Notes on the Ignore Function


Gold Member
Oct 16, 2017
So after decades of never really "ignoring" anyone and dealing with the consequences of that, I finally decided to give it a serious try. Been trying it out long enough now to form and share some conclusions. Obviously, there are pros and cons which I intend to elaborate upon, but not so much right now. Just wanted to get this topic started at the moment. Feel free to contribute your findings in the meantime.. :)

One thing that I just figured out today is that you can see ignored "content" without unignoring everyone you're ignoring on the thread you happen to be viewing. It takes some work but seems well worth it at times. I'll stipulate that I'm on a PC so ymmv. First you log out. The system then kicks you out into the default opening page. So you hit the go back arrow. Then refresh. Now you can see all the crap you were ignoring without changing your settings at all.
So after decades of never really "ignoring" anyone and dealing with the consequences of that, I finally decided to give it a serious try. Been trying it out long enough now to form and share some conclusions. Obviously, there are pros and cons which I intend to elaborate upon, but not so much right now. Just wanted to get this topic started at the moment. Feel free to contribute your findings in the meantime.. :)

One thing that I just figured out today is that you can see ignored "content" without unignoring everyone you're ignoring on the thread you happen to be viewing. It takes some work but seems well worth it at times. I'll stipulate that I'm on a PC so ymmv. First you log out. The system then kicks you out into the default opening page. So you hit the go back arrow. Then refresh. Now you can see all the crap you were ignoring without changing your settings at all.
Kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it? :)
Personally I ignore noone.
Kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it? :)
I'm finding it refreshingly helpful. Like I said, I've done it your way for decades believing the same. Result was always the same. The signal to noise ratio just grew and grew to a point where finding interesting posts seemed more trouble than all the sifting was worth. So I'd eventually just leave and try somewhere else. New places are always a bit scary and exciting, but that wears thin pretty quick. Same problems crop right back up. The trouble with people is they're only human. Be glad I'm responding. It means you've not yet been added to my massive, ever growing list, LOL.
I've never ignored anyone on this forum. Even the most absurd posters here can be insightful on the rare occasion, but they are mostly just unintentionally funny and that alone is worth it. :lol:
I've never ignored anyone on this forum. Even the most absurd posters here can be insightful on the rare occasion, but they are mostly just unintentionally funny and that alone is worth it. :lol:

I don’t have anyone on ignore.

There are some posters who I know their content is not worth reading and I just skip over
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There are some posters who I know their content is not worth reading and I just skip over
My list of those is now well over 100. Perhaps 200. I'll have to count them some time. That's a lot of time saved. You don't realize the difference until until you actually try it. In general, I now see very few posts per page, especially in purely political / horserace contexts.
Quick count yielded 173. Sadly, every name looks all too familiar. We tend to lend people a lot of benefit of doubt. To "know their content is not worth reading" takes precious time. Continuing to scroll past their insufferable crap then just takes more. I'm sure those 173 continue to produce the vast majority of the content here. I've got better things to do than sift through it all looking for a gem here and there.
So after decades of never really "ignoring" anyone and dealing with the consequences of that, I finally decided to give it a serious try. Been trying it out long enough now to form and share some conclusions. Obviously, there are pros and cons which I intend to elaborate upon, but not so much right now. Just wanted to get this topic started at the moment. Feel free to contribute your findings in the meantime.. :)

One thing that I just figured out today is that you can see ignored "content" without unignoring everyone you're ignoring on the thread you happen to be viewing. It takes some work but seems well worth it at times. I'll stipulate that I'm on a PC so ymmv. First you log out. The system then kicks you out into the default opening page. So you hit the go back arrow. Then refresh. Now you can see all the crap you were ignoring without changing your settings at all.
I use it to filter out the people who mostly shitpost. No interest in reading that nonsense. Occasionally I click to look and see if much has changed. But it's mostly once a troll always a troll.
I have no one on ignore. Like Rightwinger says, just ignore their posts. But most the libs here have me on ignore. Poor thin skin saps. EVERYONE has something to say, read it, ignore it, reply whatever but block someone? WHY
Quick count yielded 173. Sadly, every name looks all too familiar. We tend to lend people a lot of benefit of doubt. To "know their content is not worth reading" takes precious time. Continuing to scroll past their insufferable crap then just takes more. I'm sure those 173 continue to produce the vast majority of the content here. I've got better things to do than sift through it all looking for a gem here and there.
I'd comment, but I'm probably on ignore.
Mary Poppins naturally rises above the fray. Just checked and only missed Grampa Murked (sp?) so far. A very decent response he shared too. Made me feel somewhat dirty, but I recall struggling long before adding him to my list. And I've decided to no longer change my mind. People like Jits and mudwhistle, no problem. They only contribute stress. Sow division. Life's too short to constantly entertain that.
This function blinds the reading USMB prisoner to new content, apparently, because they cannot see it. How does this curious form of fascism number itself according to the thread chron? Is it not numbered sequentially?

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