, and spreading diseases from their lifestyle, should be allowed to hold a parade down Broadway once per year. Why not? If it's acceptable for the queers then it should be just fine for others with abnormalities. They should stroll down broadway and show off their lifestyle and demand to be accepted by society. Then they should petition the courts for "equal" rights. Hell, why shouldn't those afflicted with such a disease be punished for their lifestyle?

How about a parade for all of those born with mental deficiencies? A retard parade of sorts, and then we can let all of them get married and smoke crack together even! Maybe the lab rats that they purposely infect with diseases should be able to marry those with addictions. I mean, why shouldn't they all have the equal right to marry? Just because they are mental, abnormal, addicted or otherwise what our society considers to be unstable and in need of assistance, that doesn't mean they aren't entitled to have the rights of all other Americans.

I say screw 'em. I'm glad it's raining hard down on all those filthy, abnormal animals today. Gay pride makes me sick, and although I wouldn't do it NOR wish it upon them, I wouldn't lose a single wink of sleep if a tractor trailer hauled ass down the road and took them all out.

There's plenty of straight white folks that fall into the "...disease of being drug addicted, and spreading diseases from their lifestyle..." category. And don't forget the latinos and blacks either.
Bullypulpit said:
There's plenty of straight white folks that fall into the "...disease of being drug addicted, and spreading diseases from their lifestyle..." category. And don't forget the latinos and blacks either.

Let me say this, I'm really venting in this thread and not really into a full blown out debate about homosexuality again. Those threads turn into pissing matches, no 'winner' of the debate. Not that I don't think I have valid arguments, it's just that I like you and don't wanna argue - right now at least. :)

Curiously though, unless I miswrote something, where did the 'race' stuff come from? I don't like crackheads and I abhore the queers, but am an equal opportunity hater on this subject and couldn't care less what the races of these filth are.

BTW - Bully, damn, just for once, go down bottom and participate in some of the chat section threads! We like you and we won't bite you. I could use some of your advice on the many threads on the surgery I had a week or so ago.

jimnyc said:

BTW - Bully, damn, just for once, go down bottom and participate in some of the chat section threads! We like you and we won't bite you. I could use some of your advice on the many threads on the surgery I had a week or so ago.

Hey boss, I was asking for an update on how you're feeling in Chat. Get thee there, Bully!
William Joyce said:
Why not a parade for straight white males who aren't ashamed to be straight, white or male?

Oh, right. They all have to go to work.


I'm currently unemployed, I can represent! (more boobies for me)
Hobbit said:
I find the term 'crackhead' offensive. I demand they be called 'chemically altered.'


Maybe the queers would be better labeled 'Chocolate Starfish Altered'? :)

No need for labeling, I think we should just call them exactly what they are - sexual deviants.
Faggots.... sick, sick faggots.

I'm with you Jim that if the fags kept their filthy, vile, sickness to themselves, out of sight, out of mind, I'd have less emotion about the subject. But when they have to parade a few thousand of themselves down the damn street dressed in all the disgusting, perverse, fag outfits, in outright contempt for all that is normal and clean, it - just - makes - me - hate - them - more.

God has made it perfectly clear what he thinks about faggots, so the fact that they'll all burn in hell for their perverted lifestyle gives me comfort that the Lord will punish them.
Pale Rider said:
Faggots.... sick, sick faggots.

I'm with you Jim that if the fags kept their filthy, vile, sickness to themselves, out of sight, out of mind, I'd have less emotion about the subject. But when they have to parade a few thousand of themselves down the damn street dressed in all the disgusting, perverse, fag outfits, in outright contempt for all that is normal and clean, it - just - makes - me - hate - them - more.

God has made it perfectly clear what he thinks about faggots, so the fact that they'll all burn in hell for their perverted lifestyle gives me comfort that the Lord will punish them.

I wouldn't go that far. It brings me little comfort that faggots will burn in Hell, and it fills me with rage that liberals are pretty much acting like anti-missionaries by pointing them away from the truth. I liken it to seeing hundreds of people hurl themselves off a cliff. I look at them and yell, "What the hell is wrong with you? It's a frickin' cliff! Can't you see that this will kill you." Then a bunch of liberals step in and say, "How dare you judge him for wanting to jump off a cliff. You're just a religious zealot," as they usher more and more people off the cliff.
Hobbit said:
I wouldn't go that far. It brings me little comfort that faggots will burn in Hell, and it fills me with rage that liberals are pretty much acting like anti-missionaries by pointing them away from the truth. I liken it to seeing hundreds of people hurl themselves off a cliff. I look at them and yell, "What the hell is wrong with you? It's a frickin' cliff! Can't you see that this will kill you." Then a bunch of liberals step in and say, "How dare you judge him for wanting to jump off a cliff. You're just a religious zealot," as they usher more and more people off the cliff.

It's not far at all brother.....

It begins in Leviticus 18:22 (KJV): "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

That seems pretty clear to me.

Then, in the New Testament, Paul writes in Romans 1:22-27:

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

I'm still waiting for any Bible student to show me even one verse that suggests a more "tolerant" view of homosexuality.

Generally speaking, the best they can do is to suggest Jesus Himself never spoke out against homosexuality.

There are two problems with that statement:

First, Christians believe Jesus came not to overturn the law but to fulfill it. They believe He is the Word – its living fulfillment. They believe He is eternal and part of the Godhead that created the Heavens, the Earth and Man. Therefore, Jesus never contradicted any of the law. He quoted from it. He taught from it. He explained it. He affirmed it.

Second, Jesus did speak out, as recorded in Matthew 19:4-6:

And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Here Jesus had an opportunity to explain any middle ground in this issue of men and women. As if to underscore the point, he did later provide something of an exemption for eunuchs – men who do not have testicles. But he doesn't suggest God made homosexuals, lesbians, transgendereds, transvestites or bisexuals.

You can choose to believe the Bible. You can choose to disbelieve it. But you cannot say it says something it does not say.

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