NRA tell nosey doctors to stay in their lane

'We are not anti-gun; we are anti-bullet holes in our patients.'

Only an idiot tells the truth to a doctor when they decide to stick their nose where it doesn't belong. NOPE don't own no guns! NOPE no guns in the home! :)
How dare doctors get in the way of NRA profit making.
Medical Mistakes: What Happens When Doctors Take a Life | Reader's Digest

Medical errors kill far more people than any firearm Violence, so shut the fuck up you sorry ass motherfucker
How dare doctors get in the way of NRA profit making and the blood worshippers.
------------------------------------- the BS that YOU spew Bode . Hey , where is the list of 'NRA' gun stores as i want to visit one Bode .
Actually NRA does handle gun safety. My son will be joining a NRA sponsored shooting group through the boy scouts soon.
Nope doctors should stick to medicine not questions about what I may or may not have in my home because I ain't gonna tell them anyways as its NONE of their business.

And they're doing a great job. How many shooting sprees are we on now in 2018? Definitely I've lost count. They're so common now that they don't even make the news unless it's double digits.

Tell your doctor whatever you want. I don't give a fuck. But the NRA definitely has blood on its hands.
I don't give a shit about shooting sprees. More laws don't work OBVIOUSLY dumb ass. California has REALLY strict laws and yet 12 people just died....Chicago has more deaths in a month than all these "mass shootings" cause in a year! Not a peep about that because its a leftist gun control city.

Cool, guess we better do nothing then. That'll fix it!
------------------------------- NOT interested in fixing it . 320 million in the USA and the other day 12 - 13 were murdered but the vast majority of residents of the USA ate supper , went to bed , woke up the next morning to go to work or school .
I am remembering this've used it before....let's try it out.

"NOT interested in fixing the terrorism that caused 9/11. The vast majority of the residents of the USA on 9/11/01 ate supper, went to bed, woke up the next morning to go to work or school."

"NOT interested in fixing the hurricane damage in the Carolinas. The vast majority of the residents of the USA this summer ate supper, went to bed, woke up the next morning to go to work or school"

How's that?
--------------------------------------------- as regards terrorism , i say , kill the enemy when the USA gets the chance . See Dresden , hiroshima , nagasaki and the 'highway of death' built in iraq and kuwait on the retreating 'iraqi' army in 92 [think it was] as examples of killing the enemy Bode
That’s the last thing we need, doctors involved in politics. They already over charge everybody

Garanteed they're gonna be. It'll likely show up in the next concoction of the government run healthcare bill. And, really, the only thing the Republicns want to do is put the states in charge of handign it out. In fact, I think the wanted to add around 90 buillion to it.

It'll be a bipartisan bill, I imagine.

Take guns first, go through due process later. Remember? The President of the United States said that.
hurricane in Carolina , sure fix the damage because of the storm or act of god or move out Bode . zhit happens Bode and has been happening through ALL of recorded human history Bode .
Also, don't forget that Trump is pretty much on board with the Democrats issue with drug prices. That's kind of relevant. Though, it presents a little deeper aspect to it. After all, they insurance companies and the drug companies pretty much run the government healthcare system.
'We are not anti-gun; we are anti-bullet holes in our patients.'

Only an idiot tells the truth to a doctor when they decide to stick their nose where it doesn't belong. NOPE don't own no guns! NOPE no guns in the home! :)
Cause the NRA have done such a great job! Our homicide rate is 4-5X countries with strong gun control. We suffer from regular mass shootings. Our police are shot and killed weekly. What is rare with gun control is common here. Sad state of affairs.
Another reason to stay away from doctors.
I've managed to do it for the last 29 years, but it's getting harder to stay away.

How many gunshot wounds have you actually seen?

What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

Uh because these doctors see the damage these weapons do first hand, so I would say that gives them an opinion on it.

No...they don't see the people who are not raped or murdered when civilians use their guns to stop rapes and murders.....Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year according to the Centers for Disease control...lives saved, injuries prevented......

Guns save lives more than criminals take them.
'We are not anti-gun; we are anti-bullet holes in our patients.'

Only an idiot tells the truth to a doctor when they decide to stick their nose where it doesn't belong. NOPE don't own no guns! NOPE no guns in the home! :)
Cause the NRA have done such a great job! Our homicide rate is 4-5X countries with strong gun control. We suffer from regular mass shootings. Our police are shot and killed weekly. What is rare with gun control is common here. Sad state of affairs.

Our knife murder rate is higher than their total murder rates. It isn't guns that are the problem it is our democrat party controlled inner cities where single teenage girls are raising young males without fathers in the home.... Don't worry, Europe is catching up with that destruction.
I was wondering why I was getting these messages in my twitter feed:

Screen Shot 2018-11-11 at 10.50.33 AM.png
Another reason to stay away from doctors.
I've managed to do it for the last 29 years, but it's getting harder to stay away.

How many gunshot wounds have you actually seen?

What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

Uh because these doctors see the damage these weapons do first hand, so I would say that gives them an opinion on it.

No...they don't see the people who are not raped or murdered when civilians use their guns to stop rapes and murders.....Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year according to the Centers for Disease control...lives saved, injuries prevented......

Guns save lives more than criminals take them.

Guns only save lives when someone has one, most of these shootings take place where folks don't have them. These doctors are the ones who see the victims of these gun shoots wounds from guns that assailants use to do as much carnage as quick as they can. I own guns, but there are certain weapons citizen joe blow doesn't need.
This was the best response to the NRA miscreants:

Esther Choo MD MPH

We are not self-important: we are important to the care of others
We are not anti-gun: we are anti-bullet holes in our patients
We consult with everyone but extremists
Most upsetting, actually, is death and disability from gun violence that is unparalleled in the world
NRA: "Let us handle gun sales ... I mean, safety. Lul."
Actually NRA does handle gun safety. My son will be joining a NRA sponsored shooting group through the boy scouts soon.
Doctors should shut up? You people just love authoritarianism screw the Constitution according to your ideology...
Nope doctors should stick to medicine not questions about what I may or may not have in my home because I ain't gonna tell them anyways as its NONE of their business.

And they're doing a great job. How many shooting sprees are we on now in 2018? Definitely I've lost count. They're so common now that they don't even make the news unless it's double digits.

Tell your doctor whatever you want. I don't give a fuck. But the NRA definitely has blood on its hands.
No liar, you criminals do.
NRA: "Let us handle gun sales ... I mean, safety. Lul."
Actually NRA does handle gun safety. My son will be joining a NRA sponsored shooting group through the boy scouts soon.
Doctors should shut up? You people just love authoritarianism screw the Constitution according to your ideology...
Nope doctors should stick to medicine not questions about what I may or may not have in my home because I ain't gonna tell them anyways as its NONE of their business.

And they're doing a great job. How many shooting sprees are we on now in 2018? Definitely I've lost count. They're so common now that they don't even make the news unless it's double digits.

Tell your doctor whatever you want. I don't give a fuck. But the NRA definitely has blood on its hands.
No liar, you criminals do.

You're just lucky they don't make you take an IQ test before you can purchase a firearm.
The doctors will be forcibly and violently shut up if they don't shut up willingly by themselves. It's for their own good.

Moses will put out their eyes and smash all their teeth out of their jaw, and Job will skin them alive and roast them over an open fire.
NRA: "Let us handle gun sales ... I mean, safety. Lul."
Actually NRA does handle gun safety. My son will be joining a NRA sponsored shooting group through the boy scouts soon.
Doctors should shut up? You people just love authoritarianism screw the Constitution according to your ideology...
Nope doctors should stick to medicine not questions about what I may or may not have in my home because I ain't gonna tell them anyways as its NONE of their business.

And they're doing a great job. How many shooting sprees are we on now in 2018? Definitely I've lost count. They're so common now that they don't even make the news unless it's double digits.

Tell your doctor whatever you want. I don't give a fuck. But the NRA definitely has blood on its hands.
No liar, you criminals do.

You're just lucky they don't make you take an IQ test before you can purchase a firearm.
You are a treasonous butthurt troll. Come get my guns!
NRA: "Let us handle gun sales ... I mean, safety. Lul."
Actually NRA does handle gun safety. My son will be joining a NRA sponsored shooting group through the boy scouts soon.
Doctors should shut up? You people just love authoritarianism screw the Constitution according to your ideology...
Nope doctors should stick to medicine not questions about what I may or may not have in my home because I ain't gonna tell them anyways as its NONE of their business.

And they're doing a great job. How many shooting sprees are we on now in 2018? Definitely I've lost count. They're so common now that they don't even make the news unless it's double digits.

Tell your doctor whatever you want. I don't give a fuck. But the NRA definitely has blood on its hands.
No liar, you criminals do.

You're just lucky they don't make you take an IQ test before you can purchase a firearm.
You are a treasonous butthurt troll. Come get my guns!

I don't want them. Don't need them.

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