NY Times Bombshell: Fox News Colluded With Marco Rubio To Give Amnesty To Ilegal Aliens

New York Slimes? pppfftt
Anyone who is paying attention knows Rubio is an open borders amnesty promoter. He is just another slick lying politician.

The press colluding with politicians really? That happens every day.
I wouldn't believe that rag for anything about Republicans if it came notarized on their tongue
wouldn't believe that rag for anything about Republicans if it came notarized on their tongue

Of course you wouldn't. You don't believe anything that dares criticizes a Republican unless it comes fro. PJ Media or Weasel Zippers. lol
I still can't fathom why so many trust the American Government/Corporate Media. It's all about brainwashing. Government and Corporations collude all the time to fuck Americans.

It's called the New World Order folks. American Globalist Elites don't care about Americans. They only care about themselves. When are Americans gonna figure that out?
It wouldn't really surprise if there isn't more such alliances between companies and media outlets. I'm not just talking about the above case but many more instances such as newspapers telling people that gas is going to $3.50 a gallon. That only gets people prepared and have expectations that it is going to be that high which makes it easier for gas companies to charge that much. When gas goes down the newspapers are strangely silent.

I've notice that the run up for forced health care insurance was the same way. The newspapers have us convinced we need this and there are to many dying amerians that don't have insurance. Now we all have to have it or else. I wish people were more skeptical sometimes about the fact that the motives of others may not be as pure as we would like to believe sometimes.
Well, well, well. Lots of damage control will be going on for many “conservative” radio talking heads in the next 48 hours.

Monday radio should be entertaining.

NY Times Bombshell Scoop: Fox News Colluded with Rubio to Give Amnesty to Illegal Aliens - Breitbart

Source link.

Whoa! Did they collude in building that wall between Mexico and Guatemala too??? :eek:

Try reading it. They collude to build a wall to prevent illegal immigration and collude to allow illegal immigration. That sounds like a net affect of zero.
they are pigs. i thought it was odd at the time that all of a sudden schumers butt boy, rubio, was spreading lies on all their shows.
Well, well, well. Lots of damage control will be going on for many “conservative” radio talking heads in the next 48 hours.

Monday radio should be entertaining.

NY Times Bombshell Scoop: Fox News Colluded with Rubio to Give Amnesty to Illegal Aliens - Breitbart

Source link.

Whoa! Did they collude in building that wall between Mexico and Guatemala too??? :eek:

Try reading it. They collude to build a wall to prevent illegal immigration and collude to allow illegal immigration. That sounds like a net affect of zero.

wrong. wall didnt get built, but the illegals flooded in.

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