NY Univ. promotes paper comparing cow insemination to rape milking cows to sexual abuse


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A paper currently being promoted by a New York university calls on society to consider the rampant “sexual exploitation” of dairy cows by the milk industry in order to “fully fight gendered oppression.”
NY univ. promotes paper comparing cow insemination to 'rape,' milking cows to 'sexual abuse'

You asses really really are mental nuts . maybe if we say it enough JOHN HOPKINS will wake back up to reality and make it we have two sexes again.

I mean these are your same lunatics that say you have to ask a " BABY" for permission to change it first other wise it's rape.

And you still keep paying those thousands of dollars all for your kid to be the TOP IDIOT!
Sounds like this department needs to be evaluated to see if anyone there is not a danger to themselves or society.

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