Now that the election is over CNN points some fingers at China


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Seems the Dimocrat party's ace in the hole has finally admitted what anyone with a fucking brain has known all along.

The Wuhan files
Leaked documents reveal China's mishandling of the early stages of Covid-19

London — A group of frontline medical workers, likely exhausted, stand huddled together on a video-conference call as China's most powerful man raises his hand in greeting. It is February 10 in Beijing and President Xi Jinping, who for weeks has been absent from public view, is addressing hospital staff in the city of Wuhan as they battle to contain the spread of a still officially unnamed novel coronavirus.
From a secure room about 1,200 kilometers (745 miles) from the epicenter, Xi expressed his condolences to those who have died in the outbreak. He urged greater public communication, as around the world concerns mounted about the potential threat posed by the new disease.
That same day, Chinese authorities reported 2,478 new confirmed cases -- raising the total global number to more than 40,000, with fewer than 400 cases occurring outside of mainland China. Yet CNN can now reveal how official documents circulated internally show that this was only part of the picture.

Any honest person knew that China is, has and was lying from day one.

What bullshit that this come out only now. Americans should be outraged over the hiding of truth for so long.
The real problem most of Americans are stupid enough to be duped. The funny thing is Biden says he is going to build the economy better! Lol
Any honest person knew that China is, has and was lying from day one.

What bullshit that this come out only now. Americans should be outraged over the hiding of truth for so long.
The real problem most of Americans are stupid enough to be duped. The funny thing is Biden says he is going to build the economy better! Lol

I gotta laugh at that one. The economy, UE and jobs were doing great before the very convenient Chinese virus hit our shores. I know Biden can't do better.

In fact I'd venture to say the economy will be in the toilet and UE through the roof if Biden does what he says he will. In four years, if he's in the WH, Voters will be sick and tired of the Dem idiots. The mid terms should go the Rep way with them winning the House.

Fun times for all.
Any honest person knew that China is, has and was lying from day one.

What bullshit that this come out only now. Americans should be outraged over the hiding of truth for so long.

You mean you doubt the word of a government that's willing to slaughter student activists in broad daylight?
Any honest person knew that China is, has and was lying from day one.

What bullshit that this come out only now. Americans should be outraged over the hiding of truth for so long.

You mean you doubt the word of a government that's willing to slaughter student activists in broad daylight?

Unless you're part of The Democrat Media or the bubblecultists.
Seems the Dimocrat party's ace in the hole has finally admitted what anyone with a fucking brain has known all along.

The Wuhan files
Leaked documents reveal China's mishandling of the early stages of Covid-19

London — A group of frontline medical workers, likely exhausted, stand huddled together on a video-conference call as China's most powerful man raises his hand in greeting. It is February 10 in Beijing and President Xi Jinping, who for weeks has been absent from public view, is addressing hospital staff in the city of Wuhan as they battle to contain the spread of a still officially unnamed novel coronavirus.
From a secure room about 1,200 kilometers (745 miles) from the epicenter, Xi expressed his condolences to those who have died in the outbreak. He urged greater public communication, as around the world concerns mounted about the potential threat posed by the new disease.
That same day, Chinese authorities reported 2,478 new confirmed cases -- raising the total global number to more than 40,000, with fewer than 400 cases occurring outside of mainland China. Yet CNN can now reveal how official documents circulated internally show that this was only part of the picture.

The Shadow government want to remove Xi Jinping. They know that he will not trust them after the way they have attacked Pres. Trump. That they will do the same to him if he opens the door for them.
and so they are going to be removing a lot of country's leaders from office if they are put back into power.


coming 2.jpg

China mishandled the virus at the beginning while we`ve mishandled the virus for 8 months. This isn`t exactly breaking news. 84,000 cases in China with 5,000 deaths and they`re the fuck ups?
Coronavirus Update (Live): 64,479,211 Cases and 1,492,327 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer (

And you believe them? Lol! CNN just revealed China was lying about what they knew and what they reported. How dense are you? You are nothing but a partisan fool. You will believe any nonsense spoon fed you as long as it fits your stupid agenda. Isn’t it about time you woke up and started thinking for yourself?

They have lied from day one and yet

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