NRA: It's Obama's Fault!


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
NRA Blames Obama For Orlando Shooting, Says Gun Control Would ‘Do Nothing’

The National Rifle Association late Monday broke its silence on the slaughter of 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, labeling calls for restrictions on assault-style weapons as a “transparent head-fake.”

In a USA Today op-ed published online Monday evening, NRA lobbying director Chris W. Cox blasted appeals by President Barack Obama and presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton to limit access to assault-style weapons.

“They are desperate to create the illusion that they’re doing something to protect us because their policies can’t and won’t keep us safe,” wrote Cox. “This transparent head-fake should scare every American, because it will do nothing to prevent the next attack.”

Cox called for the destruction of “radical Islam,” describing the movement as “a hate crime waiting to happen.” He also blamed the Obama administration, saying a policy of “political correctness” allowed the Orlando killer to avoid punishment for making threatening comments about minorities at his job as a security guard.

Cox failed to note that, according to a study by the FBI, 94 percent of terrorist attacks in the U.S. from 1980 to 2005 were carried out by non-Muslims. America has more guns per capita than any Western nation, and by far more firearms homicides per day.

More: NRA Blames Obama For Orlando Shooting, Says Gun Control Would 'Do Nothing'

The NRA is sadly comical in its constant attempts to spin reality. The NRA is part of the problem - not the solution.

People should remember reality.

People should remember reality.

Oops Lakhota here we go again, corrected from another thread:
Timothy McVeigh Was Not A Christian - Breitbart

McVeigh was not Christian but was identified by other sources as AGNOSTIC

If you are shopping for a whipping boy how about David Koresh:
David Koresh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
At least his apocalyptic beliefs about Armageddon are similar to Jihad
in fighting a holy war of destruction, and was identified as a Cult leader
that did use the Bible. Of course, the killing of children was blamed on botched govt intervention
as much as it was blamed on Koresh and other Branch Davidians for refusing to comply with the feds.

People should remember reality.

Oops Lakhota here we go again, corrected from another thread:
Timothy McVeigh Was Not A Christian - Breitbart

McVeigh was not Christian but was identified by other sources as AGNOSTIC

If you are shopping for a whipping boy how about David Koresh:
David Koresh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
At least his apocalyptic beliefs about Armageddon are similar to Jihad
in fighting a holy war of destruction, and was identified as a Cult leader
that did use the Bible. Of course, the killing of children was blamed on botched govt intervention
as much as it was blamed on Koresh and other Branch Davidians for refusing to comply with the feds.

Of course, Breitbart.

People should remember reality.

Oops Lakhota here we go again, corrected from another thread:
Timothy McVeigh Was Not A Christian - Breitbart

McVeigh was not Christian but was identified by other sources as AGNOSTIC

If you are shopping for a whipping boy how about David Koresh:
David Koresh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
At least his apocalyptic beliefs about Armageddon are similar to Jihad
in fighting a holy war of destruction, and was identified as a Cult leader
that did use the Bible. Of course, the killing of children was blamed on botched govt intervention
as much as it was blamed on Koresh and other Branch Davidians for refusing to comply with the feds.

Of course, Breitbart.

Yes Fenton Lum
And CAIR will say that terrorists are not following Islam either.
NRA Blames Obama For Orlando Shooting, Says Gun Control Would ‘Do Nothing’

The National Rifle Association late Monday broke its silence on the slaughter of 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, labeling calls for restrictions on assault-style weapons as a “transparent head-fake.”

In a USA Today op-ed published online Monday evening, NRA lobbying director Chris W. Cox blasted appeals by President Barack Obama and presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton to limit access to assault-style weapons.

“They are desperate to create the illusion that they’re doing something to protect us because their policies can’t and won’t keep us safe,” wrote Cox. “This transparent head-fake should scare every American, because it will do nothing to prevent the next attack.”

Cox called for the destruction of “radical Islam,” describing the movement as “a hate crime waiting to happen.” He also blamed the Obama administration, saying a policy of “political correctness” allowed the Orlando killer to avoid punishment for making threatening comments about minorities at his job as a security guard.

Cox failed to note that, according to a study by the FBI, 94 percent of terrorist attacks in the U.S. from 1980 to 2005 were carried out by non-Muslims. America has more guns per capita than any Western nation, and by far more firearms homicides per day.

More: NRA Blames Obama For Orlando Shooting, Says Gun Control Would 'Do Nothing'

The NRA is sadly comical in its constant attempts to spin reality. The NRA is part of the problem - not the solution.

By the way the 94 % is a extremely misleading if not a straight up lie. Property violations are considered "terrorism" under that definition. But anyway, they are less than 1% of the population so they are still very over-represented.

Islamic terrorism and Islam are a problem. They are by far responsible for most Terrorism related deaths.

People should remember reality.

Oops Lakhota here we go again, corrected from another thread:
Timothy McVeigh Was Not A Christian - Breitbart

McVeigh was not Christian but was identified by other sources as AGNOSTIC

If you are shopping for a whipping boy how about David Koresh:
David Koresh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
At least his apocalyptic beliefs about Armageddon are similar to Jihad
in fighting a holy war of destruction, and was identified as a Cult leader
that did use the Bible. Of course, the killing of children was blamed on botched govt intervention
as much as it was blamed on Koresh and other Branch Davidians for refusing to comply with the feds.

Really? The following is per a Time Magazine interview with McVeigh in 2001:

Time: Are you religious?

McVeigh: I was raised Catholic. I was confirmed Catholic (received the sacrament of confirmation). Through my military years, I sort of lost touch with the religion. I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs.

Do you believe in God?

McVeigh: I do believe in a God, yes. But that's as far as I want to discuss. If I get too detailed on some things that are personal like that, it gives people an easier way [to] alienate themselves from me and that's all they are looking for now.​

More: An Accurate Look at Timothy McVeigh's Beliefs

Also, McVeigh took last rites before execution. - McVeigh took last rites before execution - June 11, 2001
Last edited:

People should remember reality.
Sweet post!!, gee I don't hear much about this ugly maggot anymore, glad he's worm food, guess all the white male Muslim haters on here conveniently forgot about McVeigh, wonder why????

The fucking NRA should be sad Their meal ticket Obama is leaving, more firearms have been sold since 2009, than other other time in our history!!, what a bunch of dumb dicks..

Obama is not a gun grabber, but Hillary if she wins, on the other hand might be a different story, especially if the Democrats take the senate..
They are correct.

The terrorist did far more damage in disarmed France.

France wasn't some lone wolf asshole who wandered into a gun shop .

This dude was an a terror watch list!

So you are saying this dude was on terror watch list... and he was just some loner who just happened to snap and wonder into a gun shop...

All right. Because apparently, after Obama's gun control a security guard can't get guns anymore. Except if it's... one of his?
President Obama Cites Terrorism and Gun Control in Orlando Shooting

, the president says it appears that the shooter, Omar Mateen, was inspired by "extremist information" disseminated via the internet, but the massacre was not part of a larger plot.

I see, so the fact that Truman stole Palestine from 1.3 million Palestinians is "extremist information"

The fact that the US has subsidized the Palestinian Holocaust since 1949 to the tune of $125 BBBillions is "extremist information"

The fact that the US invaded Iraq to help Israel and remained there for 18 years is "extremist information"

The fact that the US has destroyed Syria to defend Israel is "extremist information"

People should remember reality.

Oops Lakhota here we go again, corrected from another thread:
Timothy McVeigh Was Not A Christian - Breitbart

McVeigh was not Christian but was identified by other sources as AGNOSTIC

If you are shopping for a whipping boy how about David Koresh:
David Koresh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
At least his apocalyptic beliefs about Armageddon are similar to Jihad
in fighting a holy war of destruction, and was identified as a Cult leader
that did use the Bible. Of course, the killing of children was blamed on botched govt intervention
as much as it was blamed on Koresh and other Branch Davidians for refusing to comply with the feds.

Really? The following is per a Time Magazine interview with McVeigh in 2001:

Time: Are you religious?

McVeigh: I was raised Catholic. I was confirmed Catholic (received the sacrament of confirmation). Through my military years, I sort of lost touch with the religion. I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs.

Do you believe in God?

McVeigh: I do believe in a God, yes. But that's as far as I want to discuss. If I get too detailed on some things that are personal like that, it gives people an easier way [to] alienate themselves from me and that's all they are looking for now.​

More: An Accurate Look at Timothy McVeigh's Beliefs

Hi Lakhota I have a Catholic friend, who identifies Roman Catholic.
Is very happy having sex with multiple women outside of marriage he doesn't plan to marry
(he had a list of ones he would consider, and was checking them off like horses in a race),
and thinks Joel Olsteen is going to hell for wearing thousand dollar shoes.
I told him if God doesn't judge him for having sex outside of marriage,
I doubt God judges a man for the price of the shoes he wears.

When I asked my Catholic friend about following the Bible,
and specifically mentioned the New Commandment that Jesus
said we love one another as Jesus loves us, and this Third Commandment
fulfills the other Two Great Commandments as the Trinity:
He said that all that was more "Christian" and "he's not Christian."

So there are Catholics who will admit they are not Christian.
Just like the Jehovah's Witnesses who will say they are not Christian.

My friend hit on me to go sleep with him without telling my boyfriend,
and I said wait a minute, how is this respecting other people's relationships?
He said he didn't care about my boyfriend, this was about us having sex.

And this is coming from a Roman Catholic who goes to church every Sunday
and thinks I need to join the Catholic church.

My friend believes in God but believes as long as he is "helping the poor"
that's all that matters according to the Pope.
We are still arguing about this because I told him that it is against God's commandments to bear false witness against his neighbor and the proper process is to resolve this dispute, by addressing
Joel Olsteen directly if he thinks he is teaching falsely. But my friend refuses
because he does not want to follow the Christian Scriptures.

I posted this problem I was having on a Christian forum and got a lot of
responses saying "a lot of Catholics are not Christian"
They are taught to follow the Pope and some Catholic theology
but aren't taught the Bible. So this depends on the Catholic if they are Christian
or not. Just like some lawyers and some people in govt are NOT following
the Constitution and don't believe in that. It depends on the person.

I have found Muslims who are or who aren't Christian believers.
Even an atheist friend who is a follower and neighbor in Christ but doesn't
call it God or Jesus. Some Jehovah's Witnesses and some Constitutionalists
are Christian but some are not. It depends if they believe in
Restorative Justice that makes them believers in Christ Jesus.
If McVeigh believed in retributive justice not restorative justice,
that's antichrist, which is the opposite of Christ.
Last edited:

People should remember reality.

Oops Lakhota here we go again, corrected from another thread:
Timothy McVeigh Was Not A Christian - Breitbart

McVeigh was not Christian but was identified by other sources as AGNOSTIC

If you are shopping for a whipping boy how about David Koresh:
David Koresh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
At least his apocalyptic beliefs about Armageddon are similar to Jihad
in fighting a holy war of destruction, and was identified as a Cult leader
that did use the Bible. Of course, the killing of children was blamed on botched govt intervention
as much as it was blamed on Koresh and other Branch Davidians for refusing to comply with the feds.

Really? The following is per a Time Magazine interview with McVeigh in 2001:

Time: Are you religious?

McVeigh: I was raised Catholic. I was confirmed Catholic (received the sacrament of confirmation). Through my military years, I sort of lost touch with the religion. I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs.

Do you believe in God?

McVeigh: I do believe in a God, yes. But that's as far as I want to discuss. If I get too detailed on some things that are personal like that, it gives people an easier way [to] alienate themselves from me and that's all they are looking for now.​

More: An Accurate Look at Timothy McVeigh's Beliefs

Also, McVeigh took last rites before execution. - McVeigh took last rites before execution - June 11, 2001

Hi Lakhota I thought of a better comparison:


Hitler believed he was following God and the Bible
His camp workers would even stop and sing hymnals like a church choir
during breaks before going back to work running the camps.
(Peter Loth shows the video footage in his presentation on how
he was healed of torture and abuse before during and after the Holocaust)

But again, the BIG difference is whether people live by
* Antichrist (retributive justice) CLAIMING to be "coming in the name of the law or lord"
* Christ Jesus (restorative justice) which is the New testament of forgiveness correction and healing

If McVeigh and Hitler did not forgive others but sought Retribution that is Antichrist.
The true Christians seek to restore Justice through Peaceful means of
forgiveness, correction, restitution and healing. You can see the difference!

People should remember reality.

Oops Lakhota here we go again, corrected from another thread:
Timothy McVeigh Was Not A Christian - Breitbart

McVeigh was not Christian but was identified by other sources as AGNOSTIC

If you are shopping for a whipping boy how about David Koresh:
David Koresh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
At least his apocalyptic beliefs about Armageddon are similar to Jihad
in fighting a holy war of destruction, and was identified as a Cult leader
that did use the Bible. Of course, the killing of children was blamed on botched govt intervention
as much as it was blamed on Koresh and other Branch Davidians for refusing to comply with the feds.

Of course, Breitbart.

Yes Fenton Lum
And CAIR will say that terrorists are not following Islam either.

I don't pay any attention to them either, so, ... yeah.

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