NY Times: Joe Biden Has Short Temper; Outbursts of Profanity


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
What do you expect from a guy who’s had zero accomplishments in 50 years?

“Biden holds lengthy deliberation meetings and demands obsessive details from his advisors. When advisors get too technical or obscure about an issue, Biden responds with “an outburst of frustration, often laced with profanity.”

“On policy issues, Mr. Biden, 78, takes days or weeks to make up his mind as he examines and second-guesses himself and others”

The report also reveals Biden will hang up the phone on people who he feels are wasting his time.

What do you expect from a guy who’s had zero accomplishments in 50 years?

“Biden holds lengthy deliberation meetings and demands obsessive details from his advisors. When advisors get too technical or obscure about an issue, Biden responds with “an outburst of frustration, often laced with profanity.”

“On policy issues, Mr. Biden, 78, takes days or weeks to make up his mind as he examines and second-guesses himself and others”

The report also reveals Biden will hang up the phone on people who he feels are wasting his time.

It's obvious that he is a cranky old fart.
After defending, excusing and enabling the constant, daily, hourly, spoiled-child-like behaviors of the former guy for the last five years, the Trumpsters are great fun to watch as they go after Biden.

Good stuff.


Or you can address the topic at hand.

The real question here is:

Why is the NYT doing this hit piece on Biden? The NYT has an ulterior motive for everything they do. So why did they decide to blast Biden? Is this the first step in removing him from office?

Make no mistake, the NYT is Democrat propoganda...so this is super suspicious.
I do too- although my out bursts are directed at authority figures pretending they're special- I know many alleged christians who do as well- in an alleged christian nation pointing fingers is status quo-
The real question here is:
Why is the NYT doing this hit piece on Biden? The NYT has an ulterior motive for everything they do. So why did they decide to blast Biden? Is this the first step in removing him from office?
Make no mistake, the NYT is Democrat propoganda...so this is super suspicious.

The real question here is:
Why is the NYT doing this hit piece on Biden? The NYT has an ulterior motive for everything they do. So why did they decide to blast Biden? Is this the first step in removing him from office?
Make no mistake, the NYT is Democrat propoganda...so this is super suspicious.

Put labels on whatever makes you comfortable, but nevertheless, he does have a point.
You can't deny that the NYT is an agenda-based organization, so it does raise an eyebrow that they run this piece.
Not so much his temper, hell everyone knew Biden has a quick temper, but it is one of the first times a respected liberal-biased organization acknowledges he is compromised by mental capacity. Actually using the word - slow. Confused. Dismisses what he can't understand.
These are all pretty big fucking problems for a world leader to have.
So it does raise the question... why did NYT decide to suddenly acknowledge what we all already knew?

So now is where you are supposed to say something about Trump...so... go.
The real question here is:
Why is the NYT doing this hit piece on Biden? The NYT has an ulterior motive for everything they do. So why did they decide to blast Biden? Is this the first step in removing him from office?
Make no mistake, the NYT is Democrat propoganda...so this is super suspicious.

Put labels on whatever makes you comfortable, but nevertheless, he does have a point.
You can't deny that the NYT is an agenda-based organization, so it does raise an eyebrow that they run this piece.
Not so much his temper, hell everyone knew Biden has a quick temper, but it is one of the first times a respected liberal-biased organization acknowledges he is compromised by mental capacity. Actually using the word - slow. Confused. Dismisses what he can't understand.
These are all pretty big fucking problems for a world leader to have.
So it does raise the question... why did NYT decide to suddenly acknowledge what we all already knew?

So now is where you are supposed to say something about Trump...so... go.
And there's another one.

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