Not That It's Necessary, But....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
...If you ever doubted for an instant, Rule #1 ....
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

....viewing the Democrat Nominating Convention would have verified same.

1. "‘Stench of Mendacity’ Hangs Over Parley Of the Democrats
... the Democratic national convention this week produced the greatest deluge of monstrous political falsehoods in any two evenings of American television history.
...the usual fictions about “systemic racism,” the most convenient way of ignoring this summer’s widespread urban terrorism, came the familiar pieties about climate change, an issue that, happily, has run largely out of steam during the coronavirus crisis.

2. ...then decried “the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression.” After four years of the Great Depression, unemployment was over 30% and there was no direct aid for those out of work. This recent artificial dip was a response to a shutdown supported by a broad political and scientific consensus and has already shrunk through a reduction of unemployment in the last three months larger than the entire number of net new jobs created in the eight Obama-Biden years.

3. ....Mr. Trump had “tried to prevent people from voting, undermined the U.S. Postal Service,...
President Trump’s concern about huge numbers of ballots being mailed to nonexistent voters or to the wrong addresses and filled out and returned through the post office fraudulently by party organizers is well-founded. He has appointed a postmaster general with a mandate to shape up the Postal Service, but there is no reason for optimism that in its present condition it could handle 75 million presidential election ballots coming and going.

4. Mr. Trump expressed concern that the Democratic plan to flood the country with posted ballots and harvest them to their own advantage might provoke litigation that would not allow the winner to be identified by inauguration day. He has said that, of course, he would leave office on January 20 if he lost the election. This entire argument is an unutterable fabrication.

5. It is supremely irritating to have Democratic hypocrites call for unity and promise to “bring the nation together” while denouncing the incumbent president as akin to a Nazi all while failing even to mention, much less criticize, the urban mob violence they have helped provoke and have effectively condoned."
...If you ever doubted for an instant, Rule #1 ....
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

....viewing the Democrat Nominating Convention would have verified same.

1. "‘Stench of Mendacity’ Hangs Over Parley Of the Democrats
... the Democratic national convention this week produced the greatest deluge of monstrous political falsehoods in any two evenings of American television history.
...the usual fictions about “systemic racism,” the most convenient way of ignoring this summer’s widespread urban terrorism, came the familiar pieties about climate change, an issue that, happily, has run largely out of steam during the coronavirus crisis.

2. ...then decried “the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression.” After four years of the Great Depression, unemployment was over 30% and there was no direct aid for those out of work. This recent artificial dip was a response to a shutdown supported by a broad political and scientific consensus and has already shrunk through a reduction of unemployment in the last three months larger than the entire number of net new jobs created in the eight Obama-Biden years.

3. ....Mr. Trump had “tried to prevent people from voting, undermined the U.S. Postal Service,...
President Trump’s concern about huge numbers of ballots being mailed to nonexistent voters or to the wrong addresses and filled out and returned through the post office fraudulently by party organizers is well-founded. He has appointed a postmaster general with a mandate to shape up the Postal Service, but there is no reason for optimism that in its present condition it could handle 75 million presidential election ballots coming and going.

4. Mr. Trump expressed concern that the Democratic plan to flood the country with posted ballots and harvest them to their own advantage might provoke litigation that would not allow the winner to be identified by inauguration day. He has said that, of course, he would leave office on January 20 if he lost the election. This entire argument is an unutterable fabrication.

5. It is supremely irritating to have Democratic hypocrites call for unity and promise to “bring the nation together” while denouncing the incumbent president as akin to a Nazi all while failing even to mention, much less criticize, the urban mob violence they have helped provoke and have effectively condoned."
Wonderful post. Thank you, PC.
6. "...Mr. Sanders added, “Joe Biden will end the hate and division Trump has created. He will stop the demoralization of immigrants, the coddling of white nationalists, the racist dog-whistling, the religious bigotry, and the ugly attacks on women.”

An absolute majority of the sentences in Mr. Sanders’ bilious harangue were false. It was an unintended profession of the total moral bankruptcy of the Democratic campaign; there were no positive suggestions, nothing but unexplained hatred of the president. The one truthful sentence in all of it may have been the eerie triumphalism that his socialist “movement” had effectively taken over the Democratic Party.

7. Yet the pièce de résistance of Tuesday evening was from the former First Lady, Michelle Obama. The fact that it was taped more than a week before in Martha’s Vineyard prevented her from inflicting the merits of the vice presidential nominee on us. But what we got was a lengthy avalanche of sanctimonious claptrap.

“A never-ending list of innocent people of color continue to be murdered; stating the simple fact that a black life matters is still met with derision from the nation’s highest office,” she said.

[Americans] see people calling the police on folks minding their own business just because of the color of their skin. They see an entitlement that says only certain people belong here, that greed is good, and winning is everything because as long as you come out on top, it doesn’t matter what happens to everyone else . . . They see our leaders labeling fellow citizens enemies of the state while emboldening torch-bearing white supremacists. They watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages, and pepper spray and rubber bullets are used on peaceful protesters for a photo-op."
Op. Cit.
"Man Who Intentionally Divided Nation For Eight Years Calls For Unity
September 7th, 2018

URBANA, IL—In a moving speech delivered Friday, President Barack Obama called for the nation to turn from fear, anger, and resentment, despite having stoked these emotions at every opportunity during his time in office.

The man who had carefully stoked divisions and pushed identity politics for a full eight years called the nation to turn away from divisive “politics of resentment” and instead be loving and inclusive.
“Common ground exists, I have seen it, I have lived it,” he said, though his presidency was spent turning people on each other and encouraging a culture of victimhood and resentment. “I know I spent a lot of time encouraging you to feel oppressed by each other so you look to the federal government to fix it and turn a blind eye while I massively increased the power of the executive branch. But this time I’m serious. Let’s not hate each other, at least not until a Democrat is in office again.”
He also blasted President Trump for his policies and brash style of governance, hoping the assault on Trump’s rude behavior would help Democrats forget that Obama bombed foreign countries constantly throughout his presidency. “Trump is really mean, let’s all focus on that,” he said."
...If you ever doubted for an instant, Rule #1 ....
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

....viewing the Democrat Nominating Convention would have verified same.

1. "‘Stench of Mendacity’ Hangs Over Parley Of the Democrats
... the Democratic national convention this week produced the greatest deluge of monstrous political falsehoods in any two evenings of American television history.
...the usual fictions about “systemic racism,” the most convenient way of ignoring this summer’s widespread urban terrorism, came the familiar pieties about climate change, an issue that, happily, has run largely out of steam during the coronavirus crisis.

2. ...then decried “the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression.” After four years of the Great Depression, unemployment was over 30% and there was no direct aid for those out of work. This recent artificial dip was a response to a shutdown supported by a broad political and scientific consensus and has already shrunk through a reduction of unemployment in the last three months larger than the entire number of net new jobs created in the eight Obama-Biden years.

3. ....Mr. Trump had “tried to prevent people from voting, undermined the U.S. Postal Service,...
President Trump’s concern about huge numbers of ballots being mailed to nonexistent voters or to the wrong addresses and filled out and returned through the post office fraudulently by party organizers is well-founded. He has appointed a postmaster general with a mandate to shape up the Postal Service, but there is no reason for optimism that in its present condition it could handle 75 million presidential election ballots coming and going.

4. Mr. Trump expressed concern that the Democratic plan to flood the country with posted ballots and harvest them to their own advantage might provoke litigation that would not allow the winner to be identified by inauguration day. He has said that, of course, he would leave office on January 20 if he lost the election. This entire argument is an unutterable fabrication.

5. It is supremely irritating to have Democratic hypocrites call for unity and promise to “bring the nation together” while denouncing the incumbent president as akin to a Nazi all while failing even to mention, much less criticize, the urban mob violence they have helped provoke and have effectively condoned."

1. The greatest number of falsehoods have come out of Trump. Everything he says and tweets is a lie and his supporters like you follow in his footsteps.

2. This is the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression. The reason this is still going on is because of Trump's mismanagement and the mismanagement of other Republican governors. If we had taken the medicine in April or even May, we might be behind this. New Zealand took tough measures and they are larger past it. A resurgence there is 7 cases 2 days ago and7 one day ago. It was things such as the $600 a week unemployment supplement that created the weak gains we have seen. That is now gone.

3. His jihad against mail-in ballots is not well founded. There is no evidence of massive fraud This is all about reducing the turnout. Trump knows the larger the turnout the greater the chance of him losing. Trump has no problem with voting mail in and then having a third party deliver it.

4. Trump is only worried about himself. Trump himself is filing most of the frivolous lawsuits. Republican governors are doing everything they can to make it as difficult as possible for minorities to vote.

5. No one has condoned any violence. Trump is the one who is divisive. He is even resorting to race baiting straight out of the 50s. He has had his Nazi goon squads haul people away in unmarked cars. He is a Nazi.
6. "...Mr. Sanders added, “Joe Biden will end the hate and division Trump has created. He will stop the demoralization of immigrants, the coddling of white nationalists, the racist dog-whistling, the religious bigotry, and the ugly attacks on women.”

An absolute majority of the sentences in Mr. Sanders’ bilious harangue were false. It was an unintended profession of the total moral bankruptcy of the Democratic campaign; there were no positive suggestions, nothing but unexplained hatred of the president. The one truthful sentence in all of it may have been the eerie triumphalism that his socialist “movement” had effectively taken over the Democratic Party.

7. Yet the pièce de résistance of Tuesday evening was from the former First Lady, Michelle Obama. The fact that it was taped more than a week before in Martha’s Vineyard prevented her from inflicting the merits of the vice presidential nominee on us. But what we got was a lengthy avalanche of sanctimonious claptrap.

“A never-ending list of innocent people of color continue to be murdered; stating the simple fact that a black life matters is still met with derision from the nation’s highest office,” she said.

[Americans] see people calling the police on folks minding their own business just because of the color of their skin. They see an entitlement that says only certain people belong here, that greed is good, and winning is everything because as long as you come out on top, it doesn’t matter what happens to everyone else . . . They see our leaders labeling fellow citizens enemies of the state while emboldening torch-bearing white supremacists. They watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages, and pepper spray and rubber bullets are used on peaceful protesters for a photo-op."
Op. Cit.

6. His accusations are 100% on spot. It highlights the moral bankruptcy of the REPUBLICAN Party. It has become the party of hate towards every group except white males. A majority of voters disapprove of Donald Trump. They consider him dishonest and racist,
Right wing fascists like QAnon. Only a few Republicans have called it for what it is.

7. The only one who gives us claptrap is you. Michelle Obama gave a very good speech and she was spot on as well. That quote was spot on as well. Trump used tear gas on protestors in Washington for a cheap photo op. Americans want police reform as they recognize that there are bad cops out there and cops who refuse to hold their co-workers responsible are bad as well.
...If you ever doubted for an instant, Rule #1 ....
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

....viewing the Democrat Nominating Convention would have verified same.

1. "‘Stench of Mendacity’ Hangs Over Parley Of the Democrats
... the Democratic national convention this week produced the greatest deluge of monstrous political falsehoods in any two evenings of American television history.
...the usual fictions about “systemic racism,” the most convenient way of ignoring this summer’s widespread urban terrorism, came the familiar pieties about climate change, an issue that, happily, has run largely out of steam during the coronavirus crisis.

2. ...then decried “the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression.” After four years of the Great Depression, unemployment was over 30% and there was no direct aid for those out of work. This recent artificial dip was a response to a shutdown supported by a broad political and scientific consensus and has already shrunk through a reduction of unemployment in the last three months larger than the entire number of net new jobs created in the eight Obama-Biden years.

3. ....Mr. Trump had “tried to prevent people from voting, undermined the U.S. Postal Service,...
President Trump’s concern about huge numbers of ballots being mailed to nonexistent voters or to the wrong addresses and filled out and returned through the post office fraudulently by party organizers is well-founded. He has appointed a postmaster general with a mandate to shape up the Postal Service, but there is no reason for optimism that in its present condition it could handle 75 million presidential election ballots coming and going.

4. Mr. Trump expressed concern that the Democratic plan to flood the country with posted ballots and harvest them to their own advantage might provoke litigation that would not allow the winner to be identified by inauguration day. He has said that, of course, he would leave office on January 20 if he lost the election. This entire argument is an unutterable fabrication.

5. It is supremely irritating to have Democratic hypocrites call for unity and promise to “bring the nation together” while denouncing the incumbent president as akin to a Nazi all while failing even to mention, much less criticize, the urban mob violence they have helped provoke and have effectively condoned."

1. The greatest number of falsehoods have come out of Trump. Everything he says and tweets is a lie and his supporters like you follow in his footsteps.

2. This is the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression. The reason this is still going on is because of Trump's mismanagement and the mismanagement of other Republican governors. If we had taken the medicine in April or even May, we might be behind this. New Zealand took tough measures and they are larger past it. A resurgence there is 7 cases 2 days ago and7 one day ago. It was things such as the $600 a week unemployment supplement that created the weak gains we have seen. That is now gone.

3. His jihad against mail-in ballots is not well founded. There is no evidence of massive fraud This is all about reducing the turnout. Trump knows the larger the turnout the greater the chance of him losing. Trump has no problem with voting mail in and then having a third party deliver it.

4. Trump is only worried about himself. Trump himself is filing most of the frivolous lawsuits. Republican governors are doing everything they can to make it as difficult as possible for minorities to vote.

5. No one has condoned any violence. Trump is the one who is divisive. He is even resorting to race baiting straight out of the 50s. He has had his Nazi goon squads haul people away in unmarked cars. He is a Nazi.

" The greatest number of falsehoods have come out of Trump."

Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.
6. "...Mr. Sanders added, “Joe Biden will end the hate and division Trump has created. He will stop the demoralization of immigrants, the coddling of white nationalists, the racist dog-whistling, the religious bigotry, and the ugly attacks on women.”

An absolute majority of the sentences in Mr. Sanders’ bilious harangue were false. It was an unintended profession of the total moral bankruptcy of the Democratic campaign; there were no positive suggestions, nothing but unexplained hatred of the president. The one truthful sentence in all of it may have been the eerie triumphalism that his socialist “movement” had effectively taken over the Democratic Party.

7. Yet the pièce de résistance of Tuesday evening was from the former First Lady, Michelle Obama. The fact that it was taped more than a week before in Martha’s Vineyard prevented her from inflicting the merits of the vice presidential nominee on us. But what we got was a lengthy avalanche of sanctimonious claptrap.

“A never-ending list of innocent people of color continue to be murdered; stating the simple fact that a black life matters is still met with derision from the nation’s highest office,” she said.

[Americans] see people calling the police on folks minding their own business just because of the color of their skin. They see an entitlement that says only certain people belong here, that greed is good, and winning is everything because as long as you come out on top, it doesn’t matter what happens to everyone else . . . They see our leaders labeling fellow citizens enemies of the state while emboldening torch-bearing white supremacists. They watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages, and pepper spray and rubber bullets are used on peaceful protesters for a photo-op."
Op. Cit.

6. His accusations are 100% on spot. It highlights the moral bankruptcy of the REPUBLICAN Party. It has become the party of hate towards every group except white males. A majority of voters disapprove of Donald Trump. They consider him dishonest and racist,
Right wing fascists like QAnon. Only a few Republicans have called it for what it is.

7. The only one who gives us claptrap is you. Michelle Obama gave a very good speech and she was spot on as well. That quote was spot on as well. Trump used tear gas on protestors in Washington for a cheap photo op. Americans want police reform as they recognize that there are bad cops out there and cops who refuse to hold their co-workers responsible are bad as well.

" It highlights the moral bankruptcy of the REPUBLICAN Party. " wrote that, and you stand for THIS???????

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

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