Now it’s Time to Investigate Obama Adm. and Their Lack of Protecting the Electoral Process

Now that this shit is out of the way, it’s time to investigate the real criminals, Obama, Clinton, His DOJ, FBI, The FISA Court, The Unmasking, The Tarmac Meeting, The Insurance Policy COUP, and how Obama and Clinton were able to use Russian Propaganda to subvert our Democracy!
Need to hold these fuckers responsible for ruining people’s lives and trying to usurp our democracy. Weasel Strok and his whore girlfriend need to be at top of list. :Boom2:Prosecute them and the rest of fuckers responsible for FISA warrants and fake dossier.
Where to start.

Bill meeting with the AG. So what?
Really? Oh...I think people will. Enjoy control of the House for another year and one half.

Bill can’t talk to the AG? How is that illegal .

If the AG walks past you on the street and you say “leave trump alone “ are you guilty of obstruction?
Walking down the street is one thing...this was a planned secretive 40 min meeting that happened right during the throws of the email investigation. After this LL said she’d follow whatever the FBI recommended...however this was after the JD already told the FBI they weren’t going to prosecute behind closed doors. The clintons are powerful people, we don’t know if some type of deal was offered, or if LL was leaking important information critical to the investigation. I mean they tried to say it was just a happenstance meeting, which is a bald face lie. Both secret service details (which both Clinton and Lynch had) have to know what plans are landing where ahead of time, especially private ones. So this was planned out at least a few days, most likely a couple of weeks ahead of time. It’s no accident their planes just happened to land next to each other.

Imagine if trump, secretly met with mueller for 40 mins. Got caught doing it, and then tried to play it off as happenstance and said they just chatted about grandkids...y’all be ahoving screwdrivers in your ears you’d be so pissed off

Trump met with Comey and unlike Clinton we KNOW what they talked about.

Trump was telling Comey to shut down an investigation into Trumps guilty advisor who eventually plead guilty, after Trump fired Comey.

Now wtf do you think Bill and Lynch talked about considering DOJ lawyers have already determined that there is no case?
The investigation was still going on, the DOJ determined beforehand, without announcing it at the time, that they weren’t going to prosecute. They weren’t going to prosecute a cut and dry federal crime of using a private email with the highest classified state secrets. There were documents on Hillary’s server so classified they were never supposed to be digitized, and only viewed in a special room, with zero electronics and a built in faraday cage. It’s not even a question of if she broke the law, the question is why they didn’t prosecute her when anyone else would’ve been strung up by their thumbs.

Are you trying to say she didn’t brake the law?

Dude, what part of NO CASE do you not fucking get?

DOJ decided there was no case. FBI decided there was no case. Full Inspector General review in 2018 under Trump found there that case was appropriately concluded without bias.

Time to stop playing the lawyer on the internetz and just move on to something non-moot. It’s over bub.
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People need punished and I am talking Public Hangings And Firing Squads for Committing Treason and Sedition against The United States.

This should never be allowed to happen again!
Really? Oh...I think people will. Enjoy control of the House for another year and one half.

Bill can’t talk to the AG? How is that illegal .

If the AG walks past you on the street and you say “leave trump alone “ are you guilty of obstruction?
Walking down the street is one thing...this was a planned secretive 40 min meeting that happened right during the throws of the email investigation. After this LL said she’d follow whatever the FBI recommended...however this was after the JD already told the FBI they weren’t going to prosecute behind closed doors. The clintons are powerful people, we don’t know if some type of deal was offered, or if LL was leaking important information critical to the investigation. I mean they tried to say it was just a happenstance meeting, which is a bald face lie. Both secret service details (which both Clinton and Lynch had) have to know what plans are landing where ahead of time, especially private ones. So this was planned out at least a few days, most likely a couple of weeks ahead of time. It’s no accident their planes just happened to land next to each other.

Imagine if trump, secretly met with mueller for 40 mins. Got caught doing it, and then tried to play it off as happenstance and said they just chatted about grandkids...y’all be ahoving screwdrivers in your ears you’d be so pissed off

Trump met with Comey and unlike Clinton we KNOW what they talked about.

Trump was telling Comey to shut down an investigation into Trumps guilty advisor who eventually plead guilty, after Trump fired Comey.

Now wtf do you think Bill and Lynch talked about considering DOJ lawyers have already determined that there is no case?
The investigation was still going on, the DOJ determined beforehand, without announcing it at the time, that they weren’t going to prosecute. They weren’t going to prosecute a cut and dry federal crime of using a private email with the highest classified state secrets. There were documents on Hillary’s server so classified they were never supposed to be digitized, and only viewed in a special room, with zero electronics and a built in faraday cage. It’s not even a question of if she broke the law, the question is why they didn’t prosecute her when anyone else would’ve been strung up by their thumbs.

Are you trying to say she didn’t brake the law?

Dude, what part of NO CASE do you not fucking get?

DOJ descided there was no case. FBI descided there was no case. Full Inspector General review in 2018 under Trump found there that case was appropriately concluded without bias.

Time to wake up and smell the coffee - it over bub.
Mueller probe is. Senate is not done. Civil cases against liberal media is not done. Go after these fucking deep state criminals.
One would only hope that someone has the decency and fortitude to investigate those responsible, however, I don’t see that as happening with Shiff directing the show.
Nixon’s abuses were childs play in comparison to what the Obama administration attempted to orchestrate. Never before have I witnessed such disdain and contempt for our judicial system.
One would only hope that someone has the decency and fortitude to investigate those responsible, however, I don’t see that as happening with Shiff directing the show.
Nixon’s abuses were childs play in comparison to what the Obama administration attempted to orchestrate. Never before have I witnessed such disdain and contempt for our judicial system.

Zero indictments, Zero Convictions - that’s Obama administration record, the cleanest in modern history.

Keep grabbing those blue balls dupes.
So What has Trump done to protect our elections?

Ya know besides kissing Putin's ass
One would only hope that someone has the decency and fortitude to investigate those responsible, however, I don’t see that as happening with Shiff directing the show.
Nixon’s abuses were childs play in comparison to what the Obama administration attempted to orchestrate. Never before have I witnessed such disdain and contempt for our judicial system.

Zero indictments, Zero Convictions - that’s Obama administration record, the cleanest in modern history.

Keep grabbing those blue balls dupes.
When you have Loretta and Eric sweeping everything under the rug, it's hard to get to the truth.
Really? Oh...I think people will. Enjoy control of the House for another year and one half.

Bill can’t talk to the AG? How is that illegal .

If the AG walks past you on the street and you say “leave trump alone “ are you guilty of obstruction?
Walking down the street is one thing...this was a planned secretive 40 min meeting that happened right during the throws of the email investigation. After this LL said she’d follow whatever the FBI recommended...however this was after the JD already told the FBI they weren’t going to prosecute behind closed doors. The clintons are powerful people, we don’t know if some type of deal was offered, or if LL was leaking important information critical to the investigation. I mean they tried to say it was just a happenstance meeting, which is a bald face lie. Both secret service details (which both Clinton and Lynch had) have to know what plans are landing where ahead of time, especially private ones. So this was planned out at least a few days, most likely a couple of weeks ahead of time. It’s no accident their planes just happened to land next to each other.

Imagine if trump, secretly met with mueller for 40 mins. Got caught doing it, and then tried to play it off as happenstance and said they just chatted about grandkids...y’all be ahoving screwdrivers in your ears you’d be so pissed off

Trump met with Comey and unlike Clinton we KNOW what they talked about.

Trump was telling Comey to shut down an investigation into Trumps guilty advisor who eventually plead guilty, after Trump fired Comey.

Now wtf do you think Bill and Lynch talked about considering DOJ lawyers have already determined that there is no case?
The investigation was still going on, the DOJ determined beforehand, without announcing it at the time, that they weren’t going to prosecute. They weren’t going to prosecute a cut and dry federal crime of using a private email with the highest classified state secrets. There were documents on Hillary’s server so classified they were never supposed to be digitized, and only viewed in a special room, with zero electronics and a built in faraday cage. It’s not even a question of if she broke the law, the question is why they didn’t prosecute her when anyone else would’ve been strung up by their thumbs.

Are you trying to say she didn’t brake the law?

Dude, what part of NO CASE do you not fucking get?

DOJ decided there was no case. FBI decided there was no case. Full Inspector General review in 2018 under Trump found there that case was appropriately concluded without bias.

Time to stop playing the lawyer on the internetz and just move on to something non-moot. It’s over bub.
DOJ decided while the investigation was going on they weren’t going to prosecute the case. I don’t need to remind anyone who was in charge at the time. They are the ones who choose to prosecute or not for these types of situations, not the FBI, who just investigates. If the DOJ is telling the FBI they aren’t going to prosecute, well now the FBI is left in the strange position of still investigating a case that’s already been determined by a separate party in charge of them. It’s kind of a bass awkwards situation, which is why we get Comeys statement, edited by Storzk to take out all the legally condemning language, which still condemns Hillary but concludes that’s all folks. The argument to not charge Hillary, one that I kind of agreed with at the time, was to not weaponize the legal system on political opponents, so we aren’t in a constant downward spiral of one party investigating the other, and vis versa. Obviously things have changed. We have now devolved to that. So now that we’re here, let’s purge all the trashiness. Hillary’s a slam dunk case
Maybe someone needs to research this topic in the Washington post. As for the results of the mueller investigation all indictments and convictions related to events that transpired outside and prior to the current administration. As for Flynn he was as I understand it the victim of entrapment. Mr Stone was and never has been a member of the administration.
The list goes on. But wait if the Mueller investigation was in part the result of the FBI and DOJ redaction and misrepresentation of fact to the FISA court, by the prior administration, is that not justification for a indictment?
As for Flynn he was as I understand it the victim of entrapment.

You understand wrong. That nonsense was blown out of the water when Flynn went in front of the Judge. The Judge saw the redacted portions of Flynn's indictment and started talking about treason....

Mr Stone was and never has been a member of the administration.

You thought wrong
As for Flynn he was as I understand it the victim of entrapment.

You understand wrong. That nonsense was blown out of the water when Flynn went in front of the Judge. The Judge saw the redacted portions of Flynn's indictment and started talking about treason....

Mr Stone was and never has been a member of the administration.

You thought wrong
Did you get this from Washington Post and an “anonymous source?” :blahblah:
Bill can’t talk to the AG? How is that illegal .

If the AG walks past you on the street and you say “leave trump alone “ are you guilty of obstruction?
Walking down the street is one thing...this was a planned secretive 40 min meeting that happened right during the throws of the email investigation. After this LL said she’d follow whatever the FBI recommended...however this was after the JD already told the FBI they weren’t going to prosecute behind closed doors. The clintons are powerful people, we don’t know if some type of deal was offered, or if LL was leaking important information critical to the investigation. I mean they tried to say it was just a happenstance meeting, which is a bald face lie. Both secret service details (which both Clinton and Lynch had) have to know what plans are landing where ahead of time, especially private ones. So this was planned out at least a few days, most likely a couple of weeks ahead of time. It’s no accident their planes just happened to land next to each other.

Imagine if trump, secretly met with mueller for 40 mins. Got caught doing it, and then tried to play it off as happenstance and said they just chatted about grandkids...y’all be ahoving screwdrivers in your ears you’d be so pissed off

Trump met with Comey and unlike Clinton we KNOW what they talked about.

Trump was telling Comey to shut down an investigation into Trumps guilty advisor who eventually plead guilty, after Trump fired Comey.

Now wtf do you think Bill and Lynch talked about considering DOJ lawyers have already determined that there is no case?
The investigation was still going on, the DOJ determined beforehand, without announcing it at the time, that they weren’t going to prosecute. They weren’t going to prosecute a cut and dry federal crime of using a private email with the highest classified state secrets. There were documents on Hillary’s server so classified they were never supposed to be digitized, and only viewed in a special room, with zero electronics and a built in faraday cage. It’s not even a question of if she broke the law, the question is why they didn’t prosecute her when anyone else would’ve been strung up by their thumbs.

Are you trying to say she didn’t brake the law?

Dude, what part of NO CASE do you not fucking get?

DOJ decided there was no case. FBI decided there was no case. Full Inspector General review in 2018 under Trump found there that case was appropriately concluded without bias.

Time to stop playing the lawyer on the internetz and just move on to something non-moot. It’s over bub.
DOJ decided while the investigation was going on they weren’t going to prosecute the case. I don’t need to remind anyone who was in charge at the time. They are the ones who choose to prosecute or not for these types of situations, not the FBI, who just investigates. If the DOJ is telling the FBI they aren’t going to prosecute, well now the FBI is left in the strange position of still investigating a case that’s already been determined by a separate party in charge of them. It’s kind of a bass awkwards situation, which is why we get Comeys statement, edited by Storzk to take out all the legally condemning language, which still condemns Hillary but concludes that’s all folks. The argument to not charge Hillary, one that I kind of agreed with at the time, was to not weaponize the legal system on political opponents, so we aren’t in a constant downward spiral of one party investigating the other, and vis versa. Obviously things have changed. We have now devolved to that. So now that we’re here, let’s purge all the trashiness. Hillary’s a slam dunk case

I see good advice is lost on some.

Good luck with those blue balls man, you’ll be running around with those for a long long time.
One would only hope that someone has the decency and fortitude to investigate those responsible, however, I don’t see that as happening with Shiff directing the show.
Nixon’s abuses were childs play in comparison to what the Obama administration attempted to orchestrate. Never before have I witnessed such disdain and contempt for our judicial system.

Zero indictments, Zero Convictions - that’s Obama administration record, the cleanest in modern history.

Keep grabbing those blue balls dupes.
It's easy to not get indicted when the people with the power to indict you are more loyal to you personally than they are to the law.
Walking down the street is one thing...this was a planned secretive 40 min meeting that happened right during the throws of the email investigation. After this LL said she’d follow whatever the FBI recommended...however this was after the JD already told the FBI they weren’t going to prosecute behind closed doors. The clintons are powerful people, we don’t know if some type of deal was offered, or if LL was leaking important information critical to the investigation. I mean they tried to say it was just a happenstance meeting, which is a bald face lie. Both secret service details (which both Clinton and Lynch had) have to know what plans are landing where ahead of time, especially private ones. So this was planned out at least a few days, most likely a couple of weeks ahead of time. It’s no accident their planes just happened to land next to each other.

Imagine if trump, secretly met with mueller for 40 mins. Got caught doing it, and then tried to play it off as happenstance and said they just chatted about grandkids...y’all be ahoving screwdrivers in your ears you’d be so pissed off

Trump met with Comey and unlike Clinton we KNOW what they talked about.

Trump was telling Comey to shut down an investigation into Trumps guilty advisor who eventually plead guilty, after Trump fired Comey.

Now wtf do you think Bill and Lynch talked about considering DOJ lawyers have already determined that there is no case?
The investigation was still going on, the DOJ determined beforehand, without announcing it at the time, that they weren’t going to prosecute. They weren’t going to prosecute a cut and dry federal crime of using a private email with the highest classified state secrets. There were documents on Hillary’s server so classified they were never supposed to be digitized, and only viewed in a special room, with zero electronics and a built in faraday cage. It’s not even a question of if she broke the law, the question is why they didn’t prosecute her when anyone else would’ve been strung up by their thumbs.

Are you trying to say she didn’t brake the law?

Dude, what part of NO CASE do you not fucking get?

DOJ decided there was no case. FBI decided there was no case. Full Inspector General review in 2018 under Trump found there that case was appropriately concluded without bias.

Time to stop playing the lawyer on the internetz and just move on to something non-moot. It’s over bub.
DOJ decided while the investigation was going on they weren’t going to prosecute the case. I don’t need to remind anyone who was in charge at the time. They are the ones who choose to prosecute or not for these types of situations, not the FBI, who just investigates. If the DOJ is telling the FBI they aren’t going to prosecute, well now the FBI is left in the strange position of still investigating a case that’s already been determined by a separate party in charge of them. It’s kind of a bass awkwards situation, which is why we get Comeys statement, edited by Storzk to take out all the legally condemning language, which still condemns Hillary but concludes that’s all folks. The argument to not charge Hillary, one that I kind of agreed with at the time, was to not weaponize the legal system on political opponents, so we aren’t in a constant downward spiral of one party investigating the other, and vis versa. Obviously things have changed. We have now devolved to that. So now that we’re here, let’s purge all the trashiness. Hillary’s a slam dunk case

I see good advice is lost on some.

Good luck with those blue balls man, you’ll be running around with those for a long long time.
None are so blind as those who will not see.

You need to open those eyes of yours and look around at the hidden corruption.
Meeting on a tarmac, changing the language of a document to diminish the crime.
But. you just keep telling yourself that yarn of yours.
Walking down the street is one thing...this was a planned secretive 40 min meeting that happened right during the throws of the email investigation. After this LL said she’d follow whatever the FBI recommended...however this was after the JD already told the FBI they weren’t going to prosecute behind closed doors. The clintons are powerful people, we don’t know if some type of deal was offered, or if LL was leaking important information critical to the investigation. I mean they tried to say it was just a happenstance meeting, which is a bald face lie. Both secret service details (which both Clinton and Lynch had) have to know what plans are landing where ahead of time, especially private ones. So this was planned out at least a few days, most likely a couple of weeks ahead of time. It’s no accident their planes just happened to land next to each other.

Imagine if trump, secretly met with mueller for 40 mins. Got caught doing it, and then tried to play it off as happenstance and said they just chatted about grandkids...y’all be ahoving screwdrivers in your ears you’d be so pissed off

Trump met with Comey and unlike Clinton we KNOW what they talked about.

Trump was telling Comey to shut down an investigation into Trumps guilty advisor who eventually plead guilty, after Trump fired Comey.

Now wtf do you think Bill and Lynch talked about considering DOJ lawyers have already determined that there is no case?
The investigation was still going on, the DOJ determined beforehand, without announcing it at the time, that they weren’t going to prosecute. They weren’t going to prosecute a cut and dry federal crime of using a private email with the highest classified state secrets. There were documents on Hillary’s server so classified they were never supposed to be digitized, and only viewed in a special room, with zero electronics and a built in faraday cage. It’s not even a question of if she broke the law, the question is why they didn’t prosecute her when anyone else would’ve been strung up by their thumbs.

Are you trying to say she didn’t brake the law?

Dude, what part of NO CASE do you not fucking get?

DOJ decided there was no case. FBI decided there was no case. Full Inspector General review in 2018 under Trump found there that case was appropriately concluded without bias.

Time to stop playing the lawyer on the internetz and just move on to something non-moot. It’s over bub.
DOJ decided while the investigation was going on they weren’t going to prosecute the case. I don’t need to remind anyone who was in charge at the time. They are the ones who choose to prosecute or not for these types of situations, not the FBI, who just investigates. If the DOJ is telling the FBI they aren’t going to prosecute, well now the FBI is left in the strange position of still investigating a case that’s already been determined by a separate party in charge of them. It’s kind of a bass awkwards situation, which is why we get Comeys statement, edited by Storzk to take out all the legally condemning language, which still condemns Hillary but concludes that’s all folks. The argument to not charge Hillary, one that I kind of agreed with at the time, was to not weaponize the legal system on political opponents, so we aren’t in a constant downward spiral of one party investigating the other, and vis versa. Obviously things have changed. We have now devolved to that. So now that we’re here, let’s purge all the trashiness. Hillary’s a slam dunk case

I see good advice is lost on some.

Good luck with those blue balls man, you’ll be running around with those for a long long time.
Way to refute everything I said. I’m so devastated. You were literally the best they had to offer. Your post was the only sensical one, and this is what I get in I miss the days of the left actually being rational. But in those days I actually sided with them
more socially than I did the right. Now it’s just don’t be crazy, the few crazies on the right, the many more often than not factually wrong but in principle correct on the right...and the oh so lonely just don’t be crazy faction.

Surprise, Hillary is corrupt. Trump might be, but probably is just a narcissist who needs to have twitter taken away. Almost the entire left has gone bonkers. Anyway, I’m someone who was vehemently against trump during the election, but have been pushed so far by the left that I might actually vote for the guy in 2020. I basically vowed never to vote major party, but it kind of feels like we need to elect trump to troll the left. Your ideas are so bad, this asshole will get elected for another 4 years. Do we want the green new deal? Nah we’ll take the overgrown Oompa Loompa instead. It’s really what the left deserves.
So Lesh failing to disclose to the FBI regarding the timing as to when he had a meeting with the USSR, Russia, is a major crime , treason?
As for Mr Stone, sorry he is not nor ever was a member of the administration. If however you would like to provide the source of your information I would love to see it, yet we both know your position is seriously flawed.

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