NRA issues threatening video to intimidate opponents

Don't you love how the hack trolls laugh at everything smarter than they are?

The NRA is using the Trump MO. Just intimidate and works every time.

it certainly works some of the time.

So you admit that the ACLU, unions, NOW, NAACP intimidate and bully?
Always have.....

say what, sergei? our whiny little trumpflake..........

but nice lies about unions.

tell vlad we're not interested in being Russia. mmmkay?
yeah unions never intimidate or bully they just get whacked with multimillion dollar lawsuit judgments for no reason

Jury Comes Down Hard On Big Union's Intimidation Campaign | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
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Don't you love how the hack trolls laugh at everything smarter than they are?

The NRA is using the Trump MO. Just intimidate and works every time.

it certainly works some of the time.

So you admit that the ACLU, unions, NOW, NAACP intimidate and bully?
Always have.....

say what, sergei? our whiny little trumpflake..........

but nice lies about unions.

tell vlad we're not interested in being Russia. mmmkay?

The dumb slut who thinks everyone who isn't a leftist is a Republican because you're not smart enough to memorize more than one set of talking points. Libertarian, that's Republican to me!

And you're dumb as a brick. You demonstrated exactly my point. It's only people who disagree with you who to you intimidate and bully. You're a Democrat whore
NRA issues threatening video warning journalists 'your time is running out'

The NRA is becoming a terrorist organization that uses threats and intimidation to achieve their goals. This looks more like an ISIS video than an NRA video. When will journalist begin dying?

The Putin playbook is playing out before our very eyes..

Don't you love how the hack trolls laugh at everything smarter than they are?

The NRA is using the Trump MO. Just intimidate and works every time.

it certainly works some of the time.

So you admit that the ACLU, unions, NOW, NAACP intimidate and bully?

you really should learn to read and stop inserting what the voices in your head tell you, little one.

You proved my point. Intimidating and bulling to you = not leftist. You're a shallow slut who'll hit the sheets for a quarter
The NRA is using the Trump MO. Just intimidate and works every time.

it certainly works some of the time.

So you admit that the ACLU, unions, NOW, NAACP intimidate and bully?
Always have.....

say what, sergei? our whiny little trumpflake..........

but nice lies about unions.

tell vlad we're not interested in being Russia. mmmkay?
yeah unions never intimidate or bully they just get whacked with multimillion dollar lawsuit judgments for no reason

Jury Comes Down Hard On Big Union's Intimidation Campaign | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

What's funny is that she claims to be a lawyer and my obvious point just sailed over her head. I think she means she gives head to lawyers

NRA is just another money grabbing organization that does what again? That's right really nothing, with or without them the 2nd amendment is not going anywhere or being amended. Throw your fucking hard earned money away so a couple people can make million's at the top of the organization.
NRA is just another money grabbing organization that does what again? That's right really nothing, with or without them the 2nd amendment is not going anywhere or being amended. Throw your fucking hard earned money away so a couple people can make million's at the top of the organization.
so why blame them?
NRA is just another money grabbing organization that does what again? That's right really nothing, with or without them the 2nd amendment is not going anywhere or being amended. Throw your fucking hard earned money away so a couple people can make million's at the top of the organization.
so why blame them?

I didn't blame them of nothing but they are a bunch of shit stirrer's.
Unlike you I don't speak on a subject of which I am ignorant.

All I need to know is that guns kill....and MORE efficient guns kill more efficiently, AND that virtually anyone who wants one of those more efficient guns can be purchased by ANYONE who wants one.

Spin it any way your half brain wants....THAT is the reality....

Damn, my guns must be defective, they have yet to kill anyone. Or on the other hand you ignorance may have over taken you. LMAO


Yet you make it possible for others to use theirs to kill people through your own inaction. Well, through my actions I make it harder for them to get the tools they need to do their mass shootings.

Now, about Criminals. You want to lessen those? Increase Law Enforcement and embed them into communities. Yes, that will take more money and better training. But you don't want to spend one thin dime there either. Criminals don't co exist with hones well trained cops.

Well drama queen, what are you going to do about bath tubs, ladders and cars? All of them kill more people than rifles of all kinds. A child is more likely to die at the hands of their parents or close family members than they are in school or any public setting. Oh and I almost forgot, medical mistakes kill a butt load of people of all ages, how much do you want to spend on these killers?

No, you commies want to take the rights of law abiding citizens instead of addressing the greater problems, but tell the class exactly what you propose to address guns. One stipulation, don't give me any proposal you can't legally impose on criminals.

it certainly works some of the time.

So you admit that the ACLU, unions, NOW, NAACP intimidate and bully?
Always have.....

say what, sergei? our whiny little trumpflake..........

but nice lies about unions.

tell vlad we're not interested in being Russia. mmmkay?
yeah unions never intimidate or bully they just get whacked with multimillion dollar lawsuit judgments for no reason

Jury Comes Down Hard On Big Union's Intimidation Campaign | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

What's funny is that she claims to be a lawyer and my obvious point just sailed over her head. I think she means she gives head to lawyers


She's no lawyer.
So you admit that the ACLU, unions, NOW, NAACP intimidate and bully?
Always have.....

say what, sergei? our whiny little trumpflake..........

but nice lies about unions.

tell vlad we're not interested in being Russia. mmmkay?
yeah unions never intimidate or bully they just get whacked with multimillion dollar lawsuit judgments for no reason

Jury Comes Down Hard On Big Union's Intimidation Campaign | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

What's funny is that she claims to be a lawyer and my obvious point just sailed over her head. I think she means she gives head to lawyers


She's no lawyer.

I agree. I've met plenty of dumb lawyers. But not that dumb
it certainly works some of the time.

So you admit that the ACLU, unions, NOW, NAACP intimidate and bully?
Always have.....

say what, sergei? our whiny little trumpflake..........

but nice lies about unions.

tell vlad we're not interested in being Russia. mmmkay?
yeah unions never intimidate or bully they just get whacked with multimillion dollar lawsuit judgments for no reason

Jury Comes Down Hard On Big Union's Intimidation Campaign | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

What's funny is that she claims to be a lawyer and my obvious point just sailed over her head. I think she means she gives head to lawyers


She IS an attorney and has more brains in her little finger than u do in your skull...
NRA issues threatening video warning journalists 'your time is running out'

The NRA is becoming a terrorist organization that uses threats and intimidation to achieve their goals. This looks more like an ISIS video than an NRA video. When will journalist begin dying?

The Putin playbook is playing out before our very eyes..

The NRA's day or reckoning has arrived. America now knows what scumbags they are...

The DNC is a terrorist organization.
NRA issues threatening video warning journalists 'your time is running out'

The NRA is becoming a terrorist organization that uses threats and intimidation to achieve their goals. This looks more like an ISIS video than an NRA video. When will journalist begin dying?

The Putin playbook is playing out before our very eyes..

Were there guns involved? In that case please put out a trigger warning as I may not be able to watch.
/----/ Scary words Libs don't like are just as bad as guns.
NRA issues threatening video warning journalists 'your time is running out'

The NRA is becoming a terrorist organization that uses threats and intimidation to achieve their goals. This looks more like an ISIS video than an NRA video. When will journalist begin dying?

The Putin playbook is playing out before our very eyes..

The NRA's day or reckoning has arrived. America now knows what scumbags they are...

The DNC is a terrorist organization.

When the DNC tells Republicans that "your time is short" U will agree with you. But that will ever happen.
So you admit that the ACLU, unions, NOW, NAACP intimidate and bully?
Always have.....

say what, sergei? our whiny little trumpflake..........

but nice lies about unions.

tell vlad we're not interested in being Russia. mmmkay?
yeah unions never intimidate or bully they just get whacked with multimillion dollar lawsuit judgments for no reason

Jury Comes Down Hard On Big Union's Intimidation Campaign | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

What's funny is that she claims to be a lawyer and my obvious point just sailed over her head. I think she means she gives head to lawyers


She IS an attorney and has more brains in her little finger than u do in your skull...

So in other words, she agrees with you and you both take instructions from Nancy Pelosi what to think. Pure intelligence.

As for being a lawyer, not so much. But maybe she's a lawyer's rubber girlfriend for the night
BTW, I'll change my view when someone can show the NRA killing someone or threatening to kill someone.
How about abetting school shootings? Does that count?
explain what you mean? that is too general.
Opposing pretty much every law having to do with guns by paying off politicians, and making it way too easy for anyone to get a gun, especially high-powered weapons that are often used in school shootings...
such as what law? can't you name one?
Ok, maybe that came out wrong, lol. Opposing anything put forward that was to become a law, because they've managed to block pretty much everything. Although they are probably against most, if not any laws already on the books, that should go without saying.

The only time that liberals let anything go without saying, is when they don't know what to say, or how to say it. The background check system was, and still it, an NRA initiative. The NRA does not want bad people to get their hands on guns. But, they also do not want good people to be prohibited from keeping and/or bearing guns. Not a hard concept to understand.

The NRA is a powerful lobbying organization, not only for the money they supply to politicians who support the NRA, but because of the millions of NRA members who vote in local, state, and national elections.
Always have.....

say what, sergei? our whiny little trumpflake..........

but nice lies about unions.

tell vlad we're not interested in being Russia. mmmkay?
yeah unions never intimidate or bully they just get whacked with multimillion dollar lawsuit judgments for no reason

Jury Comes Down Hard On Big Union's Intimidation Campaign | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

What's funny is that she claims to be a lawyer and my obvious point just sailed over her head. I think she means she gives head to lawyers


She IS an attorney and has more brains in her little finger than u do in your skull...

So in other words, she agrees with you and you both take instructions from Nancy Pelosi what to think. Pure intelligence.

As for being a lawyer, not so much. But maybe she's a lawyer's rubber girlfriend for the night

I don't need to defend her. She...unlike above name calling and are as low as you can go.
BTW, I'll change my view when someone can show the NRA killing someone or threatening to kill someone.
How about abetting school shootings? Does that count?
explain what you mean? that is too general.
Opposing pretty much every law having to do with guns by paying off politicians, and making it way too easy for anyone to get a gun, especially high-powered weapons that are often used in school shootings...
BTW, it was a law that obummer inacted that allowed the purchase of the gun by the kid. you should do your homework kiddo.

Ingraham: 'PROMISE Program' Hailed By Obama Admin Led to Florida Schools Ignoring Violent Students

'PROMISE Program' Hailed By Obama Admin Led to Florida Schools Ignoring Violent Students

Not the NRA
Doesn't matter who you point the finger at, they all deserve some blame. This admin, the last admin, every admin before that. As well as the NRA and everyone, like you, who support them. yYou all have blood on your hands.

The only people who have blood on their hands are the politicians who ignore actual solutions while posturing over gun control. And, of course, the people who support those politicians and their dumbass non solutions.

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