Now For The Last Nail In This Coffin....

You are a fucking retard, intercept of Putins order to attack Clinton campaign is not from dossier, neither are Russian celebrations of Trump's victory. Neither is Russian media daily anti-Clinton propaganda throughout the campaign and through today (I actually speak Russian and see it all the time)

You have to be a total moron to think that Russians were out for Clinton, they fuckin hate her guts.

That lie was debunked over a year ago... what a load of crap.. You guys just keep stepping in shit and tracking it all over.

lol what "lie was debunked over a year ago"?

Russians hating Clinton's guts and celebrating Trump victory? It's a fact to anyone with eyes attached to a functioning brain.

The Russians bought and paid for Hillary


You are basically saying that Russians bought themselves economy crippling sanctions, anti-Putin demostrations and finally bringing down the very campaign you assert they support.

The assertion is straight INSANE as it is irreconcilable with known facts and a presumption of semi-rational actors.

They bought Hillary, she was a shoe-in! Inevitable 400+EV! Trump had no path to the White House and the Russians OWNED her!

Parrot stfu unless you have something that actually responds to the post.
Stick a fork in Obama, Hillary, Mueller, Comey, Holder, the Obama administration, the DNC... They are DONE!

Their entire world - the façade, the curtain of lies, has now been burnt to the ground, peeled back at the very least to reveal the treason, lies, collusion, Influence peddling, facilitation of crimes, etc....

The 'most transparent administration evuh' was the 'most CRIMINAL administration evuh'!

The evidence is clear, undeniable, and insurmountable.

Despite Democrats ADMITTING criminal acts, though, snowflakes continue to declare there was no wrong-doing, calling their own party members and politicians 'liars' in the process. They can continue running around declaring the blue sky is green, but they are only attempting to convince themselves.

It's OVER! Unlike with Democrats, there is actual evidence to prove just how criminal, just how treasonous, the Democrats have been / are.
Stick a fork in Obama, Hillary, Mueller, Comey, Holder, the Obama administration, the DNC... They are DONE!

Their entire world - the façade, the curtain of lies, has now been burnt to the ground, peeled back at the very least to reveal the treason, lies, collusion, Influence peddling, facilitation of crimes, etc....

The 'most transparent administration evuh' was the 'most CRIMINAL administration evuh'!

The evidence is clear, undeniable, and insurmountable.

Despite Democrats ADMITTING criminal acts, though, snowflakes continue to declare there was no wrong-doing, calling their own party members and politicians 'liars' in the process. They can continue running around declaring the blue sky is green, but they are only attempting to convince themselves.

It's OVER! Unlike with Democrats, there is actual evidence to prove just how criminal, just how treasonous, the Democrats have been / are.

You mean Obama administration's 8 years and 2 successful terms are up, Clinton lost election, Comey was fired and Mueller is now criminally investigating Trump for doing that?

Parrot stfu...
Ruh-Roh, someone is >triggered< by the mounting, insurmountable level of evidence that the Rooskies BOUGHT both Hillary and Bubba ... of course, the evidence also shows Hillary was not pressured to commit treason for cash. She eagerly, voluntarily whored herself out...

You mean Obama administration's 8 years and 2 successful terms are up, Clinton lost election, Comey was fired and Mueller is now criminally investigating Trump for doing that?

What is interesting is the fact that the Guy whose FBI was just proven to have covered up real Russian collusion, Influence Peddling, and Russian bribery / extortion / intimidation until after the Uranium One deal went through, facilitating the Russian purchase of 20% of the US supply of uranium, is investigating ANYONE for inappropriate / illegal acts in relation to the Russians....

Mueller should be ONE of the ones under investigation now.
You can put all the nails in the coffin you like.

Look at the casket of the 2000 election and how "Bush stole it". It has been encased in concrete, sunk to the bottom of the Mariana Trench with it's lid welded shut and the bed wetters will still bring it up as if it has the slightest quark of truth to it.

These aren't lucid human beings we are dealing with. You can find more intellectual value in an empty fish tank.

You're not suggestion that we on the Right remain silent, are you?
You mean Obama administration's 8 years and 2 successful terms are up, Clinton lost election, Comey was fired and Mueller is now criminally investigating Trump for doing that?

What is interesting is the fact that the Guy whose FBI was just proven to have covered up real Russian collusion, Influence Peddling, and Russian bribery / extortion / intimidation until after the Uranium One deal went through, facilitating the Russian purchase of 20% of the US supply of uranium, is investigating ANYONE for inappropriate / illegal acts in relation to the Russians....

Mueller should be ONE of the ones under investigation now.

Among others!!!!

. "Damning new evidence appears to show that Hillary Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband.

But there’s more. It seems it was all covered up for years by the same three people who are now involved in the investigation of President Donald Trump over so-called Russian “collusion.”

The corrupt scheme is said to have been financed by the Russians through bribes, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering. The FBI and the Department of Justice reportedly had the evidence in their possession before the uranium sale, but kept the matter secret ...

..... the people who were in charge of the investigation and who knew of its explosive impact. Who are they?

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

Holder, Mueller, Comey & Rosenstein"
Gregg Jarrett: The Clinton cover-up, brought to you by the same guys who are investigating Trump

Sooooo......the entire Trump investigation was simply to misdirect the public away from the real colluders.
You're not suggestion that we on the Right remain silent, are you?

Oh God no!!

I must say I admire the effort you put into constantly beating their dense skulls together. The ringing sound is cathartic.

I always found it funny when they would refer to "the silent majority" on the "news" when they lost elections occasionally 20+ years ago. Now that they lose them consistently over the last 6 cycles it seems that they're still not listening to the very vocal majority that is quite irritated with them.
Yes, the Russia-Trump Investigation Is Real - NBC News
Yes, the Russia-Trump investigation is real — even when you exclude the Steele dossier

WASHINGTON — With the revelation that the Clinton campaign and DNC paid the money to finance the Steele dossier, Trump and his supporters now argue that he’s off the hook when it comes to the Russia investigation. “‘Clinton campaign & DNC paid for research that led to the anti-Trump Fake News Dossier. The victim here is the President.’ @FoxNews,” Trump tweeted on Wednesday.

But here’s a timeline to remind everyone that the Trump-Russia investigation is real — even outside of what we know about the Steele dossier:

    • Oct. 4: Richard Burr, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, says his committee continues to look at whether there was collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. “There are concerns that we continue to pursue: collusion. The committee continues to look into all evidence to see if there was any hint of collusion.”

    • Oct. 25: The Daily Beast reports that the head of Trump’s data-analytics firm Cambridge Analytica wrote in an email last year that he reached out to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange about Hillary Clinton’s missing 33,000 emails.
And remember, parts of the Steele dossier have been confirmed :thewave:

2. In the last several day's we've learned
a. The Russians paid $145 million to the Clinton Crime Family, and in return appropriated a large portion of our uranium.
They have it in to be used for weapons......
Against whom?

b. Bill was slipped $500,000 to give a fake speech.
See a. above.

c. " Former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta exits after ... a company that received $35 million from the Russian government..."

d. "WASHINGTON — Tony Podesta and the Podesta Group are now the subjects of a federal investigation being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller,...violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act, known as FARA."
Mueller now investigating Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta
Russian spies influencing the Obama/Clinton administration via bribes.

e. In 11 months of thorough investigations, there has not been a smidgen of evidence of any connections of Trump to the Russians.
You left out $6 Million paid to Russia and Putin by Hillary Clinton for the Fake Russian Dossier that was supposed to take President Trump out of the race and get Hillary Clinton elected. That fake dossier which Obama and Clinton knew was fake was used to obtain an illegal warrant to wire tap the entire Trump Campaign and his staff.

And then of course there was the FAKE RUSSIAN HACKING CLAIM on the DNC that was tied to this, which was nothing but a cover story for their hiring Pakistani Criminals that were hacking congressional records for Hillary Clinton, Schultz and The DNC, and also helping themselves to anything else they could find of value and selling it.
And this:
a. The Russians paid $145 million to the Clinton Crime Family, and in return appropriated a large portion of our uranium.
They have it in to be used for weapons......
Against whom?
Repeating your lie does not make it any less of a lie, it only makes you a serial liar.
Thank you again.
even the left wing MSM has reported the Russian "donation" to the Clinton foundation. So who are you calling a liar?
Notice how lying scum CON$ervoFascists lie, even though I pointed out that the lie is that the uranium will be used for Russian weapons, they try to change the subject, which is simply an admission the they know they were lying which makes them PREMEDITATED liars as well as pathological liars.
I never said it would be used for weapons. I said we don't know where it is so we don't know what it will be used for. It is likely that it could end up in terrorists hands and be used as weapons. No one knows except the Russians who coordinated the shipment.
No one is lying here except you
No matter how many times you repeat your highlighted lie, it will always remain a lie, and you know it.

so the nuclear regulatory commission is lying. NY times is lying, CNN is lying, Fox is lying, the UN is lying? All lying to protect crooked Hillary? Nope, the liar here is you----and you know it.
Did the Trump foundation get 145 million from Russian owners of Uranium 1 just before the deal giving them title to 20% of our uranium reserves?
Neither did the Clinton foundation!!!
Repeating DoTard Trump lies is a sure sign of a fool.
As you well know, $131 million of that $145 million was donated by one man Frank Giustra, Uranium One’s founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state. But real facts will NEVER stop the lying Trumpist scum from lying.

the money to the foundation was paid to secure the uranium deal. The 500K paid to bubba for a speech in Moscow was also paid to secure the uranium deal.

Sorry, but your idols are criminals and are being called out. Its not likely that they will serve jail time since our politicians are above the laws that apply to you and me. are you OK with that? two sets of laws? one for us and one for the political class?

That lie was debunked over a year ago... what a load of crap.. You guys just keep stepping in shit and tracking it all over.

lol what "lie was debunked over a year ago"?

Russians hating Clinton's guts and celebrating Trump victory? It's a fact to anyone with eyes attached to a functioning brain.

The Russians bought and paid for Hillary


You are basically saying that Russians bought themselves economy crippling sanctions, anti-Putin demostrations and finally bringing down the very campaign you assert they support.

The assertion is straight INSANE as it is irreconcilable with known facts and a presumption of semi-rational actors.

They bought Hillary, she was a shoe-in! Inevitable 400+EV! Trump had no path to the White House and the Russians OWNED her!

Parrot stfu unless you have something that actually responds to the post.

Antontoo suck Obama Deek?
Sorry, but your idols are criminals and are being called out. Its not likely that they will serve jail time since our politicians are above the laws that apply to you and me. are you OK with that? two sets of laws? one for us and one for the political class?
you got Jeff Sessions ..get him on the case ...meanwhile you are some dude howling at the sky
lol what "lie was debunked over a year ago"?

Russians hating Clinton's guts and celebrating Trump victory? It's a fact to anyone with eyes attached to a functioning brain.

The Russians bought and paid for Hillary


You are basically saying that Russians bought themselves economy crippling sanctions, anti-Putin demostrations and finally bringing down the very campaign you assert they support.

The assertion is straight INSANE as it is irreconcilable with known facts and a presumption of semi-rational actors.

They bought Hillary, she was a shoe-in! Inevitable 400+EV! Trump had no path to the White House and the Russians OWNED her!

Parrot stfu unless you have something that actually responds to the post.

Antontoo suck Obama Deek?

Yep that's pretty much the extent of your dumbass thought process. Thanks for sharing.
Are these muppets trying to tell us that Hillary Clinton shouldn't run for president again?

lol, I told you that 2 years ago. Pay attention.
oh please, run her again. I beg you please do. oh my gd, you want to double down. I doubt she'd win more than three states.
And this:
a. The Russians paid $145 million to the Clinton Crime Family, and in return appropriated a large portion of our uranium.
They have it in to be used for weapons......
Against whom?
Repeating your lie does not make it any less of a lie, it only makes you a serial liar.
Thank you again.
even the left wing MSM has reported the Russian "donation" to the Clinton foundation. So who are you calling a liar?
Notice how lying scum CON$ervoFascists lie, even though I pointed out that the lie is that the uranium will be used for Russian weapons, they try to change the subject, which is simply an admission the they know they were lying which makes them PREMEDITATED liars as well as pathological liars.
I never said it would be used for weapons. I said we don't know where it is so we don't know what it will be used for. It is likely that it could end up in terrorists hands and be used as weapons. No one knows except the Russians who coordinated the shipment.
No one is lying here except you
No matter how many times you repeat your highlighted lie, it will always remain a lie, and you know it.
dude, no one can stop you from posting that nonsense. but, the evidence says otherwise to your stupid.
1. Four months ago this thread claimed.....and proved .....that Putin's dream for the presidency was none other than the career criminal and congenital liar, Hillary Clinton:

You didn't prove anything idiot. The only thing that remains is your total idiocy and lunacy that you spent a lot of effort to showcase on the internets.

American Intelligence has unanimously found that Russian hackers at Putin's own directive (copy of which was intercepted) hacked and distributed documents to influence American election against Hillary and for Trump. These assessments did not change today.

Kremlin's top brass were also intercepted congratulating themselves on Trump victory. Celebrations were also very public across Russia where Trump win was taken as American rejection of anti-Russian positions.


In response Congress unanimously (short of a few votes) passed sanctions against Russia and shoved it down Trump's throat for signing - it remains to this day his biggest legislative "achievement".

Proposition that Russians aided Clinton are straight up LUNACY.
how is it Diane Weinstein doesn't know all of this?

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