“Not only has Dawkins ruined science. He’s ruined atheism too.”

Not only has Dawkins ruined science, he’s ruined atheism too.

20 years ago, an atheist was an intellectual with whom one could have a reasonable dialogue.

Today, most people experience atheists as bellicose angry males who commonly suffer from depression, who post anonymous tirades all over the internet so they can share their misery with everyone else.

We have the New Atheists to thank for this. And their four horsemen. Dawkins – Dennett – Harris – Hitchens.

Wanna have an intelligent discussion about atheism? Read Voltaire, Nietzche or Bertrand Russell.

Agree or disagree, they will force you to think.

Wanna have a pointless shouting match with a bunch of mannerless name-callers who make up just-so stories about warm ponds and lucky lightning strikes and think they’re doing science? Sit down with guys who read Krauss, Dennett, Hitchens and Harris. Walk into a roomful of Dawkins fans.

They will force you to emote.

So, dear atheist, why are you sitting here defending any of these proselytizers?

Dawkins was molested by a homosexual as a child, so naturally he's screwed up.
I am an atheist and a woman-------I know who Hawkins is but not who the other three are much less read their work. I became an atheist at the age of 4 when I started to read books (I started school early.) The children's version of Adam and Eve was enough to convince me that 1) the Bible is a Fable based off the Talking snake bit and 2) that this god creature is fucking evil as he attacks people for just gaining knowledge. More importantly, I learned that adults with their christian beliefs must be insane not to grasp either of these two facts.

So you can define how science can prove 'Happy', according to Dawkins? I read the books as literature, philosophy, a little history, a lot of sociology. I pay no attention to how assorted freaks and psychos distort the works to their own ends; that isn't the fault of the books or a blot on the theology, any more than a Nazi school book that teaches 2 +2 = 4 means we have to condemn arithmetic.
It has nothing to do with Happy or Dawkins--

Rational conclusion---Talking snake (animals) always mean a fable. Animals don't talk.
Evil creature attacking people for knowledge always means EVIL--and to avoid.

I have always read the books as Evil fables not accurate in anything.

It wasn't till I got older and realized that druggies often have delusions especially where it relates to their gods. People tripping on drugs make up all sorts of shit and have delusions of their greatness and place in the world. Lots of crazy drugged up people in the bible belt of texas and then las vegas claiming that they were or are the son/daughter of god or jesus or a reincarnation of jesus. Then I realized, that the writers of the bible-------were likely just druggies trying to justify their greatness back then as they do today. Once you realize that these are primative people tripping on drugs---all of their writings and claims make sense.

I did learn something later in life about the Bible though that I never knew when I was a Christian in my teenage years. There is another way of reading it symbolically and not literally. A whole new story emerges when you look at the symbols.

In other words an amalgamation of ancient myths and occult archetypes. The Bible's characters, situations, parables, and lessons, just like the Tarot or Ching, are meant to be universal teachings, signposts to potentialities of human consciousness and experiences applicable to everyone at different times in their life. When read Gnostically, using our intuition and imagination, identifying and relating the various occult symbols, numbers, names, and stories, the Bible becomes an interesting, subtle, and infinitely varied metaphysical treatise.

Disagree on the Gnostic stuff, and most of the mythology is completely original and much more sophisticated than the occult stuff, but generally a good description. If you want a good examination of why the original orthodox version of Christianity is the right one, see if you can get a copy of Darrell Bock's The Missing Gospels; it is meant for laymen and makes a very clear and definitive case against the later 'Gnostic' revisionism, and does so without requiring personal belief, just the historical record and textual analysis. One reason I respect the NT is its total lack of any anachronisms, it matches its time and place perfectly, which would be impossible for anyone to do if it were faked hundreds of years later or who by anybody who had never lived in the region at the times it is supposed to be taking place.
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Not only has Dawkins ruined science, he’s ruined atheism too.

20 years ago, an atheist was an intellectual with whom one could have a reasonable dialogue.

Today, most people experience atheists as bellicose angry males who commonly suffer from depression, who post anonymous tirades all over the internet so they can share their misery with everyone else.

We have the New Atheists to thank for this. And their four horsemen. Dawkins – Dennett – Harris – Hitchens.

Wanna have an intelligent discussion about atheism? Read Voltaire, Nietzche or Bertrand Russell.

Agree or disagree, they will force you to think.

Wanna have a pointless shouting match with a bunch of mannerless name-callers who make up just-so stories about warm ponds and lucky lightning strikes and think they’re doing science? Sit down with guys who read Krauss, Dennett, Hitchens and Harris. Walk into a roomful of Dawkins fans.

They will force you to emote.

So, dear atheist, why are you sitting here defending any of these proselytizers?

Dawkins was molested by a homosexual as a child, so naturally he's screwed up.

I just don't understand that when you tell a Christian or someone in a religion that you don't follow a religion or are not a Christian, they automatically think you are an Atheist. Which I have nothing against Atheist. Afterall my dad was and Atheist and he would always tell me that once you are dead you are dead. But through my own research I have done, I don't find that to be the case. I believe we may have a misunderstanding of what Source or God is and religion is just another program to confuse us and give all our power to some outside entity, outside of ourselves.

I look at all of them as part of the history of the regions they develop in, whether it be China, India, etc. Christianity is by far the most developed theology and the best re social, legal, and political evolution than any of the others, hands down. I consider it a very lucky break to have been born in one where it had a major influence. As we can see today, it's decline hasn't been a generally positive thing for the culture here or in Europe.

I can't think of an Islamic, Hindu, or Confucian country I would chose to be born in over where I was born.

Those are good points. But then when you really think about it, it was the running away from the Catholic Church and King George to American to be free. Even Thomas Paine wrote about Christianity in the 1700's with the Age of Reason. It might just be, that people had a place to run to where there still was freedom. We are kind of out of spots to run now. Unless you can find some good islands. :D

You won't be running from Christians, you will be running from the commie materialists and assorted sociopaths and deviants replacing them, like the Democratic Party's Cadre run purges and racial violence. Thomas Paine was a blowhard; they dumped him as soon as his propaganda was no longer useful for them. They also deported James Otis. lol

I agree with you on the commie materialists but I don't agree with you on Thomas Paine. If you read his books and pamphlets, you will find he was a great Patriot. Many Christians are also great Patriots. Paine was a Deist as many of the founding fathers were.

I didn't say he wasn't a patriot, he was just a hired propagandist. Most Founder were not Deists, that's a myth, few were, actually, but Paine gets tossed up by those who want to sell a false narrative of the Founders and the establishment clause. There were far more Presbytarian and Methodist ministers and Congregationalists than the half dozen 'Deists';Jefferson was a Christian, acording to his letters anyway. The establishment clause was a reaction to the Anglicans campaign to force many states to make it a state favored sect, with taxing powers. The clause wanted to prevent them from voting themselves into nationally favored sect. Several states kept their state favored sects after the Constitutional Convention, some until 1834 or so, when demographic changes dis-established them, not the Supreme Court.

But we really all need to come together to stop the destruction of the US. That is what it really comes down to.

I certainly agree.

If you ever want to read some 1700's literature, here are some books and pamphlets from Thomas Paine. I do understand why Christians would want to demonize him though.

I have his writings, and I've read them. As you move along in your historical studies, you will find that 'The Enlightenment' era wasn't all the enlightened, and most of the Protestant anti-Catholic propaganda was total horseshit. In fact 'The Enlightenment' itself led to a wave of witch burnings and revivals of other superstitious pagan nonsense.

And who hired him as a propagandist? Do you have any information on that? Reading through his information and books don't sound like propaganda and I know what propaganda is. I mean unless you consider believing in freedom as propaganda. Have a little "common sense". :)

Deism became more prominent in the 17th and 18th centuries during the Age of Enlightenment—especially in Britain, France, Germany and America among intellectuals raised as Christians who found they could not believe in supernatural miracles, the inerrancy of scriptures, or the Trinity, but who did believe in one God. Deistic ideas also influenced several leaders of the American and French Revolutions. Deism in the United States, Enlightenment philosophy (which itself was heavily inspired by deist ideals) played a major role in creating the principle of religious freedom, expressed in Thomas Jefferson's letters, and the principle of religious freedom expressed in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. American Founding Fathers, or Framers of the Constitution, who were especially noted for being influenced by such philosophy include Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. Their political speeches show distinct deistic influence. Other notable Founding Fathers may have been more directly deist. These include James Madison, possibly Alexander Hamilton, Ethan Allen, and Thomas Paine (who published The Age of Reason, a treatise that helped to popularize deism throughout the USA and Europe).

Also see:

But through researching it, it is still a very good debate. And you are open to your own interpretation. The fact is though, is we want to hold on to our freedom of religion and freedom of all our beliefs as long as it isn't hurting another individual. We could even get into how many of them were Freemasons, which is another subject to dive into. All very interesting to say the least.

Not only has Dawkins ruined science, he’s ruined atheism too.

20 years ago, an atheist was an intellectual with whom one could have a reasonable dialogue.

Today, most people experience atheists as bellicose angry males who commonly suffer from depression, who post anonymous tirades all over the internet so they can share their misery with everyone else.

We have the New Atheists to thank for this. And their four horsemen. Dawkins – Dennett – Harris – Hitchens.

Wanna have an intelligent discussion about atheism? Read Voltaire, Nietzche or Bertrand Russell.

Agree or disagree, they will force you to think.

Wanna have a pointless shouting match with a bunch of mannerless name-callers who make up just-so stories about warm ponds and lucky lightning strikes and think they’re doing science? Sit down with guys who read Krauss, Dennett, Hitchens and Harris. Walk into a roomful of Dawkins fans.

They will force you to emote.

So, dear atheist, why are you sitting here defending any of these proselytizers?

Dawkins was molested by a homosexual as a child, so naturally he's screwed up.
You sound very angry.

Not only has Dawkins ruined science, he’s ruined atheism too.

20 years ago, an atheist was an intellectual with whom one could have a reasonable dialogue.

Today, most people experience atheists as bellicose angry males who commonly suffer from depression, who post anonymous tirades all over the internet so they can share their misery with everyone else.

We have the New Atheists to thank for this. And their four horsemen. Dawkins – Dennett – Harris – Hitchens.

Wanna have an intelligent discussion about atheism? Read Voltaire, Nietzche or Bertrand Russell.

Agree or disagree, they will force you to think.

Wanna have a pointless shouting match with a bunch of mannerless name-callers who make up just-so stories about warm ponds and lucky lightning strikes and think they’re doing science? Sit down with guys who read Krauss, Dennett, Hitchens and Harris. Walk into a roomful of Dawkins fans.

They will force you to emote.

So, dear atheist, why are you sitting here defending any of these proselytizers?

Dawkins was molested by a homosexual as a child, so naturally he's screwed up.
Evo2.blog is just an ID website with a new name to escape the discredited old one.
He calls it 'engineered evolution.'
GTFO here.

To engage another theme...
You grow out of religion like you grow out of Santa Claus if you're smart and not too indoctrinated, or have your whole life revolve around the church/believers.
Society as a whole does the same as it gets more educated.

The best evidence of No god is the fact that clearly which/WITCH god is just a geo-cultural Accident of birth, NOT any discernible truth. (20,000 porked ones and only a few hundred left)
You would be spouting different ****, Not Haysoos/NT, if you were born in Cairo or Mumbai. Also with NO evidence save that which contradicts yours.

Another Creationist/ID person with no evidence of god/s.
So we get the old Smear attempts as political sheik trying to paint Darwin as an (oooh) Marxist!
Now Dawkins is ruining Science!
You ***HOLE.

That is all.

(BTW, there is NO 'science in you OP only religion/philosophy)

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Dudley doesn't like Jews either.

Yep, we Jews are responsible for all the world's ills and have horns and tails. Carry on.

I used to think the whole Jews-are-always-the-blameless-victim schtick was just part of the subversive and dishonest nature of the Jew. I've recently discovered the far more disturbing truth of the matter. Y'all actually believe it. As a people, you insist there is ALWAYS someone else to blame in every one of the basically uninterrupted conflicts between you and everyone else around you.

I agree with this part. They spend some 2,000 years being good little stooges and plunderers for the top 1%'ers, especially Muslim butchers, then suddenly they're shocked that the other 99% hate them and want them all dead. Their racist narrative fictions are ridiculous.

Dudley doesn't like Jews either.

Yep, we Jews are responsible for all the world's ills and have horns and tails. Carry on.

I used to think the whole Jews-are-always-the-blameless-victim schtick was just part of the subversive and dishonest nature of the Jew. I've recently discovered the far more disturbing truth of the matter. Y'all actually believe it. As a people, you insist there is ALWAYS someone else to blame in every one of the basically uninterrupted conflicts between you and everyone else around you.

I agree with this part. They spend some 2,000 years being good little stooges and plunderers for the top 1%'ers, especially Muslim butchers, then suddenly they're shocked that the other 99% hate them and want them all dead. Their racist narrative fictions are ridiculous.

LMaO...you took it literally. Dumbass. I was Being sarcastic.
LMaO...you took it literally. Dumbass. I was Being sarcastic.
No I did not take it literally.
Obviously it looks like ("We Jews!) you ARE being sarcastic.
It was directed at anti-semite, anti-atheist, wack job Dudley Smith.


Yes he is a whack job. He sucks. And?
"And?" Nothing.
That was used as more and external to the thread evidence found by me.
You seem to have issues.
Like you were too dumb to figure it was understood you were being sarcastic since you said "We Jews."
um, uh, duh.


Not only has Dawkins ruined science, he’s ruined atheism too.

20 years ago, an atheist was an intellectual with whom one could have a reasonable dialogue.

Today, most people experience atheists as bellicose angry males who commonly suffer from depression, who post anonymous tirades all over the internet so they can share their misery with everyone else.

We have the New Atheists to thank for this. And their four horsemen. Dawkins – Dennett – Harris – Hitchens.

Wanna have an intelligent discussion about atheism? Read Voltaire, Nietzche or Bertrand Russell.

Agree or disagree, they will force you to think.

Wanna have a pointless shouting match with a bunch of mannerless name-callers who make up just-so stories about warm ponds and lucky lightning strikes and think they’re doing science? Sit down with guys who read Krauss, Dennett, Hitchens and Harris. Walk into a roomful of Dawkins fans.

They will force you to emote.

So, dear atheist, why are you sitting here defending any of these proselytizers?

Dawkins was molested by a homosexual as a child, so naturally he's screwed up.
You sound very angry.
lol, no I don't; you're just a fag, is all.
Dudley doesn't like Jews either.

Yep, we Jews are responsible for all the world's ills and have horns and tails. Carry on.

I used to think the whole Jews-are-always-the-blameless-victim schtick was just part of the subversive and dishonest nature of the Jew. I've recently discovered the far more disturbing truth of the matter. Y'all actually believe it. As a people, you insist there is ALWAYS someone else to blame in every one of the basically uninterrupted conflicts between you and everyone else around you.

I agree with this part. They spend some 2,000 years being good little stooges and plunderers for the top 1%'ers, especially Muslim butchers, then suddenly they're shocked that the other 99% hate them and want them all dead. Their racist narrative fictions are ridiculous.


pipe down, sicko deviant; what I like and don't like about the Orthodox and ultra-orthodox is nothing you can't find in any Israeli newspaper any day of the week, tard boi. You and the other losers need to get your shots and stay on the porch where you belong, licking yourselves and each other, and stop annoying your betters.
Yes he is a whack job. He sucks. And?
"And?" Nothing.
That was used as more and external to the thread evidence found by me.
You seem to have issues.
Like you were too dumb to figure it was understood you were being sarcastic since you said "We Jews."
um, uh, duh.


You are literally an idiot. Does somebody look after you?
LMaO...you took it literally. Dumbass. I was Being sarcastic.
No I did not take it literally.
Obviously it looks like ("We Jews!) you ARE being sarcastic.
It was directed at anti-semite, anti-atheist, wack job Dudley Smith.


Yes he is a whack job. He sucks. And?

Yes, and you Orthodox bigots are perfectly sane. Tell us again all aobut how 'oppressed' you've been by the uppity Xians n stuff, so we can all laugh at that nonsense.
But Dudley you FRAUD.
(aside from insulting ALL Jews AND part of Jews)
You conspicuously could not answer the meat you ID-2.0.clown

Evo2.blog is just an ID website with a new name to escape the discredited old one.

He calls it 'engineered evolution.'

GTFO here.
To engage another theme...​
You grow out of religion like you grow out of Santa Claus if you're smart and not too indoctrinated, or have your whole life revolve around the church/believers.​
Society as a whole does the same as it gets more educated.​
The best evidence of No god is the fact that clearly which/WITCH god is just a geo-cultural Accident of birth, NOT any discernible truth. (20,000 porked ones and only a few hundred left)​
You would be spouting different ****, Not Haysoos/NT, if you were born in Cairo or Mumbai. Also with NO evidence save that which contradicts yours.​
Another Creationist/ID person with no evidence of god/s.​
So we get the old Smear attempts as political sheik trying to paint Darwin as an (oooh) Marxist!​
Now Dawkins is ruining Science!
You ***HOLE.
That is all.​
(BTW, there is NO 'science in you OP only religion/philosophy)​

Dudley, (really Kwusader Wabbit/Kwistian proselytizer), could not answer me GUTTING his idiot Ass.


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But Dudley you FRAUD.
(aside from insulting ALL Jews AND part of Jews)
You conspicuously could not answer the meat you ID-2.0.clown

Evo2.blog is just an ID website with a new name to escape the discredited old one.

He calls it 'engineered evolution.'

GTFO here.
To engage another theme...​
You grow out of religion like you grow out of Santa Claus if you're smart and not too indoctrinated, or have your whole life revolve around the church/believers.​
Society as a whole does the same as it gets more educated.​
The best evidence of No god is the fact that clearly which/WITCH god is just a geo-cultural Accident of birth, NOT any discernible truth. (20,000 porked ones and only a few hundred left)​
You would be spouting different ****, Not Haysoos/NT, if you were born in Cairo or Mumbai. Also with NO evidence save that which contradicts yours.​
Another Creationist/ID person with no evidence of god/s.​
So we get the old Smear attempts as political sheik trying to paint Darwin as an (oooh) Marxist!​
Now Dawkins is ruining Science!
You ***HOLE.
That is all.​
(BTW, there is NO 'science in you OP only religion/philosophy)​

Dudley, (really Crusader Rabbit/Stealth proselytizer), could not answer me GUTTING his idiot Ass.



It's clear you really really wish you knew what you're talking about, but suffered too many brain strokes from smoking meth until you passed out and can't remember how to spell your own name.
LMaO...you took it literally. Dumbass. I was Being sarcastic.
No I did not take it literally.
Obviously it looks like ("We Jews!) you ARE being sarcastic.
It was directed at anti-semite, anti-atheist, wack job Dudley Smith.


Yes he is a whack job. He sucks. And?

Yes, and you Orthodox bigots are perfectly sane. Tell us again all aobut how 'oppressed' you've been by the uppity Xians n stuff, so we can all laugh at that nonsense.
Never said I am oppressed. I just find people like you to be inbred fools. Thanks for making my point.
But Dudley you FRAUD.
(aside from insulting ALL Jews AND part of Jews)
You conspicuously could not answer the meat you ID-2.0.clown

Evo2.blog is just an ID website with a new name to escape the discredited old one.

He calls it 'engineered evolution.'

GTFO here.
To engage another theme...​
You grow out of religion like you grow out of Santa Claus if you're smart and not too indoctrinated, or have your whole life revolve around the church/believers.​
Society as a whole does the same as it gets more educated.​
The best evidence of No god is the fact that clearly which/WITCH god is just a geo-cultural Accident of birth, NOT any discernible truth. (20,000 porked ones and only a few hundred left)​
You would be spouting different ****, Not Haysoos/NT, if you were born in Cairo or Mumbai. Also with NO evidence save that which contradicts yours.​
Another Creationist/ID person with no evidence of god/s.​
So we get the old Smear attempts as political sheik trying to paint Darwin as an (oooh) Marxist!​
Now Dawkins is ruining Science!
You ***HOLE.
That is all.​
(BTW, there is NO 'science in you OP only religion/philosophy)​

Dudley, (really Crusader Rabbit/Stealth proselytizer), could not answer me GUTTING his idiot Ass.



It's clear you really really wish you knew what you're talking about, but suffered too many brain strokes from smoking meth until you passed out and can't remember how to spell your own name.
Dudley WHIFFS Again after his FRAUDULENT OP was busted.
"Engineered Evolution"... aka ID.. LOFL
"Dawkins ruined Science" !! WTF - LOFL



Not only has Dawkins ruined science, he’s ruined atheism too.

20 years ago, an atheist was an intellectual with whom one could have a reasonable dialogue.

Today, most people experience atheists as bellicose angry males who commonly suffer from depression, who post anonymous tirades all over the internet so they can share their misery with everyone else.

We have the New Atheists to thank for this. And their four horsemen. Dawkins – Dennett – Harris – Hitchens.

Wanna have an intelligent discussion about atheism? Read Voltaire, Nietzche or Bertrand Russell.

Agree or disagree, they will force you to think.

Wanna have a pointless shouting match with a bunch of mannerless name-callers who make up just-so stories about warm ponds and lucky lightning strikes and think they’re doing science? Sit down with guys who read Krauss, Dennett, Hitchens and Harris. Walk into a roomful of Dawkins fans.

They will force you to emote.

So, dear atheist, why are you sitting here defending any of these proselytizers?

Dawkins was molested by a homosexual as a child, so naturally he's screwed up.
Considering the number of children who were molested by homosexual Priests, Christianity has a lot of screwed up people.

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