Mark Levin takes Laurence Tribe to school on Whitaker appointment

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

What an idea!!!! President Trump should follow the obomanations lead and just make Whitaker THE NEW LAW CZAR....even the ABNORMALS can't say too much about thar... how many UNAFFIRMED Czars did the Jug Earred mulatto have...45 if memory serves me correctly!!!!!

Thursday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin took Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe to school over the temporary appointment of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general.

“Laurence Tribe has gotten dumber and dumber as the years have gone on,” Levin said.

Tribe argues that the appointment of Whitaker, who previously served as chief of staff to former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, is unconstitutional. Levin explains that the appointment is perfectly lawful under federal law governing Cabinet vacancies and eligibility to temporarily act as attorney general while President Trump seeks a new nominee to send to the Senate for confirmation.

Levin played clips of several Democrats unthinkingly regurgitating the same talking points on television news. Listen to this clip and you’ll be better informed than the talking heads on TV.


What an idea!!!! President Trump should follow the obomanations lead and just make Whitaker THE NEW LAW CZAR....even the ABNORMALS can't say too much about thar... how many UNAFFIRMED Czars did the Jug Earred mulatto have...45 if memory serves me correctly!!!!!

Thursday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin took Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe to school over the temporary appointment of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general.

“Laurence Tribe has gotten dumber and dumber as the years have gone on,” Levin said.

Tribe argues that the appointment of Whitaker, who previously served as chief of staff to former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, is unconstitutional. Levin explains that the appointment is perfectly lawful under federal law governing Cabinet vacancies and eligibility to temporarily act as attorney general while President Trump seeks a new nominee to send to the Senate for confirmation.

Levin played clips of several Democrats unthinkingly regurgitating the same talking points on television news. Listen to this clip and you’ll be better informed than the talking heads on TV.


The "jug earred Mulato."

Wow. Way to demonstrate why white nationalism is the primary pitch of the Republican party when pushing their message to conservatives.

Whittaker's appointment obviously isn't constitutional. As such an appointment is only authorized under the Federal Vacancies Reform Act if the person has served as the first assistant to the Attorney General.

(1)Notwithstanding subsection (a)(1), a person may not serve as an acting officer for an office under this section, if—
(i) did not serve in the position of first assistant to the office of such officer; or

(ii) served in the position of first assistant to the office of such officer for less than 90 days; and

5 U.S. Code § 3345 - Acting officer

With the FVRA making it crystal clear who the first assistant of the Attorney General is:

In case of a vacancy in the office of Attorney General, or of his absence or disability, the Deputy Attorney General may exercise all the duties of that office, and for the purpose of section 3345 of title 5 the Deputy Attorney General is the first assistant to the Attorney General.

28 U.S. Code § 508 - Vacancies

The Deputy Attorney General.

Whittaker has never served as the first assistant to the Attorney General. Making him ineligible for the position of acting Attorney General under FVRA. And there is zero provision for unconfirmed principal officers in the Constitution.

Leaving only Rosenstein. Or no one until the president nominates and the Senate confirms a new AG.
Skylar is still ignoring the law written in full and the opinion of the experts at DOD.

There are three categories to choose from under the FVR.
"The attorney general serves at the pleasure of the president."

FROM THE DOD (they are the existing authority at this moment not Skylar).

"Under the FVRA, there are generally three categories of persons who can serve in an acting capacity for vacant PAS positions:

* The “first assistant” to the vacant position.The Act does not define this term, but legislative historyindicates that it generally refers to the top deputy to the position.
* An existing PAS (from the agency at issue or from any other agency) designated by the President (and only the President).
* Certain senior agency employees designated by the President (and only the President).

Specific time frames and other statutory considerations limit service for all three categories.There is a general limit of 210 days for serving in an acting PAS capacity. [5 U.S.C. 3346] With respect to any vacancy that exists during the 60-day period beginning with a Presidential inauguration, the 210 days begin on the later of 90 days after the inauguration or 90 days after the date of the vacancy. Different rules apply if the President nominates a person to fill the PAS position on a permanent basis during the period that the position is held on an acting basis.
The Office of Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice has issued extensive guidance on the FVRA
Specific questions should be addressed to that office (XXX-XXX-XXXX).
The Assistant to the President for Presidential Personnel coordinates all activities relating to Presidential appointments.
[NOTE: This section reflects the current interpretation of the FVRA by the Office of Legal Counsel. Litigation is pending before the Supreme Court that could affect this interpretation."
Levin is an unquestioned moron
It doesn’t matter who Trump would put in there, progressives the pussy whipped bitchs they are would fucking cry anyway
It doesn’t matter who Trump would put in there, progressives the pussy whipped bitchs they are would fucking cry anyway

Evidently that is the same strategy Trump uses. "Just pick the last person that said something nice about me, it doesn't matter anyway"
It doesn’t matter who Trump would put in there, progressives the pussy whipped bitchs they are would fucking cry anyway

Evidently that is the same strategy Trump uses. "Just pick the last person that said something nice about me, it doesn't matter anyway"
Elections have consequences

Yes. One consequence of the last presidential election is a president who has no idea how to select competent personnel, and is too stupid to even realize he should even check their qualifications.

What an idea!!!! President Trump should follow the obomanations lead and just make Whitaker THE NEW LAW CZAR....even the ABNORMALS can't say too much about thar... how many UNAFFIRMED Czars did the Jug Earred mulatto have...45 if memory serves me correctly!!!!!

Thursday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin took Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe to school over the temporary appointment of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general.

“Laurence Tribe has gotten dumber and dumber as the years have gone on,” Levin said.

Tribe argues that the appointment of Whitaker, who previously served as chief of staff to former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, is unconstitutional. Levin explains that the appointment is perfectly lawful under federal law governing Cabinet vacancies and eligibility to temporarily act as attorney general while President Trump seeks a new nominee to send to the Senate for confirmation.

Levin played clips of several Democrats unthinkingly regurgitating the same talking points on television news. Listen to this clip and you’ll be better informed than the talking heads on TV.


I usually don't pay any attention to Levin at all. He's a smooth and practices liar and propogandist. His favorite MO is to construct an elaborate framework of carefully chosen facts and deliberate omissions to craft a misleading and often totally false narrative, one that is specifically designed to make him sound scholarly and well informed, and to bury his not too informed and non critical audience into believing that Levin is a knowlegable commentator rather than just a rabid former Limbaugh flunkie working the talking points.

Of course, he sputters and fumes a lot, and one half expects him to have the "big one" any time on his program since he shouts, rants and does his apoplectic act every day.

But that's all part of his act. And and act it is.

Levin never schooled anyone who had the slightest idea what's going on in the world.
It doesn’t matter who Trump would put in there, progressives the pussy whipped bitchs they are would fucking cry anyway

Evidently that is the same strategy Trump uses. "Just pick the last person that said something nice about me, it doesn't matter anyway"
Elections have consequences

Yes. One consequence of the last presidential election is a president who has no idea how to select competent personnel, and is too stupid to even realize he should even check their qualifications.

Well, you have to remember that those goals were not his objective. He could care less about qualifications, and his exceeding incompetence as a manager and his lack of any sort of loyalty to his team make it certain that few decent people would want to risk their careers to work for him.

It's also why he can't attract decent lawyers.
It doesn’t matter who Trump would put in there, progressives the pussy whipped bitchs they are would fucking cry anyway

Evidently that is the same strategy Trump uses. "Just pick the last person that said something nice about me, it doesn't matter anyway"
Elections have consequences

Yes. One consequence of the last presidential election is a president who has no idea how to select competent personnel, and is too stupid to even realize he should even check their qualifications.

Well, you have to remember that those goals were not his objective. He could care less about qualifications, and his exceeding incompetence as a manager and his lack of any sort of loyalty to his team make it certain that few decent people would want to risk their careers to work for him.

It's also why he can't attract decent lawyers.

More proof that the only reason he ever had ANY success in business is because he had the cash to make it work. He certainly doesn't have any real business ability.
In the end, even you know who's Side is gonna win. Sucks to be you.

It's clear you can't refute a damn thing Levin said.
It doesn’t matter who Trump would put in there, progressives the pussy whipped bitchs they are would fucking cry anyway

Evidently that is the same strategy Trump uses. "Just pick the last person that said something nice about me, it doesn't matter anyway"
Elections have consequences

Yes. One consequence of the last presidential election is a president who has no idea how to select competent personnel, and is too stupid to even realize he should even check their qualifications.
Well, Jeff sessions was not doing his job. Someone had to be appointed to do it till he can find someone permanent... :slap:

What an idea!!!! President Trump should follow the obomanations lead and just make Whitaker THE NEW LAW CZAR....even the ABNORMALS can't say too much about thar... how many UNAFFIRMED Czars did the Jug Earred mulatto have...45 if memory serves me correctly!!!!!

Thursday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin took Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe to school over the temporary appointment of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general.

“Laurence Tribe has gotten dumber and dumber as the years have gone on,” Levin said.

Tribe argues that the appointment of Whitaker, who previously served as chief of staff to former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, is unconstitutional. Levin explains that the appointment is perfectly lawful under federal law governing Cabinet vacancies and eligibility to temporarily act as attorney general while President Trump seeks a new nominee to send to the Senate for confirmation.

Levin played clips of several Democrats unthinkingly regurgitating the same talking points on television news. Listen to this clip and you’ll be better informed than the talking heads on TV.


I usually don't pay any attention to Levin at all. He's a smooth and practices liar and propogandist. His favorite MO is to construct an elaborate framework of carefully chosen facts and deliberate omissions to craft a misleading and often totally false narrative, one that is specifically designed to make him sound scholarly and well informed, and to bury his not too informed and non critical audience into believing that Levin is a knowlegable commentator rather than just a rabid former Limbaugh flunkie working the talking points.

Of course, he sputters and fumes a lot, and one half expects him to have the "big one" any time on his program since he shouts, rants and does his apoplectic act every day.

But that's all part of his act. And and act it is.

Levin never schooled anyone who had the slightest idea what's going on in the world.


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